iBlG THINGS DOING AT THE COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETING TOMORROW EVENING. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEND'S GROWTH? THEN BE THERE THE BEND BULLETIN. ' VOL. IX. HEND. OREGON. WKDNKSDAY. FKH. 7, 1912. NO. 18 ffl CE FACTORY ill H PLANT TO BE LOCATED ON O. T. SPUR i LMmlriu Man Will I'ut In lc MmIiIiik Mitrlilnriy mill H. II. ('mici' of I'rliiotlllo llio (Vciiiui'i) Colli Htomno li) Wi'imiiil)' .'oiiiiiiii)' 'I A rriNiiniw for neiul. wlilrh Ii tiptin iHlkml of for noiiiu Hum. now hooiiih h (HrlHlut)'. K. It. Cooiur, liriiprlotiir of tlm I'lmii'or Cromnory at l'rliiovllln. s iMtalilUli It, In con i noctlnn wltli r cold mornita nml Iro iimk I iik plant which will Im put In ly II Korsttm of MiulriiH. Tim liullillne Mill he tiOxSI font In illint'imloiii Hint uroctttil on the south unst rornor of lot X& of tin I.yilo Aero Tracts, which wim itonntcil hy Tim llouil Co Thin Is on tho rnll roml iur runnltiK to tlm Hour mill. Just n short illstnnco from wliuru It lenvcs tlm innln (Inn.. In oritur to Kst llio cnniinery here, Tho Iloml (Jo. nlmi otml to furnUli current nt hnlf prlro for otm 10horovr motor, onn fihoroiotr motor mid ono 3 h(iroioor motor to ha moil In tho pl nut Tlm leu maklnK plant will (urn out nnoiiith lea to supply not only tho lnrnl Irniln hut itlso tho nvnli of the town on tho rallromi betftcon hwro nml Mailrns ArrniiKoinetit nro romplutt'it Monday oi'iiliiK hy Mr Kcrsten, nml work l ho ilnrti'd in n ihort tlmo on tho hiillillnK Oritom for thu luiu her have nlromly Ik'cii glwn the It nml Co Tho Wtinamly Mvory Co. will alio viirako In tho eotil tornr. business. A hullitliiK 10x60 fovt will ho ort'ctot on tlm .ur Jimt onst of tho now rtil lmic of Itnuo Wost, Mr Wwnitntly stMi'tl )itariUy. Tho company hit on hnml moro thnn 000 ton of Ann Iro cut from tho DmcIiuU' rlvor thl wlntor which will ho tisoil In thin business Com for tho 1'nrinrm. In ronnrctlon with tho cstntillshlnK of the croamory lioro, tho I'lrst Nnl lounl llnnk will hrliiK In (wo cnrlimiU of llolntoln cows which will I mi plnct'il with tho fnrmom on tlmo. Only thoiio who nere to natronlxe tho crwiinwy will ho poltl row, thli Ihh Iiik for tlm purpom of ouoourHKlnK tho now Industry ami ninkliiR It a stie 1'i'M, Tlm rowM will ho ninilo to wy for thoiiuohc. Imlf tho mim ilorlvtnl from tho nl of milk IioIiir (urni'il owr to tho lunik n payment on tho cnttlo. Wimt l'nruiiT' liill(utr An olTort In IkjIiik iiiiuIo to K"t a fanners' Instlluto hero imiin tlmo ilurltiK tlm uoxt mouth 8. A. Armlt ttoail of I'orllnml, who U Inturt'sttMl IIKNIMIHOWX I'OTA'IOHH 'I'Ikiki Ih no immoii why lloiid hIioiiIiI not ho known mm it potnto Norllmi, iim wnll mm mi) ollwr rootlou of tho 1'iiltml Htnti'H Tlwro Im moihuUiIiik nhoiit tho ituillty of tho potn luwj K'uwn thoro thut lit very ilolloloui. -- l)r JntnoH Wllhyromho, Director Orison IJxpiirluioiit Ktntlon. In hooIiik thlit Iiik onm it dairying eon n try. took tho mutter up with I'rnf. Kont of tho O A C. while In Corviilllit recently nml write thut hii Innllttito enn prohnhly ho ftrrHUK") for Mr Armltstead whh IiiIIiioiiIInI In KuttliiK Mr. Coopor to rhiMiMo iioml uh n crctiiicry Ideation. ASKS PERMIT BUILDING TO 'i r"- b ww i w m m i w ammmm j. I 1 1 1 1 lllllilul li i ninn fl firi r n nmnrn i.mi hv : iuii lUiihLIU UUUI WLU.UUU it . LAP1NE Al A N WILL HOME FOR FIRST NAT RAISE 1200 IONALBANK INTERESTING CLUB MEETING TOMORROW Huhjcit of li trillion Will lie III- CIHM'll by IMIll HllklllOkH Ntt'll nml Iti'iliiioml Vlkitiir. TImiiii will ho a mcvlliiK of the ComtiiorclHl Cluh tomorrow cvtinliiK lit 8 o'clock, nt which tlmr will lie much iIoIiik Ktorynuo in umwl to nttoinl. wht'thor n iiitimhor or not Tho pri'Rlilont will fully outllno tho policy of tho club for tho yifir, tho ni'crotnry will kIwi n rort on tho flimiiccn of thu orKaulzntlon. nml u illroctor will ho chomMi to nil tho Micnncy canned hy tho lunlilllty ol lltiKh O'Kano to mTMt on account of litiilnoM dutlc not ulluwIiiK him to koI oft for hoard iiH'otliiK"- Tho chlof mihjcct of dlHCiiimlnn of tlm ovonliiK will ho IrrlKntlou and tho IrrlKntlou ronKrci which will he hold In Cortland on tho l'Jth. 20th nml 2 lit. J. W .llrowor of ItviN inond, vlco prnMcnt of thu Control OroKon Dovtdopmonl Loakho. will peak on thli lubject. Othcra on tho program ni arraiiKod today arc Voruon A Forlwa, A O lluntor. I' II. Donccr mid J. H Ithodo. null taut inanaKor of tho lloud I'ark Co otllco In Portland, whoio auhjoct w ho ' Interest In llond on thu Out Ido." politTcal caucus Nomination of Candida I m for Count) OAirr lllariikkod. A iKilIt cal oauoui attoudpd livilf ptihllcon otom of llvnd, Itodntuih' .Motollua, Madrai, l.aldlaw nnd othvr tow ni, was hold at tlm Pilot llutto Inn Haturday iiIkIu. Tho purK)o of tho mi'oilnK. which waa quietly cnll od, wn to dUcius tho political altu ntlon In retpect to randldittoa for county ofllct'it, It wna docldml that tho otora of tho vnrloua prcclucta Kvl toKothor mid oxproia tholr prof oronro for men, so that thoro inlr.ht not Ihi n auporahundaucu of canill datoa In tlm Hold. C. I). rSilioll Applltfi lo Forcat Hiijkt. Uor lo t'ho National IteMTW iih it I'lH-dliiK (round for lll I'loikof HlriN. I'rraMMl lliltk Klructiirc Will Ik- Hii'tcd ut lloml unit Ori'Kon KliiilH, Woik KtartliiK .Martli I. I'lncKt In (Vlitrul Oii'xon. IM.VHfltH IX IIMKIM. Panalna hloomluic In a Hond Knrilon In Kohruaryl Would you helluva ItT 'TIb truo. novorthf Iww, for tho flowora ahown on tho (leak In Klinor XlawoiiKr' olllce apeak for thumiulve. Thoy wore pick ed from hla mottier'a garden In Wlcntorlu, whero thoy urow unihcltcrcd In any way. WM S US 1 E y A "turkey trot." that hlda fair to otorleap anythliiK known alunx Now Vorlt'a (Iroat Whllo Way or around tho old Cuxtom IIoiino place In Chi cano will Hkoly ho wUiioiimmI around l)aU l.uko mid on Crane Pralrlo, on tho uptmr DiMM'huteH rlxor, uoxt mim inor. Twoho hundred turkey fowla, IiIk. Ilttlo and otherwise, will he "hordiMl" thoro If Undo Ham tip- proM'ii thu application' of C. I). Mchcll for n KrazltiK penult for thin number of hlrda. Mr. Hcliolt dropped In on Super vior J Hoy llnnoy of thu Deachutea Natlunal I'oroat n few da) a hko mid gate tiio forent olllclnl tho ahock of hit life hy applying for uiu of part of tho retort e durliiK thu iiimmer acn ion. Mr. Harvey had received many nppllcntlona to khizo cattle, aheep and other itock mi tho Koternment . raiiRp, but wiion It caino to turkey and tSOO, too ho had to doclaro that Holomon. with all hit wUdom, waa tmich mlitnkon when ho promul Knted tho iroerh, "There la nothlnK now under tho tin." Mr. Ilarvoy looked through all his grazlnR feo schedules, hut there waa nothlnK put down under (or on) tho turkey head. It was too much for him. Ho waa considerably relieved, how over, when ho looked at hla map to nnd (hat tho rator part of thu terri tory wbjcli Mr. Hchell hna In mind na a' ,tnri)titnvrbund for his Ilttlo brood of -birds Ilea In tho Paulina reseno, and to fiupertlsor Cryder of Crescont ho referred Mr Hchell. Mr. Harvey saya It I tho llrat application of tho kind ho oer heard of, and thinks It may he tho drat tho forestry icnlco hna run across. (irm.kiopK'rM There Calore. Air Hciiell la elilontly a coniorvn- tlonlat, for ho hni learned that there aro thousmida of fat Rraaihopprra roIiik to waste every auuimer on tho At a coot of (20,000, a hank build Ind that will ho hy far tho ftnoat In all Contra) OroKon will b erected at tho northwest corner of Itond and OroKon Htreota hy tho l'lrat National Hank and tho D&achute Itivwtmont Co. Work wilt start March 1 and tho hulldliiR will bo road) for occu jmnc) by October 1. Proaswl brick mid Indiana limestone will be used In the ctinstructlon. Plana for tho building hato been In preparation for several weeks and are now completed. Tho building will have n frontaRO of &0 feet on liond street and n depth of 70 feet on Ore gon atreet. The quarters of tho bank will bo 30 feet on llond by 70 feet on Oregon, entrnnco being on llond. The remaining 20 feet on llond, with 70 foot depth, will ho a store room, the property of the Ucydiutca Investment Co., of which C. H. Hudson la presi dent. Tho entire uppor floor will he for oiriccs. Tho building will hnvo a concrete mm thrn fi.ff In hnli-ht riti tnn tt which will bo laid red pressed brick. CAX ItKOIHTKIl NOW. Dlanka for tho registration of tho votera of llond precinct have been received from tho county clork hy M. 8. I.Btlln. and all who wish can now get enrolled so aa (o bo ablo to voto at tho April primary. W. W. Orcutt has been appointed to register tho oters of Dcachutoa precinct. REACH AGREEMENT WITH LAND BOARD GEORGE W. AT POINT KNAPPLIES OF DEATH Owing to the fact that tho Oregon upper Deadline which could twilly Trunk train did not nrrlvu until after 3 It. in , tho meotliiK did not got Blurt ed until tho early houra Hunday morning. A number of visitors camo In on tho late train, going out at f:30. Among those who were here were: Ma)or Jones, J W llrowor, I. A. Wilcox. Kdltor W C Walker, 0 Dolisou, (I. I. Wells of Itedmond, W. I). Ilarnea nnd J. II. Wlmer of ltldlaw; W. II. iAittmnn and Frank A Perry of Metollua; P. T. Atklua of Madraa, THE SPIRAL GLIDE. It is poiwlblc for Homo men to climb Into a monopluno or bli!ime nml tsonr ufT into thu ntmonpherti ami brcuk the world'H nltltuilo record, but they nlno break Homethinjr else -thulr ncckn. Tho mnn who invented tho nericl "spiral lUlo" paiil thnt penalty too. It la aafer to crawl than to walk, ll 'a better to walk than to aoar too lilh. It 'h better to put ono dollar Hafoly away in the bank than to havo a million in your castles in tho air, for Uiere Is always an uncertain jflido from air castlos to earth and few can do thu trick without accident. It 'h better to havo a bank account than n broken wlnjr, remember that. Ira converted Into delicious meat to accompany tho cranberry nuco for the holiday dinner. ' - I'or six )iwra Mr. Schell taught school In tho Philippine Islands, go ing to Manila ten years ngo. On his return to "tho States" ho engaged In tho fruit Industry nt Aahland, being secretary of tho association there. About n month ngo he camo to Cen tral Oregon, looked the country over and Itought an irrigated "forty" uoar l.a Pino. Tho trimmings will he of limestone quarried at lledford, Ind. Thero will ho four plato glass window a on tho Oregon street side, tho trlinmlngi of which will bo copper. Tho roof will bo n tar and gravel composition. The style of architecture la tho Georgian, which la being used largely by banks nowadays. Marble and Mahogany KiimMiliigs Tho entrance to the bank will bo on llond street through double doors of solid mahogany. Over tho door will bo a largo clock with frosted dial, the race of which will bo visible at nil times, being Illuminated at night by electric lights. Tho entrance doors will open Into a tnarhlo vestibule, to tho left of which will he a prlvato otllco and directors' room. Adjoin ing this will ho tho cashier's oftlco, next to which will bo tho teller's window. Thero will also bo three windows for tho bookkeepers. To tho right of tho vestibule will be a rest room for ladles and others. Thero will lie two mahogany writing desks, mahogany chairs, telephone, nnd on tho floor will ho an Oriental rug. Tho working room of tho bank emplo)ca will bo covered with a cork linoleum, which Is noiseless and easy on tho feet. All tho furniture will bo mahogany. Tho vault will bo In tho rear, tho dimensions Insldo being 9x1 4 feet. It will bo of reinforced concrete and absolutely tiro nnd burglar proof, with massive crane-hinged door. To C. O. I. Company OIllclaN Finally Hlgn PioMiltlni, Afler Kecur- iiilC AiiieiidiiientM. Final agreement between the Des ert Land Hoard and tho Central Ore gon Irrigation Co. haa now been reached and papers signed, Is tho re port from Salem. My an added clause placed on tho end of tho agreement at tho suggestion of Governor West, the company la now practically under complete control of tho board and should the company bo responsible for delinquencies, tho board could take up tho completion of the pro ject Itself If go desired. "In event of failure of the com pany to keep tho covenanta or per form the obligations by It to be kept and performed under this contract, tho board may declare It In default," reads tho conclusion of the agree ment "The company and tho trui co shall thereupon be so notified and unless tho company ihall, within 90 daya from tho dato of such notice, tnake good all existing delinquen cies, the board li hereby authorized and It Is hereby mado Its duty to take over tho performance of tho con tracts to bo performed by tho com pany and prosecute tho work aa faat aa tho avallablo asicts In tho hands of the trustee or otherwise will permit, and the trustee in such event Is here by directed to pay out all funds on hand or which may bo ! lected for account of the company upon vouchers to be approved by the board. All cash, notes and other issets remaining in tho hands of the trustee after the completion of the contract of Juno 17, 1907, ahall then bo turned over to tho company." With this clause as consideration, a reasonable extension of time la granted on the Ilonham Falls project. Nllckcn With AjKiplety, Ifommtcad- cr Waa Found I.yliiR on Floor of Cabin ItelnfUcort Way Here From lm Angclcx, Cal. Unconscious slneo Friday after noon, whon ho was found lying on the floor of his cabin on Wall street. In Doschutoa addition. Oeorgo W. Knapp Is at tho point of death, without al most any hope of recovory. Ho suf fered a stroko of apoplexy, n blood vessel In the brain bursting. Mr. Knapp, who haa a homestead to tho southeast of Itcnd, haa been staying in Ilend part of tho wintor, living in ucschutca. He haa been in excellent health, but sometime Fri day afternoon was atrlekcn. Ho waa found about A o'clock by C. K. Morris, having evidently been sitting hy the stove reading, aa a magazlno was lying on tho table nearby nnd tho chair waa tipped over. Ho had prob ably been lying thero unconscloua for an hour or more. Drs. Coo and Fcrrolt wcro sum moned and hate lien doing all for him that Is possible, but his chances are very alight. He Is gradually be coming weaker, being unble to take nourishment Mr. Knapp Is SI years old. Ho has a daughter and other relatives In Los Angeles, and some of them are expected to arrive hero tonight Ho is a Mason and a Maccabeo. Ills neighbors, C. K. Morris, O. C. Henklo and H. I). Ford, aro watch ing by hla bedside. A. H. BLACK BUILDS PILOT BUTTE CHANGES (Continued on last page.) II. J. OottglasM Iteuiolit In llond mid Will .Manage Till Hotel. II. J Douglass, who expectod to re turn to Detroit last week, will re main In Ilend. having assumed the management of The Pilot llutto Inn last Thursday for tho I). V. Hunter Realty Co., owners o: this property F. C Fish, tho former proprietor. Is now living on his ranch near town. Tho hotel bar will bo conducted by Schmidt & Musgrovo. lluslnei Building Ilclng Krvctod on Iaetl I.ut on Wall Street A. II. Illack, who recently camo to Mend from Pocatello, Idaho, is con structing a one-story, frame business building on tho lot leased from Miss Marlon Wlcst. on Wall strcot It will contain a store room and office. Tho dimensions of tho structuro aro :x54 feet As soon as this building is com pleted Mr. Illack will begin work on another, he stated, on (ho adjoining lot Mr. Hlack bought tho Sather building same time ago hut haa sold It back to Mr. Sather, who will move It onto tho lot next to Skuso's storo. Mrs Hlack arrived Thursday from Pocatello and about tho tlrst of March will open a millinery and ladles' notion store. Mr. and Mrs. Hlack are living in a small bouso erected on tho rear of the lot whoro he is putting up tho store building. NKW MIM.ICAX VAM.KV IMllMRIl MILLICAN. Fob. 3. Horn, to A. D. Norton and wifo, a nine-pound son. on Tuesday, January 30, 1912. HaviJ The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative Pcoplo." h, D. I1AIUD, (rresldent) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice Prealdcut) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) L. D, DAIRD,- DiRKCTQga: -P. O. MINOR, V. IlAinD. It is Joy to the Mechanic to have the right kind ot tools to work with, nnd he enn depend upon them if they are bought here. All those who have the buying ot tools, for any trade, kitchen utensils and supplies, and things in the Hardware line thnt are tised around the house, or fnrm, or factory should come here nnd get the best grades while saving money. Builders' Supplies, Sash, Doors and Glass n specialty. l3 I The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U, O, COE. Pr.ild.nt E. A. SATHER. Vlc Prild.nt O.8. HUDSON. OathUr Gspltal fully paid ... 3B.O0O Stockholdirt' liability 826.000 Surplus . . . . SO.OOO IT COSTS NOTHING 1 Pjt N. P. Smith Wall Street to keep your money in this strong, safu Bank, subject nt nil times to your checks. The person of small means will find us as attentive to his needs as does the man with largo interests. An important function of this Bank is to do what it can to aid its depositors in thoir financial growth. It's a vory simple matter to open an ac count hero. Ono Dollar will give you a start, Money in the Bank is the best Insurance. TEe FIR.ST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: O. C. COB K. A. SATHER C. S. HUDSON O. M. r-ATTBRSON H. C. JK.US vl$i?vll$ij