The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 24, 1912, Image 1

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The bend bulletin
NO. 40
U'lty Kniflnrcr lntrurll to I'rrparo
.J Mmi Oivrrlna Pi-oimimmI Onrnltitc
til WmII Hlrrrt I'uMlirr North.
Im1 NIrIiI'm rnKriMlliiRK,
Tin City Council Iind n liusr ars
klitn at the Nporlnl iiiwtlui- held Init
nlulit. Thn iiinlttr of nxtnnillmt
i Wall mri'ul orcii'ilnl I ho city nlTlclnla
fur noma tlni nut n rt'noltitlon wni
.dually ndoptfcl ImtructliiR tho city
imhu'cr to iiinkii tlm iicct-oinry aur
My niul pint In tlila connection nml
Din snina with tho council. Thu mat
t t-r w ho tnkin up itKnln nl nnothur
'aurliil intftliiK Tliurmlny evtmliiK.
It will li nnccMnry for llio city lu
ronuVmn n strip of land In order to
iijumi this struct throimh to tho road
nt llroadwny, In l.jrtlrj.
N I' Hmllti wn Klrrn pormlsalon
'to hlnst nt the rttAr of hU storo pro
vided ho kavo the city a bond In the
utn of 600 to Insure thu city against
Any (UmAKu that might rcault to ad
'Joining property.
Thr AppllfAtlon of tho Itetl Crow
.DruK Rtnrw for n family liquor II
censa was taken up And aatuo waa re
futed by a unanimous vote.
' Thn petition of Schmidt And Mue
srtiTC for saloon license waa favor-
Ahly rcorttd by the commutes to
which It waa referred and tho eoun
VII Itrnnted tho llcrnac.cffectlYo Fob
ruary 1.
The council toted to refund to !,.
A W, .NUon flu paid for drayage II
,cnsf, there bolnic win- question as
to the lecallty of tho drayliiR ordl
anco And tbo other draymen not
bavin: paid tbo llcente.
, Petition For Fir IMoj.
A petition from tajpaycra In Parlc
addition aaked that a fire plug bo In
tailed At tho corner of Wall And
.Wnahlnttton atroeta. there belnc a
largo number of realdcncra In that
,part of town without flro protection.
Thn police, fire and liquor license
committee waa Initructed to tako tho
matter up and report back to the
Another petition naked for nn Arc
light lit I'ark Addition. It wna re
ferred tn tho atreet committee to In
itltntu aa to tho beat location, etc
J F TaKKnrt Jfc Co. wero ulvon
termlaalou to erect an electric ain't
nt tho corner of Wall and OreKon
Thn recorder waa Inatructcd to no
tify llolmea At Smith that If tho
hulldlnK In which their anloon la nut
uncd to fnen on llond atreet within
thirty daA from Inal ulRht their II
$20.00 Bills at lc.
If you could buy $20.00 bills for a copper cent
tho opportunity would meon nothlntr to you If you
didn't hnvo the CENT. Hnvlnp; tho ready cash and
the JudKinent to uw It nt tho opportuno time Is tho
sure road to wealth. But remember that It takes
both the judgment and tho cash to make a wlnnlnjr
team. Judgment without cash is helpless. Cash
without judgment is soon scattered. Start a bank
account, .login to lay aside, tho one important thing,
CASH. As you accumulate it judgment will come
with it. Then when opportunity knocks you aro
wife In opening tho door. Wo Invito you to open
an account with us today.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
L, D. I1A1RD, (rreildent) J. W. MASTHttS, (Vice President)
P, O. MINOR, (Secretary)
cenait would bo rovokod.
Order Now HMrttMlk l.nlil,
Tho atrcol roiiinilttcn roeoininmid
ed Hint alduwnllta bo ordered Inld iim
follow: nlotiK tho enat aldu of loin
7 niul K, lilock !!l, nml lota 7 mid 8,
block 22, of Hut orlfcliml pint of llvtul
and on tho weal aldo of lot 1. block
21, enat aldo of lot 0, block 23, enat
aldo lot 12, block 10, together with
tho nuceaanry vroaawnlkt. A uumbor
of crosswalks which hnvu been au
thorised hnvo not been built on ac
count of Inability to get tho lumber
promptly, tho atreet committee re
ported. Tbo city dumping ground will here
after be at tho southeast corner of
tbo southeast quarter of the aoutu
west quarter of section 331712, on
tho Hear Creek road. This location
was decided on by tho council on re
port of tho apeclal committee ap
pointed to chooao a place, The land
belongs to the city nnd tbo location
la well removed from any realdencea.
A. t i:.rr.on I'iiIn up Fritim- Htrur
tint- on OrrrnviiMxI.
All recorda for rapid ronatructlon
work In lli'inl will likely l broken
In tho puttltiR up of a &0xr0 foot one
atoty frame building for A. C liver
son at thn corner of (Uccuwood ate
nun nud Fourth atreet Actual ron
atructlon wua atnrted Inat Suturdny
mid Mr Kturson eipccta to have thu
structure prnrtlcully built by tbo end
of thu week, although h will hnvo to
wait to receive windows mid doors
which have been ordered. J. W.
Dlmlck haa the contract.
Tho building will contain offices
und a atore room, having a 6 0-foot
frontage on both streets. Mr. Kver
son, who recently camo to llend from
Seattle, will have real estate offices
In It himself, and It will be the bead
quartern of the llend Park Co., which
baa rented two office rooms.
Kacaratlon work started Thursday
for tho atone building which C W.
Murley and Hubert Simpson will put
up ou Ureenwood next to tbo Iloyd
block. Hock Is being hauled and
tho work will bo carried ou as rapid
ly as possible. Mr Msrley aaa the
building will bo completed In CO to
76 days. Tbo dirt taken from tho
excavation la being uaed to fill In ou
(Ireenwood nvcuuo.
ColonUt Fares to bo in Kffrct IYuuj
.March 1 to April in.
Colonist rates from the Kaat will
bo In effect this year from March 1 to
April IS, 16 day longer than last
year. Tho Transcontinental ratsen
ger Association, at a mooting in Chi
cago last week, adopted tho datea,
baaing Ita action on the unusual pre
liminary demands for Information
which have been received by home
Tbo rates will bo tho samo as last
year. It will bo the first tlmo colo
nlata can buy tlcketa straight through
to llend, and It Is understood that tho
tares which apply to all other coast
towns will bo lu force to this point
Theso are:
From Chicago. $33; from Btl-ouls.
$31 i from St. I'nul. Minneapolis, l)u
luth, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Joseph
nnd Missouri Hlver common points,
$26. with correspondingly low rates
from polnta east of Chicago.
Hut If a man thinks ho knows all
that Is worth knowing, ho doesn't.
Fund 1 HuWHbrd to Secure It An
Nucleus For Museum -Articles
From All I'arta of the World
Got Together by MlnUtrr.
The highest bid received at tbo
sain of tbo J. Anthony Mitchell col
lection of curloa and books Saturday
afternoon was $ 187. madu by V. 1.
Vnudexirt un behalf of tho peoplo of
Hem). If the an l la confirmed by
the County Court, tho collection will
become the property of thu citizens
of tl!s town.
Desiring to seo tho curios remain
In llend us tho nucleus of a museum,
Mr. Vandevcrt circulated a petition
Saturday and secured pledges uf
$187, It Is proposed to place tho
collection lu a public place, probably
in a room with the library, whero tho
many interesting things which Mr.
Mitchell llad got together from nearly
all parts of the world may bo seen by
vlaltora and others. Persons having
curios and relics which they are wil
ling to part with will be asked to do
nate the tit to tbo museum, and event
ually a large and valuable collection
will be secured.
Collerllon Attracts Many.
A largo crowd attended the sale
Saturday afternoon, being attracted
by tho articles which were displayed
In the Trlplett building by Adminis
trator West.
The collection contains swordi,
firearms, maps, tapestries, Indian
relics, fUinps, bjdes. Rags,, boms,
books, etc. Soma ofthe articles are
raro and of much value.
Shadow Hoc Social Friday Night Will
be Something; Unique.
A unique entertainment program
has been arranged for Friday night
at tho K. or P. Hall by tho Fraternal
Ilrotherbood lodgo. Tho silhouettes
of llend young women will bo thrown
UKn a screen and tho boys will try
their luck at guessing who tho origi
nal Is, Tho lucky ones will win tho
young lady as his partner for tho eve
ulng, together with a box of good
eatables which each will bring.
Other fenturca being Arranged for
tho evening Is a musical program,
and there will bo dancing. It will be
an open meeting of tho lodgo to
which tho members invito their
for Builders, Mechanics, Gar
deners and Housekeepers.
Everything eonceivnble along the line of
for each and every article in our store.
Shears, rakes, shovels, hammers, saws, etc,
N. P. Smith
Hold Five Show up Well for Open
K liifC Content Flmt Half Close,
Hut Older Itoya Have
Walk-off In the I .nut.
The basket ball season opened Fri
day evening with a good-sized crowd
at tho game between the town team
and the High School boys. The first
hair was closely contested, tho score
standing 14 to 12 lu favor of the
town flvo. In the second half tho
school boys wero unable to check
their opiioncuts nnd tho final scoro
was 41 to 16.
Moth teams showed up well for the
opening game and with more practice
will give their opponents a warm con
test. The school boys wero lighter
and less experienced than their op
ponents, and their hard work In the
first half exhausted them to such an
extent that their opposition In the
second part was weak and the town
flvo scored almost at will. The roal
shooting of tho town team was not
accurate or a larger scoro would have
been piled up. They also made many
fouls, and the accurate goal throwing
of N. Springer mad this of adrant-
bi:o to tno Mir,!, School quintet
I.lueup of Teams.
Tho following was the lineup:
llend Position High School
Harrison L. O. Wheelock
McKeen It. O. Sathcr
Steldl C. Vandevert
C. Springer !.. F. N. Springer
Itohu H. F. Kelley
The referee waa Mr. Darby and
umpire. Mesa Hunter.
Messrai Harrison and McKeen are
connected with the Central Oregon
Trucking Co. and Mr. Itohu with the
Collins Auto Co.
After the game there was dancing,
about 10 couples remaining for this
part of tho evening's entertainment.
Iletter Mall Sen ice Will He Given to
Touns to the South.
Tho government will put a new
mall schedule Into effect on tho routo
from hero to 8ilor I.ako on February
1, and also on tho routo to Powell
Iiutto and I'rlnevlllo. Dally except
Sunday, the atago will leave hero for
tho towns to the south nt 4 a. m., ar
riving at Silver Lako by 8:30 p. m.
tbo next day, Tho samo schedule
will be In effect from Silver Lako to
For Powell Ilutte the stngo will go
out from here at C n. m arrive thero
I at 10, returning leave nt 11 and get
1 hero by 3 p. m
I'rlnevlllo will Ixj supplied from
This schedule will be In forco only
a month, if bids which hnvo heen
called for are received nnd accepted
A contract Is to be let effective Mnrch
1 giving Sliver l-nko and way jiolnts
n dally mall. Ulds have also been
called for for a routo from'Redmond
to Powell Huttc, Hedmond to the
county scat, Deschutes to Sisters, all
(likewise to go Into effect on March 1.
These changes have been ordered
as a result of the extension of the
railroad tbls far, and will give the
towns concerned much better service.
Young Women's Clob Entertain for
Ihr Flrt Time the Men, Who
Hate Kteolng of Much Fun
At the Market bungalow In Wics-
torla, the Priscllla Club was "at
nomo .Monday night, having as
their gucats llend bachelors. It was
the first time the club had entertain
cd tho men.
Invitations sent out last week told
the bachelors to bring "apron and
sewing" and a number of them did
this. On arriving at the Market
home they found the young women,
wearing tbelr Priscllla caps', busy
sowing. Aprons, needle and thread
and something to aew were supplied
those who bad not complied with the
Invitation request, and some time
was spent In sewing. The girls had
much fun at the expense of the men
who tried to sew but didn't know
bow. After this part of the program
camo a "talking bee." To each Pris
cllla had been assigned a word which
she was to use at least three times In
conversation with each man, and to
tho man making the most complete
list fell the honors of the game. D.
M. Davis proved to bo the lucky
During the game candy made by
the girls waa served and at the close
the punch bowl was brought forth
and healths drunk.
At 10 o'clock the bachelors bade
tbelr hostesses good night, having
had an evening of much enjoyment.
There were 18 men and 18 young
women present. Mrs. L. D. Wlest
waa chaperone. The hostesses and
their guests were: Misses llorden.
Sldnrr, Castle, Holmes, Perry, Young,
Ulack. West, Wilson. Trautner. Van-devcrU-the.
Misses Scbultx. the Misses
Markei, the Mlasea Wlest; Frank-
May, L. A. Jackson. Den Sawbrldge,
C. H. Hunter, Jesse Hunter, H. A.
Miller. W. II. Coble, Harney O'Don
nell. Dr. II. Ferrell. U. N. Hoffman.
D. M. Darls, E. U. Loomls. S. II. Gar
vin, Jr.. W. E. Parker, 3. D. Clayton,
II. II. Gould, Montello Coe and C. C.
lllg Iluildini 17m1 by Railroads for
Flrt Time Saturday.
The big warehouse at the depot
was used for the storage of freight
for tho first timo Saturday. The
largo part whero the dance was held
Is for freight for towns for which
llend Is a distributing point and the
smaller one for local shipments. The
United Warehouse Co,
will hnvo its
office in
the south end of the
Friday nnd Saturday 15 enra of
freight were receled, the first freight
after the recent storm period getting
In Friday,
The First National Bank
Or. U. O. COt. Pr.lld.nt t. A. SATHCR. Vic
O. 8. MU080N. Cathl.r
Capital fullr paid ... 828.000
8loclihold.iV llbllltr 858.000
Surplus SO. OOO
to keep your money in this strong, safo
Bank, subject at all times to your checks.
The person of small means, will find us as
attentive to his needs as does the man
with large interests.
An important function of this Bank i3 to
do what it can to aid its depositors in
their financial growth.
It's a very simple matter to open an ac
count here. One Dollar will give you a
, Money in the Bank is the best Insurance.
Fred L. Ilney Start In Chicken
Iloainess With White Orpingtons
of Famous I'rceil---IiOcI
Field Looks I'rombilag '
Poultry raising around Hend will
likely prove to bo one of the most
profitable industries, and a number of
persons aro preparing to engage la
this line of business. Among theso
Is Fred L. Huey, who, having made
proof on his up-river homestead, has
taken up bis residence In town. Ou
a city lot In Park Addition ho will, at
first, have his poultry yards.
A famous breed of chickens haa
been obtained by Mr. Huey, who last
Thursdsy received from Kansas City.
Mo., a pen of four hens and a rooster.
These came from the well known
poultry farm of Ernest Kellestrass
and are White Orpingtons. They aro
a direct strain of renowned Peggy,
the hen for which Mr. Kellestrass re
fused 110.000. Peggy waa exhibited
at all the big poultry abowa and
carried off many prlxes. The Judges
declared her to bo the nearest ap
proach yet attained to a perfect
Good Layers and llnillcr.
The pen of five birds cost Mr.
Huey $100 Thoy aro young fowls
but are already laying. He states
that erery egg will be set at first un
til he baa raised a large flock of
chickens, after which he will begirt
to sell them, ny fall ho will bavo
young birds laying, he says, and will
let others who wish a good breed or
chickens have somo of these. Tho
White OrpJnjrtona-are' reputed 0b
not only good layers but birds that
can be placed on the market In quick
time as broilers. He will do hU
hatching with an Incubator.
With eggs retailing here the year
round at from 30 to CO cents a doreor
the chicken business will no doubt
prove to be a paying proposition.
Nearly all the eggs consumed locally
sre now shipped in from Portland.
Supervisor Harvey of IVeiul Attend
Kt-htlons Held In Portland.
Twenty-one supervisom of national
forests In Oregon, Washington ard
Alaska were in session In Portland
last week. J. Itoy Harvey of tho
I Deschutes reserve attended the meet.
ings, returning to Dend Sunday night.
Chief Forester Graves was among
those delivering addresses. Tho
chief discussions woro tho policies of
tho government In regard to tho