The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 10, 1912, Image 9

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Ladies' Home Journal
$5.00 -,"'s s,,ot-"' aw $4.50
$4.00 men's ulioes, now $3.75
$3.50 mt,,,,s sMoes ,ow $3. 1 5
$3.00 men's shoes, now $2.75
$3.00 W ?"? ow $2.65
$2.50 iwy's s,!o?' now $2.25
$2.25 youths' shoes, now $2.00
$4.00 ladies' shoes, now .... $3.50
$3.50 ladies' shoes, now .... $3.15
$3.00 ladies' shoes, now .... $2.75
$2.00 ladies' shoes, now .... $1.85
$1.75 ladies' shoes, now .... $1.50
Children's at... $1.75, $1.50, $1.15
Infants' at 50c, 75c, and 90c
Dry Goods.
Calicos, best quaHtyLlfl yds. $ 1 .00
Outing Flannels, now, per yd. 10c
Flannelettes, lflc grades, now 1 2sC
Ufi-ccnt dress goods, now, per yd. 50c
U5-eent dress goods, now, per yd. 25c
lO-i'i-nlliliiiu-liedoi'iiublnuclifdiiioitllu d 1 tt
II jutiU fur p 1 .UU
Fine heavy Cheviots, V2A, now . . 10c
Canton Flannels, 15c, now .... 123c
Dress (linphums, 120, 11 yds. $1.00
Zcphcr Ginghams, 15c, now . . . 12c
Percales, Viyic, now 10c
"I I Sheetings, bl'ch'd or unhl'eh'd 27c
Sheets, 31.00 irrudc, now, each . . . 85c
Pillow Slips, 50c grade, now, pair., 45c
Blankets & Comforters.
$ 1 .50 comforters now at $ .35
$ 1 .75 comforters now at $ 1 .50
$2.00 comforters now at $1.75
$2.50 comforters now nt $2.25
$4.50 wool blankets at $3.75
$2.50 Wnnkcts now at $ 1 .75
. Hosiery.
Ladies' 5e fleeced and cashmere. 25c
Ladies' '25c fleeced, now 20c
Men's lfle hose, now, per pair , . . 10c
Men's 2rc hose, now 5 pairs for $1.00
Men's i50c wool hose, now 45c
Men's suspenders special ..... 25c
KadlfV KIMwd tTnJrwnr, now per jmrmmt 25c
LndleV (WV-cttnt 1,'mJprwHir, now per jfurinent, 50c
LdlcV Vi-ennl I'nderwenr, now per garment 5c
Iidl' iX'ift I'nlon Hull, olenrnnoe price fc Q0
Ixiillm' 11.3ft Cmlmioro ITnderwear, now $ 1,00
Children's .VHnderwHir, now wir imrment 25c
Children's (yViWuol Underwear or garment 50c
Men's fX; 1'mlerwcar, now per tfarmentonly 45c
Men's (JOc 1'ndorwwir, now per pnnnmitonly 50c
Men's 1.00 Wool I'nderwear, jxir 8armontg5c
Men's 41. V) Wooll'nderwuir, iernirinjt JjJ j ,35
I'nuiunl reduction In Sweater C'oaH. Cloilng
out Ait. Hood Ovornll to make room for Carhartti
for which wu are oxcIumvo nent In Llond.
Men's Illli OvorelU. 41.35 vnluos, now $1.00
Men' WaUt Overall. 41.00 values, now 85c
Hoy' lilli Overall, 8Gc, olearanco jirlco 75c
IJo' Mb Overall, fVJc, now 50c
Men' Mackinaw, rognlor price 45.00, now ,54.25
Agents in
Tbe Very
JV v JTi M ?Kv
We Announce the Arrival of the Spring Styles of
We Walk oi Stars so cau You. "Star Brand
Shoes are Better.' A trial will convince You.
The Mannheimer Mercantile Company
New, Clean Merchandise Wall Street, Bend, Oregon The House of Good Yahies
Seven new pupil unmltcd In tho
lloml school tliU week.
II. Itcrttr o( the Collins Atitn Co.
. luttrltiii in town .iioiiiiii)' intent.
' ( Kylvuster Htaats has quit thy law
' 'lirustleu to engage In the eattle Iium-
Misses Arvllln Murphy and
1 'Areta Itvorson outerm! tlm High
. Mehixil till week an MiplHimonM.
TIih monthly inmitlng of the
Kcktml lumrd I sebedultnl for toimir
row ovtmlug nt tho nchoohotut nt
H o'clock.
It. M .Hmlth. tho president, has
I i ailed n meotliiK of tho illrectorN tit
'tho It. M. Hmlth Clothing Co. for
Jituunry 31.
Itev. Mr. Konknlt. pnntor-nt-lnrRu
n ol tho OreRon llnptlm Convention,
will pnwtah hero iimrnliiK mid even-
Iiik Humtay. Ho na unahlo to ;ut
,, horn Inat Hunday.
John llarolny, crayon lecturer
and clny moldor, will lo horo on
Hntuidny ounlnR. January S7, an
thti third numhor In tho lcoum en
tertnlnment coume.
Tim llomeeekiir' Iintl Co ro
IMiitR tho following recent imIhh
Moimtaliivlew ranch, near l.uldluw,
In n Mr Norciltt or Mlrhlcan, lot 10
;f lilni'k l. Itwtul, to 1' V llniHti. tho
, nortiioflxi wirnur or lot t or iiioeK
i 13 to J. II. Corhett. the Innlilo 31
feet of the Mtniu lot to I). A. Iloyd.
lot X of IiIikU 13 to n I.Hkevlow iiutn
mid Z3 Iota In Park, Dwmjliulnn mid
Center Hilltloim.
Tim carpentry clan In the loeal
Mhool Ntarlod off Monday. There
uro 18 Iki)u tnkliiK tho courru, nml
their llmt work U flttlUK ui n room
for their own uno, In thtt iMnement
of the UulldlnK-
Judge KlliM, J. (. Hnlnlliie of
I'ortluHd, Mr Uiv of Itadmond,
Mr. WrlKlit of MutolliiH, Coinmln
Hloner Itlco of I la creek and Com
uilHlonur llaytny of I.aldlaw innilo
the ttlp from Itedmond to llend on
Moudii)' liy nuto. They rcHirtud
the huow ery dlltlcult to koi
through and especially from Hod
iiioud to ltldlaw.
Judgment hnvliig licen necurcd hy
Mrs. i'uttuinou In Juitlco Law
reuco'i cMiurt In the num of JSII.78
ui:alniit Italph I'lktlernon, iroperty
lielouglUK lo tho Inttor una aold at
public auction Mwturday morning
In front of The llulltttln building.
Two Iiomm, n wagou, harnewi, liar
mw plow and otter iklu overcoat
brought u total of $250.
i t
to every Parlor and Reception Room
rind we huvc n vast variety from which to select. In
fuet we have a large assortment for every room in
the house all of the best makes and most artistic
designs. Whatever your needs may be in high grade
household Furniture, rest assured we have it at
most tempting prices.
. " E. M. THOMPSON '
I Whoro Your Dollar Doea Ita Duty. Wall strcot, Bend, Oregon.
It, II. Hunnny returned to Seattle
W. It. Wllklmnn returnod to Fort
llldwtll, Cal., Sunday.
W. I. Hmlth and family left Friday
for I'ortlnnd mid California.
The llend Co. shipped n car of
lumlior to Madras Thursday.
Morris A. Iira, son o, A M I at a,
Iisn come to llend to mnhc uU hone.
The Kplscopal Guild will meet at
3 p. m. Thutuday wlttr Mrs. Wilson.
Dr. IT. C. Coe returned Thursday
night from a business trip to I'ort
lnnd. Mm. It. I'. Averlll Is entertaining
tho e oiling Five Hundred Club to
night. Mr. Karl II. Houston han returned
from visiting relatives at Woodburn.
Tho afternoon Five Hundred Club
met )istcrda) afternoon with Mrs.
MWa Arrlo Illaclc returned Friday
evening from her vacation trio tn
Mrs. Creed Trlplett and family left
Sunday for Kugeuo where Mr. Trlp
lett now Is.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Uyan of tho
Tilled, nro visiting at the homo of T.
M. Ilaldwln this woek. Frluevlllo
Calvin Ilrlggs had a too of tho
loft foot which wan inlP'hnpon and
gavo him pnln amputated Sunday,
at tho hospital.
II. K. Smith and J. K. Ilrlnkley of
tho forestry o Itlco are out In tho
Sand Spring country this week on
government business.
Miss Florence Young has nccopted
n poMtlou us teacher In tho Madras
public school, taking tho pluco of
Mrs. W. K. Moyors, resigned.
F, O, Minor claims tue honor of
having tho first polusetta over
brought to llend. It was sent htm
by Mrs. Minor from Corvallle,
J. 1 1. Hymo, formerly of llond, who
has boon mnklug hla homo nt Ana
cortes, Wash., U now connectod with
tho (loodwln Itoat lCstato Co. nt So
nttlo. Tho qunrtorly moating of tho C. 0.
I, Co. Wator Users' Association was
held at Itedmond Saturday, bolng at
tended by u number of settlers from
Tho Btnall boya havo hnon having
groat tun In tho anov. With u
Innir rono thov nttachod tbnlr slods
to wagons and buggies and got good
riues witnoui nuy lauor.
' It. a. Shrador, local ngont for the
llond l'ark Co., will opon an olllco
near tho depot. A. C. Hvorson will
build a tomporary frame building
nt Fourth and Greenwood and Mr.
Shrador expects to hate his head
quarters thcro.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Gnn
ung, last night, n girl.
Tho W. C. T. IT. will moct tomor
row afternoon with Mrs. O. C. lion
kle, nt 2:30 o'clock.
Tho board of directors of tho I'lno
Forest Irrigation Co. will meet
next Saturday morning at Howe's
Tho two-page ndvortlsomont of's store Is tho largest which
has over been carried In The Bulle
tin, and It Is bellovod to bo tho big
gest yet printed by a newspaper In
Contra! Oregon.
Tho applicants for tho position of
It. F. 1). carrier from llend did not
tnko tho examination scheduled for
Saturday. It was advertised to bo
held bore, but tho govornmonj. noti
fied them to go to Frlnovlllo to tako
It. This thoy all refused to do.
W. W. Drown, tho big ranchman,
camo In from Fife tho first of tho
week on hla way to I'ortlnnd. Ho in
formed Manager llently of tho United
Warehouse that he would havo all
his freight shipped in to llend. Ho
has already received nbout u hun
dred tons horo. Mr. llrown has com
pleted a good road from his ranch to
connect lth tho llond-llurns road.
Wootmcn Urge National Ijuv to K
termluato 1'rcdutory Animals.
WASHINGTON, D. C President
Gooding and Secretary McCluro, of
tho National Woolgrowors' Associa
tion, now In Washington, aro prepar
ing to urgo tho passage of a national
bounty law, Thoy contend that state
bounty laws nro inadequato to oxter-'
mlnato tho predatory wild animals
which brood In national forests.
Fodoral assistance Is necessary,
thoy assert, as theso animals each
year kill $10,000,000 worth of live
stock which results tn au Increased
cost of meat.
You 111 llud that one ton of
coul will give )ou more boat tliim
three cord of wood. Figure tho
economy, Tho Ovcrturf-Dntls-MII-ler
Old Papers for Sale.
Old papora tied up in bundles
may bo had at Tho Bulletin ofllcc.
Just tho thing to go under your
carpet. tf
ONCK A PATUONotlnnes & David
son's barber shop, you will continue
to bo for their service is tho best to
bo had.
Qsms of Corrtipondenc In Which
Thtr Wtr No Words WstUd.
A couple of Quakers hold tho record
for brief letters. One of them, wish
ing to learn If a correspondent In a
distant town had nuy news to com
municate, posted to him a sheet of pa
per on which only a note of Interroga
tion was wrltton. Tho reply came In
tbo form of a blank sheet. Indicating
that there was nothing at nil to com
municate. Actors seem to carry off tbo palm for
brevity In letter writing. Quln had a
misunderstanding with Ittcb. the man
ager of Covent Garden, which result
ed In Quln's leaving In an unceremoni
ous manner, no ioon regretted the
hasty action and wroto to tbo man
ager. "I am at Bath.-Quln." Itlch
did not think this n sufficient nnology
und accordingly replied. ''Stay there
and be bauged."
Everybody remembers tho letters
that pasted between Samuel Footeond
his mother. "Dear Sam," wroto the
lady, "I nm In prison for debt. Your
loving mother." Foote's answer was
even shorter? Dcur Mother 3o nm
March 10. 1T0O. was n notably dark
day In Most on. A certain ludy was In
duced thereby to wrlto tho following
note to tho famous Dr. Uyles: "Dear
Doctor How do you account for thU
darkness!" To which the doctor sim
ply replied, "Dear Madam I am as
much In tbe dark as you nro."I'ear
son's Weekly.
Ths Dlffsrsnc.
T-ate one afternoon u western sena
tor chanced to run ncroM his colleague,
who stt musing Idly In a committee
"Hello, Tom!" said tho second sena
to j,. "What aro you doing beryjL"
The Bulletin's classified ads
bring results. If you havo anything
for salo or wantt to buy, use a
Bulletin It costs but
little. tf
K. M. lArn as President
Club's Policy Will lie to Gt
Xew ndustrlcA Here.
At tho annual meeting of tho Com
mercial Club Thursday evening, of
ficers for tho ensuing year were
elected and tho policy to he pursued
during tho next twelve months was
K. M. Lara was choson president;
Clydo M. McKay, vice president;!!.
W. Skubo, secretary; It. II. Gould,
treasurer; John Stcldl, Frank May
and Hugh O'Kano. directors.
Tho retiring treasurer, C. M. Rod
field, was present and niado his re
port, whloh was accepted and a rote
of thanks was given him for his ser
vices. Tho report of tho retiring
soorctary, H. J. Ovorturf, will he sub
mitted at tho next lUxUug, as ha
was uuablo to got It reti'v i-y Tquiy
tiny on i.woimt of havluj to make a
hurtled trip to Prlnevlllo th.t day.
Slmm;cr Sawhlll or"Ui'i from
Portland, whoro ho had !oi. on club
Imlii'ss, before tbo noA'tig td
JtiMiied and mado rep.' on his
trip, lull ring tomo very c .(."urcglixx
ih'km to til club momborj .
' tlil t. got Doml advertised
t'i UKhout tho country, thu rltib,
during IS 12. vlll direct IU -!orls '. toward bringing ncv Inrtuj
':'os :ttt. Tn'?, tho -n Micro Jo
el led, i.uuld bo the best thin:; to li,
nud h definite stntem t ol thU
policy i ii.- ordored formul.ivjl 1 t'ie
loi-rd of directors and su'imltted tn
(ho ii oinbors of tho club .'o. iholr eti-
ltO it.
It Is "planned to hare mora fro
qront meetings than In tai past.
Notice of Annual Meeting.
Tho annual meeting of tho North
Irrigation Company will bo held at
7:30 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 13, In the
offlce of II. C. Kills at llond.
L. D. W1EST.
The Garvin-Loomis. Construction Co.
deneral Contractors.
Central Ilulldio.' Wall and Ohio SU.