1: 'til For School You want a guaranteed all leather shoe one that tho kids simply can not kick out. Tho only shoo that will stand tho racket is the District: 76. WE GUARANTEE THIS SHOE. No. 1629 Gun metal button, doublo solo, a dressy shoo for hard wear, sizes fl to 12 $1.95 The Store of Hotter Virtues BITS ABOUT TOWN. , ltni 8hrldKi Ik how tho pianist nt tho Hlnr ThtMtor. nnorcn Mllllrnti I In llmui today, ' n guost nt Ilia Pilot lluttii Inn. Mrs. A. I.. I'rriieli linn recovered ' (rota a alight nttnek of tint grip. I Tho Evening tOO rluli Mill meet tonlRtil with Mri. George Jones. Friday afternoon tli it llrldgn club . will bo ulortalnil liy Mr, llnlnl. W. P Vandovert ent down to , Portland Friday on n IiuiIiivm trip. Clnuiln Mauuholmer returned Frl , day ntKht (rum Beattlo and Portland. Tho mooting o( thu Prlscllln Club , Monday was with MIm Aught Young. Mr. A M. Prlnglo wont down to , Portland Kflluntny to vlult rolatlwa. Mr. nml Mra. (Iwirgo IIIkkIiihimi u( . Tumaln wont trading In Ilend ) tor day. Alfred A. Ay apmt itunday In ' IU.inl. returning (mm Portland to U IMhh. Th 1'rwliylwrliiH U4lm Guild Will ItOllI A llMHt Mtt Ht lUtWw'ft kUirtl Halurday. A C. Uirtw return! Saturday night (rout n trip of n law tlt m to Portland. Mr. C. It. Cook o( PrlmivUlo In In t Horn! thla v,eok hiiiI luny deeldo to inaka her Iiiiiii here. . George H. Young U (IuIiir aome engineering work (or I.. A. Ilraudeu- burn of Laldlaw tliU week. Arehlo MrGnwnu nml Hoy Vnu Winkle wero hero Halm day night, re turning (rum Portland to llurna. Hurl Woaeott ( Taooma, Waah., ' daputy orgaultor of tho Oritur of (ho Moose, la In llond to nrganlio n lodge. Mrs. K. C. Hohhlns of Portland, who tins boon vliltliiK hur niece, Mm. T. II Foley, roturnoii homo Hntunluy. J M. Uwronco, F F. Smith nml i Mr. Hmlth'a brother Clando of Prlno vllle loft today (or Pnlsloy, to bo kuiio . till tho 13th. T. H. Lynca nml family, former rtilrtonta of Itotid. rolnrnod Innt wook from Springfield, Ore, to mako their homo horo again, Kay llakcr, tho 12-yoar-old aon of T. II. linker, waa opomtod on nt tho hospital laat week fur nppoitdlcllla, And li gottliiK on well. O. M. Patterson haa moved Into tho UroiUrhoua cottage whero II. .1. Uouglaaa formerly wun, and 0, K. Htorottlnto tho houae vncntod by Mr, J'atteraon. The Garvin-Loomis INOOIII'OIUTBU, BUILDINGS DGSIUNGD AND GRHCTnD. Ucnernl Contractors. Central llutldtnff WbU nnd 0hl StS Mra. J, A, ICaaton la oxpoclnd houin (rum I'orllitnd, itccompmilod by Iwf dntiKhtur, Mlaa Edith, who linn about recovered from hur Minima, 1'. M. ThompHon'H furnlturo ntoro now Iiiih tho iippmtrnuco pf n motro polltuu oalnlillahiiiniit. Iln now Imn it lurito atock of K'xi'bi on liiiinl. Illlllll him lll'OII IiuvIiik HOMO II it UM- uiil woatlKir for thu pitNt wmik. Thu uliditH Imvu limm foRKy, thu old-tlmo roMlduutH imy I n k tliln la n ruro occur runcii. JudR" II. 0 KIIIh apoiit Mondiiy mid yitMturdiiy In I'rlnavlllii, ruturn liiK homo Innt li I k lit. Ilu wiMit down to Culvur thin iiiornliiK on county biutliiunn. i; It. I'oNt koI Irnclt Hnttirdiiy uUtlit from it two munllia mid it hnlf trip Kant Ilu wHl aa far aa Nnw Yoik but apiiut moat of thu lime In tho Mlddlu U'oat. 'I'Iih toad fiom linro lo llurna la now In tho worat condition It him li ii tliln wlutur, but tho oara of thu lluiiia-llniiil (.'otiMilldatod Auto Co. n ro mitkliiK trlpa ruRiilarly. A uunibnr of llond pnoplu uxpoct to attend tho I, imp Your dauco which will bo Riven nt thu homo of John Klditr, oitat of town, by tho women of that vicinity on I'ubriinry 10. Mr. mid Mra. K. II. Hunt of Hcattlo hnv co in it to llciid to rouble (or it few inonlliH, Ixtforo mnvlnit onto tlwlr bomiiitimd auuthenat of here. They liitvo taken tho toboii(it cuttaRo. I.nat Thuraday wna RroundhoR day. If Mr. OroundhoR ennui out, ho anw hla ahnduw (unleaa bit waa blind). TIiIn beliiR tint raito, nccordliiR to the iwonther propheta, thu next 40 daya twill be bad wontbur. Tha llolmea A Hinltli reataurant tiulldliiR bun been rolled back from hit alley to llond r l root and the aaluou will bo moved Into It to com ply with thu order of tho City Council. The mall chaiiRo nnnounrod In be mnde February 1 on tho Hllvnr Lake mid I'owell Hutte rotltea went Into effect Thuraday. A one-horao outfit la now In aervlcu betwi-eu heru and Powell llutto. Mntlreiiea miido In llond will aoou bo on tho market. J. It. Italnny re cently purclmted a machlnu In Port land mid expecta to be turnlliR out Hood uiattroiea ahorlly. Cupid Informa The llulletln that thoro will bo n couple of wmldltiRa In llond thla month, but thu little love tyrant refmea to announce the namea of thu pnrtlea concerned. Mr. and Mra. William llanloy wore liAnautiRera on tho lnt O. T. train Hntunluy ulRht, and left by nuto Hun day fur their homo at llurna. Mr llmiley la Jtlat RettlnR homo from hla trip with tint Oovornura' Hpcclal tb rough the Knit. Herman llraiier, who waa ahot In tho head by Prod llahn, will bo nblo to Iihivu tho hoapltal in n few daya. Tho trrpnuuliiK of tho akull by Dra. Coo and Porrvll waa very aucooaaful, line of tho Ior which wna paralyxed bolllK roatored. A team IioIoiikIiir to tho Auno atablu furnUhed n few momonta of incitement Krlilny iniirnlnR by run nlnR nway. Thoy Minn down OroRnn rtroet and went up Wall. At Nevada thoy made n turn and tho waRou atruck tho wire hio. but waa not amaahtnl. Tho horaa were cheeked by the lniact and raiiRht before they got to llond atret. AHnounromont w-aa made laat week at Oregon City of tho wihIiIIiik of Mlaa Vmln Wllllnma. who formerly llvttd hero, which will talio place tho latter Htrt of tho month lo HiirIi ItHrkman. Mlaa Wllllnma la Mra. J. M. I.nwrouee'a alater. Hho haa been mnkliiK her homo with her alater, Mra. Miller, nt OroRon City tho Hat yonr. OwIiir to tho nlmonco of tho city elerk, tho City. Council ndjourued laat ntKht until Friday night at 7:30, without tranaactliiK nuy bualncaa, A abort aeaalun wna hold laat Wednes day ulRlit to recolvo the map of tho proponed Wall atreot oxtonalou from City KiiRlueer It. II. (lonld. Ho will mnko n full report nt tho uoxt meet Iur. Tho Oregon Trunk train did not Hot In Hnturday night till nflor 3 o'clock. Tho delay wna duo to nn iiccldont. A imlr of truoka uudor tho tender of tho euglno not off tho truck unit In I ho nltomtit to Kot thorn buck on tho rnlla tho louder left tho truck and tumbled Into tho rlvor, A freight engine brought thu train on to llond. Driver Hort Mrlnno brought tho Mlaaca Mnrklo up from llond In hla nutomohllo to Ln Pino laat Huudny. Tho return trip wna nut ao fnrtunnto, tho machine bronkliiK down com plolcly nonr tho Vnndovert ranch north of town. From that point thu plonauro party wna tnkon back to llond by team.- -U Pino Inter Mountain, Construction O . CLASSIFIED COLUMN HATKHs Flvo conta it lino for drat Inaortlon In thla column, (our conta n line for each aubaoquont In aortlon, ('nali In ndvnuco unload you liavo nn account with Thu Mill letlu. Count alx worda to tho lino, Including tho iiddroKH, Wanted IF YOU SKKU n man drop enrd lo P. H. .lohiiaou, city. Dtf WANTIJD Two or threo children botweon thu ngea of 8 mid 1.1, nt once. Diiit'l hniiM In rooiI fainll!"i um! i moo J aohooj No work; clot-ia ,nJ i.ciird. ddrena J. A. Ho'rut. '.'nru I p-rlvor Mull, (lend. :, H Vor Rent. I'Oll HUNT Hi ncrt with wutor, iwrt rultlvatMl, nearly clwirod, P. O. Ilox 7K, llond. Hp FOR HICNT Two atom rooma, iiiiiiloin plato rIiinm front, (iooil lo cation on Wall atreot. Kmiulro F. O. Minor nt P. O. i-lt VOU HUNT Mna'iuornde aulta (or both ladlea anil gentlemen, nt real donco of Mra. J. W. Klklua, (or Fob. II. l.ot and Found. I.OHT Two liniul painted bolt bucklei, di'itRiied hawthorn or forgot- mo-uota. Finder cnll nt thla otllco for reward. 48-0p Hooma and Hoard. HOOM AND IIOAHD for two Ron tlomon In prlvato family, nt $7. CO per wcok, each, Inuulro nt thla olllco. For Sale. FOH HKNT Now cabin, pnrtly (urnlahod, Ha month, W. II. Iih, lllk. Ifi, Center Add. 8-Oji FOH 8AI.H Chatham Fminlng Mill with 12 aluvea, price 3G. Ad drvta A-6, Uullotln, Ct( FOH BAI.n OH THADB Porch eron atnlllon, good mm ml hurao, will exchatiRo (or broken huraoa, milk enwa, or will noil chonp. Addreia, J. O. Whltakor. Mend. Ore. 47-9p FOH BALK Two lota, 100x140 foot, comer Hawthorno and Fourth ata. Mako mo an offer. Addroaa C. I KoonlR, 1701 South D Ht., Ta coma, Waah. 3-Sp Fort Sam: Good baled rye hay at $10 u ton. II. C. Cady, Laldlaw, Ore. 43tf Koit Sali A barjraln in a Rood typewriter. Itoynl Standard make, a Kooil machine. Owner has two machines, with uhi for only one, hence the low price of $45 cash. Inquire at Bulletin olllce. 32tf FOH HAM; Pure honey nindo by the beea, 20 eta. n pound. W. II. lA-ah, lllk. 1C, Contor Add., Fir ave nue. 47-9p FOH HAI.B 10x12 tent, floored and boxed, with dour nnd roof, $18. W. II. I,eh. lllk. It, Center ndd. 9p To Trade. U'll.I. THADK (lander (or goono, or will avll. P. II. Doncer, Ilcud ,7t( WIM, THADK n oaah Portland hualneaa, with itock nnd tlxluroa; Rood location, low rent; (or clear llond property, atock and all, or caah. Addrraa O, caro Uullotln. 8p MUrellnuroiDi. A new Mipply of legal hlnuka Iiiih Ihh'U rerehed by Trio llulleiln. If you noeil an) thing In tlih Hue, cull at tliln oIIUa. . . A claaained advertleement In Tho Uullotln coata but little but brliiMH re aulta. If you lmo n houao to rent or ol or want to buy, let It bo known by tho uae of nit nd. FIRE Insurance that PROTECTS M. S. Lattin & Co. Regular Prica 55c Thla ono-quart "Wear-Ever" Saucepan ndvortisod in women's maga zines, wo shnll bo glad to show you nnd otlior aluminum uten bUs uonring tho well-known uim "W oar -Ever" trndo (&$& mark. Mako a lifo V timo investment when txwmi you got cooking waro. Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Eyer" Skuse Hardware Company. 30c fS """f MAI Cjr BAND IS REORGANIZED (). M. (Iiiplll CIionoii Dlnrtor Or vliealru Will be MiiIiiikciI AImi, Tho llond band, wIioho mualc hna boon iiiUmoiI (or aomo montha, hna boon reorganized mid placed on n bettor bnala than over before, O, M. Ouptll will bo In charge an director nnd Chief of Police H. K. Hoborta na 'bunlueaa innnager. Tho other om enta are: Proildnnt, Hulph I'oln doxter; vice prealdeut, C. II. Hunter; aeerotary-trenauror, A. I. French. There will bo Ifi plecca In the band. Hohijiiranla ar being hold on Tum dny nnd Fildny nlgbta at Mnater'a llnll, and n concert will bo Riven In a abort time. Tho orchaatra haa alao boan Rlvn now life by tho addition of new mom bora, nnd will coualat of thu follow ing; Fred l.ucaa. piano; I,. A. .lack aon, baaa viol; Prlnco Mtnnta, violon cello; Mlaa Ivn Woat, II rut violin; Hobert Innwi. aeeond violin; O. M Ouptll, mandolin ; A. I,. French, trom bone; Jeano Hunter, molophone; C Morrill, cornet; C. II, Hunter, trap driima. C. II. Hunter hna been choion na manager. WATER AT SEVEN FEET I. C. Miller Make Strike nt HA .Mile M)t on Itonil to llunm. Wator nt a depth of aoven (cot wna atruck In Hampton Valloy by L. C. Miller, who dug a well nt tho CD tnllcoat on tho road from hero to llurna. Thla news waa brought to llond Thuraday by Poatmnater A. 8. Fork of Hampton, who wua In town for aupplle. Mr. Fork alao aald Mr. Miller would put ln a blacksmith hop nt that point. The first child born In tho Hamp ton Valloy la Mr. Fork'b Rrnndaon nnd ho U very proud of the little fellow. Tho.youiiRator la nlioady m landowner, Hhorman Montgomery of tno Imperial Townalto Co having Khcu him n lot. w. c. t. r. Minrri.vn. A Rood meeting of the W. C T. U. waa held nt tho homo of Mra. C P. Nlawongor tail Thursday. Plana wore formulated for tho flrat quar ter'a work mid ofnlccra (or tho year olectcd. It waa dccldod by tho or ganization to offer a prlio to tho Cth, 7th and 8th gradea In tho public school, aa woll aa to tho High School atudonta. Tho ladlea will arrange for a contest within n few woeka. Tho next meeting will ho held at the homo of Mra. Ford at Koa nvenue nnd Fourth street. Feb. IS, nt 2:30. An nrtlclo by Jane Addama on social conditions In tho cities will be dis cussed. LINCOLN HHUVICUS. A patriotic aorvlco commemorat ing Mncoln'a birthday will bo hold at tho llat-tlst church next Sunday morning undor tho uuaplcca of the local O. A. It. post and allied organ izations. Thu address will bo by Itev. H. I). Foakctt. Hla subject will lio "Mncoln'a Memorial." Tho vet orana and sons of veterans nnd their families will nttond, and a cordial In vitntlon la extended to all the poo plo of llond. IlKAL KSTATK THANSFISIlfl. W. D. Newton to Lovl D. Wleat, Ha C nnd S, blk 20; lta 1 and 2. blk 11, and It 13, blk G. Wlsetorla. $10. llolaa M. Muua to Nola M. Muua, heVi ace. 34-21-11. $1000. W. II. Sellers el ux to William Hi ram Powers, lu 11 and 12, blk S, of llond. 11260. Agent fur Sjilrclln Corxcta. Ladlea of llond mid vlolnlty will bo idcnsod to loam that tho Splrclla Coraet Company hna nu agent hero now. Anyono doalrlng to place nn order for thla mado-to-meaaiiro eoraot should drop n card to Mra. L. A. Wlllnrd, llond. ATTKNTION CO.MHAUICS. On Sunday, February 11th, at 11 o'clook n. in., nt tho church, Hov. II. i. Foikott will deliver n lecture to nil old aoldlera and their fnmlllca and so n a of votornna and their fnmlllca nlso ovcrybody Invited. All are urged to nttond, 2t INCLMUTOIUS AND IUtOODKltS Tho boat Incubatora and broodora known to tho chicken bualncaa aro tho Potaluma. Anyone intorcatod should call on or addroaa O. W. Shrlnor, Ilend, who la ngont for thla territory. NOTICK. Any noraon onterlnc mv homcatoad cabin without my permission will bo proaecutod. F. O. MINOH. rjon't ovor forgot that tho beat har bor shop In town la Innca & David- eon's, on Wall atreot. Billiards and Pool Flno nnd Popular Lino of CIGARS Silvis & Blackwell WnlJ street, - - Bend, Oregon j ."i... i ittttunzL-t.-z ''KOW m' Dollar for Dollar and Often That's what you get whenever you purchase at this store. Be it much or little you get value for value received. Come and get more than a dollar's worth of value for every dollar you spend MANNHEIMER'S The DEPENDON Store. Wall street, Next DESCHUTES DOINGS Itemi of Intercut From NclubboriiiK Town. DESCHUTK8, Fob. 6. School opened hero Monday, the Cth, with Miss Forsgren aa teacher. Farmora nro receiving accd for jprlng planting. They rcort tho Joll moist and condltlona favorable Postmaster Stllca haa Installed an un-to-dato jxistotllco outfit, with lock butea.ctc. E. W. Wheeler nnd aon nro tent ing on tholr 40 adjoining town and preparing to build. Lumber for D. S. Hays' new houro haa begun to arrive. Mra. M. K. Stllea haa returned to her home in Portland. Glenn Cox ia with us again, after a threo weeks' visit In tho Wlllam tto Valloy. Q. W. Horner of Laldlaw received a carload of flour and feedstuff at thla station last week. C. M. Itodlleld oxpecta to rnovo Into hla house here thla week. Thoro la qulto a demand for hoaos in this neighborhood. NEWS OF CRESCENT Hotel llolng Hulargeil to Accommo date the Public. CHKSCENT, Fob. 5. Tho anow hna melted to a thin crust nnd In many places haa gone entirely. A rapid thaw la anticipated when the spring opens. "Dad" Lyons waa In town a row daya ago from Odell Lake whoro ho haa a trap Hue thla winter. Don Caldwell returned with him. Mra. Hhoda Tyler haa carpenters at work finishing more rooma In the Hotol Crescent. When con;';-.'d thoro will bo 25 rooma In all and alio will bo able to accommodate tho public In good shape. 0. W, Anderson, who haa been en gaged In carpenter work for some tlmo In Laptne, ta with hla family thla week. Mra, Joo L. Klngo and Miss Iona LOTS OF NEW FURNITURE COME IN AND SEE IT. Pays Cash H O PE Se,,s for Cash THE SECOND HAND MAN. t . . i . ! rountep I UxsUtdlnga lO-cttni ore. at Door to Star Theater. Applcgate went sleighing to tho Strotta ranch Sunday, Incidentally getting tho library books from tho school thore to remove them to tho Dear Marsh school. E. D. Tyler has the lumber hauled to hla homestead west ot town whero ho will build soon. E. G. Rourk haa rcturno dfrom a bualncaa trip to Ilend and Portland. F. II. Funic of Rodmond la hero to atend to business matters and wilt probably remain. Mr. Funk la part ner In tho Hrackcn Funk Co., own ers of tho billiard hall at this place. Sydney Ingles from Heaver Marsh was In town today. Mrs. E. G. Rourk will leave on Tuesday's atngo for Uend. Mrs. R. Caldwell will bo with tbo family dur ing here absence. ' STAR! THEATRE THE PICTURE PLAY HOUSE OF BEND. Who Is It For? THE WEARY MOTHER As a place of rest and recreation. THE BUSINESS MAN As a re lief from tho stress of the day's work. FOR THE YOUNG MAN AND WOMAN Aa a placo of re fined entertainment. FOR THE CHILDREN Whero amusement is combined with Instruction, where impressions are made and lessons learned by the "Universal Language of tho Pictures." It you are a public-spirited citi zen make the Picturo Flays a factor for good In your commun ity, Chaniro of nroirram Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday and, Sunday, t M 1 (WBausaHHBraastvau . ,f.