, RENCH AND GERMAN COLORS 1 lUppoitd Origin of Ilia Trloolor and , Hit Tauton Plan, Aip live cciiturli'H liliick mill ivlilttt mvim'cii I ho llolii'imillcrn eiilnr. mill 'i)i Hrnl M'Ihc ur llii' (lei niiiii unr moiii,', It'll lllll ('III I'llMlMM'," l; mn'fi I'rimaliiiil Know y not my linn. i nirT nf5rn inn floitta my (In of liliick aii'1 Wlilti-1 i l( rllur illail (ur frt'iUiiiij 'tuna llirlr ftmiirKT Ho uy tlir.o uulota lloallllif III your Tlio incrcnntllii intuitu tricolor of . Iiytf, wlilln mill itl I fiiilili'iiiiitlc of In1 joining of llui IIoIii'iikiIIitii liltuk 'id jmIiIIh wllli t ttt red iiml while. Idoli wiih tlm i'IIIkii of IIiii llniimiillu miffo. TliU Unit I'Miini Into Im-Iiiu lii-n llii" Norlli (Icriiimi Coiifwlnnicy ' iA'kIiiIiIIhIhmI. Nov. lift, IWIT. nt llm iiHcif I lu AiiMrii-PriixMltiii wnr. Tint tl Mil wIiIIk iviri'i'iit tlio coinnivr- lljpniHicrlty of llm niillon. wltllit llu nijk mnl wlillo hjiiiIkiIIii' Hut airoiiu yljyf tin; nlntc iri'tfinil to irott iijitr II. NowIhto linvn liMorlrtil cvoiiIh oiiiim- irJSu iihii'Ii flimiKii In tint atiiiiiliirila 't Wiiliiiilldiml riiKiKim of it cmiiiiry mt In 'touch. Tlio urlitniiiiiio unit tin clinu nt-'Ht. Alnriln itt hiicitciIimI nt lint ' Nyl nf lint ttlxd'i'iiili ci'iiiury. when ll'iiry III., tin' liitt nf I ttt limnm of 'ifjnln. rtiiint l I la limine, by lint dijli Mtiiinliirit Hiuilircit tlciir ilclN. '5t In Itirn khm- plncn In lint fiunum rUSiIor ulilrli whs ItilriHluritl nt llm line nf tln ri'Miliitluii. lint Ihn iirlulii n tjntt lhi "lid lliiil"rH U n illHpuieil limlltitl. Htiltie tiiiiliitiiln Unit Hie In Milton win In I'liiulillin III the llm; Hie blue or the iIihh li Hi. Mnrtlu, Hie rwl of Hut nrtllHUiuie mnl lint white line of tin. llntirlHiiiN. Iiy mhim Hie col.im lire Midi In lie llntae of the elly of I'nrK Vfi nunlu other u inherit It insert Hint the itm: l fiipM from the uhleld of Hi.' Orlemi fitinlly tin li nppfnreil nfier tl'!illlppit KKnllltt Imil KtitM'kiHl ofT the fleiirdelU. Iuiiiohh city Htnr. VAGARIES OF THE TIDE. Myittrloui Currnt, th OtertU of Which No On Ha Oolv.d. There nro n ninny vnunrleN In the w'Hler n In tho wind. Why, for In- yttniiee, linulil uniU iM-i-in current bend their WMrui wnlent nerimit Hut wide ('nettle mnl Allmitle? Other iiml ritmlly iiiyterliiii curreiil eilit In ' well ntcli nil imrt of Ihu wnrlil. It 1 on rerun I Hint Hie tin run Mr week out nf the Jnvn en. ttirutijt'i lite lrnlt of Knndn nutl Iheuie ImrU ' in I lie extreme etui or I'lnriiin, Hie eulliiunt current niniilntc with n ve- liM-lty of from fmir to rive knot nn II iir tlirmiRli Hie lrlt of Olhnillnr Into Ike Mediterranean mm. the wift liiirretit nuiulHK mn Hie riKk nml IiimI off llm end of lllltlteli lulniut which niNiretilly lnrl from iiowtiere mnl etnU Nitittewhcre In the xPlnlty of Hie nniue plme. nml (he etirrent wlilrh, utmtliiic Imlfwnr up llw citlim t, run from I wo lu three knnt mi hour In Hie itorthcnM nml Mimlly end ntt iiiptly en 1 ho norih end of 1. 11011. Then wo have Hmm. iidal vnirnrlii kii"wn Hie worttl ner n Iture TIiimh ?IihI tft, tin .Km IIiimII hu.I lruu,1l rHfru, from aide In aide, till they reflftl t-'irlr limit, ofien it-wiUnc the hlp Avm 'heir nnchnrniie. nrliclimte iiolnHty Knniri where or why. .At fnugnpore II Itn tweu olerviil tor dnyj at n tltuo Hint Hiere tin U-en but -n rtio nutl fnll lu thu twenty fit.r bourse JJ.Uju tiloh. . 1 ,. , ., .... ,,..., WlyKCl lip III , III,;,, lul.t lo 111 the lute'. Until, It wllli conl nl iiIkIiI. Ami )ou need not fenr Iiml Hie pIpi'H will fieee. , Iflynlu fur n like period wlHiiHit liny hve iiudcrloiHl lite kind of pown d.- f xrri'iill.l rle nml fnll tlurltnc Hi"" "lr,'1' '"'I uot ' I'url. Wlierefore. Illine. .nfter UiAliy failure, the juath-e' wife ' ' vriien there I Hie iwpintnrlnl riirrent 'enve liilnii'tloii to the fnnlilutmlile jlmt llnw lulu the I'nrlhlH'flu en. the ui(Hllte who ni.tile her kwii. Till Trer fluwlni: current In lite enatwnrtl f iH'Hllnltt wn entirely uvi'eful In IroHtid fnpe I turn, the euld lrenui 1 turning out n kowii for the Jiinllie. Irewlni; frinn Hie Iry reKlou of the' The Jut. i'n kowiik, wlilili nre nl- ' ikcrili Hit Newfoundland mnl Novn vy of Hie liet iullty of nllk. eMt Trnitln nnd nhnnt Hie American cimt upril of !(). When the aiipreiue T" She Acknowledges the Best who Ikiwh to ourHUMrior Flour. fS& oip I si She known It Ih half tlio lmttle In linking, to gut n good, re liulilo Flour that almost Intuiron good bread of uniform (utility. All cooks rccoKiilzu tills us thu hunt brand for both bread and pastry. Wo wish you would try It onco, and wo know you will novor auk for any other brand. And It is not high priced either. Bend Milling & Ware- lipiiso Co..., ' Bond, ' . . . . Oregon ' STENCIL LETTERS. "" Utid by Wrlltn and Illuminator! In lit Early Agt. Murnli'n t'liniinU'iH tcrti Known to tan iiiiflfiitN. Tlipy wvruiiHftl In tench-' IliU I'lllltllen In ifinl. Tint iilieli'iiU Iiml iiIhii Kletii'll lellerx, whlt'lt lltey itNiil In Hi'ciin. it H'Kiilnr Hlylc nf pun iiiiiiinIiIi. 'lltey even iiniilit iimu nf ptnlcH, Unix iiimi nil, ciiiiiitlninu mi enilre m hi'. It wiim iilni'i'il mi llii uiiyriiH In Ktllilt' Hie peiiN nf children, "nil eiiclli'iit ineiiini." aiiltli (Jiilnfll Inn. "In li'iirn lliein nut In exceed the dexlretl iirt-rnrllmiH." Tint Ktniiernr JiiKllnliin CV I), r.lhi etniltl iifliherreiiil nur write, tin iiiieniiiiiiilett ttilnir In one uf aiuli lilli riinW. When II wiin iifcVawiry for hlni (it hljtn hi tiiiine hit hittl n Nlni'l f Kohl llirntiKli which wcru cut I ho Idler of hht iiniiie. "Then." Kiihl ProrniiliiN, "iilnclnir t Ills Inltlet on the ititer. nne contliicled (he Inmil uf the prince, IiuMIiik the Nlylu illpiml In iiirtle on tlio typo of the different teller, mid look tiwny lln willlnr fiiriililiiil wllli hl alKimltire." Tlie en me tlilnu' I repnrletl of ICInc Tlnodiiilr iiml of Chnrleiniiuiie. In i In- inlitdle nvi' the lllutiilnntor mid ileiuriilorH tiinitu iintcli of Midi ttth It'lH fur Irti'lliK Involved llllllitl lillert it mt eien In n wny eoiiiponeil nil Ire work. Mich it cople of Hid phtlii ikiiiijii. ele. A cliitrlcrcil nliliey Itetir Mtt)etire itOMPwietl mime alxly of the tilpliiiliel ellt In leiuH of Intuitu, it copper Hli'iy. Ijtler lliene pHllertni Merit tiilfii fit li)' ntiliiH wlliein tin piinl 11 prueil iiy l in- eviiieini-it on i do reverne nf the jmiko kw enrly hh Hie Ihlrleeiilli relttttry. In VIM Hie iinnik of I'rlliiMiric ptilillnlifil n iri'iitlxc relHilnic lii money In thin wny, mid It ht-'inn, nri'iirillliL' In n Kik'f III I 'liny nml minlher In I'l'lriMilim, Hint llu-io Hli'iti'lli Here ilei o ptllilMi Hkiimm nml deiliriti nn well --('hnrleii V. Ilnll III NiiHiiiiiiI Mnunxliu'. SUPREME COURT GOWNS. Thty Ar Mad of th Flntit 811k and Art Quit Cottly. II I until Hint the cut mid myle of lite kuwii worn hy the Jtmtlce of the upreino court of the L'nlliil Htnte nro o nvniinr Hint II I not ntwny kxI hie to Imve one correctly innde. The wife of n fvrmer Jtintlee umI to enjoy MIIiik of ler IrjIiiK exiterlenei- when alio wloheil lu linvu iiimle In I'nr- I tint ptwu her hunliniid wn to tine i'"' Kttwn worn there by Hrtentlii. ,cliolnr mid atudoul differ ultojMher '"im thne our Jtillie wenr. In linden tiny rlerlrnt tnltor would ; court wn Unit oriinuUeit the Juttlfc , wore ipilte candy i;iwu. A iKirtrnlt In ell of the Mr! chief Jim lire. John Jay, now linnc In the roll line rotnii oppiHlte lite atipreme riiirt iclmmher. nml lu tlili Hirtnlt the elik'f Julrii I tepreelilet n W(nrlllK H hhtek kuwii wllli 11 hrtwil hrlicht red iHirder hmiiiiiI Hie iteek mnl dnwii the front. It It mIhiiI wllli Kray, nml Hie leeve allow n nil iMirder nt the lop nutl IwUnin, hI-mi tnlftrtt wllli mruy. Hnrper'n Weekly. A Curlou Wlnditorm. A loull,tr frenk of wentlier I tne lrm enlttNl the "wllllwnu." Thl form nf aturm U conlliieil to Hint fur on Ulaild TterrN del I'llepi. TlteeenNt I IlldelitlMl Willi deep lleril eruwileil with liltili 1110111111111. I town from their Korce ilrow (he wllllwnu. A low, Inmnie multeriuc I henrd In the dNlnine. Stulileiily, wit html the leHNt prellmlnnry purr. 11 fenrful lilut of wind droH uiMin lite el. The wnler 1 net rnlmil Into wnvex, Intt driven lnlo Hue diwl. rortuiinlely the hluvk ,,,, ,,, , r ,w,)v .f,,,,,. ,, culm 'follow nt once, for un vetMel could atnnd Hiirh n wind for even lm If n mlntile. Iiurliii; the cmulnc uml d' Inc of n wllllwnu thu Imruiueler limy he wnltlietl In drop 11 tenth of mi Inch or inure uml rlu iikiiIii nt once. Oh? W a Sktptlo. Tn pioneer dny 11 aetller nenr the prenont town of Alhmiy. Mo,. IiiiukIiI for Id wife the llrt cook aliivn ever ccn In Hint mrl of I he Mute. It wn nn object of Krent curloalty. nnd the womnn'M next door nelchUir, who lived leu tulle nwny. ciinio to eo how It would work. Without cnmmenl he nw the ttluuer cmikrd. Hhe nlo Hie meal wllli Juilumeiit held ln rcerve 'nml llien remarked, with n huku of the heutl: "Well. Snrnli. It cook nil rlhl. nnd Hie vlctunl tiiHte Kood. hut I don't ho llovo it will ever ho it huccch." Mlitakei. To tun l;e mhttulie I liuumii. Kvory hotly ninUes iiiIhiiI;i'h, thu Pent of nn lucliideil. To ncktiowiedKu mlNlukes I cummeiidittile. It N evidence (hut one U leurnlnu hy 'Xerletice, nml It allow thill he linn (he coiirnue to nckiiowietlu'o u hlunder. CouniKe I 11 rnro iunlliy In tliemt dii.VH.-l,t'Hllt''H. DadU ExpreiMd, "Ye. Aunt .V.nry went tint without her ruhhern, muUiiow nhe I In heav en." "My. my! What drendfitl thlnpt result from n little ciirelCHsuenar Kx chniifc'o. PHOTO .MAIIiKltH 1'Olt HA1.IJ. 1'hott)' nmllcra In alios 8x10 mid TxiM Inches mny ho olitnlnod ut The llullotln' olllco. . Hear thla In mind whou .you, hnvo a picturo to send through the mall. RALLIES SUGGESTED HOURNI2 WRIT liS TO COUN'IV CLEUKS .Mini)' HenelliN Woiilil ItiNiill, lie Hit)', If VotelN .Met ttl KrltiiiillliillHi'H mill lllfrlit'oeil I'lilltlcnl .Mi'iidiircH N i w I' p p r in o n t. Hnuntor Jonntlimi Itoiirutt, Jr.. tin Mililritiiiwl the following letter to 1'itnli I'oiuity clerk In Ore:nu: "II In now touceilmi oven Iiy the liltleri'ft utiPtilfon or iiopiilnr Movnrit tiiciil Hint the Orcnon h)'Ioui tin emtio to ntny. Iletntofore tho friend of popular Koveriimi'tit Imvo lieen eoiiipulleil to devote their iinr:lcn to ilefelldlllK Hint fVMleill hkhIiim! tlio Htlnek of II nticnili mid Imve Iiml tittle oinmrtiinlty to ilinote MttetiiP.ii ... .... ..!.... ... .: ..... .. ' ' '" t"" iniiriiviiiK ine H)ieiil or perti'CiiiiK 0ieiNilon. ,mj (lint the opiKHillloti tin limtn over coiiie. I mil wrlllliK to nk your upln lotl of u plNtl Whtrh I hwlli'Ve will iimke tlio toui work mure mmUm- fHCtoilly. "Ah Vfiil liiif.U' f.nt. ultat,il.,u .m qulio Hint lint Hcrelnry of Htnte nIihII ,. .. ..,. ... .nn,,..,'.. . i- 11111II to ineiy reKlHleriHl t titer rer tnlu pnmphleiH kIvIiik Informiitlou 10 KnrdliiK CAtidldtiti1 Ktid iiieNiure to lie voted upon hy the people. I)ltrl hultnn of thoae pHtiiplilet mid their direful remllni: Iiy (he people I n very ImiMirtHiit fonture of the Myititiu, nnd, therefore, tmtiy riiKltrntloii of voter I dclnlile. (iimmI Cnteriilllelll HiiIIIcn. ttiKKcat Hint rounty ulllroni, eipeelnlly county clerk mid kcIiooI Huperlnteiident. HrrniiKo with the cltlten of nil imrtie tu r 11 nil roiu- tltltl") it hold Kond Kiiveiument milieu In achiHillioiiae, nt which meetlilK liolnr) I tic or JuMlctt of the H'it.' rim le iirenent to fill out reKltrntlon i.lmik for voter mid aetid tho Mine to tho county clerk. At audi meetlilK ineAHuren prnKint.'d for ndtiptlon hy the people row Id lie dlnciiMied. tjulle likely kooiI feel 1 11 k would It' promoted Iiy not iIIhciihIhk ciititlldnte on kiicIi occhmIoii. but leavliiK the tlliciiimlon entirely to inonKurc. In my opinion, the Inltl Htlvc nnd lefi'ientliiin I of Krent value nn nn mliicntlounl itKenry lnce It encti'it.iKe voter lu fhuly nnd ill- Your Income IoH'iul uiKtii the kind of nil wry Mtiti-k joii Kel If you nro wIIIIuk to pny n fair price. ou will Ket K'xid tree. VOf t'ANT tlKT SOMK TIIINI5 1'Olt NOTIIINd. lr you ex pect to pny iiexl-lo-iiotlilnK nutl et ITnhI, Mi-Ht-clnm ktiM'k. you tiro miv inkeii, tlmt'n nil. You cnu't produce n liltth ijunllty tree tor little or until Ink any more tlinii you ran an nve. waxon. or any liuplemeiit. Ynr AUK Tilt: I.OSI'.lt ir you let the iiitllili nt piiee alone Influence your JudKinent when liuyliiK- Your 1 08 I not teniporary, hut extend over a Ioiik pellet! of year nn your orchard ntnud. The folly of ImyliiK cheap Htock will he ItuprewtOil ukiu you encli year a you llRiire your re turn, lienor he on the mifo aide ami huy where you are uro of Kel tin Juki what you want. Our union thl year could not Imvo ao Inrnt'ly Hiirpinmed IhhI yenr'a had we not innde kihmI In tlie Ht,t. CntnloK free. Yakima Valley Nursery Co. More Salesmen Wanted STEVENS! Tft STEVENS jVo. 335 Doubt 7larrl Ilammtrlejs Shotgun It ttnnijinl where. otlu-rKiiiinrewiilfj. Thu lmr re It nutl hur tire tlrop-forKctl In one phve of lilxh l'riiurcktecl, choku Ihirttl for nltro iwtli'r with timth-il rib. I'lik tip till. r-ii'i mnl fi-i-l tho IkiUmv tif It exiitniiit tlio wutkiinr pul. rltutaiyniHl M-ellu-tine i-iirr nml 1111UI1 uf ili-tnll-)uii will mi If. n triNiirr. It lll at imly 930.00 nml ulll tw fniirruttt iirt-mlil iltrivt rnim tint fattury Pi iii wm nniHol wrMre V I II Mniuii 11 ilniltr. mI 'WnltinevAtUlll'.v r tt."IOt. ..M,M. WtU" .(.J. STtVENJ ARMS A TOOL COMPANY C ... f.d, IhiXUKU "U ry,A VU'TLl-SL V !!- .,1,1 KMLh :t nk mtsumw: lfglWfi8fiWlH AMWlndTlu.U.lt(oionHL about Imtii, HcWot. itUi. B?v0 ImL aj houil.i poultrr 5, Kfjtt .22ii42iaJHk- cTlNII pUllllc H0R(l0IIN, "Th;o Komi Kovorninont nillle nt cnnnlry Rclioollioimvii would not only ho n Itunellt aoulnlly. hut ocuro trnrly riiKloirtitlon mid hu it liunetlt vitucn tltiniilly. They would tend to mnko tlio opitriitloii or our populitr kovomi IIIDIll ItlWH mot o MIltlMfHGlory mid tlltlN furlhor n-ftito thu uHiwrllon iiihiIh In tint HiihI hy tint ciiomlo of tlio Oro Kon Hytttom Hint our Iiiwh ro Imprnc-tlctililo. "I mil itlno wrltliii? tlio rounty mip orlnliitiilont hecHtmo ho tin nonurnl HUporvlKlon nt tlio uho of Our ncliool Iioiihcm. I wUli you woiilil talk with It I in uml If you Hpptove of tint plnn. (itkit hir'Ii HlcpH hh you deem lieat to Htart tho inoveinotit In your county. ! Tho WHITE IS KING I The BEST ull-romul Family f -. , , . SCWintf iMUfllllie tllill Cltll DC produced. Made in both.RO- nr Anv i.vmn atad .....i.. 1 mv tftv iLiw-k vi ij its. T li c rottiry makes both Lock nnd Chain stitch. The , ... . . latest up to the minute steel nttaehments with each ma-, . . , , , chine. Soltl on easy payments, Send name and address for, our beautiful H. T. catalogue jrcCt White Sewing Machine Co. MOO Market Street San Francisco, California. I frnAiNR niiN THROiiam Between Central Oregon Points and Portland RE! iVLiUJ .11111 Trains use the wonderful new brMKe across the Columbia Wver nt Celilo Falls. Daily train leuves Ilond nt C:30 a. tn.. arriving at Portland nt ri::0 p. 111. Direct connection at Fallbrldfre with through train for SK)knne, St. I'nul ami ChictiKfl, arriving at Sjwkane at 9:45 the name evening. Direct connection nt Vancouvor, Washington, allows arrival same evening nt Tncomit and Seattle. Ixtaving Portland at i):55 a. in., daily train arrivos at alt Central Oregon points enrly snme evening. Tickets sold through to jtoints in the East, Northwost and California. Details will be furnished on request. V. I:. COiMAN, Oen'l. J. II. CORUETT, V. o I ( Announcement The United Warehouse Company C HAS secured the contradl to hnndle nil the freight'of the Oregon Trunk and Descliutes Hnilroads nt Bend. The Moody system at Shaniko willj.be em ployed, and merchnnts'of Bend and interior towns will.'get their shipments without inconven ience. Have your freight con signed in care of BD R The United Warehouse Company W. H. BENTLEY, Manager. Bend, Oregon. I hollovo thin vlll hnlp to nociitr enrly nnd tomplcto ro;liitrntlon In rural commtinltliB, it nt fiicllltulo your nn work. I will npprcclnto nn oxpreiwlon of your view," I'llATKII.VAh HDCIirriKH. M. W. of A. Pilot Uutte Cnmp No. 0704 MecU every Tuowlay In hall over itoBtofllcc. ' Vlsitlnff NelKhbom alwayR welcome. I Z. W. LlndborK. V. C. I N. P. Welder, Clerk Deschutes Lodge No. 103 K. of P. Meet every Wednesday I'venlni.' at 8 v. in. in CiiHtlo Hail, ixMt-oltlco Mldjf. VlHltinjf Knljfhu welcome. Clin. I). Howe, C. C. N. I'. Kmlth, K. II. Sc H. I. 0. 0. F. Rend Ixwle No. 218 HcK. MeetlnjfH every Monday nlnht Vinitora welcome 0. M. Patterson, N. G. W. L. Win;, Secretary. BUND LODGK No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or 1 before the full moon of each j ' . "'"'"" U'"B uroiucrs always welcome. ; i. DtMo, w m. h. k. Aiin, fimtt.ry ' 1....l... " ' '"ATHIt.VAI. llltOTHHItllOOII. Ufinii ,odKe mcolB cvcry 8nturday evt'nlnK ln ' r lwatonice. vi- Hlni? hrnther and lister always welcome. Jf- N- Hoffman. Prcident IIOVAI. NHK.'IIIIOItS AIKUICA. dH- aubt. vuitmg memhers of the order welcomed, Mrs. ticorea S. Youne. Oracle. Mr. 1.. c. KicminR. itccordcr. SONTRUNKKY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Freight & Pass. Agt. Agt., Ucnd, Ore. j 3 r c then nk Photos? Having your portrait mudc l a duty you owe the family, friends and your- BC'If. o We have n cnrofully se lected line of tasty and up-to-date mounts to choose from. o With our new cabinet and equipment there's no day too dark or hour too late. o STEP IN and moke nn appointment. o Cue SJcwarfc j3tM&l0 Shoe REPAIRING First Class Work of all kinds done promptly. Q. F. HURT Wall street, Bond, Ore. j Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. 5 FIRE!! FIR.E!!! t The Wood That will make you warm Is the wood you buy of Carter. KNOT WOOD $3.50 a load BLOCK WOOD $4.50 a load I will haul to town every day from now on. Watch for me! I am coming! F. M. CARTER THE WOOD MAN. r II u KEEP YOUR CLOTHES CLEAN! See H. Q. RAINEY TAILORING. CLEANING, PRESSING. Oregon St., Bend. Ore. H. .P. SMITH PLASTERING and Flue Building Bend, Oregon r Iruile utarki ui.1 cwrrlatit. uUalunl or im tf. BmuI mUL .krichc or' flioUM aM it Krlptloa fur PRCK SEARCH and mil ou ptUUUlr. luak wf tkk PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for you. Our fm toolkit. t.U how. wbtt to lanciit uklMnrwinuur, Wrtutoiir. D. SWIFT k CO. . PATBnT LAWYERS, ISemthSt., Waa!atM.D.C. lie miro you nro right your wife.