The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 31, 1912, Image 6

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Goernor Weal ling Issued tho fol-
lowlng proclamation designating tho
week beginning not Sunday ns Oood
Itoads Week:
SAhtiM, Ore., Jan. 2. Oregon Is
on the evo of a groat awakening. Tho
morrow will bring tho Panama Canal,
nnd with It will come unbounded op
portunities with their attendant In
flux of population nnd consequent
commercial and Industrial growth,
ndvancement and prosperity,
Our Creator In tho beginning
moulded our slate with kindly hands.
Whott we think of her delightful cli
mate her hundreds of miles of
golden beach, her lofty mountains
nnd streams, crystal lakes nnd beauti
ful harbors, lior magnificent forests
and rolling prairies, fertile vnllcjs
nnd roaming herds, of her waving
strain and luscious fruits n land
dotted with prosperous cities and pro
ductive farms we must admit that
nature has fully performed her part.
The federal government too has
treated us fairly In tho way of ap
propriations for the development of
our waterways nnd even the rail
roads have awakened to tho reali
zation of our needs and their oppor
tunities nnd are checkerboarding tho
stnto with bands of steel.
In view of these things we nro
prompted to ask ourselves what
should wo do In the way of co-oper-ntlon
with these sovoral agencies for
the development of the state? It Is
true that wo have given good taws,
pood government and good schools
nnd many other desirable things to
those who have come within our
orders, but much of this good has
been nullified by some of the things
we have failed to do and chlof among
these Is our neglect lap the matter of
tho construction of good roads.
Without good roads there can be
no great development and no great
progress. What wo need most Is
more people mora people In tho
rural districts. And In order to at
tract people to the rural districts wo
must make rural life pleasant and
attractive. You cannot maroon a
new settler and his family on a farm
in an ocean of mud, no matter how
beautiful the spot, and expect to And
him happy and content. Ho domands
good roads leading to the church and
the schools and good roads leading to
the markets and ho Is going to locate
In that section where these advan
tages are to be found.
It Is not only our duty but It Is In
keeping with good business to build
good roads. Money spent for good
roads Is money well spent. When wo
New Settler. Delighted With Weather
of Itoiucttcnd Country
. rniNGLK FLATS. Near Held P.O.,
Jan. :!. All the new settlers here
arc praising this country for Its nice
weather, which certainly cannot be
beat. Most of these are Washing
ton eopl, too. who know what good
weather Is.
Mr. Libber went to Prlnevllle this
week for supplies. Tom Comstock
aoeompatttocf hint and took in bis
coyote and cat skins.
C. C. Stevenson and Martin Hall
moyor went down Camp Creek last
wsek and bought three Jorsey cows,
Xr. Stevenson getting two and Mr.
llallmoyer one. Thuy arc fine look
ing stock.
The Jackrabblts aro getting so wild
hare the homosteadtrs will probably
hTe to get longer ranged guns or go
without jackrabblt moat.
C. C. ItaUlcy U taking qulto a va
cation this winter In ISond.
Tho school horo Is getting along
very nicely, not having lost a duy
altiee It started Dec. 11.
Umpire Ilulldcr Patent a Track
lcvel .Machine.
ST. PAUL. Minn When tho next
Iwme of Who's Who In. America
comes out, James J. Hill, besides be
ing called a railroad builder, rt eol
lector and a few other things, Is
likely to mo tacked to his name the
word "Inventor " Notleo was sent
out ftoin tho Washington patent of
fice to Mr. Hill that ho has been
granted a patent on a track level
niaohlne, tho first of the kind to be
used anywhere.
The Invention Is a four wheeled af
fair. It runs along the track and by
moans of a spirit level section men
nro able to tell where tho "bumps"
aro. This takes the placo of the old
hand level generally lu use, and
turves for economy and quicker re
IwrtB on the condition of the rails.
The machine has been In use on
the Great Northern for some time. It
has been declared uniformly success
ful by operating officials, ,-ud It was
decided that Mr. Hill get out a patent
on tho Invention
Mr, Hill has suggested many things
on which devices have been Invented
making for tho improvement of tho
road. .There is tho triangular tie In
Koneral use on tho Great Northern,
Northern Pacific and the Hurllngton,
which Is more economical and easier
to maintain than the rectangular
Borne of ua aro born foolish and
never outgrow.iL , ,'
i J'l IM-flES, ?,m0, raoro aulckly to
liltn TwboUps wi&'waito'r. ' '
tpenk of spending scleral millions of
dollars In tho next few years In rond
construction tunny are staggered by
tho proposal and tho figures. They
apparently are not aware that tho
several counties In this stnto spent
oior ten million of dollars during tho
past six years for road work, much of
which was lost through lack of j li
tem nnd knowledge ns to scientific
road building.
Tho question of good roads has
boon fairly well discussed of late and
we have learned mora about road
building during the past few years
than wo ever know before, but wo
still have much to learn and still
hnie much to do before wo under
take on n largo scale the construc
tion of n Bystcm of hlghwnjs In this
sta .
We need first: the passage of
model good road laws. Second: a
competent man at the head of the
highway department. Third: funds
BUltlclont to carry on tho work.
These things will come only
through united effort, nnd united
effort will como only through a clear
understanding of the whole question
by tho whole people of this state.
Thla understanding will come only
through tho study by, nnd education
of, tho wholo people
Numerous btllls are about to bo
Initiated or presenter to tho legis
lature by the friends of good roads In
different parts of tho; ami,
Whereas. It Is most Ini.nrtnnt that
tho peoplo of Orego-i jIiouM give
deep and thoughtful attention to tho
consideration, study and discussion
pf these measures.
Now, therefore, I, OsVvnld West,
Governor of the State of Oregon, by
vlrtuo of tho power of authority In
mo vested, do hereby proclaim the
week beginning tho fourth day of
February, and ending tho tenth day
of February, ns OOOD UOADS
WKKK, and I do hereby earnestly
recommend to tho peoplo of this
state that during this period Hie
question or good roads legislation bo
given careful thought and study
through public and private discuss
ion and through tho columns of tho
press, In order that knowledge per
taining thereto may be 'increased,
public sentiment crystallzed and of
fvctlvo legislation secured.
In testimony hereof, I have here
unto set my hand and cnused the
Great Seal of tho state to bo affixed,
on this the twenty-sixth day of Janu
ary, 1912.
Development of Oregon Will Ik Aim
of Knllway .Mint.
PORTLAND. Jon. 30. Lloyd W.
McDowell, for some time connected
with the Ruth Trust Company, has
been appointed Industilal agent for
the North Hank and Hill lnes In Ore
gon. The appointment was made by
General Freight and I'aMienger Agent
W. K. Coman. of the 3. P. & S.
The office of the Industrial agent Is
a new one and will Important lu
view of the fact that the Hill system
Is going to carry on a vigorous and
continuous campaign fur settlers and
new industries In the state.
"Mr. McDowell will devote his time
to ttlriint. in the development of the
state along the company's lines In
Oregon," said Mr. C'Jiiiaii. "This
will mean a groat deal of work on ac
count of the fact that our lines tap
large areas as yet undeveloped.
"Iwo experiment statlous will bo
located undoi the. direction of the
Oiugoti Agricultural College In cen
tral Oregon, one to devote Its experi
ments to dry farming and the other
to irrigation. Tho teniorary cost of
conducting thoso stations will bo
borne by tho railroads and the com
mercial Interests of iortland until
they can be turned over to the state."
Mr. McDowell has beeu publicity
manager for the Ruth Trust oom
pauy, a subsidiary Hill company, and
was In charge of the publicity depart
ment of the Governor's Sperlal train
which toured the eastern and middle
state u few weeks ago with exhibits
from ten u eater n stnt'H, Oregon tak
ing a ver prominent part.
Hill Pi hi Ides for Pay or I.on of
Time From Injury.
WASHINGTON, D. C On motion
of Senator Dixon tho Sonato adopted
an amendment to tho House bill for
relief of employes of tho Iluroau of
Mines, providing that hereafter any
employe of tho Forest Sorvlco In
Jurod while on duty shall be com
pensated by tho Government for such
time as ho lobes as a result of his
injury and granting one j ear's pay
to tho family of any forestry omployo
who may bo killed In tho sorvlco.
PORTLAND, Jan. 30. A stato
convention of men working for equal
suffrage In Oregon will bo held In
Portland during July or August.
This is the announcement mndo by
Attorney William Davis, president of
the Oregon Equal fluff rago club.
County clubs aro to bo formed
throughout tho stato, from which
clubs delegates wilt be selected to at
tend the state convention.
Tho man who Is satlsftod with jilm
self never worries on account pf his
neighbor's estimate of blm.
Th Crsis For Litigation It Amirloa't
Moit Costly Felly,
If one were linked to uiimu the cost-
licit folly known In thli couulry ho
would not bo fur from tho mark If ho
should nay It was tho American cruse
for litigation.
In mmiu eommunltloi, especially tho
smiill euei In mrnl district, u man's
Importance seem to be measured by
the number of lawsuits ho has ou
Intiid. and he who hits none la often re
gnrded us a person of slight cenio
qnenee. Hut the bnblt of going to law Is not
coujlued to smalt neighborhood, nor
to porxons of trilling affair, an a idu
gle hit tn nee will ahow. There U now
In prooesi of settlement In n neighbor
ing stnto the estttte of n mint which at
the (11110 of hK death win valued at
f 1,000,000. Itlwil claimant to the
proerty engaged In litigation, widen
hni extended oxer n period of nconil
jean, nnd now. ni the end npproach
es. It U said tho estate ha dwindled
to about ifJH.lM).
Miuilfe-tly the pttrtlr. to thli litiga
tion have iiinde n heavy reitmcnt In
experience; but, uuhnp...' fur them,
It It not what tlnauilcrs cull a "liquid
Otildts Our Own Luna Twtnty.fiv
Others Ar Known to Enltt.
There are lu nil twenty live moon
bcsldei our queen of night. Marx
lug two, Jupiter eight, Saturn leu, t ra
nui four anil .Neptune one, xnjn the
Philadelphia Public Ledger. Ofcourxe
new lunar mlillilntis are likely to be
dWcmcnd at nuy time, although It I
ImprobMble that Mercury nnd Veuiii
have any Mitcllltiw or that Mara h.n
more than two.
The two kuuwn iuimiiu of Man are.
Indeed, very minute, neither Mug over
tlfty tn lie In diameter. On tho other
hand. Jupiter's llr-tt four satellite, ai
well ns Ganymede, are ouch larger
than Queen Luna, (Jail) mede having it
diameter of about ,1,.VU inllei. Titan
of Saturn poweinei a diameter npprox
lniutlnj; S.t) mild, while that of Nep
tune's xele Mtlelllte It about '.',' K) iiiIIih,
Am rvsMH.'ti our own huhiii, tjuceu
Luna ba only eue-forty-uluth the site
nnd one-elghty-llnt the weight of our
earth. Luun's dlttnure from ui vnrlert
n good deal, from 221.000 miles to 'ill'.
000 tullei. Her mean or nventge din
tame U about milt.
At With Tears In Hli Cyti.
On one oeewdou General Scott at
tended a banquet where all the states
of the I'tilou were represented by a
dlh In Mime way UinrMcterlUlc of
emh vommuuweaith. Peine) Ixntiln
wan represented by. n ImiwI of HMUer
Urn lit, nnd In nukliis of the fact the
next morning the general remarked, "I
(artook of It with teem lu my ejes."
Thin fimdnetM of Scutt fur the good
thing of the tttblc, tiikeu lu coiijuur
tlun with the f union "Imity plate of
soup" Incident, gave idut to the name
of "MiiMluil Turenne," with wldch be
w owee salutrd by the Itev. Dr.
Smith Pjne, an ImeUrale puiuter. It
whh Dr. Pyue wlui onee exclalined
after hearing Ole Hull pley. "If honor
ary degre-4 were itoiferreil uxin inn
sblaiH Ole Hull would In Ih'de I). D."
Marfaiu OtmxuiiBiir lu "An I Iteuium
ber." Blackjacks.
The ourl.'ett drtuMuK veiwoto far
win hmI an wre tlno made from
nkliw of miiIiiihIi, Mini tlit ntweln
still retain tbelr popularity lu the etrnt
sihI ou the coiilliient. In KliKlmid
the himIi were made of carefully
tanned hidei w lilt Ii were uubnwknble
and Hiniel eVerlilHllHK propertliM,
The IdMikJHekM, fumed In wing mid ho
ry, were sltHped like pltiiierrt mid were
fHNhloued from one large pleee of
leather, which ivai curled In the iiccott
Miry lUHiiuer Pitch win smeared ovit
the liMlde. Thene old guvu
tbelr iiHiuo to the heavy riding bouts
worn by envallers, which euiuu to be
culled JiiPkbootx. Owing to tin1 pupil
larlty of the Iiliickjni-Ui the Fremh d
dared that the Kuclbth drank out of
their boot. Ijiiiilim (iliilNf.
Th Sttlng Eyo.
I know a man who Iiiin lived on one
farm half n (oiiiury. Ho sleeps In
the room lu which lie wax iMirn. Ho
know every rod of hU farm in the
dark. Vet hi luiiibx nnd bin plgn, the
velvety roll of new sprouting wheat,
the proroHftlou of the hcihoiih, the ap
ple tretH he pluuted mid Iihm wntched
for jeura nil are new to him each
day. 1 have seen him stand nnd look
at 111 sheep ns if he wore n city mail
long shut out from such night. A
MUtiHct or ii Kuurbtu Is to him u miracle
new performed each day. That man
has the seeing eye. Detroit News.
Not What He Exp.cUd.
"Darling," he murmured, "whatever
Induced you to curu for n follow like
nicy (
"I really don't know, Ooorge," uho
replied. "Pa lias threatened to solid
lie to a bruin HpeciulUt."-Hotuu
Old Tim Vintners.
In the city of I,ondm at the tlmo of
King John every vintner wuh required
to hang outnldo his shop mi Iron ves
sel with pegs marking the different
quantities sold.
Easy Prediction.
"I Imvo often predlctid that my
wlfo'n hair would bo nice nnd curly tit
night," said the clever ono. "How did
I know? Why, I uaw It lu the morn
Ing papers."
Every man has n right to Judgo ono
Individual only, and that la himself.
Table always eupplloil with the best that the town affords,
Ncnt nnd Comfortnhlo Rooms. DitNl), OiutOON
Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath
A Specialty
The timber we cut (rout It the bet lu the conn
try, mill AH mile toiitlicmt of llrud.
Pine Forest Lumber Com'y
H, J. Eggleston
Manufacturer of HnrnoM nnd Snildlea Denlern In WtiKons,
HuKKies nnd Fnnn ImplvinvntM liny and Urnln for wile.
UWnVl"y-fJil'syr-- ' si i
Short and Diredl
and Other Western Oregon Points
Oregon-Washington Railroad (Sl Navigation Co.
.Throujih Cnr Sorvlco from Hond to Portland,
Daily Train
Leiivu Hunil
" Itodmnnd ... .
" OimlCity
" MotoIluH
" Madras
Arv. DoHchutoM Jet..
" Tho Dallw
" Portland
C:.'t() u. in.
7:21 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:22 a.m.
8:46 a.m.
r::iO p.m.
For further information call on any O.-W. H. & N. AKont
or write to
Witt. aicmOrray
General PajwunKer Acent, Portland, Oregon.
Co Journeying
The-ell le so much to tell nlit when you get
btck itf tr n fit at ion trip Hast on tho Great,
Nortlwn Railway, through the Kockios at sun
v: , ith Hit) wet world bathed in colors, ns you
vie v It from tlu commodious observation put
form on tl.o
Oriental Limited
tliotwfcct throuRh train to St. Paul, Minneapolis,
( hlr..ii;o. The I.aku Park RcKion of Minnesota jxis-Kt-iMiH
ylvnn charm, and tho Klorioui Groat L.ikw
tnp carries you thnnijjh a land of cncluintmcnt to clti.s In the Kan. Oct folder, "Eastern Tnn
for V t -rn People" and information olxnit Special
Kound-'frlp i ummer I'aro.' Call on or addresi
Archibald (iray
A. O, !', ii l. A., VortlunJ, Oregon.
our Block of lino Hnrneiw nnd
roo If you uvor tutw tiny bettor
mndo nt ntiytliinir liku our
pricvH. Wo uni only the vury
1hsI of It'iillierH nnd employ
only thoroughly comiK'tont
help, cotiMiUently we know
that wu hiivu tho Iwat clnaa of
Kiiodd to oirer If you with to
purchiuo ii io t from Htock. or
wo ninko IiIkIi Krnde UurnuMt
to order when tlunlred.
W s mi s I i i -rmmm-w 1 wsonv-a
Route to Portland
...Fro nil..
Redmond and
Central Oregon
I.v. Portland 70 & 10:00 n.m.
" TheDnlloit... 12:HB p.m.
" DotfcluitonJcL 1:20 p.m.
Arrive MndntH fiMo p.m.
" Motoliua.... :00p.m.
" 0kiI aty.... (!:BH p.m.
" lUilmoml 7:110 p.m.
" Ilcnd 8:16 p.m.
y" f
1 1 II H I i
1 1 n ii I u i
Hf7 lDpy 5
,ii:iihi:vh nui ham:.
Hovtmlnuii lluirouithhrod JorsoyM,
nil of which nto yniiiiK coun and lu
liulxht ot mllkliiK now, sumo of them
Junt frtiuh, for hiiIo, Prices iiiiiku
from $00 to ftin a head, at Hhurwood
III on.' raunh 'l miles ninth of llend.
Phouit, or addroHH nt IUhIiiioiiiI, Ure.
VV. W. Faulkner, D. M. D.
Unite till IIuIIiIIiik,
II e u d, Orc( o u
Ward H. Coble
Atloiiii'j- nt Imu,
Olllco lu Desi'hutim llnuk IIuIIiIIiik
OpiionUh Poslolllrii.
Ileiul, OruKon.
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Oflicc Hoiim: to to u , m.; t to j mid
7 tuli p, in,
Bkni), : Okkoon
Vernon A. Forbes
George S. Youno;
Civil, Minimi and Iiiiikutiqn
OroKon Street
OlHco with J. A. IviwtpH.
Civil Knoinkkk and Sukvkvuk.
Wall nnd Minnesota Sts,
llend. OrcKon.
Crook County Abstract Co.
to all Imiil snd town lot. In Cimtk county.
II I'., Secy.
I'rlllrvlllc, OrrKOli,
Wc photograph the record".
Puhlic Ijiii.I Mnttors: Hnnl PrtMif.
DotMirt IjihiIh. (!ontiwtji nnd MiniriK
Ciihc, Scrip,
ArttMiciule Work for Attorneys.
Undertaker nnd Kmlmltuer
Full Assortment of Undertnklni; ,
Fir street Hend, Oreon
nxroi'picK M'lt.niNo
I N S U K A N C It '
Notary Puldir h. Coir)HrlHK All
IKI l'rt Cnrivcilv Drawn.
.Mrs. Maude Aliuworlh
Over Skum-'H Store
Wall Htreet . Uoiid, OruKn,'
Plumbing, Steam and Hot'
Water Heating
JubhliiK Promptly Attended to.
Caldwell & Alain
All Kinds of Blacksmith ;
MlnnoHotn St., Uet. Uond and Wall. ' .
Ask Yourselves ' '
WHO does your cleuninp nnd prei
inp;, and thomj who nro bent Bntwv
fled with their orderB in that line
will Bitrely rofer you to m, Wo ,
Imvo built up n reputation for
doinir IiIkIi cluwt work in u .
short tlmo nnd at n very
Star Dry Cleaning
With A. L. Pronch
Oregon Street,
. j J.