The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 31, 1912, Image 2

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1 i
A Number of Contractors
have called on us this week with reference
to building: a number of cottages in Bend.
We hope to be able within a short time to
arrange for the building of a number of
houses, as we know the present lack of ac
commodations, and many houses will be
needed in the early spring.
The people of Bend should do every
thing in their power to encourage the im
mediate building of a number of houses,
otherwise the people coming there and find
ing no accommodations will move to other
Bend is the best known town In Ore
gon today, and a vast number of people
are figuring on moving there in the spring.
AH our offices are reporting largely increased business,
and the future never looked brighter.
Bend Park Company
R. Q. SHRADER, Local Agent, Bend, Oregon,
or, Portland Office, Portland Hotel,
or General Offices, 800-801 Empire Iiuilding, Seattle, Wash.
ort within tho meaning of the law.
A showing that crop. even remit
neratlve ones, have grown on lamia
for n few Reasons under unusunl con
ditions as to rainfall, (loot) not con
clusively jiroe their non-desert char
actor Citing case of Peterson s.
Parkinson (37 L. 1).. R22 i
Secretary of Interior Decide ttie
of IiitrreM to lloiiiei.teader
uiul Other Government
Ijwul CI I m nt".
The Secretory of the Interior has
recently decided u number of Im
portant land eases of Interest to
homesteaders and othors, a digest of
which Is given herewith:
According to published Depart
mental instructions of August 7,
1911 (40 I.. V., 236). the contestant
who established his residence and
also filed his contest prior to Beptem , ro1ulred residence and cultivation
je.-. I. laio. anil mainiu imi ins "- contlnuwl to tho date on which applt
denee. may rocolvo credit for the i caton for not)ce of Mention to make
time he resided uon tho land before . ,,roof wa8 m, citing section .
tue cancellation oi euirj. which no regulations of October 18, 1907 (36
Hampton Vnlle Tanner Art he ul
Home of Mr. mill Mr. IVek.
IIA.MPTO.V, Jan. 22 The first
child born In the Hampton .alley was
AlthoiiEh Irrigation Is not rooulred bm.ig'.i by the stork to the home of
subsequent to final proof, what has Mr- and .Mrs. I.. C. Peek on Thursday,
taken place and tho acts of tho par ' January IS. and they are rejoicing
ties with respect to Irrigation, subse- ,,vr the arrival of this nlne-uouud
quent to such final proof, may le eon I')1-
sldered aa some evidence of the suf-' MIm Kvelyu Crow of Hampton
tlclenc) of the Improvements and celebrated her birthday by entertaln-
good faith In the matter. lug the young ladles of the Helghlmr-
I'lmil Proof. hood. Thoe present were MImkm
When commutation proof Is re tno' K"KK- Mall. Julia Hall.
laeted bv the Commissioner umin Marie Hall and Laura Crow The
only one ground such as lack of afternoon was spent pleasantly by all
cultivation tho case will not necoa ' l-ou .Miller has Just returned from
sarlly bo closed, hut the entry may be Hond with a big load of provisions
hold Intact, subject to future compll- and feed.
ance of law. upon proper showing. Kdwln K. Ilassett. ono of the sot
In offering commutation proof. It tiers In this valley, wrote to II. W.
must lie shown that the residence was Campbell, the great dry farming ex
substantially continuous If In mak Wrt. about this wrt of Oregon. nnu
Ing such proof, ait entryman admits has recolvod a reply from Mr Camp
his abeenee from tho land for short bull saying this Is an Ideal wheat
periods, tho showing thereupon bo- country. Judging from the In forma
comes so ludetlnlto that It caunot , tlon sent him. He asked for more
w Ith certainty be determined that the i definite data regarding the lay of
entryman has lived continuously up the land, soil formation and average
oh the land for the requisite period annual ureclnltatioti.
of time.
Commutation proof cannot bo ac
cepted when It falls to show that the
The sickness of an ontryman may
be accepted as sufficient excuse far
l I), 124.)
The act of Fobruory 18, 1911, con-
oeeaslonal absonces, not unduly pro-.Btruej (n v(ow of tne act of Juno jj
longed. 1910. simply makes the latter act In-
Purchaso of land after final re- 0I(0ratve as to land whleh had been,
celpt and prior to patent glvos an i pror theroto. properly ontorod.
equity only. Such person Is not a wnoro gllcn ontry wag subswiuently
bona tide purchaser within the inean-i h,:iu.iiIsIhhI
ing of the pre-emption law and pro-1 where ontryman soils the-land
teeted by the provisions of that act BfUr ,talnlng final receipt, and bo
agalnst further Inquiry by the Land . ruro lmtent. tho iiurchasor takes no
Department as to acts of outryment
Citing llawly vs. Dlllor (178 V. S.,
When purchase was made In good
bettor right than the onto .van had
Kl time of sale.
A homestead ontryman may bo al
lowed to amend his onto and out
faith, and the face of tho rocord ap- j braoa therein adjoining laud which
poared regular and valid In all re- he wa8 not H0W0(I to tako ttt tho
spoots. tho department will consider I mo of nmknK hs ontryf because of
the equitable rights of such pur
chaser. When a leave of absence Is granted
a homosteader. a charge of abandon
ment will not lie against the entry
until the expiration of six utontliB
after tho time for which leave of
absence was granted.
Desert luiid.
The rule for determining the des
ert character of lands is substantially
as-follows: Lands that one year
with another for a series of years will
not" without Irrigation produce rea
sonably remunerative crops are des
Its being II. on covered i a ointlu
entry. proVdlng noilco was given 'it
the time, of Its purposo to contest
said ontry, and the same has actually
been done.
Tlinlwr mid Klonc.
Land that Is heavily timbered Is
not necessarily excluded from homo
stead entry. It may bo homestoaded
providing It Is of such a character aa
would ho suitable for agricultural use
If the timber was removod. Other
wise, heavily timbered land Is not
subject to the homestead laws. Citing
Finley vs. Ness (38 L. D., 394.)
C.'ov eminent Will See That Settler
Are Not HariikMMl.
WASHINGTON, I) C Hellef from
unwarranted activities by special
agents of the General Land Olllce Is
promised In a new circular of Instruc
tions soon to be Issued. .Many entry
men on lands withdrawn aa coul
lands have been complaining that
after being Induced to sign agree
ments for limited mtont, with tho
understanding the patont would Issue
without delay, they have been In
formed their tent would not Issue
until the land had buou examined.
Keprosontattve .Moudoll, author of
tho law under which settlors may
secure patent to surface of coal lauds,
protested to the Commlsslouer-(!eu-oral
of tho Laud Olllce. It was
charged that speclul agents were In
many cases using coercive methods
to securo signatures of settlers to
agreomonts to tako limited patents.
Tho Commissioner agreed to Issuo
now circulars warning the special
agents that this praotlto must coase,
and that when they have Informed
tho settlor of his rights In the matter
their duty ends.
Hot In Summer snd Sitdom Holly
Warm In Winter.
Tho Kngllshuum I surprised
by his ellmntc, Ami you may llml thnt
surprint' on the face of the mult who
never ptepnrei for anything but mod
erate temperature. It I cold. It In
hot The Kngllidimitii has built hit
houno on the supposition that It In
never going to lie either-Just tem
perate, lit hot weather, ho does not
think of electric fans, and In cold
weather he shrug hi shouldori ami
endure tho cold. Hut his house In sob
doin really vvnrm. Tho KugllHhmnn
liai never taken to hi botom tho
question of cold The fireplace Is nn
abnitrdlly It warm but it secHon of
the room, and few ran afford lo vvnrm
a whole homo with fireplace In every
Lady Mary Wort ley Montagu found
In Vienna thnt life would be Intolera
ble tin Decemberi without furs nnd
stove. Ami she I surprised nt "our
obstinacy lit blinking with cold six
month In the jenr rather than make
use of stove, which tire certainly one
of the greatest conveniences of life."
So far from polling n room, they ntbl
lo the mngullWm-o of It n Khnpcd In
Vienna mid Dresden, wi.v Lady Mary.
Khe threatened Hint on her return there
would Ik ii stove In her chamber, but,
while the llerllner ofett I -till (ho
warmer of tho home aero the liinti
nel, we stick to the expensive and In
competent fireplHre thnt warm only n
corner of the room and one Joint of
the human body ttt a time Loudon
They Qrow Twenty rt High and Ar
Arrrtd With urtat Thorns.
, Thrniigliout the older part of Mexi
co, Texas ami New Mexico many uf
the fence iiruund the lorrnl and of
ten the pu'leim are mnde of "ix-ntllln "
This U a ciu'tUH like plant growing In
n stalk form and often renehliig n
height of twenty or twenty live feet
It Is completely lovcrcd with long,
stout thorn
The stalk I tough, hnrd to rut. nl
moBt luiMiitble tu break, nnd, grow
ing to tho height It iIikw. It make nil
effective proletllou It I planted uu
ally In tlirw or four alternate rows
and I hold together by buckkln
strings or with strong wire. It need
but little water.
I believe this ocutllla fenre would Ih
found very satisfactory to use on
country estate, nnd even the owner
of n mislest plot of ground would mid
It n good thing It prevents stock
from breaking In, effectively keeps nt
a dlstnuee nil marauder nnd when In
bloom Is a beautiful sight, for nt the
lip of the stnlk there t-omr early In
summer n cluster of dinp crimson, IkiII
liaKil bliwxoms. I rvmcmln-r once
the nstoulshiMl, nlnmt horrified, ex
pression of nn eastern woman tu whom
I mentioned the lxtuty of the corriil
fence when In bloom -Country Life In
llltieprlttt Maps, for Hale.
Tho host and must up-to dalo tufip
of tho county Is the blueprint blip
which The llitllollit has for tuile. It
hIiowh all tho now loads ami towns
N. W. Schieber
I'liinH KtirnlHliftl on Slmrt
t Noilco.
II KN 1), 0 UK 5 ON.
We Deliver the Goods
Bus and Dray
Hay, Hurley, Oatn. Wlient nml Urnu nl lovviwt prlcon.
Tho IjirKeHt Ham in IVnlrnl OrKon.
Bend, Oregon.
Puih Out ths Chdt.
Isik nt jour llgure In the next full
length mirror jihi see, m the Wetn
an' World. Mho ibanuw ut of ten
jour rheit cune In. o-tr shoulder:
round like a Isivv, our stomach pro
trude, and jour dilii I thrust for
ward like a prixcriglilcr'M. Now mnke
an exM'rlinent. Take n long breath, '
pu-li your i best out and hold It to that
position Ilehohl a miracle! Your
shoiildept straighten till mr Ixirk I
like n Hue. jour stomach retreat, nml
your chin nutm n ltlon of mod
it dignity. Now- )oti are standing
orrirtly. Hml If jihi place any value at
all upon a goHl appirame oii must
pracllre thl iMHltlim until It Ih-coiiioh '
sit-oud nature. ltememlHr that the
grand sw ret K "rush out the het" '
The rest of the tlgure will take care
uf Itself. '
Gsv. Him th Limit. ,
"I'm llrkitl!" Mihbed the hobo, heat I
lug nn ttiidlKiillleil retreat from the
bark diHir nt which he had bummed n
"How do you moau-llckcdV elm-
ruxed hi comrade-). "Did she hit )ou
vvld a brick?"
"Worsern dnt."
"What? She didn't Crow water on
"Worser'n tint, fellers."
"Wlmt? Not tHillln' vvnterr'
"l!i en worser'n dnt jet."
"Dero ain't uothln' vvorser."
"y-s, dcre I. Hlte Crowed sonpsud
on me." Cleveland IMulu Dealer.
Our special price has brought, us
so much business we will
continue it. We sell
Rough lumber at the mill $10 M
Rough lumber, delivered $ 1 1 M
You can telephone your orders.
Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
"A Little Better Lumber for a Little Less .Money."
You Can't Lois It,
"Of course." snld the optimist, "If a
mnn gets Into the habit of hunting
trouble he's sure to llml It."
"Ye," replied the pessimist, "and If
he' so Inzy thai he alvvuys trie, to
avoid It It will find him. Ko what's
the difference'" Catholic Htandurd
und Time.
)end jyachine hop
All Kinds of Saw Milt nml I'uritiitii-
We Cnrry n Larfje Stock of
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera Mouse
All women lovo a lover but most
married men fool sorry for him.
' If'a girl Is popular with men It's a
sure sign she Isn't with other girls.
His Only Worry.
Ornphtcr I've got my hook out for
a swell inimical olllce. big salary nml
nil thnt. .!enUn-J o jon think you
cuu llll It? (Iriiphler-Never thought
of thnt Whn I'm worrying me Is wheth
er I'll be able to get lt.-1'Ulludelpllla
Something New.
"Your snowstorm made n hit."
"I kiievv It would." declared
proud playwright.
"Yes; they turned It loose In
drawing room siene." Kxchunge.
Its Location,
Gladys Itoxton And tho duke Is so
brave, papa! Why, he declares ho In
tends to become nu nvintor. Papa
H'ni! Hodoen..ehT Wants to vUit his
cat'.s, I suppo&eT-Puck.
Madras Flour
Natural Color
The right Color, Flavor and Quality.
Call for It at any store In He n il .
Madras Flour Mills
II. P. D1ETZKL, Proprietor
Madras, Oregon