The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 07, 1912, Image 3

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    1 It
A. (', Man Toll What ('top" '"
Ileal Ho HiiImiI nil Iriluntoil l.anil
In III" llfiiil "nnit rj- I'otjt-
Iiii'n Oct I'niiiiliii'iil I'hue.
MaiinKur Mnwlilll of tint Coiiiiuki
ulnl Club aoino (Iiiih iiko wrnlo to
Director Janiea Wlthyromho of (ho
Oiogon l5xrlinHni Hindoo ut ('or
allis. ashing 1 1 1 ( t lift oiitllini it pliui
for cultlvntliiK 10 norea of Initiated
Mimd u( Umiil. Mr. Wllhyeoiubo re
ferred tlio nmtlor to 1'iof. II. D.
Hotiddor. who la fitiiilllitr with Con
trHt OrcHiiti IhiuI ntul conditions, mid
lin linn piiipnriHl (Iih valuable article
wldoh In printed herewith. In his
InUor to Mr. Mnwlilll. Dlrotrtor Withy-
tnm'.o bra Hid following to Hit)' in-
trmdlliK till ralaltiK of potatoes:
"I hnvn thought nhoiit tlio growing
of potatoes In your auction, allien
talking with you on tho aiihjoct when
I wua thorn (with the O.-W. It. & N.
domunatrallou train tin Aral of No
vumliar), iiiul believe till ahould Iio
inmln ono of tho innln fonturoa of
production In your aocllmi. Tim
ipinllty of (tin potatoes Krown (hern
la exceptionally fine. Homo locall
III In It" Ksat mnko n apoclalty of
Kniw.tiK tutntoiM for fancy trade, f n
A little Neighborly
Ail vice oticlK to nut
you on (lie rlcht
track forfloodlHnck
Wood nt $150 per
cord mid (1 oil l.lnili
Wood tit 51 n curd.
rJflOUiem Ih' of trw,
-"mul for that reason,
no doulit, are not tin
Iwtter wood than you.
I make It it Mint to
ui only Uiw boat of
wcmn! ami Ht reason
able prints, (ilvu ttut
w M.nirl-H (rial and
prow this to your
own satisfaction; anil
do it now, Itefore the
Im( (irk of wood la
, hurmtd Order filled
F. M. Carter
t'f !.... If .. ......
trnvf oiuera nil . it. v omen
I fHams, Bacon. Lard
B mm huuro n happy hoiiaohold. Columbia Jlrnnd Iininaaml m
S. Ilaoou for uroukfaat -a roro ami it nal (rm(, anvory and ,
E aW r ""N. ''"Ili'loua. Columbia Jtrami I.nrd fur cimkliiff W
I U.S. t ,l",',", Ihhiga koI. Kiiiihlea (ho partloiilar H
I fl inmecled louekrepor lo oonk her vrry bent -all thn Kj
D f indP.iJi tlll,, To he sure of tho very heal to ho mm
1 S 4. V iH "' aitllfiictloii--alwayaliilatiiuinCefMmHa gm
1 B " V Jf lliuml Ham, lUniiu nnd Jwinl. They hear Mm
it pw sr the Kovornuioiita(uiiijtaguaran( of purity, mm
I At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes gf
M V Vnlon Mtat Company, Portland, Ore. jdmT
fcariMMf ri.i, it, rm aJB
! 1
Itmtiinco, In noma of (ho reatmirnnta'
or riui'iiHo limy print on (luiir lilll or
'l il itii-i fit us lln Ijii1 t It. 4 11
v iMwiitiiw-niunii uitni mi i iii-
Thoro In no nmmnt why llmnl
hIioiiIiI not hit known mm h potato moo
tlou iih wull iin itny other aoudoii of
till) ('lilted Htlltl'H. Thine Im HOIIIO
thliiK nhoiit (ho iiiiill(y of tlio polii.
looa grown thoru (hut In vnry do
Melons." Prof. HciiiIiIi'i'm I'Iiiii.
Prof. Heuddur, In his ml lulu for a
cropping Plnn for if) ncrea on Irri
gated html HiirroiinilliiK lluint, advises
tlmt (ho IiiiiiI Im used iih follows:
"Kind four neros aolectod with it
vliiw to niiivunliiiini of iir-cosa IhHIi to
(Im highway mid to (tin IIi'IiIh, also for
HttrimtlvmiKHH mill good drainage,
hIioiiIiI Im sn( iihIiIii for (Iih farmstead.
ItniiKlily, oiiii noro of this would ho
iimiiI for (ho lioimo mid lutrii; oiiii
Hi'rn for tliu Kitriliiu, IiioIuiIIiik hiiiiiII
frultn mill oiclninli mnl tlio otlmr two
ncrim dlvlilml Into HpnciH for chlultvu
mnl plx KroiinilH mid liounm mid n
miiull oxorcliii) yuril for coun mid
otlmr llvofitook.
"HcimiiiiI, tho llilrty-elx n'crtii ro
iimlnliiK would ho roimlilcri'il tin thriiu
rj-uniu IIiiIiIm ilovntoil to tho follow
Iiik rotndoti:
"Fluid 1, 12 noroH, Krnlii (luirlny
mul oiiIh mid whua( In uticli iiiiiouiiIh
iih In ri'ifiilrod for food of (ho pin,
cowri, homi'H mid ohlokuim kotd.)
With (ho Krnln In tho oprliiB (lmo
(widvn norcn would ho nowleil (o
clovor, 10 pounilH por uero.
"Hold 2, 12 nori'H, clovor (tliU
clovnr limy ho cut for liny hut profor
nhly nix nrrcH mIioiiIiI ho rut for liny
tho II rut crop hut tho novoud crop
nIiiiiiIiI ho cut for noil mid tho Htraw
icturimil mid )ilownd uiiilrr or tho
Horouil nrup not out nt nil on thl hU
neii'N hut pIomimI iiinlcr In the fnll
nnd loft rmi nli plowed over wlntor. I
"I'luld 3, 12 nrroH rilx Here of
IMitiitiM'H (or other root crop hiicIi n
nimiHloHl mid nix ncri'H of clovor
(cut for liny or pnnturi'd.)
Ilotiitloii of Cinpx.
"Uncli yimr theiio would ho tho
croiH mid tho ncronito of flch tiro
ilured hut onch nurroodliiK yonr tho
lint of crop Kit mi would ho rotntod
ovor the tlin-o llehU to tho order
limned, tlmt l, Klwlil 1 (ho II rut yiwtr
would ho In Krnln (with which tho
clover would ho iieetlod) tecum! yonr,
clover; third yenr. lx ncre of the
clover left nnd either cut for liny or
uml for immure mid the nix ncr'H
Hint wn plowed put Into xtMtoiw or
nintiKeU mid turnip.
"In thin rolntloii tho innnuro I
npplliHl either to tho Krouud tlmt I
put lu itimiKol or I nppllml to tho
dx Here of rioter which I to m left
town the ootiiI yisir. Whore tip-
piled to tho clover, of coAme. It I
kprHHil durliiK tho winter mul then
triorouithly hnrrowml lu tho onrly
"Ilelitfi 2 nnd 3 would receive ex
actly lw mi no rotation otcept tlmt
number I would atnrt In the rotation
with Iho clover and uutHlHtr 3 with
the imtHtowN hiiiI cloter.
"I'h In rotation would permit what
I Mlavo U the lt farmlHa nytnt
adaptMl to the emir Irritated rec
tlou around lloiid. Thw ihihk prull
talde cniiw thitt ran ho raUod lu that
country awr: tho clover, which could
ef eourtw l "replnrml with alfalfa If
(.paired, (be (train, and the iMitatomi.
Thl makmt an Idtml rotation frimnmai prouuet. i neuev mat me rtfumwry xoin, tnii, maue nome
thelr roudltluti. all of the hay anll!'',KV,, r","on- howavar. la th beat ntaad entry. No. 0SK1. for awVi . ec-
rain and other fawd produced to he
Kinaumed uiion the farm and the
imp marketed to eotialat either of
inner, eajft-a. mrk. and itotatoee or
tlovtr aed The clover hay. of
(ourae. together with a certain
amount of mangel and barley anil
oat chop, would maku an excellent
i allow for dairying; or cloter wture.
barlrt and arlm milk would make aa
i xrellent rntliiu for plK and where
(he pig were made the itialu crop ad-
illtlnnel iteature could be aupidled hy
tape and It would be dealraule to
hate a certain amount of more pi
.naiitnt paatuie lu the ahaie of al
inlfa while conalderable n alto
could l;o iimdo of fluid pens (matured
J off tthoro iIkh wore tho tiiiiln crop.
A rortnlu miiount of (ho clover mul
ont would, of cotimo, ho unci for tho
Iiiinu'm on tho plnro nnd n llttlo wlmnt
would ho riilnu(l (o aupply tho clilclf
iiiih mul iiorhupM n hiiiiiII tmtcli or two
of rnpo Nown ut dlfforout perlodH for
it chicken piuitiiro. Thl iiiIkIiI Im n
poitluti of tho C'lioro ciiKlvntod Hold
hiicIi yonr If h i'oiililonihlo purl of
(ho loveiiuoH of (ho fiiriu vmno from
(ho clilclmiiH.
Would not I'tlnniM Holl.
"Tho poliUoea or clover aoed or nl
fnlfn riood or Hold pen Hoed won hi ho
(ho only Hold cropH tlmt would Im
no hi from (ho fnrm direct rn money
oioiw. All of (lieio would tnko
away only it prrimrlloiiMtely hiiiiiII
miiount of tho noil fertility mid with
tho rotntlou limned tho fertility
would Im iiiHlntnluod mid In the chho
of iiltroKiui tin) mimt ci Ideal dId
liinllt It would, ho. In fact, liicronn
ed. Tho clovor mid tho mnniiro to
Keditir would Htemllly lueroaao tho
humii mid ultroftou uiply mid thin
la decidedly tho inot liiii(irtant (IiIiik
to do lu tho noil of that roKlon
Theao aolla nre not tintunilly HtroiiK
or onilurliiK nnd If txitntoe and Krnln
nnd other fertility coiiNiimera aro
Krown alone It will not he ninny year
liufoio production will rapidly de
crenan. It Ih oxtromely Importmit
thnt fnrmern lu tho vlcfnlty of Mend
Ret fttsrtod rlKht at the very IickIm
nliiK of their iiKrlcultural hlitory
with it Kod rotndou audi u (hat
nnmeil. Thl rotation will not only
maintain fortuity hut, much more
Important, It la one of tho hot mid
Hiire( moiioymnkera portalhlo (o do
vino. "It will tnko ono year of prepara
tory crop hnforo (ho rotation can ho
atnrted mid It will ho tho third your
lioforo tho rotation la In full hwIiik-
Hon to (let Started.
"To mnko till moro clenr. wo will
itnrt with tho laud Juat cleared, lot
it ny. Wo will conthler the farm
In three 12-ncro flohla Noa. 1, 2, and
"Flint yonr Wo would havo tho
following: No. 1, 12 acre, oitta and
pen liny or oat hay nlune. No. 2. 12
icre, harloy deed to clover. I No. 3,
S acre onta (Need to clover) mid C
ncte field pen.
"Second yonr No. 1. harloy or
odier Krnln aeedod (o clover. No. 2,
clover. (6 ncrea of which la (o havo
(ho aecoud crop plowed tinder or
(hrranod for aeed and (ho a(rnw re
(utnnd nnd plowed under.) No. 3, C
ncrea of (Mitntoea or a root crop with
porhnpa a amall part In mangle mid
rape. 6 ncrea of clovor.
"Third yonr No, 1, 12 acrca
clover. No 2. f ncrea otatoes or
other cultivated crop on the plowed
clovor ground and 6 acre of clovor.
No. 3. 12 aerea of Kraln. the harloy
uotiiK Mown on the Kitato ground and
Ui oat on the clover Krouud.
"You ai, Ih tho aotxmd year w-
hav all the crojw holotiglng to this
rotation hut net until the third year
U tho rotation moving titer the Mold
and In action.
"If j oil would like, I shall ho glad
to mnko out idauy ultiar Hlhle ro
thtloua for a Ill-acre farm, especially
uch aa would Includo field taH and
alfalfa a a reRular wrt of the rota
Mon where pla were made the ehlof
mo which with a few allajbt vat I- vaat. Willamette Meridian, haa died
atlonn ina Im readily adapted to any nolle of Intention to make Anal com
laaa of animal production. mutation proof, to (ahllah claim (i
"If you would like dtrtalln aa to , the land above daacrlKHl, before II
tarlaty and cultural Method for the C. ICIIIa. I. 8. Coininleeloiier at hla
above ero(i. I should he glad (o aup-.offlce, at Head. Oregon, on the :1th
,tly the name.
Keatteetfully your.
"II. I). SCL'DOKIt."
.pillt'tloti for (inuliiK IVriultt.
Notice la hereby given that all ap
pllcatlotia for porinlta to grate cattle.
horaeH and eheep within the DIC8
ing the aoaaon of 1911, must bo tiled
lu my ofnoe at lleud. Oregon, on or
iiofore Fidiruary 20. 1912. Full In
formation lu regard to the grnxltig
(ea to Ihj charged and blank forma to
hi hikmI in making apidlctttlona will
m furulahod uan reitueat.
fj-a-0 8iiiiertior.
Application foi' til nliiK IVi'IiiIIn.
Notice la heieby given that nil ap-pllt-ntltiiiK
for iieriiilta to graxo cattle,
'lurtioa Mini aheep within the CAS-
the aeaaou of 1912, nuut he filed In
my olllce at Kiikoiio. Ore., on or be
fore robrttury 20, 1U12. Full Infor
mation lu regard to the grating foes
o be charged mid blank forms to bo
uod In making applications will ho
furnished upon ropueaL
S-9 Supervisor.
Not Coal Land.
Dopartmont of tho Interior, United
States Land Ollko, Tho Dulles, Ore
gon, January Slat, 1912.
Notice Is horohy glvon that James
Kynn, nsslgnoo of Archibald Camp
bell, whoso postollko nddross Is Uoud,
Orogon, filed lit this olllco (his 21st
day of July, 1011,(tinilor 2300 U. S.)
hla application to acloct tlio atitt
8WVt, Sec. 20, towiiahlp 17 south
range 12 oiiBt, Wlllnmodo Meridian,
Sotinl No. 00334.
Any nnd nil norHona claiming ad
voraoly tho Iniids doscrlhod, or do
airing lo object liocnuao of tho rain
oral character of tho land, or for any
other ronaou, to tho dlBposnl to ap
plicant should Clio tholr nmuuvits
of protest on or hoforo tho lCth day
or March, 1912.
C. Y. MOOttB, .
48-52 Roglstor.
nepnrtment of tho Interior, If H.
I.mid Oflleo at Tho Dalloii, GroKon.
Fohrunry lat, 1012.
Notice la herohy Riven tlmt Chnrloa
V. Thornwiilte, of Tiinialo, OroKoii,
who, on Hopiomhor Oth, 11)04, mmlo
liomeHteiid entry, No. 13787, aorlnl
No. 03297. for o Vi, aoctlon 19, (own
ahlp 10 aouth, rmiKo 11 vaat, Wlll
miiotto Meridian, hna filed tiotlco of
Intention to make final flvo year
proof, to oatahllah claim to tho land
nhovo iloHerlhed, liuforo II. C. 12111m.
IT. K. Comiiilaaloiior, nt Ida ollce at
Mend, Ori.Hon, on tho 1 1th day of
March, 1D12.
Claimant name aa wltuoaae:
(liMirajd I'. I'ulllain, I'rwlorlck W.
Lovorciu, llulHirt A. MoorrIkh ami
HI I In H. ICdRlnRtou, all' of THmalo,
-Hi-SZi JtoKlnter
Oowr(man( of tho Interior, (. 8.
Uml Olllce at Tim Dalloa, Oregon,
January 2'Jth, 1HI2.
Node Ih hereby nlvon that William
J. McClllvray. aitrvhinx huahnnd. mid
ndiulnlatrutor or tho entato of Char
lotte U. Mcdlltvray. (deconaod)
naalRiiee of arah ForRuaon, or Ilond,
OroRou. who. on March Hth, 1!)0R,
inado Deaort ltnd Kntry No. SIO,
Herlnl No. 02325. for oA noYt, 8ec.
21. T. 18 8., It 12 I". mid wy, HWK,
ncctlon ID, tuwnahlp 18 aouth, rmiRo
13 eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa
Mlfd notice of Intention to mnko final
deaort proof, to catnhllah claim to tho
Inud iihovo doricrlhoil, hoforo II. C.
Kill, I. K. Commlialoiier, at IiIh olllco
nt llend, OroRou, on tho 11th day of
March. 1112.
Claimant name aa wltncaaoa:
Knitrat Onrrntt, Itny A. Mcdlllvray,
Cora A. Ilroatorhotia and Charlon I).
Itowe, nil of llend, OrpRon.
18-82 Itoglator.
In tho County Court of tho Stato
of OrcKon for tho County of Crook
In tho matter of tho oatato of
John White, decerned.
Notice la herehy given hy the
undonlKnt-d, tho duly appoint!
and acting admlnlatrator of the ea
tnto o( John W. White, deceaaod,
(o (ho creditor and all portion hav
ing claim agnlnat tho aald cilu'o
or aald decoaiod, to preacnt thorn
duly vcrltled an required hy law,
within alx months aftor tho first
puhllcatlun of thl notice, to the
aald administrator nt tho otllco of
hla attorney. Vernon A. Forhea, In
the First National ilnnk Uulldlug,
flemU OreKon. tho aamo hclng tho
place for the (ranactlon of tho hual
nuM of aald eatate lu aald county
and ntato.
Dated thl Sth day of January,
A. C .I.t'CAS.
Aumlnlatrator of the catato of
John W. White, deceased. i
Department of the Interior, t 8.
Itnd Olllce at Tho Dalle, Oregon,
January 15th. 1912.
Notice la hereby kIwii that Wlllard
W. I.awtcm. of Olat. Oregon, who, on
nay or reuruary, isui. i
Claimant uames aa wltneaaea
Arthur H. Oertaou. George W Cert
eon. K. H. Young, of Tumalo. Oregon
and Itobert Davl. of Olat, Oregon
IS-50 C. W. MOOKK. lteglater '
Deiiarttueut of the Interior. I S
Ijtud OBJce at The Dalles, Oregon
January ISth. 1912.
Notice Ih hereby given that James
A. I In! men, of llend, Oregon, who. on
December, 1910, made li.ur.o
etead eutry. No. 0772. forseVi uwVi
w(i naVi and uw Vi aeVi. aectlon is.
township 20 aouth, range 11 east.
Willamette Meridian, has (lied notice
of Intent Inn to make riual commuta
tion proof, to establish claim to the
laud above deecrlbod. before II. C
Jfillle. V. S. Commiaeloiier at hla olllce.
at llend. Orogon. on the 2nd day of
March, 1912.
Cikliuant namea aa witnesses: Wil
liam 1. Vnnduvert. Fetor Seggellng.
James S. Smith, Cor tot I). Allen and
Mart lu J. Main, all of Ilond. Orogou.
I0-C0 C. W. MOOUK, Iteglstor.
Hotel Seward
Ono of tlio Most Artistic and Klo-jrantly-Appolnted
IlotoN in tho
Northwest, Embodyinjf Every
Modern Convenience. In con
tor of retail itudtheator district.
Kalri. anil up: with Ruth. t oo anil up.
Ilu iu. eta all train. Orlll In cuiiutctlou.
W. M. 8KWAKD, Proplltlur,
4 fcr7S!'
strrwi: Foit rrm.KMTio.v
lopnr(mont or (ho Interior, V. fl.
I.mid OIIco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
.(miliary 29th, 1912.
Notice la horohy Riven thnt (loorgo
lllKRtnaoii, of Tiimnlo, Oregon, who,
on Oclohor 13th, 1010, inndo homo
a(ond oiKry No, 07SC0, for o'A aw4,
mid w!4 nnVt, aectlon 18, townahlp
10 aouth, range 11 oant, Wlllmnetto
Meridian, hna filed notice of Inten
tion (o mnko final com in utat Ion proof
(o efltahllah claim (o (ho land nhovo
deacrlhod, hofore II. C. Kill, V. H.
Commlaalonor, at IiIh office at llend,
OroRou, on tho IStti day of March,
Claimant namea an wKnonea:
Jonaa I.. OIihwiii, Frodorlek W. Levor
oiiz, Iluliort A. MmggiH aad Htmry C.
8cliiimachr, all of Tiinialo, Orogon.
C. W, MOOllB,
iH-r,2 Itoglnter.
(Sb Mcintosh
Promptly Attended to
Shop on Oregon St.
Hatlmate on
Wall P.per at
Portland Price
& Paperhanger
Cbeapeit and llctt Wall Paper Sam
ple in the county. Get
My Price.
Box 39.
llend, Oregon.
Buy the raJIwcxk iutQ. from our tg Lctory
(of oae-thtrd lo hill ol ,hti yoti would f-T
your local oVahr. We tptttle our own mill
m) can Rumatre trety piece we malt to be
ell.mJe aad ol chtncea Unlod lumbct.
5-panrt doi, IS met, $U0. Ciafumaa
Umjtlow doori, $1.60. Dusgalovr trod
tivoti, 95 and $6. Iniua
bun 1 0 pet. to a Mt, 80c
Vt' oil wi Voir lot t.iK, Jp
The Number 520, Sii-Shot
Repealing Sbotsun at $25.00
Is a liamiiicrh-s gun with n solid
fnmc. l'uicrtu operate quick
er and smoother aition (han any
othrr. It never balks and U
Jierfittly balanced.
IVIillnl tlnrrlptlort of nr.y of our
Cum U It our lu pj. "n Cutaldi.
SthUftr HXO-MY
If you riDBct obtain STCVRNS
l.iri.l.-S MIIMULNS,
t'Tnuc'i air tlrakr. wo
will "lip direct, riprvM
prvpaM, muni rt-
cclpt of
j. aftuwu j
l L. N
Send For
jBus Seed
Eenoiatikia. NoKtliarpctd
f W UlOfM tKcM lfO QU4bti WWW
iKjYfrytlit-rtXuKUjJ. OuhKr
qulpii Ubeutofjr uaqf lha
uutdMO U a K.ati4 and cJWtt
rJ UCcr ittnomt alt iw woik.
Wtuo tarwt UlMM.reil'iir
boMwlnm. StodloicaUkc.
TU Om. H, Wr Co.. Scttla
I &&
fti' TJ-&T
A V lY-aJrTlrta al SV
LPS A S3if Yfji N iU
r.,, ---.r-, ,... . l
! 4 I
ifft!..' I
Photo mailers In alzea 8x10 nnd
7x1 14 Inchea may ho obtained nt Tho
Ilullotln ofTlco. Hoar thla In mind
whon you havo n ploturo to aond
through tho mall.
I am now prepared to do nil
kfnda of watch and jewelry
, My pricos nre reasonable,
my work is prunrantccd.
Will be pleased to have you
Bivc mc a trinl.
Very Nice
Selection of
Wc solicit your
orders for
Ice Cream.
Our Sunday apodal
Neapolitan Bricks.
Charles Boyd, Prop.
Vegetables, etc.
M. W. of A.
Pilot Hutte Camp No. 9794
Meets every Tuoeday in hall over
Visitinp Noishliors always welcome.
Z. W. Undbonr, V. C.
N. P. Woider, Clerk.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103
T K. o P.
Meet every WedaoMlay
evenlny al 8 p. m. In
turtle IUII, iKt-otllco
Uliljf. XMWns Kulghu
w elcome.
Chaa. 1. Itovte, C. C.
N. V. Smith, K. H.&S.
I. O. O. F.
Bond Lodge No. 218
Rejf. Meetings every Mondaj' night
Visitors welcome
0. M. Pattorson, N. G.
W. L. Wing, Secretary,
A. F. & A. M
Meets on Thursday on or
before the full moon of each
month. Visiting brothers
always welcome.
J. D. DalJ,on, IV. M. . K. Allen. Secretary
Uoud lodgo meets every Saturday
evening lit hall ovor postotuce. Vis
iting brothers and sister always
V. N. Hoffman, President
Sara M. Perry, Secretary.
Ilogular meetings ever 'i.iureaay
day nlrfht. Visiting membera of
tho order welcomed. '
Mrs. Oeorga S. Young, Oracle,
Mrs. L. C. Fleming, Recorder.