J FANNUAL MEAN TEMPERATURE AT BEND IS Having cllnmto (lint In mllil tlio yliulo yotir niund, without tint ox nunr of litmt ntiil cold Hint oituso lurfnrliiK. I Until peoplu consider iliiiiiimilvim linmt fortunntr. Tlm (jjovuriintiint leeord fur tilKlit jenra Shown Unit tlio iintiunl inimii luiiiiuru Htntlom i :n :i:i, ;k i, :n :n ai, .17 k. i:i.i n 10.0 I0.fi - Ilond .T0.U 310 :i;t.j jh.:i EClriiM Vulley fi IVJ 7,10.11 rui.r. iiih ,a 6ii.fi ,H H.O ;i io.o uiouior IViliinvlllc... fil.O ftl.l Ifcllver lJikii. IH.H Tlm Dalle.. Winnie .uu ISO.H na.4 fil.O X'.l VnrnniiiiK X.H! NEWS OF CRESCENT Huvcrnl Korlnl AlfnlrN (liven for 'lllln Voiiiik l.mllfH. PltKHCKNT. Jan. SH. K. 0. Itotirk In In I'ortlnnd thin week on limine W. O. Ilarrlman and V J. Nlcho Inn, both of tlui l-'oreat Hervlco. hnvo inlurned nfter miJoyliiK i inuntli' vacation, the former with hi parent In WlMroiixtn mid tlm latter with hi family In Hoiitliorn Oregon. Mlase Mnry nnd Kthel Harbor mid their cousin. Mini Alta Irwin, urn Hin Kiicitn of MlmicH Mnn mill Dorothy Andcrxiii thl week. I'ort'nt Riinirvlor W. W. Crydor returned on Wednesday's stage from Portland where ho attuudod tlio foroNtitrn' convention. Mm. (I. W Atidenou U vliltlnic In l.n I'lnn with her huntmild, who lit n contractor nt Hint plnco. A. M CnlMo mid family hnxf re turned to ChoiiwiNMi. Their ninny frleiiiU regret tholr dewrtur. I Peterson of the Im line Moronn tll Company waa In town on busi ness tlio flril of lh vrok. T I". Ilntimor trnmnetod IhikImihui In l.n I'lno 'm!iieday, rttturnliiK THuritdny. Clinrli'i (Jrnv drovn tnK Tuw day for I'rod Krrlnxlon, who took middi'lily III nt thU dncn. Tlio noclnl dnnco Moudny uvmiliiK wnn nn Joy ihI ly nil. Mr. Krinl CIhrvoh, nldy nwlnlisl liy Mr. Jon I. ItliiKo. oniortntiKMl tlio Indlx of Crnaeout TiiMHlny nflortioou. Dainty rvfrmhiimiit wuro rvil to Hi follow Iiik: Mr. John Tylor, tlio following: Mr. John Tylor. MImhm Altn Irwin. Mnry llnrl-or. i:thl Harbor, .Man Aitdnriiii. loan AtdKatH. Dort'thy Andoriwrn nnd ICIIm Tylor Wwlnwdny ovunliiK ilUwn Mny nnd Dorothy Andcnntn ontorlnlnod with rnnl.' pomidlitiMMiliiK MIm Mary nnd ICtwl ltnrbr mid Altn Irwin. ThiHKt prtnnt wnro Mr. nnd Mr. Jo I.. Itlnito. Mr. nnd Mr. I'rod rimH. Mr. IS. (1. Itourk. Ml loun AioKHt' MMr. W o. Ilarrlwnn, l rtrMin and O. W. AndorMin. THREE NEW COURSES MH tiiltcrolli Will TnU op ilio! hludy of IllnU. Kl'tHCMC.--Thrt nw enurtw, to 1 Ktvoii nt the t'nlvtinilty of UrMon nt noiiHtr. at. "IllnU." Iy Pro ftNHHir mvnrd. hrad of tho dnrt liiont of Miolof; ; "How to.Xtudy." hy Mian Moutnnn llnatlnn. nn lnitruc tor In tho dnxirtHinNt of odiifntlon; and "ICoonomlfi llutnuy" hy l'rofonr MwoBtier. hoNd or tho ilomrtnioiit of Ifolnuy. Tho ntudy nf hlrdn will ronnUt of I $rpm VX BRAND W M Hams or Bacon I K for broakfaat not only nlTord a mott ilollolou and an. J B. ret,"nfc monl It U a iiumelu bulldor a woll It fit a one L S aa sT- .'" '' auoorafiil aturt of a tiny of trcnuous V jm "ofu 8 dutlc. In Columbia llrand llnms nnd Iluoon M C rf inm.el.rl ?"" '.mvo tho ,,l,ml ,,''4 trout, KacU ham I A.ndK!...5) ' of "'" U. H.aovcrnment In.pecU I 4 VV ,. e,1 I"11"""' ' atnmiHHl. Vtm have ovary & aa nuiurunco thnt CuImiiiMh Jlraiul trnde mark U I v.-!y on Hum uml llaoou ueaiii hluhott quality, m jK At Beat Dealers, Hotels and Cafe J W Unto Meal Company, Portland, Or. JKr ' f to Utltit Ik. rtollla fr 44.8 DEGREES turo Intro In I.H douree. tlio IiIkIiiihI inimii for nny moiitli IkiIiik 1-.7 for July mill tlio lownnt, 'i'J'i, In Novem ber. 'I'lio following table mIiowh Hin record not only of Henri Iml of otlior lli'Hiiliiilt'H Vullny towiiH whuru Mlutls Him liuvo been kit: if I i 3 fifi.a fin, i hi i fis.a fifi.n na.7 111 I fi:i.7 fifi.i 40..-I ao.a L'll.o ill.O 71.0 liia.i IH. 10.0 ii. a im.u ro.fi B7.0 ftl.O wnxft, io.oi.no iu.h !ii:i,;i IIM' 11.7 ,'MMI tfi.a L'im.h ao.o :. .inf.tr mi.4 fi0.7 iw.a 71U tw.:i 70.8 iw.ii ivu iw.o fii:i iia .no ni.l fil.O ,11., 'I f.i.7 la.o 31 J mi.o (W.7 3X8 tho olworvntlon of nil tho wlilim. clmrnctorlntlc, mid hnhlt of tho Oro i;on noiiKntttrn. MU IlnxtliiK' In struction of itudnutn In thu art of ntudyliiK will oonlt of n locturo ciMiro which will tront of thn pnych oloKy of ntudy nnd will oxnlnln thn ronnonn for luck of tho K)wor of con rurtrntlon. I'udor thn tltlo of Itconoinlc Ilotnny, 1'rofoHior Hwootior hn oiitlluod it couru Hint will oin liriico tho rtmly of tho rolutlvo vnluo of food nnd combination of food mid will tront of tholr iromr propnr nt Ion. An noiiio of thn itudoiitn nt tho I'lilvornliy hutch nnd othor hnvo clmrKo of tho huyltiK for tho clulm mid tho frntomltk', tho ntudy of food vnluo will ho n ory jxipulnr con mo. GOLF FOR CROOK Turn Iwuoou'n Sun-lii-liuv will llmo l.lnL on III Itfimli. AIoiir with tho country innnnlou which llonry McCnll, non-lu-lnw of Tout lwnon, I lnilldliiK on hi much on Crooked rlvor ho will hnvo golf link. It will I m n nlno-holo con no, tho tint link In Contrnl OroKon. Work I now boltiK donn on tho Krouiid mid Mr. McCnll nnd hi unlichtxir. Thomn Khnrp. Jr.. who no rmicho ndjoln. will bo nblo to too oft for tholr tint Kama next Niimiuor- It will he nn IrrlRntod courao. Mr. Mlinrii I In clinruo, mid I now on KHKi'd In nrrmii;liiK the IrrUntlon I'nnnl. nnd will w'i'd tho couro to whlto clover mid hluo ktom n noon n tho dltaho nro ooinidtttml. Tho ennnli will mtvo tho double purttoio of Imziiril. na woll n for keeplnn tho Kreon fronh durliiK the Ioiik dry kOABOU. ELECTION DATA I'uniplili'i Coiiiiiliiliitt .Mm Ii liifornin tlon loMH'd K) Ht'iiolrtiy of Kioto. Tho llulletln hn rocolvtsl n copy of nn oihnuttlvo memorandum of the lection Inw of Oronon, contdlod in pninililt't form, which hn jiut iHtou tublUltel under the direction of tho tfecrntnry of Htnte. Mr. Oleott. The tamihtet mny w obtnlnwl fr of.wHtt on npidlcHtlon to Mr. Oleott at NaleiM. Included In tho leaflet U tmrh In formation a mny l found uful to n ntnte, dUtrlct or wmiity oltlce, In the irearntlon nnd HIIhk by u can dldnte of hi uomluntlnR petition, it well na nny nultwueiil ntntomvnta coverliiK oxpondltur Incurred dui hiK onndldncy The olllcen to bo lllloil nt tho oiiMUlnK election are noted n nro the polltlcnl nubdlvUlou of tho itnto nnd tho law rolatliiK to tho proparnllon nnd IIIIiik of lultlntlvo io lltlon. The pnmphlet I tho lint of It kind to bo liouiod In OroKon. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK. rill.d With Oeintry of Wonderful and noklii Orandfur. (Under Nntloiuil park, It mny bn nnld without fear of contradiction, I tlm rnot wonderful nut lira I park In the world. It toiiiprbio tipprnxliiMtoly (Ufi.OOO acred In uiirlhtveKtcrn Moil tuna rnnl I'liihrnn inoro than 1,100 K'ltiMi'o iiiIIoh of the Itocky inoiintalnn, Thl vnKt park I bounded on Iho north by I lit Canadian Hue, on tho cant by the llhtclifoot Indian rcHcrviitluu. on Iho wont by the north fork of tlm Klullioml rlvor mid on tin noil I h by the iiiiilu lino of tlm Ureal Norlhorn rail wny. by which nlone llcnn Im rtnchi'd. Within II Krcnt urea nro 00O.OD0 iicro of wild land that hn novor boon I rod by tho nurvoyor. It I llllod with nci'iinry of nw-klei Brnndeur. Within It ciinllut'K nro inoro than Uty ln rlor mid many mountain pcaki find In Iho eternal niiowm, I.ako .McDonald, another of lu noudcrx, In .'I.I.V) feet iiImivo ea level and urroiitided by lofty iiiuuntnliiN, Avnbiiuho IhinIii, n most remarknblo U ulinped valley. 1 nnothcr of the end lex work of Mother Nature to be found In thl Krcnt national piny Krouml, The entire acope of It, In fact. I laden with thliiKf to attract tho ln lercnt of thn tourbit nnd ntudent of neb once n woll.-.Vetr York Time. OUR STRONQEST MUSCLES. Th ChUf On and lh Largttt U th Oluttu Maximu. Tho Klronuext mucle In tho liumnn body 1 the kIuIoiin mnslmun. Hardly a movement of tho lower extremities ciin bo nindii without bringing It Into piny, but Its chief duty U to balance the ptdvl on the bend of tho thigh Ihiiio. it nmlut In carrying the leg forward nnd outwunl tu wnlklng. nnd without Km aid nny movement of the body from the hlH would luiKtHb ble. An It I tho ntrnngPNt, no U It nUo tho tnrceit inunclo wo ikxmcnm. Id the full Krown mnn It run oxt-rt n force of 110 pound to the xipmro Inch of It nectlon In the thlckeot wrt. Another ntroiig mUHcte. which Ii nltu ntctl in the en If of tho loir, I cnpnblc of NUDtnlnlng neveu tluien the weight of tho body. Tho great tendon which I IUNertet In tho hind Ixme nnd which I rnlled' tendon nclillloi, It nlo of ln gulnr lnngth. When n-movetl from tho IxHly It hn nuMtHlned n weight of 17 x) iHiimiU, yet nometlmr by the niiddpu mtlou of the muclr of the rnlf, to which It belong, It Im been nunppctl ncroM. Th Cr Indian' Wooing. TheCree Indian girl li nought In mar riage not for love, but Imvhiho nhe 1 itruug nnd useful. The young brave who window to take her for hi miUaw It often faint heart oil nnd frequently ieiid by n d ltd ut.i ret ted iktmiii or e eretly Imvih In her tent n gnuily nllk handkerchief purthnnetl from tho Hud-1 niiu liny company When hi Inteu-1 Hull are "thu declared ho goet, nliy ' and nwkwanl. to the father nnd nd;t for the Imnd of hi dnughter. Inmhl the imreut refute convent to tho uuhm the undauuteil wwr win n bride I oWwhere. lie never huIUh or iiiomh; j he net or feel that hi heart will break. ' but enlmly noted mid maUen prope-1 nit for nuotlter inHlden. Women are ldoutlful. nnd perterermiee N ntim to ond tu uataM. Wide World .:agn slue. A Tragus Ponlblllty. I'nclo l.eveu. h grlaale! M wood . jNtwyer, wh luM by a lady for wImihi , he had been working to wnlt In the , kltehon for hi Hupper. Aunt Caroline. Iho cook, tllletl lilt t4ate with choice -bit from the "great houto" table, mid ! t'lielo U'ten tM UHn thorn with rel ish. Soon, how cut, it cloud eroded hi fnee. "Whnt nil yon. Unc' I.even?" nkttl Aunt Caroline nnlldtonaly. "I you pit or pain)" " Tnln't tint. SI' Cnlllne." said Uncle Levr-n. "hut Th feared I'll git ulh-d up befo' I witi all 1 want." Youth' Com panion. s A Cigar Llohtir. Ollbbn-I went a railway Journey tho other day nml (cmiU n Ihix of cigar with me. Nlbbt Well. 1 Mippote you hiul n good ntnoke? Hlbln Aye. I hud thnt, but when the train had Marled I found I'd no mutches, Nlbbt .No umtcheM, mid yet you'd, n good Btuoke? How did you mnunge for n light? (llbbt Well, you c, I opened the box, took out one. nnd Unit made tho box "a clgnr llBhter."-Uudon Tlt-Ults. Th Cur. "Alas, I nm blind!" wnlled rro. "Why don't you consult n doctor?" nnUed Kxperleuce, "I know e famous HIH'clalltt who could cure you." "What l hi name" asked Iive. "Mnrrlnge," replletl Kxperlouco. Phlludelphlu Itecord. Conjugal Amtnlttts. She I wn a fool when I married 1 jou. lie Aren't you 11 fool still? the No, I am not. lie Then you should , bo thankful to mo for reforming you. London Tlt-Illtx. Then H Wnt Horn, lie I dreamed of you last night, T)o you ever dream of mo? Sho (supimw Iiir u ynwnl No. hut I'd IIUo to very much. Detroit Freo Pros. Womanlike. Crawford-How did your wlfo corao to buy you nil those HuspondoraT Crab-shaw-l think she wanted tho pretty boxes thoy came In. Judo. We roust carefully distinguish be tween tho ubsouco of tact and tb pre, euco of principle. John Davidson. FAVORS N ES COMMI1TEE REPORTS BILLS FAVORABLE Henile Inclined to ninko llooiettead l'gMnltitii Morn Liberal, Hut Action .Mny Xot be Itencbed Dm lug Thl Henolon. Wanhlugton dUpatchon lout week cnrrlml the now thnt by n unanlmou vote, tho Honnto committee on public laud had comblnod nnd favorably re ported tho Ilornh thrco-yoar homo Htond bill mid the Jour bill granting linmoitendctH nix month' leave of iibionco In each yonr of renldonco, An the bill I reported, hnmt-tend-ora, nftor tho flriit nix month of con tlnuou renldonco upon their land, will be entitled to lonvo tholr homo ntend for nix inonthu In each huc cecdliiK yonr. thu tlmo when ttbient to bo counted nn part of the three yearn' renldonco roqulred by Inw Thu. the liomontcndcr will bo ablo to ot tltlo ufter cultivating hi land for three buccomIvo numnion, and will bo permitted to bo awny from hi land each winter to earn money cliowhare. The committee wan unanlmoun In reporting the bill and It will bo called up and umiuoHtlonnbly will pan the Honnto nt nn early day. ThU com bined bill U In direct line with tho re form urged by Hanator Ilornh. It U believed that thu bill will pan the XOTICK TO CllKDITOItH. In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for the County of Crook In tho matter of tho octato of John W. White, deceased. Notice I hereby given by the undonlgncd, tho duly appointed nnd acting ndmlnUtrntur of the es tate of John W. White, deeMuod, to the creditor nnd nil penonn hav ing claim ngnlnit tho nald citu'e or aald deceased, to present them duly verified as required by law, within six months after tho first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at tho ofllco of his attorney, Yornon A. Forbes, In the Pint National Hnnk Uulldlng. lleud, Orognn, tho samo being tho place for tho tranactlon of the busi ness of said vstato In said county nnd state. Dated this 8th day of January, 1912. A. C .MJCA8. Administrator of the estate of John W. White, doccniwd. 4-8 NOTICK 1'OIt I'L'HI.ICATIO.V. Department of the Interior, V. S. lind Olllce at The Dalles. Oregon, Jaminry lBth. IH IS. Notice la hereby given that Wlllard W. I.awton, of Olit. Oregon, who, on February SOth, 19U, made homo Mead entry. No. OS 161, for sw4, sec tion X. township 16 south, range 10 tNMt. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention tn make final com mutation proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before II. C. Rills, l'. S. Commissioner at his office, at (lend, Oregon, on the Jtth day of February, 1912. Claimant umiM ns wltneesos: Arthur II. (Jsrtuon, CiHirgo W. Oorl Min. K. II. Young, of Tumalo, Oregon and Hubert DnvU, of Cist, Orogou. 4C-S0 C. W. MOOKK. lloglster XOTICK I'Olt I'CIU.ICATION. Department of the Interior, IT, S. Land Olllce nt The Dalles, Oregon, January ISth, 1912. Notice U hereby given thnt Jmnes A. Holmes, of lleud, Oregon, who, on Deeemlter ?2nd, 1910, mndo homo stead entry, No. 077C3, for so U nw wife noU nnd uw4 soV4. nectlon IS, township 0 bouHi, rnngo 11 oast. Wlllnmettu Morldlan, tins filed notice of Intention to make final commuta tion proof, to establish claim to thb land above described, beforo II. C Hills, U. S. Commissioner at his ofllco, nt Hend, Orogon, on tho 2nd day of March, 191. Claimant names as witnesses Wil liam P. Yandovert, Peter Seggeltug, James S. Smith. Cortex 11. Allen nnd Martin J. Main, all of llond. Oregon. 40-50 C. V. MOOIIK, ReBlstor. Hotel Seward AI.ttltK AND TMKTII HTKJ'JtT PORTLAND, ORKUON Ono of tho Most Artist 0 and Kle-trnntlv-Apiiolnted Hotels In tho Northwest, Kmbodyluj,' Kvory Modomlouvenleuco. In con tor of retail und theater district. lU'KOI'ltAN PLAN Kttti: ll.ca tad up; with IUth, i 00 nj up. Hut mt cU ll lriu. Orl'l In iwnifctlon. W. M. BKW7iHD, rtopflttor. W A ftonnto without opposition. It appllcn to onlargod homesteads, a woll ns to ICO-ncro entries. Action Tblt Hcftxloii Unlikely. Another report from Washington U to thu effect that no Important land lobulation can bo onncted nt this ses sion. Chairman Itohlnson of tho Homo public land committee Is ah nont, conducting a campaign In Ar kansas; tho next ranking member. Urahnm, now Is absent In Mlnnosotn, conductltig nn Investlgntlon of tho Whlto Karth Indian lands; the next ranking member, Ferris, Is in Okla homa, looking after political pri maries. Through tho nbsctico of these and other majority member of the com mittee, It I Impossible to secure a (luoriim for tho committee meotlng and It Is believed tho commlttco will not consldor any Important public land legislation during this entire session. a THb I J LADEW1G-CALER I Construdion Co. i Are You Going to BUILD? If so consult us. We will build your home or business block of STONE, on easy terms. ' i , January Special Wo will make during the month of January, from any of our fall and winter fabrics, fplaln Itlacks anil Illues excepted,) A SUIT AND KXTKA PANTS for the PRICK of a SUIT ALONE. AH wool quality Tailored right Profier style and fit a certainty. Prices From $18 Up. FRED E DICK, Tailor Sutherland (8b Mcintosh Contradors and Builders Jobbing Promptly Attended to Shop on Oregon St. Estimates on application Walt Taper at Tortland Trices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapct and Ket Wall Taper Sam ple in the county. Get My Trice. 110x39. Head, Oregon. MlmBmkie. Buy Your Roofing NOW and Ret the lntfi! of our unusually low price. We tell IaU-ply "A-n," er satred water, arid and fire proof roofing, for SI. 10 for a full roll ttu fewit ro lactoUnc c.t tai ulb (m UjIm We alto sell Tar Taper it 60c a roll 1 buiMinc paper at SS' 60c a rolh liuiMinc papers in... .nil. Am l.lniniTfl. Bl l ?n3mll iilaterloird, 80c. Write forfrer umplet mm - . T " C0MPLETB HOUSES PAINTS IAU iht mitr rial rMvir 1 ... i,...n .... 1 .. CtrrUit and viroa MlftC banp4lK, tout aid too ptiut, hiDC4 who. root m l4tt prtct. rof oslr .Wl4lUw H'i? t nil ot 'A-U" ritt rrp4fnl WHIM JWI """ 11 idpput4 u our tiiictt tt'Cuamwp pnci wtuU tr 2. to 50 UKjw umtquoutloAi, 9m4 101 our (KniOli g BsOJctA BOtnci ftbolQ( touw plm m4 iicrtv pi. tuutut lor au put- (MUOf. M8IUUa Dsalara" 2230 WMtlaJto Aw. Seattla n 2r' P NEW J EWELRY STORE I am now prepared to do nil kinds of watch and jewelry ropalrinfr. My prices are .reasonable, tny work is guaranteed. Will be pleased to have you rIvo mc a trial. R. H. SOLOMON J 1912 CATALOG MAILED FREE. -AND tUILO IT FOfl LESI MfMY Buy the nullwofk JutA from our big (telor lot ooc-Uiird to half ol vrbat jtM vroiJd pT tour local dealer. W oprrate our ovrn mill ad can cuaratrira ertrf pirca wo make to bo weU-raado sod o( cKoiceA LloJfied lumbtt. 0. 8. WILLIAMS' SASH 1 IT0MS 5pal doori, 15 liut. )UO. Oalumsa bungalow doort, 91.60. Buajalovr trout doon, 5 and 96. I Hilda trim 10 pea. to a act, 60c qWaMnurWrlxoMp aywaw, t ts ocfir Of WltU tot catl yj FftM. dfc. Home Made Candies Vcty Nice Selection of Fruits. We solicit your orders for Ice Cream. Our Sunday special Neapolitan Brjcks. Bang!! Bang!!! Down go the prlcQs of F. M. Carter's LIMB WOOD $4.00 a Cord See him when you want wood. Five years In tho wood busi ness for the City of Bend. New PALACE MARKET Charles Boyd, Prop. MEAES Vegetables, etc. Send For This Seed Annual-Free tliauicAjJfotDiuit!rajit) I ntiautloo. No ai pJ I UlJrti UtM I wo qu btm 0W SUbontoty odt tho i a aut Cliat an4 SUtMli ! lanMta aH marl taflatL. bUyniLiIlkyoVuy tocniarti QQpa. 3oJfoi catakc TU Ctua, a Ulr, C. SoattU aSvl iMmiX I. v'r- n bll:-. msm 'imLd. 'ZBXkmSiW. LB warn':, f WMW: Si MOmnJ "flYt rA VLW.,''WA V, mm pfaHB