The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 31, 1912, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
NO. .17
a rim b
I 1 1(110 (II
J , J ri'Kiilnr
I'mli' Hum Will llwhn Slinify rroni
ll'HillorKi I'iijIhk - IVi' tVtit lie
IcicmI T'iiiiiiiiry Iturnl Vuv
tiff Appiihilcil I'or ItiiuK.
llotul turn Ikhiii ilmlKimti'tl u postal
hHVltlKM llHllk IHIHlllltlCU. Ht'COrillllK III
(llMililii'H (iniii WiikIiIiikIoii, I). C.
to tint I'oriliuiil impfm. Tim ilnt
fur iiiiiiiIiik tills now ititiRilniuMl luu
not Ikxui niiiiiiuiiroil.
In tint full I'oittnuiHtvr Minor re
ckIvimI lilunks from tlio t'onlolttco l).
pnrtiiuoil to In IIIIimI out with iliitu
rutiitlvn to tlm forulKii populutloii,
tr. Imr. which win ilmlrml liy tho
linrtim'iit In conslitiirliiK wliutlier
or not to itmlxnato thin oMcu for n
navhiKii linns. Mr. Minor hit not
yet Iioimi iiotltlml by tliu ili'purtiinint
of tlio liitillhniiiit of tliu liniik ami
tlio only Information ri'cnlveil livra
wits tlmt cnrrlt'ri In tlio prc dispatch
Tliu pout ft I unvliiK hank havo
been m siicri'isful wherever trlnil
tlmt ninny nro IkjIiik established.
They furnish n means of lavlnx for a
clnva of peopta who nro roschoil by no
other Institution, rspoclally thoia of
small menus who vtlih to savo their
Hccuniulntlonii. Ono dollar will open
no account, ntul Mtnl savings stamps
for nniounu lens tlmn n dollar enn ho
jMirctmorxl nml when n total of II li
urcutmilateit they ran Im clintinetl for
h ileM)lt certificate. Tlio govern
ment pa only 3 per rent Interest,
hut furnishes absolulo safety to
The only postal snvlhK hnnk In tlm
county If Hint nt Mndrns, which
opened Init October. I'rluevlllo ha
lieen designated for the establish-
inrnt of one.
II. !'. II. Hlnrl Tomorrow.
At H o'rlork tomorrow mornliiK
the first rum! free delivery aervlot
In it lUmd will he started, norvhu
residents eflut of town. Owing to the
fart that the examination for currier
was held only two week hko. tne
ril Service Commission ha not had
i make, an upiHiliittuuiit of a
currier, and n letter wait re-
reived liy Postmaster Minor n few
dn ago notifying hltu to innku a
tomixirary appointment it that the
roiltu could bo established without
any delay. ThU ho ha done, nam
liiK Max ItlrhnrdiHiu for the position
until tlm regular appointment U
Hindu from Washington.
The servlcn will ho trl-wcekly. on
$20.00 Bills at lc.
If you cotilil buy $i!0.00 IiIIIh for a copper cent
tho opportunity would mwin notlilnK to you If you
ilMn'i hnvo tho CENT. Hnvinir tho rendy cnsli nnd
thu judgment to ubo it nt tho opportuno tlmu la tho
Hiiro rond to wealth. Hut remember that It taken
both tho judgment nnd tho cnah to mnko a winning
team. Judunient without ensh is helpless. Cash
without judgment la soon (scattered. Start a bank
account. Hein to lay aside the ono important thinjr,
CASH. Aa you accutnulatc it judjrmont will coino
with It. Then when opportunity knocks you aro
wife In openinK tho door. Wo Invito you to ojien
an account with us today.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
I n. DAIP-D, (President) J. W. MASTKRS, (Vice President)
V, O. MINOR, (Secretary)
HIiowIiik mi iiuiihuiiI nnioiint
of lntilllKel"fi mid it i.'.'inii
itttHch moiit for hi old twister,
n dog which wiiH ilitm away
hint A'lHtiHt relumed n few
days hko to hi former owner,
C K MurrlH, In llend. Mr.
Mori I imvu the iIok I"
liomeNleitiler 40 miles south
nii il Hend mid after a few
months the new owner gnvu
the rnulno to iiuottier settler
who lives 70 mlleii from
hero. I. nut week Mr. Morrl
war iiiurh surprised when the
t''- appeared at hi home
lie thoiiKht prohnhly he hnd
followed ono of thu home
Htendel III to town, hut such
wns not tliu case. Tliu jlog,
with marked Instinct, hnd
found hi way hnrk to the ono
who formerly fed Mm.
TuMilnyH. Thunulnya and Knttirduya.
The carrier will lunve the olllru hero
at H n. ui. and return liy 1 p. in., mall-
IliK the 20 mile In lle hour. ICvery
family hIoiik the loute that wUlicn to!
ho Nerved mint provide u liinll Mix
roiifottnliiH to thu ioHtnl reKulutlonu. j
In which the currier tuny dupoult thu ,
City ii;lucer (iould (.'r( Out Com.
plele llliieprliil of Mind.
City HiiKlneer It II Could ha Jiut
completed n InrKu wnll map of llund
Ix hy uven foot In ilte. which I by
far the i oil complete imp of tlio
town ever ptibllihod. Thu map li a
blue lino print on white hackKruund
drawn to a icalo of 200 feet to the
Inch and coven a territory 3 hy 2H
mile In extent. It show llend to
ho a city of ronilderable lu, havlns
over 1600 acres of platted property,
beildea a laricu area of acre tract!
horderlnK thu town. Other fenture
of the town a ahown on thu map nro
an alKhty-fool nveuuu 2 h mile Ioiik
without n bend; the I)echute river. I
with thu llend Co. dam and thuf the I'ntvcndty of Minnesota, noon
ilte of the IokkIhk (mud and thu
North Canal damn the railroad,
wnrchouite, depot, freight yard,
roundhouie. Hock yardi, all county
road and Irrigation cnuiil, tho prel
um city limit and varlou deeded
tract and lUbdlvlilou that haw
never been ahowii bvforo on inapi
of thu city.
Tho map would bo n credit to a
much larger town than (lend I. It
I n neat, rouipruhemlvu and flulahed
piece of work nnd will bu nn orna
ment lo any ofllce, beilde being Use
ful. Mr. (Iould ha tho iiinpa for
snlu nt $7 each, and already report
IK order from locnl people nnd from
Seattle and Portland peoplu Inter
ested In llend.
wim, conduct inn i:i, mmit.
Mr. nud Mr. Then. A. Ohl of Port-'
land arrived In llend Mundny night
to innku their home. They hnvo Ink- ,
mi n lons on thu second lloor of the ;
J. I. Weit Mono building nud will ,
conduct n hotel. Carpenters nro nt
work this week putting In partitions
ns thu upper story was Intuded for
n hall. Thero will be liluo rooms,
with bath. Ktistiu hunt,
light nnd hot nnd cold water nro
nlso being put In.
RESENTATIVE Veilion A. I'oiIh-n I'lle I'elltlou
Willi Kenrlnry of Htnle I'or .Vonil
nalliin nt llie April I'llnuiiy
liiitllh'd to llcailj' Hoppoit.
A piTtlllou for notiilnntlon nn can-
:, ' ' "" "' "irMiillvo
of the 2Ut dUtrlct In the Ktnto I. ok
UlHturo hna been llled hy Vernon A.
I'orbim with the Heoiotmy of Htnte.
The dlMrlrt I compiHU'cl of Klnmiitll,
Lake. Crook and (Irani cmuiHe, and
I entitled to two Joint ItopreHuntu
jlve. The primary election will be
held on April It.
Mr Korhe la an attorney of llend,
IihvIiik renlded here for tho lnnt two
year. DurltiK thl time hu Iiiih tak
en nn active Intercut In thu nffnlra of
Central Oregon nud I cntUled to re
celv the hearty aupport of tho voter
of the dUtrlct, n hu no doubt will.
Hu I n utrotiK Republican and In
It) 10 ivrvcd u deputy district at
torney. He ha been for tho past
year, and I at preiont. city attorney
of llend. Mr. Forhe I well edu
cated and eminently qualified to
tuaku tho dlntrlct nn nhlu Represen
tative In thu I.eitUlaturo. Ho Krad
unted from IiIrIi ncliool In 1904,
Mtudled two years at McAlcitcr Col
Ii'ku at Kt. I'aul, Minn., and In 1909
wn itraduated from thu law school
theieafter coming to llond to locntc.
Mr. Forbes has mado n thorough
tudy of tho Oregon ntoiu of legis
lation nnd could therefore handlu
Intelligently any ruciiaurrs coming up
for consideration hy thu legislature.
IlllnoU Man lute! Money In llend
Ileal INtatr.
(1 A. Keller, n retired business
man of lltlnol. came to llend last
woi'k with n view to (linking Invest-
ments, and wn bo well pleased that
hu bought property and contemplates
erecting a stone building. From '
John lllos ho purchased lot 1 of
block 24. on (Ireenwood avenue. A
building to cost nlniut h.000 will
bo put up. Mr. Keller iwld.
He left Sunday morning for San
Krmclsco anil U Angeles, whence
nu goes in iinciigo
He stated that
he would return to llend this spring.
WASHINGTON. I. C Congress-
man l.nffurty has recommended tho
'npolntment of Klof I.. .IoIiiihoii to bo
postmaster nt Powell llulto, Ore.
1XHERE do you buy such Hard-
ware as you need for your in
dividual uses? Such as tools and
utensils, farm implements, and the
thousand nnd one things that are needed in and mound
the home? It' it is the better qualities you nre looking
for, without being asked to pay extravagant prices,
then it is time you paid us n visit nnd saved n lot of
hardware expenses for yourself.
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
Hetcre Wnillier nd Kuril Tliiico In
HiikI Will Ciiiim' IIIk HiiilKinlloii
lo (Viilml Oii'X"" In the
SpilliK, Kii)'n A. C). IIiiiiIit.
In (he opinion of A. O. Iluntor, who
I rotiirnod I'rldny from an extended
trip In the Kant, Central Orogon and
llund will rvcolvu a big Influx of
homeneeker thl spring, when the
low rule from the Kasturn state
go Into effect on the railroad. In
an Interview with The llullotln, Mr.
Hunter all:
"While In thu Kant I learned of
olrrumitanccH that I feel sure will
bring to Centrul Oregon and to llend
tho greateit Influx of homescekers
thl part of the country hna over
known. Two main cause combine
to get people started townrd this
part of thu United Htatc. Tho first
I the severe weather which prevailed
tho first of tho month back there.
It was not for a few days, hut for
weeks the tompornturo was below
zro. I was In Dayton, Ohio, at the
time nnd It wns the coldest there it
has been In thirty years. While tho
Pacific Coast had a touch, of this cold
weather, It must hnvo boon Ilka sum
mer hero compared with what It wns
In tho Mlddlo West, and I know or
many people who nro going to get
away from that rigorous climate
this spring. Somo of them aro com
ing to Hend. a town about which they
hnvo heard many good reports.
"Another thing Is tho dullness In
builncis lines there. Whllo but
little ha been heard of this out this
way. I found that thero havo been
pretty hard time, through tho Ka.t.
This also will havo n strong influence
In turning 'peoplo to tho Northwest
when colonist rates nro put on In a
few weeks.
"Whllo thoro has been much ex
ploiting of the Northwest every year
hy tho railroads, tho laud shows and
similar means of publicity have given
J" '", u " ,,Bl,or '" uln" "vor uo
,uro "' "Pl-orui uues oj uio eonsi
Kiuimj. i iiu reauu "ill uu a lui 01
goad settlers coming out bore to re
Kdd Nowmnn, who has been run
ning thu Star Theater moving pic
ture show bore, tins sold tho business
to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. I.ockwood, who
take charge, tomorrow. Mr. nud
Mrs. Newman will leave in tho morn
ing for San Dlogo, Cnl. They made
many friends during their resldouco
hore who rogrot their departure
Tho Iliirns-Ilend Consoli
dated Auto Co. has put on n
dnlly schedule of car from
lioro to tho Interior town. Thu
trip of 140 mlllcs will be mado
In fast time. Cars will Ichvo
hero nt 7 n. in., arriving at
Hum In seven hours. Tho
stop for dinner will be at tho
J I rook I nun ranch at Itolynt.
Tho nutos will leave tho Hums
end of tho lino nt tho same
hour In tho morning. Klvo
oars are being used In tho ser
vice nt present, but Inter moro
will ho ndded to handle tho
Increased traffic.
United WiitrlioiiM! Co. Will
A I Ml
Handle Illilc. tun! I'clli..
In addition to storage nnd forward
ing, tho United Warehouse Co., hav
ing moved Into excellent quarters In
the now warehouse building, will
innku a specialty of handling wools,
hldofl nnd pelts. Tho company will
also sell oils, gasoline, stock salt,
wool bags, twlno, Hour, sugar.ctc. to
Aho trade. The wool business will
probably bo extensive In n short time
as (lend Is tho terminus and railroad
l)lnt for a big country devoted to the
raising of sheep.
Hend Men File Article of fiicorx-
ratlmi at JjikcWcw.
The I.ake County Examiner, pub
lished at Lakcvlew, last Thursday
contained the following news which
Is of Interest here:
"The Chewaucan Stnto Hank, to
be located at I'alsley, has filed arti
cles of Incorporation with County
Clerk Pnyno, tho capital stock being
115,000. The Incorporators aro J.
M. Lawrence. F. F. 8m!th and It. F.
Avorlll, all well known capitalists of
Ucnd. The matter of establishing the
bank has been under consideration
for some time, but nothing had been
heard from It for the past month or
so, nnd It wns therefore feared that
the plnn hnd been abandoned. How
ever, such proves not to have been
tho case, nnd the jieoplc of I'alsloy
nnd of tho entire country ndjncent
thereto are jubilant over tho turn af
fairs have taken.
. " I'rcunicu tnat the bonk win
LrtdJl ' JS'L".??. ' lLfZ
spring, and it will prove of much con
venience to tho business mon and
peoplo generally of that rich section
of Lake county. With tho com
mencement in the near futuro or
work on thc big project between
PaUley i.d Summer Lake, that sec
tion vromlses to enjoy unbounded
proi-pi' ity houceforth."
Mr Lawrence stated to The llul
lotln today that the bank would proli
nbly bo oiientnl for business In March,
with M. fmlth in charge ' Officers
hkVO Mit yet ben elee
POUTLANl). Ore., Jan. 30. Nine
teen thousand copies of tho eight
highway bills adopted by Governor
West s state wide roads committee
have been published by the Oregon
Association for Highway Improve
ment. They aro being sent into
every portion of the state from tho
cilice of tho president, Carlos T.
I X?V ,' 'Kj'jjS
The First National Bank
Dr. U. O. COt Pr.Hd.nt E. A. SATHER, Vic Praildtnt
O. 8. HUDSON, Cmhl.r
Capital fully paid . . S2S.OCO
Stockholders' liability S 2 6. OOO
Surplus SU.COO
to keep your money In this stronjr, safe.
Rnnk, subject nt nil times to your checks.
The iwrson of small moans will find us ns
attentive, to his needs as does tho man
with large interests.
An important function of this Bnnk is to
do whnt it can to aid its depositors in
their financial growth.
It's n very simple matter to open an ac
count here. One Dollar will givo you a
Money in the Bank is tho best Insurance.
vl .?tfi?lyi .rJlyVfSJli'vJ srtlil
Mooting Declared hy I'rlnrlnnls to
llne llrcn Accldcnlnl, Hut Man
Who find Itlric N Hold to An-
fcwer to Hie d'rnnd Jury.
Charged, with tho shooting of Hor
man Hrauer. Fred Hahn, bettor
known as "Illasklo," was bound ovor
to tho grand Jury hy Justlco Law
rence this morning. Hrauer, also
called "Peoria 8llm." Is in tho hos
pital suffering from n wound In tho
head, but his condition Is not re
garded as serious.
Tho shooting occurred Monday
night about 11 o'clock, in "HlackloV
cabin near tho laundry. Hrauer was
wounded In tho bead by a rlfio ball
from a weapon In tho hands of Hahn.
Tho bullet fractured the skull on tho
right side, but did not enter tho
man's brain. Tho skull was pressed
down on tho brain, however, causing
paralysis of the left side from tho
waist down. Drs. Ferrcll and Coo
this afternoon trepanning tho skull.
According to the evidenco brought
out at tho preliminary hearing today,
tho shooting was tho outcome of a
brawl between the two men, which
started earlier In the evening In a
Hond street saloon. Uoth the vic
tim and Hahn, however, claim that It
was an accident, "Hlacklo" stating
that he did not know tho weapon was
loaded. Both men were drinking.
There were two cyo-witnesses to
tho shooting, Frank Davis nnd John
Hamilton. As soon ns It was seen
that Hrauer was wounded, ono wont
for a doctor, and In the meantime
"Ulackie" mado no effort to get a
wny and was a littlo later arrested
and placed In Jail.
Hrauer, and Hnlm aro both about
3G years of age aud uumarrlcd.
Hrauer Is a laborer, doing odd Jobs
about town. "IJlackle" has been
tarter at tho Myers & Wllkey room
ing house.
At the hearing this morning tho
state was represented by Deputy
District Attorney Wlllard Wlrtz of
At 2 o'clock this afternoon Hahn
had not been able to raise tho $1,000
liond required of him, and in default
of such will bo taken to tho county
Jail at Prinovllle.
A number of brawls of minor nolo
have taken place about town the past