. IHS tutiipornliiKi for tho month: tmu : QREATEST SINCE VEMBGRf10IO NO- Nlciin Jitiiiiiiry Ti'inicrnlui't llrin wiin (III lliKM''f, Which Ik AImiio Nor mill l.iut 'I'm lhi)'N of .Moiilli Vny Mllil for Winter Went her ?::;;:::: v.. 1(1.. II.. II. I.. II. !.;: MtMI Mm Mill riHlr 17 17 J i 1 IV "J !! MM.M......I J l ., II II M... fJltXMKo'llMtl V 14 7 IJ " Jl ..., ; - i il N M a 41 ... Mfnii.... li miii I AA1UN i SliriLkKS NORTHEAST OF TOWN ..... 4 u n it s H IJ V V 1 J' 8 CRAZING FEES IN br C Tho rcoonl kupt hy tlm locul co (iiurntlvn nliMirvcr allow tlntt tlurliiK ftniiiinry lluml hint mom irt')lilliitloii for mitt ninnth. 3. HI Inohi'H, than It Iihh luiil uliicu Novoinluir, I UK), wlmn thorn wiik 4.38 IiiuIkm, In .S'ovumhor, rlOIIT. Miitrit win 1(11 Innlinii Mm --.. ...jiv ...... .. ......, .. Viruntciit itiiionnt for lino mouth mIiico V klic recortlH Imvv liooii kept liurv. PurliiK thn ninnth Jiut iimt thuru wnro 7 cloudy iliiyn, HI partly cliuiily Mini H rrtr. Thin wmh tlm luniit Hiiionnt of hiiiihIiIiiu nlnro Nnvoinlmr. I'JKI, whim thuro worn 1 1 cloudy liny, it pnrtly cloudy mill 10 clmir. Tho Jiinimry miowfitll wan tt4 Inchi'H, thu Krvittwil full In 21 hoiim tmliiK 1 lualii'M on tho 7lh. My tliu 1 Mil of tho mouth prartlcnlly nil tho Mmw wum Kiino, nllhoiiKh on tho Hint it llttlo vvim iitlll to hu found In no eluded iipotri. Att'riw AImhi Noniiiil. a Tho louiHit teinpurnturo of tho month wm li liulnw iuro on tho 8th. Tlm Inwwrt toiiiHirntiiro uvur record yd nt llnil nn 'j Mow, nml tho lowit In Crook county. Mcconllnic to Howirnmmit ntnlUtleii, wm 2 'J Itulow n't I'rluovlllo. Thu moan tctnpitrn turn for llmul lt mouth, 33 ilt'Croc. mA normal. iu thu colli wiwillwr Imrtvtl only n fow dny, Thn fitter pnrt of tho mouth nw cupccl ally fluo, tho local olnorvur nmhliiK thn follow Iiik rt'tunrk In tiln report: "Tho Intl ton itnyN of tho month linvo heen ri'innrknlily mllil for Jnnniiry. thu Kriinnil thnwIiiK out omnich to (permit piMlnK ' Tho follow Iiik tnlila how tho daily NOT HI'IMKCT TO ItlKWM,. HAI.K.M. In miHWur to n coin miiiilrntloii received from II. K. Olcwellor of Ihtrnuy county imkliiK If thu peoplo nun recoil tho roiliitv court or iliuiinud it rooreinliuii on mi oritur of tho court to luilld it now court hound, Attoruoy (louiiritl Craw ford Iihh decided that tho riifnrundiiiii linen not apply to thu onion of it Judl- 'lul Imily, hut only to a ki;lMullvo en- nctinent. mid thut thn peoplo havo no rlitht to voto on iiientlniiH Involving thn order of it county court. A for mer itii'lnlini of thu uttornuy mineral Im that tlm recall iidoiIh lulilltlnnn! Ionllulon (u hu uffcctlvo. ROAD OVER CASCADES lilliK lit the .Mclw'lili' I'iinn Kiild In lie I'oohllile, HI'ltlNttl'IKI.I), Ore- l'lllli of a tportKHKn of tiu.oixi.r .i on th proi- orllcH of thu I'ortliuiil, Kuruiio & Kimtcrn railway, part of uhlch nrt toratod In thin ctty. i;ticourHMHfi peoplo to hopo that tho projected Welch Hun Up tho McKiiutlo liver will ho Imllt thin mimmnr, thim opunlnK it nront tourUt territory to cany accenn. Three )enrH nf.tt, huforu tho Welch luterculH mild their power plant at HprliiKMd to thn OrvKon I'otvur com puny. Niirvu) were miulo to .Martlu'ii rnpliln on tho McKcnrle river, and rlKht of way optlnnn worn taken from that pliu'u to Tliumtou, 10 mllen cant of KiiKi'iio. Thu plan wan to cou nt met a railway to carry mippllen to countruct n million dollar power plnnt nl .Martin' rnpliln hut with thu nalo of thu (Miwur plnnt. thu whole project wit dropimi! and tho contractu lapned. Hurvuyn, however, worn umdu an far it Hluo Itlver. ! inllen nt of hero. Ilenlde thu .Martin rapid project, on which uothliiK I Ih'Iiik done, thuru urn itrent (Kiwur ponnlhllltlen at Clear I.ako, no mile oantwanl. Thu outlet of thU lake innku n drop of 200 fcot. and would furnlnh itinplo ower for a lino over thu McKcnilu pan Into ennturn Oregon Kay Kradv for a lino acronn thu Caicadc can ho had. iniltiR Jiut to thu Koutlt of tho Threo Hlntnr, On tho nvunlni: of Jan. 27 a mir prim daucu wun kIvoii at II. I-;. Htow art', 7 Vi inllen uorthnunt of Ilonil, on thu WiiiikIi Itoitil. Thu ladles hroiiKht dullKhlful rufrciihiimiit of KHiiilwlchcH, culio mid coffou. Thono piemint worn: Mr. and Mm, A I. Mack, Mr. and Mr. W. (1. WiiiikIi, Mr. and .Mm. A. Moon, Mr. and Mr. O. Moim, Mr. and Mr. W. I'. Mc NaiiKht, Mr. find Mr. II. HnlKciion, Mr. and Mr, U, M. Krlcknon, Mr. nml Mr. C. M. IlniKK. .Mr ami Mr. V. V. Keyiioldi, Mr and Mr. Win. II. Hoy nnld, Mr. and Mr. Morrill, Mr. Toy Inr, Minn Taylor, MIhh Anna .Moult, Ml Jennli) Moon, Mln Mlniilu .Moon, Minn (lortrudo Knynold, .MUh Itoilu Cook, Mln Ada Cook, C. Ijwu, Clydu Wornntaff, Joo WoniHtnrf. U. Ilowo, A. .Monro, 0. Mooro, C. Mooro, II, Torrclnou, Niok Koynolil, A. Hooch, 1). Ilunnley. J. Acra, J. Jouon, Mr. nml .Mr. 0. C. Cnrdwull.Mr. and Mr. II. IC. Htuwnrt. On thu afternoon of Toll. 1 thu Mint mnetlliK of tho I.ndliw' Jlinlpor Cluh wiim held at tho homo of Mr. 1'. I', HoynoliU. Olllcor woro olwlod h follow: I'riHildcnt, .Mr. W. (I. WmiikIi; vice prnHlduut. Mr. Win. II. Ittynold. Hoorotary, Ml. I. P. Itey Hold; trwiMiirn, Mr. O. C. Card well. 'llionu prcniuit wro: Mr. C. W. Iloech. .Mr. C. M. IlniKK, Mr. 0. M. Krlcknon, Mr. O. I. Dahlu, .Mr. W. (1. WiiiikIi, .Ml Anna Moeii, Mi. II. K. Htuwart, Mm. O. C. Cardwoll, .Mta. Wm. II. Itoynold, Mr. K. I. Hoy- Hold. ItuficMliumutH woro arvml hy thu honlenn. On I'eli. H, thu cluh will miot with Mr. C. M .IlniKK. Denrliiitc 1'orcct will Im I'wil 1(1,00(1 Until of Hlock. Appllontlon for norm I U to Krnno llveMtock In tho Donchutun National Koront for tho nennon of 1012 nro now IiuIiik rvrolvuil hy Hutiorvlwir Hnrvoy. Tho Bocrotnry of Arloul turo ha authorized tho itrnzliiK of 3,000 htmd of cattlo and home and 43,600 head of Kheup. Tho period" during which KrnzliiK will hu allowed ituil thn few to ha charged nro n follow: May ir to Novumhur 1, cattlo 21 com per head, horso 31 cant; June 1 to .Novoinhor, 1, cattlo 22 cunts, home 28 oont; yearlong endltiK May H, 1013, cattlu 4U cunts, homo-. fiO cento; Juno 16 or July 1 to Oc tober 16, ihcoji C cent per head. 19J2 icn'K'ctlon with tho mysterious dls- . lllllinllllllH F l.Al- 4 1 HftfflA M lla M- A slender llvlnj; nonr I'rlnovlllo, wag hero Krldny, liolnu tnkon to tho Prlnovlllo Jnll. Tho olllcors went over to tho Harney county sent and ictitrned hy wny of Hand, TWIN Hi:nV,lt CMFiVKH. O. IMJahlo, who lives ont of town, Is connldnrlnK going Into the dairying huslncs. Ho think It would not tnko Iohk for hi in U raise n hlg herd of cattlo If tho stork hefrlends him as It did a few day ago when twin heifer calve woro left at the Dahlo ranch. Why set up In the night to fill Oil stovo? Jlniik It with ronl nt nlRJit, ami yon need not fear that Hie pipe will frrcc. T.ll' IN I'itl.VKVII.M. JAII'. In thu custody of Deputy Hherlff John Kdward and Htan llalfour, son of Hhorlff llalfour. DutiKlns Tnpp, who wn arrested last week nt Hums on a chnrKo of homo stenllriK and nlso In The WHITE IS KING Your Income Depends upon tho kind of nursery stock you get If you are willing to pay 11 fklr price, ou will get good tree. VOl CANT OKT 80M1C TIIINO KOIt NOTIIINO. If you ex pect to pay nuxt-to-notlilug and get Kmnl, Brdt'i'laiw Klock, jou nie mln taken, Hint' all. You can't produce a high quality tree for Utile or noth ing any more than you can an nxc, waiion, or any Implement. Photos? Havlnp; your portrait made Is a duty you owe the family, friends and your self. 0 We have a carefully De lected line of tasty and up-to-date mounts to choose from. 0 With our new cabinet and equipment there's no day too dark or hour too late. . 0 STEP IN and make appointment. an O Cbc A dnncu was given Knturdny even ing hy Arthur Cook ul hi homo ou tho Cnnal Itoad. Those printout were: Mr. itud Mr. I.. KIIIukwhi, Mr. and .Mr. O. M. Hrlcknon, Mr. mid Mrs. A. I Muck. Mr. and Mr. C. M. llrngg, Mr. and Mr. A. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. V K. MoNntight. Mr. Cook. Mrs. It. Wornntaff, Miss l-otiotta Wormian", Ml Jennie Moeti, Mln Mlnnlo Moon, Mil Itoda Cook. Ml Ada Cook, U, Iloech, A. Iloech, 1). llunsluy, Clyde Wornntaff, Joo Worustarf, A. Mooro, O. Mooro, C. Moore, It. Howe, Joo Acra, J. Jones, Arthur Cook. It fiesluuent were brought hy tho ladle and all rejKirt having a fine time. Mr. nud Mr. 11. A. Iloech took dinner with Mr. and Mr. Colo Smith Hominy. Mr. and Mr. It. M. Kldcr visited at Mr and Mrs, Hudson's Hunday. The BEST nil-round Family Sewing Machine that can be YOU AHIC THK IXMKK If you let nrrwliiM-fl. Mitilcin ImtluRO- tho (uestloii of price alone influence ' A-, , . .tcin A Tstr. t your Judgment when Inlying. Your loe I not temporary, hut extend over a long period of year a your TARY & VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. name and address for orchard vtands. Tho folly of buying cheap stock wilt Im Impressed upon you each year a you figure your ro turns. Hotter be on the safo side and buy whore you nro sure of get ting Just what you want. Our sales this year could not havo Send so largely surpassed last years bad , .. -r- .1 we not mndii jfood in the tM. our beautiful H. T. catologue Catalog free. ' jrce irf. .,", , White Sewing Machine Co. Yakima Yalley Nursery Co.; woo Market street More Salesmen Wanted San Francisco, California. J5cvar& 25tu&10' She Acknowledges the Best who bows to our superior Flour. nrn ainq bi in Ttrom mm Between Central Oregon Points and Portland kw fobbing Offer to Our Old Subscribers and their Friends nvhvi OregonTrunkkk CENTRAL DREGDN LINE a The year 1 9 1 2 is to be the most important year in Central Oregon history. Also, besides great activities in the Northwest, a President of the United States is to be elected. Keep up with the news of Bend, Oregon and the World by taking advantage of one of our special offers. OUR OFFER: The Daily and Sunday Oregoninn, 12 months $8.00 The Dent! Bulletin, 12 months 1.50 Total $9.50 Iloth may be obtained by any one for a limited time only for O S8.00 which is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone. 4 To those not desiring to take the big Sunday edition oftheOrc g if an, we have this oiler to make: The Daily Oregonian, 12 months, , 3.()0 The Bend Bulletin, 12 months l.f0 Total $7.50 Both may be obtained by any one for a limited time only for d L 0.00 which is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone. H In other words, you are receiving the Oregonian and The Bulletin for the price of the Oregonian. Don't fail to take advantage of this special oiler. Send remittance today to The Bend Bulletin Bend, Oregon. Trains use the wonderful new bridge across the Columbia Kiver at Cclilo Falls. Dnily train leaves Bend at 0:30 a. m., arriving at Portland at 5:30 p. m. Direct connection at Fallbridpe with through train for Spokane, St. Paul and- Chicago, arriving at Spokane at 9M5 the same ovoning. Direct connection at Vancouver, Washington, allows arrival same evening nt Tacoma and Seattle. Leaving Portland at 9:55 n. m., dnily train nrrives at all Central Oregon points early same evening. Tickets sold through to points in the East, Northwest and California. Details will be furnished on request. V. U. COMAN, Qen'l. Freight & Pass. Agt. J. H. CORBETT, Agt., Bend, Ore. J Announcement TfiA Ilnifpf WnrplirtticA Cnmnattv handle all the freight'of the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railroads at Bend. The Moody system at Shaniko willj.be em ployed, and merchantsof Bend and interior towns willjget their shipments without inconven ience. Have your freight con signed in care of She knows it is half the battle in baking, to get a good, re liable Flour that almost insures good bread of uniform quality. All cooks recognize this as tho best brand for both bread and pastry. We wish you would try it once, and we know you will never ask for any other brand. And it is not high priced cither. Bend Milling & Ware house Co. Bend, ' - - - - Oregon: Shoe RAIRINQ First Class Work of all kinds , done promptly. ' Q. F. HURT Wall street, Bend, 0r, Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. J B2 The United Warehouse Company W. H. BENTLEY, Manager. Bend, Oregon. H. R SMITH PLASTERING and Flue Building Bend, Oregon trail mntfc mJ xpjrl((Mj oUloU or m IV. tern! model .ItrCrtiwt or )1k4 m4 oV Krinkrn tot FREE 8BARCH " ntwn a ilwitbilltjr, Ifcuik lrMK& PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES tot you. l)trrr.lwukM.uUlw.MtaU(ot wdMvoyomuoMX, "ill D. SWIFT k CO. ... . PATBtlT LAWVCR8, .303 Seventh 6t.. WasblndtoH. D. R. U Ml I w i ' ' .-.' VlMUHIHlMlttl . 4 1 1 . f