The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 17, 1912, Image 1

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NO 45
mill wlihln two your. On Htitimlnv,
April 2'A, 1IMU, tho niiwiiiIII mill all
iniioliluiiry wore liurnoil. All tint
liiinbur hi (liu yard wiin unveil, TIiIh
mill wiih ImiIH nouily olislit your mho
liy A. M lirnlio.
lie ml niiniijr HiiMnlnn I,om n( lie-
iwrrn f 20,000 nml st&I.OOO
Ilium Itrllevrd In limn
llwn Wotk of liiccinllitrjr
J I'lro liollcvod In linvo (icon of In
rumllnry origin clotrnyiil npiiroxl
mnlcly 1,(00,000 fin( of liimlutr In
tlio yard (if Tliu llorul Co., ncros tlio
iilvor wot of lou ii, Motiiriluy nlnlit
.Tlio Iom In IiMwwii IJO.000 nml $25.
oou, rovvrvil )" liuuruiico. Tlioro wnit
n. 300, 000 foot of lumliur In tlio yard.
)( Hhorlly nflur 8 o'clock tlio llro vn
OUcovcred In thu contor of yard, ho
iwctiii two IiIk slack of luinlwr. Tlio
Klnrin wna soutuletl by tlio mill
yhlstlo nml tlio city cliomlcnl ctiRlnn
jinn ruihuil through tlio imid to tlio
mill. In addition to this, thero waa
only one lioo tlint roiild Im played on
51io flntnr. Water for It wm pump
d by tlio mill ciikIiio and noocl work
jMta dono by tlio volunteer Dromon.
A larKO crowd icathcrod and assisted
nil they could In HiclitliiK tho flames,
When tlio flra started a lirUk wind
waa blowing; from tlio southwest. It
soon veered to tlio viuth and In
creased to altnoit a nolo, and practi
cally all tlio lumber In tlio faco of tlio
wind waa burned, llucket brigades
kept tlio pltra on tlio aouth ildo of the.
nro from catchltiK,
Dynamite l t'cl.
Dynamite waa used In an effort to
low up ono of the big ttacka, but tho
Banco did not tnovo It. and no fur-
,i nor attempts were made In thla lino.
' ' Mint of tlin lumber lust wm drv
1x12 and 1x10 atuff. It
burned fiercely, making n pectacular
blam that waa watched by hundreda
of people.
At tho north aldo of tlio yard some
tlhtlatiro from tho liiinlcr, waa a Ionic
ataek of alab wood. Tho alronK
xjnd carried flro to thla and a Unto
part of It waa comumed. Two cot
tAKea near by wero saved only by
hard work of tho bucket brigade.
Tho official of Tho llcnd Co. bo-
llevo that tho flro waa not. Karly
'nrrlvnl found that a pile of ahavliiRi
nful other matorlal had been placed
letweeti two atacka of luiubor In the
Wnter of tho yard. Tho flrobiiK
timed hla Work with tho atartltiR of
bo Mk warehouse dnuco, at which
nearly ovoryliody waa or waa koIiik-
hero la no cluu to tho perpetrator
In order lo hundlo with moro facil
ity lla rapidly liicronliiK hunlne, tho
Flrat National flank tin luaiiKiirntitd
a ayalom which la usod by mint of tho
up-to- ditto bauka of the country.
Thla la tho avudliiK out to each de
poiitor of a month! statement of hla
account with tlio bank. Thla does
nway with the luconvaiilenco of leav
ing pais hooka for baUlicInK nud
makea possible tho hnltmrliiK of ao
couuta when dopoaltora foricet to
leave their ptiss booka nt the end of
tho month. I'nmt booka will mill Ihi
uied aa hiietoforo, however, na a
recoid of dcponlta.
Tim n Team, on Willi Ji me Hcwi-nl
Old I'inyrix, Will Meet tlio
1 1 lull Kllllllll llll)N. I
Tlio bahket lmll aeanou will bo
oieued In Mend Krldny night with a
Kiimo between tho mou'a town team
and tho boy of tho lltxh Kohool,
On tho town team will be C
RprlnRiir, Hteo Hloldl, Jesso Hunter
and probably Max Itlchardaon. The
filial llllDUp haa not been decided on.
Kuvural of thu men who have played
on former tvama will bo In tho con
teat, which will likely bo an exhibi
tion worth aeeliiR. I.liuter'a Hall
will bo tho irelio of battle.
Tho youiiK women have resumed
practice aflor'a holiday reat ami will
ready to appear before the public lu a
fow weoka.
Amended I'i-ohinIiIoii of Hlnte Offl
dala Accepted Muro IjiiiiI to bo
Ojriicl for Hale Inrirane of V.1
on Lieu I'rlco la Allotted.
The lliilletln waa Informed at 4
o'olook thU nftornoon tliiilHiirvoy
or had liitjfini work jnt below
town loeiillntr tho Hoi th eaniil.
ThU would Indicate that tlio Cen
tral Uii'Riin lriln'uUoti Comeany
meaiiN IniNluitKi ami will complete
the eauul In lull! uccoidlii,' to
tlio teium of tlio iiKreemeiit with
tlio Htnio Deitert lind llouid.
Till U rimxI uowx to Hem).
rrlnevlHo, With Decrenxe of H, Dropa
to Hecimtl Place Mnilraa AImi Haa
1a-hh I'uplb Itrdttionil Oalna
(iO, mid I I'lnc i'l.
Willi throo aoven-paaacnRcr cara,
tho Colllna Auto Co, la now oporatliiK
a roRtilar auto lino between Demi and
I Htirna. At proaont, no regular
achedulo for lenvlng la maintained,
cara IcavlUR ai often aa thoro nro
paaaencora to Justify tho trip. In the
aprlng a regular achedulo will bo
maintained, Tho cara mako tho trip
over tho 160 mllea In eight hours,
leaving hero at 8 a. m. and Rotting to
Hurna at C p. m. Dinner la had at tho
Hrooklnga ranch at Ttolyat The fare
for tho one-way trip ia $20.
Chicken Stolen
Trout Numlier
1-nnl Week.
V Tot tho deod.
1 A lliirniMl In April, HMO.
'Thla la the aocond llro to vUlt tho
Hold thieve have been operating
In Item! tho paat weok, chicken be
ing the apodal attraction for thorn.
Their work ha been Mdly done.
I.. I), Wleit loit 1C chicken Friday
utght, am! Kutiday night an attempt
waa mado to get more. Hetwcen 7
and 8 that owning a wagon atopped
by tho Wleat chicken houo, but tho
thieve found tho door locked. Ilia
lug giving the alarm. Mr. Wleat went
out with hi gun and took n ahot nt
tho prowler, frlRhtenliiK them nway.
Other cltlinna who have roorUd
loalng fhlckan tho pant weok are
Jack Kelley, "Dad" Tweet nud an
other realdent of l.)tlo.
Tilday night two aaeka of oata and
a ran of oil wore taken from ono of
tho freight wagon of W. W. Ilrowit
which had i;ot iturk lu tho mm! on
Oreeuwood uvenue. One of tho vncka
had n hole In It urn! a trail of oata
unbled tlio owner to Mud nml recover
hi feed nt u uoarby barn.
$20.00 Bills at lc.
If you could buy (20.00 bills for n co)cr cent
tho opportunity would tnenn nothing to you If you
didn't hnvo tho CENT. Hnvinir tlio ready cash nnd
tho JudKmont to uho It nt tho opportune time ia tho
Btiro roud to wenlth, Hut remember that It takes
both tho judgment nnd tho cash to mnko n wlnnlnjr
tenni, Judgment without cash Is lielploi. Cnsh
without judKment is soon scattered. Start a bank
nccount. Ik'jrln to lay aside tho one important tiling,
CASH. Ah you accumulate it judKment will como
with It. Tfien when opportunity knocks you nro
snfo in oponlnjr the door. Wo invite you to open
im account with us today.
ltoxita received by Tho llulletlu
aro to tho effect that tho I)eert
l.niul Hoard nnd tho Central Oregon
Irrigation Co. hnd como to term.
The proHltlou which the !oard re
cently aiihmltted to tho company, a
copy of which waa printed In thla
paper, haa been amended aomewhat,
tho board agreeing to execute a aup
plomcutal contract containing tho fol
lowing provlalona,
"1. Tho Control Oregon Irriga
tion Company to ralie or ecuro tho
aum or at leaat $1 .0,000 within
thirty day from thla dato for the
purjoo of diverting and carrying
through tho propoacd North canal to
tho Intersection with tho Pilot Hutte
Canal aufTlclont water to reclaim all
land ultimately to bo reclaimed
from tho North Canal dlvoralon, auch
auch money to bo furnlahed from
tlmo to time aa needed, not leaa than
10 per rent per month If demanded,
and to bo aecured by a bona fldo aub-
2. Tho aald company to furnlah
tho Hoard with a aworn atntotnent
each month allowing the amount of
work performed under thla agree
ment, accompanied by a map of tamo
alio monthly financial statement In
cluding statement of rocclpta and ox
pendlturea fur maintenance.
"3. The company to comploto the
diversion nnd delivery of aforoald
water through tho proposed North
Canal to tho Intersection with tho
Pilot Hutto Canal during thu year
"i. Tho company to glvo to tho
Hoard a aurety bond satisfactory to
the Hoard lu tho penal aum of 12G.
000 to Itiauro tho construction of the
main Pilot Hutto tlumo, and tho en
largement of tho Central Oregon
Canal If nnd when necessary, In order
to complete tlni reclamation of the
lamia In tho project In nccordauco
with the contract of Juno 17, 1U07.
"ft. Tho Hoard to turn ovor to
tho trustee hereinafter provided for,
tho cash now In tho guaranty fund
and thu uotea of tho company now In
Having made n gain of noarly 100
per cent In population In the laat
yoar, Hand achool district No. 12 now
stands llrat lu tho county by a Mk
margin. District No. 1. I'rtuovllle,
which held thla honor by tho coiinus
of November 26. lt10. decreased In
' li,.ll.tlnf lft.1, ......lla. Im.I hm.I
,..,,.,,,,,, v.nxi ),,.un mm juiii uiiu
must now bo content to tako Ita placo
below llcnd lu rank. District 69,
Kodmoml, ahowa an Increase of GO
and stands third. Although falling
off 32 (duo partly perhaps to boun
dary changes.) district No. 22, Mad
ras, retalna fourth placo. Tho Hol
land or La Pino district shows a
healthy growth of 23; Laldlow dis
trict waa divided and now ahowa CS
ogatust C8 In 1910; Hlchardson dis
trict, No, 73, drops from 32 to 19,
and Itolyat from 23 to 13. District
No. 31, Lava.whlch In 1910 had 10
chlldicn, has lapsed, now having ono
pupil enumerated with No. 12. Dis
trict No. 17, Fair View, also lapsed.
During tho year fourteen new dis
tricts were created.
Thu grand total enumerated on
Nov. 2C, 1911, waa 3015, aa against
2124 In 1910 and 2130 In 1909. tho
1911 gain being C91. Of this num
ber llcnd district furnished 177.
There aro 1547 males, HCS females.
Complete Ofllclal Figure.
The following aro tho tifflclal fig
ures furntshod The Uulletln by
County Superintendent II. A. Ford.
MAKQUKfMDn HAM, Knit. 14.
Tho flrat masquerade ball of the
acason will be given at Llnster's Hall
on tho ovcnlng of Valentino' Day,
Wednesday, February H, by tho
Itoyal Neighbors of America. Ten
prlica will bo awarded. Tho cellars
and attics will now bo ransacked for
Krotcu,iio costumes to bo worn on
thla occasion.
I'aaaengers Coming In Sunday Mora
in IU-port Inciting Hide freight
Hen Ice to Ite fteaumeil Tomor
row on Oirgon Trunk Line.
(Contlnuctl on Liui l'nve)
DUtrlct 1010 1011
1 27C 2C8
2 24 2S
i 10 12
5 21 21
C 19 24
7 38 38
8 21 21
9 70 54
10 34 28
11 52 53
12 20G 383
13 58 42
14 29 (8
15 8 8
1C 39 36
17 2 it
18 2.1 20
19 2G 51
20 12 10
21 12 11
22 159 127J
23 17 19
24 7 11'
(Continued on Last Pace)
Fred (Vnbtiee of Portland Will Turn
Out CreoMitcd I'roiluit Dozen
Men to Ikj Hmployetl.
A plant having a capacity of 30,
000 shingles dally will bo In oper
ation nt llcnd In a few weeks. Fred
Crabtreo, an expert In this lino, will
bo managor of the new enterprise,
which will bo known aa tho llend
Manufacturing Co. Kmploymcnt
for about 12 men will be given at the
Mr. Crabtreo haa keen hero some
time considering the field and left
Monday for Portland to ship In the
machinery. The plant will bo lo
cated at first at the mill of tho llend
llrlck & Lumber Co., which will tako
a amall amount of the stock of tho
new concern. Later tho shingle mill
w bo moved to the brickyard west
of town.
In addition to making shingles, the
company will so mo time this year
r"i iu ii it ining laino anj ot i.i- r.-i-
chlnery lor making finishing material
Hy creosotlng tho shingles they
win us made very durable and will
not warp or shrink. Mr Crabtreo ex
pects to be able to sell them hero at a
third less cost than cedar shingles
can bo Imported.
The machinery for the plant la-expected
hero next week and within a
abort time tho mill will be operating.
Hlg Mlnncapolla Tlmbennan Waa In
terested In Itcntl Country.
T. II. Shevlln, tho well known
Mlnncapolla lumberman, died Sun
day at Pasadena, Cal aged 60. He
had been 111 for some months and
went to tho Southern California re
sort In hop of Improving hla health
M.r Shevlln waa proaldent cf tins
Sliovllu Lumber Co.. which owna I2u
000 acre of timber adjacent to llend.
He had made n number of trips to th t
Northwest nnd kept In close touoti
with what was going on In Control
W. H. Sellers, rcnrescntatlvo
tho company here, received a iei
gram yesterday notifying him of 51-
Suovlln a death.
After being Isolated for a weefc,
duo to snow and rock slides and
waahouta. Hem! la again on tho rail
road map. Tho first train alnce tho
big atorm that swept otor tho North
west got In Sunday morning at 5:10.
this being the Oregon Trunk. It
brought mall and express that had ac
cumulated for a wk at Fallbridge.
aa well as a number of passengora
who had been waiting at Portland,
Tho Dalles or Fallbrldgc.
Tho Oregon Trunk announcea
that freight scrvko will bo resumed
tomorrow. This will glvo towns o
the line tho first froight slnco Janu
ary C.
Tho Deschutes line Is still tied up
and It la not yet known when tralna
can bo operated over It. Hetwcen
North Junction and The Dalles thoro
were severe rock slides and the road
was badly damaged.
Tho Oregon Trunk train north
bound which waa tied up at Mctollus
returned to Dcnd last Thursday night
and went out Saturday morning, car
rying a few passengers who had re
turned on It from Mctollua and oth
ers who wero bravo enough to vea
ture on a trip. Tho road took good
care of all Its stranded passengers,
paying their hotel bills.
Traffic Is picking up again, there
being 40 tickets sold at Dcnd yester
day and today.
The snow which waa piled high an
the Oregon Trunk line waa morod
by rotary plow, but the troubles of
the company did not end there. Tho
melttng-anow- andtho rain that fol
lowed caused the streams to riso and
damage the bridges It became 'm
eswry for the Oregon Trunk to ujo
the track of Ita rival from North
Junction to Metollus.
Have Clooo Cull.
Tho passengers who came In Sun
day morning report n thrilling or
pcrlenco In crossing the bridge over
tho Dcschutca at North Junction.
All tho train except tho rear coach
had got over, when part of tho span
gavo way under the force of the wa
ter. Tho rear coach waa derailed,
tho peoplo In It thinking they wero
going to bo plunged into tho oanyon.
Tho conductor. Mr. Kussoll. was
cool headed and equal to tho occa
sion and, with military tactics, made
tho passengers march out of tho oar
and back across tho tottorlng struc
ture. After the coach was got back
on tho track they wero allowod to
get aboard and resumo tholr Journey
to their destinations.
Tho passengers drew up a set of
j resolutions commending tho trainmen
j for their bravery.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
h, 11. MIUD, (President) J. W. MASTHRS, (Vice President)
l, O. MINOR, (Secretary)
from the tiniest of tack hummers to the biggest
of sledge hummers, are hero for sale, as well as all
kinds of tools for every trade, and farm implements
of every kind. We keep only the best and most re
liable qualities anil ure asking only the fairest prices.
You can save money on all
your Hardware hero and
still be sure of tho best grade
S irn
1Ee First National Bank
Dr. U. O. COe. Pr.ild.nt E. A. BATHER. Vic.
O. S. HU08ON, Cihl.r
Capital fully paid ... MS 000
Stockholders' liability . 7S OOO
N. P. Smith
Wall Street
Mr. Business Man
This bank otters you nil tho advantages of a mod
ern bnnkfnp; institution.
Ask for our statement and study it. Investigate tho
men who stand back of tho business wo conduct.
Consider tho protection given our funds. Our
strength is far in excess of tho strength required
to safegunrd your banking business.
If your business is paralyzed for lack of funds
if it is a good business with good prosjiects why
not talk to us about your credit? You will find
that we have a friendly attitude towards all pro
gressive ideas, nnd a willingness to give your
proposition careful consideration.
Wo offer your account strength and confidential
and courteous treatment.