The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 31, 1912, Image 8

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Homesteader Htilldlug on Their
MILLICAN. Jan. 2C -Alfml
Howard tins his house on hla 320ncro
r.lttni about finished. Ho Is l UliUns
It tf plno logs obtained from tlio for
t reserve. Krcil Klgcr nlso In
Mb house nbout completed. Ho Is
lamenting thnt ho will hnvo to batch.
Mrs. W. H. Klger. Fred Klgor, Wil
lis Nolaml, Clayton Howard nml Hol
la MorrMeld spent the evening of
tho ISth with A. 1). Norton.
Who said this wan a dry country?
Wo hnvo been having a heavy rain
tho last week, which hns done much
to thaw tho ground. A. 1). Norton
and Willis Nolnnd hnvo taken ad
vantage of this and hnvo been plow
ing. They each havo considerable
ground turned.
Mrs. Ella llusey and Miss Marthn
Good hnvo returned from their holi
day visits and will remain In tho vnl
ley for somo time.
A pleasant evening was spent with
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Klgcr tho 24th.
Thoso present were Mr. nnd Mrs. A.
I). Norton. Dwlght Holdcu, Miss Kf
fie Norton. Mrs. Kiln Husoy, Miss
Martha Good, Edd Koppcr and Fred
Tho Don Sancho Club met with
Wlllta Nolnnd tho evening of tho 25th
Members of tho club present were
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Klgcr. Fred Kl
gcr, Alfred Howard, Clayton How
ard, Mrs. Jessie Houghton, Delia Mor
rlfleld nnd Willis Nolnnd.
A. D. Norton nnd Fred Klger havo
more thnn S00 Juniper posts in title.
They Intend to do a llttlo fencing,
It seems.
HakU'I Hnll Teams to I'lity Hero To
morrow Hunting.
Tho Hallos High Selionl basket bnll
ten mwlll play against tho Hend High
School tontn nt l.lnstor'n Unit Thurs
day evening. Immediately nftor tho
nrrlvnl of tho train. Thu admission
will bo 2d conta.
Tho local High School mado such
an excellent showing against Tho
Haltes In football In tho fall that this
gnmo Is bound to bo full of Interest
to Hend people. The Dalles team
will go from horo to Prlnovlllo to
play the Crook County High School
on Friday nnd Saturday nights.
"So you don't enro much for llfo in ti
largo cltyl"
"No," replied Farmer Corntosscl.
"Tho population of n large city Is
composed too largely of folk thnt
went there with money mid hud to
stny there 'cause they was broke."
Washington Blur.
Brptemtier soft,
October By
With lees nloft
In tirlKlit army.
The rhyme must pntise,
It's lime, to shop
I'or Bontn Onus!
-Wnnhlnntnn Hlnr.
I'rnnk Way Slay Have lleen Murtloreil
by 111 Companion. . .
A special dispatch to the Portland
Journnl from Prlnovlllo, dated Janu
ary 29, says:
"Frnnk Wny, who was living on a
homestead 14 or IS miles above
Prlncvillo with Douglas Tnpp, an
other young man of this vicinity, has
disappeared mysteriously and is' be
lieved to havo been murdered for
$150, which he wns paid about the
time of his disappearance.
"Tnpp wns arrested nt Burns this
morning, according to advices re
ceived by Sheriff Balfour of this
county, and will be held on tho
chnrgo of larceny of one of the sad
dle hones until tho murder mystery
enn be cleared.
"Tnpp when questioned ns to the
whereabouts of Way has said that he
went hunting, and again that ho went
to visit his mother, who lives In tho
Willamette Valley. Communication
with Way's mother shows that Way
has never been there, nnd search of
his cabin reveals all his best clothes
which ho would hnvo wornhnd ho
been going to the valley, and nlso
hla rifle, which he would have taken
had he been going hunting.
Deeds Recently Filed With the County
Clerk at Prlnevllle.
John P. Mattson to J. J. O'llrlcu.
wH c 115-17-16. J17C0.
Albert S. Geyor to Geo. W. Faulk
ner. nwU sec 2S-16-23. $1200.
Hnrtwlg A. Olson to Geo. W.
Faulkner. noU sec 28-10-23. $1280.
John I. West to Ivn B. West. nwU
pnrcel 21. Lytic acreage. Hend. $1.
A. 1). Pnrks to Kiln Norcott. nwU
swti 17-10-12. $
D. T. Cnrmody to C. S. Hudson et
nl, N. 100 feet of Its 5 nnd C.blk 13.
Center Add., llond. $1.
Mary K. Coleman to l.ucy S.
French. It 10. blk 12. Deschutes. $260.
John W. Usher to A. 1.. French. It
14. blk 1. Harper. $3r.
Tho Hend Co. to A. G. Stoudor. It
3. blk 22. Hend. $1. Also It 4, blk
13. nnd It G, blk 15. It 7. blk 22 nnd
It 2, of blk 24, Hend.
Tho llond Co. to Joseph 11. Cowglll
It 6. blk IS, Center Add., Hend. Con.
W. D. Newlon to Levi D. Wlest. It
0, blk St. Wlcstorin. (Qultclnlm. )
The Hend Co. to B. B. Pearson et
nl, It 5, blk IS, Center Add., Hend.
$1. Also Its G and 7, blk 16: Its 3.
4. G, 0. 7, and S, blk 19, Center Add.,
A. S. Collins to Andrew J. Noble,
iwU swU sec 30-14-16.
Wisconsin Western Timber Co. to
G. F. Sanlorii Co., e'i sec 2 nnd
nwU sec 13-20-13. $1.
"Hollo. Debtx! You look like nnoth
er man nfter your vacation."
"1 am nnother man." retorted the In.
dividual addressed. "My name, sir, is
Dingbat."-Washington Herald.
Oh, help this eld world In Its quest
Of laughter llsht nnd sunny.
It you can't coin sonic gentle Jest
Just so nil mil stul do your best
Wear whiskers thai nre funny.
Wnihlntjtoti Ulsr.
"A mnn ts n fool to Introduce nn nl
tractive mnn to the girl ho Is engaged
"I think so too. Como over here n
minute. 1 want you to meet my fian
cee." llouitou Post.
There was n young Imly nnrnrd Hue.
Whom lots ot ounir (elluus wouM moo.
Hut every poor loer
She'd look keenly over
And sny, "Without ensh ou won't do"
Ilnlttmorv American,
Sweltering Passenger ion railroad
tmlni This window sticks so I can't
get It up.
Conductor Yes; wood W swollen n
little by Hie mill. It'll bo nil right in
n few days. Pathfinder.
De worl will rl ler dory
Kf It heeds de Provident ptsn.
llut de higher up de airship goes
De smaller looks de man
Atlanta Constitution.
Tho body of O. F. Persons, who
died n year ago, wns disinterred
from Its resting place on tho C. H. Al
len ranch up the river, Inst week by
G. W. Shrlncr and Fred I, lluey.
They brought tho remains to Hend,
and they woro relntcrrcd In Pilot
Ilutto Cemetory. Mrs. Persons Is liv
ing at Can by, Ore.
The noardcr Look here! 1 must not
be disturbed tit night. Why. Inst night
a rooster sat on the window sill and
flapped his wings for hours.
Tho Fanner Gosh, neighbor, that
wasn't n rooster. Why. thnt was Jut
a plain mosquito that got caught In
tho window screen. Hint's nil. Mllwau
keo Sentinel.
He mowed and sprinkled. Wet and lame.
He tolled at eve and dawn.
So let his epitaph proclaim:
"11 had a lovely lawn"
Washington Star.
W. A.
To tho Republican Electors of Crook,
Hood Klvor nnd Wasco Counties:
I hereby nnnounco myself as n can
didate for the Republican nomina
tion for District Attorney nt tho com
ing Prlmnrles, April 19, nnd If nomi
nated nnd clectod I will during my
term of office devoto my ontlro tlmo
to the duties of tho office to tho 'ex
clusion of other law business, and
give my personal attontlnn and first
- , consideration to tho business of tho
"Efforts are now being made
the sheriff's offlco to find tho body of office, nnd will personally assist tho
tne supposedly muracreu man. officers in each county with the en-
; 1 forcemeat of tho Criminal Law, and
NOTICK. especially will I oxert myself to on-
Tho Common Council of the city, force tho law ngalnst vice. Immoral
Mr. Crawford The only way for me
to avoid thexe payment Is to put er
crythlng I own In your name.
Mrs. Crawford Won't It be Just Invr
ly for mo to have all that money to
spend? Judge.
Tli vest pocket vote derides, they say.
But It won't be "It." you bet.
In the coming times when voles are cast
11 y the stylish suffragette.
llaltlmont American.
of Hend has set aside as a publie
dumping ground the land lying In
the natural draw near the southeast
cornor of the southeast quarter of I
tho southeast quarter of section 33 '
township 17 south range 12 east.
This location Is north of the Dear
Creek road, nt e point about 200
yards west of the point whoro the iro
cave road leaves tho Dear Creek
road, bolng about two mites from fie
elty. All persons having refuso or
debris to dispose of will dump fame
en thlx ; bile ground.
By OvJer of tho Common C incll
acta nad the traffic In white slavery.
(Paid Ad.) W. A. I1ELL.
Nothing Hut the Ilest of Workman-
' slilfs f!n t iillf sil.
Goods all Wool Quality Proper
Stylo and Fit a Certainty.
All kinds of dry cleaning, pressing,
repairing and alterations. Kindly
give us n call nnd get convinced.
WW) K. HICK, Tnllor.
no (rejectetli Then you regard me
merely nn a summer lover, n eonreii
lent escort to excursions nnd picnics?
She Tlml'H nbout the case. George.
I hnvo looknl upon you nn n lover In
the plcnlrklnn sense only. Huston
A Snap
On Business Property. BEST
Because their location is ASSURED.
Thoso bargains consist of 1 9 lots across tho street from
tho depot and on Groonwood and Fir Stroots. Tho first
fivo will bo sold at a greatly reduced prico, for wo
want to sell thorn quickly. Wo also havo a fow
Adjoining Bend which aro still unsold. Thoy havo a
perfect water right and water is dolivercd to each and
every fivo-acro tract, SOLD ON EASY TERJV1S.
Do You Wish a Choice Residence Lot? If so, call on us.
for wo havo somo of tho best buys in that class of
property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain.
If you aro looking for an Irrigated Farm, you should
call and see our list. It costs nothing to investigato and
wo aro suro you will agrco with us that wo havo somo
ot tho Best buys to bo found in tho country.
Our nino years' experienco in this country gives us bet
ter advantage to sccuro for you tho best location of a
320-acro homestead of any firm in tho county. Our
prices aro right and tho location Is guaranteed.
Insurance. Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty.
Call on or write
Oregon Investment Co.
East side of Wall St.,
Between Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Oro.
Phono 1. P. O. Box 49. All communications promptly answered.
H. (.'. Ilnmn Leghorns.
Heavy layors COO farm raised.
Trios 8. 0. Cockerels $S.0O. Krrs
$2.00 per IS, $9.00 per 100. Hnliy
chicks J 18.00 per 100. Primrose
Poultry Plant. Jams Ireland, 1U
Spalding Illdg.. Portland, Oro. 4.-7
Tho partnership of C. G. Seward
and I). J. Itobldoau, known ns the
Seward & Hobidonu Studio, has been
dissolved by mutual consent. I have
taken over tho Interests of I). J. Hold
deu nnd will contlnuo tho business
nt the same location nnd under the
name of tho Howard .Studio.
C. (1. SKWAIU).
Janunry 2C. 1912. 17-0
Notlro Is hereby given thnt the
Fnrmers' nnd Merchnutn Teliihouo
Co. will hold their mutual meeting
at ltldlaw. Ore.. Saturday. Fob. 3,
nt 1 p. in . for the flection of officers.
All stockholders nro requested to bo
present. C. II. 8PAPOII.
A classlded advertisement In Tho
lliilletlu costs but little but brings re
sults. If you have n house to rent
or sell or want to buy. let It be known
by tho use of nn ad.
(Hd Pnper for Sale.
Old papers for putting under the
carpet or for other purMson may bo
obtained nt tho otfleu of tho lliilletlu.
Ill tho County Court of tho State
of Oregon for tho County of Crook.
In the matter of tho oatato of
Henry C. Harney, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by tho un
dersigned, tho duly appointed, quali
fied and act t UK administratrix of tho
estate of Henry C. Harney, deceased,
to the creditors and nil persons hav
ing claims against tho said deceased,
to present them ns duly verllled as
required by law within six months
after tho llrst publication of this no
tice to tho said administratrix at the
office of her attorney. Vernon A, In tho First National Hunk
Hiilldlng. Hend. Oregon, tho sumo be
ing tho place for the transaction of
the buslnoM of said estate In said
county nnd state.
Dated thin 24th day of January.
MltS. K. A. MAIN,
Administratrix of tho oatato of
Henry C. Harney, deeonsed. 40-BO
Department of tho Interior. V. H
J .it ml Ofllro nt The Hallos, OroKou,
January 2Zud, 1912.
Notice Is hereby given that Adolph
II. Fischer of llond, Oregon, who. on
March ftth. 1910, made homestiHtd
entry No. 0172. for HXWU,
NWViBWVi. Hhc 1. and NISViHKV..
Mee. 6. township 17 south, range 13
east, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make flnsl com
mutation pioof. to establish claim to
the land above described, before II.
C. Kills, P. H. Commissioner, nt his
office at Hem!, Oregon, on the 9th
day of March. 1912.
Clnlmnut names as witnesses
Andrew Monti. Harry Htewart. Or
vlll C Cardwoll. Clarence V. Hnrto
mid Philip G. Young, nil of llond.
Oregon W. MOOHK. Itoglsler.
Open Feb. 1
2nd Hand
(On Vnl I St., 1st door vnit
of Triplet! Illdjr )
J. E. Rainey
Haircuts and shaves at the liuif
& Davidson barber shop are firs
i Good Things to Eat
Oregon's Official State Booth Makes Excellent
Showing at Northwestern Land Products Show
Oregon's official stnto booth at
tracted much attention nt the North
western Land Show recently held In
8t. Paul. Of all tho big shows of
1911 this wns the most important aa
Northwestern products alone wero
shown, without fear or favor.
The official state booth of Oregon
occupied an equal amount of space
"wlthUbo.othor. state, exhibits, which
was subscribed for by the business
mon of tho Twin City and sDlondld showing. In addition to
Similar space was also furnished free fruit growing, tho chnncea for diver-
r nil ftfisi s.Slinse a Snu I . aln Kn .!. j,l H.l n -..In . .1 .. I ... I .. .. l.A.. .. .1
to nil tho other states In tho North
western Development Loaguo,
The official state booth of Oregon
was designed and put up by the Orcat
Northern Hallway for the stnto. It
was handsomely decorated nnd tho
apples and other fruits from Hood
Jtiver, Wllllaraette Valley, the Urap
qua and Itogue'Illver 'Volleys made
Billed farming, dairying, hog nnd
cattlo raising, which aro of much in
terest to tho mid-Western nnd Kant
orn farmer, woro emphasized. Tho
Interest manifested In Oregon was
such that the Great Northern offi
cials are well satisfied that tho state
will benefit much from this compre
hensive exhibit.
For Sale
or Lease
General Merclianillst', $3000,
AIbo Hotel nnd Feed Harn,
and up to 400 ncrcH of land,
at a Bargain!
Owner sick nnd must sell,
Fremont, Oregon,
-- -"-
at a Living Price.
Oneill Building
Bund, Oregon
r.N tiu.i uM)w.rL:r.ixy.i:rn?ivnrixaju2uiuz
rffiMJgf SASiI HOOKS 11
&1sH tbf fLV U
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(IOIIvui. Kttl)
f aiktlr Ub irkU
ruotar. wlib c.mri.1
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Urine. Ourprfcc. utt
r nuaiiu jo.
"A.B" Koorun
ll lis, WMcr u4 td4
ftocl, vUloutluoU.
fin. UiU lf t Masts,
73s U.-.tJ
Mils lih wool
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fiirtunllntrr Ur.
nisi In stint
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RltlUliiJi. IDs.
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Scs4 si s III t.1 jriiui wiiui inj itl kf sikcl A l"
Ul ia4 ill Ijullllnf uunUI pirptlj la yeul Millue. '
III Mil yuul4ciMs, Wilis tnjf tnidiuM beuM h
temU, ei lbs NttKmil Uuk el Coosxics l "!.
t,t reiiittDtr.
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