STEVENS IY HEAD G. N. RY. WOULD SUCCEED W. HILL. L. Former President of Oregon Trunk Will Hot in it to Turillc Const Till Month, Ho Wrlles From tlie Hast Where He It Now. The Portland Journal printed tho following story a few da)s ago about tho builder of the Oregon Trunk lino Into Central Oregon: Will John V. Stevens he tho next president of tho Great Northern Hallway? This question Is suggesting Itself to n number of persons Intlmntety ' acquainted with the railroad situa tion of the country. Event of the past year point to It as not nt alt unlikely that tho former president of the Hill lines In Oregon may l.ecomo head of tho Great North ern to succeed Iouls W. Hilt, who It is said has concludod to resign for tho purpose of devoting his undivided attention to tho direction of tho de velopment of tho agricultural Inter ests along tho Hill lines. Mr. Stevens resigned from tho presidency of tho Hill properties In Oregon shortly after tho completion of the Oregon Trunk lino Into Madras last spring. Itumor I Itcvivcd. It was rumored at that time that James J. Hill had suggested to him the presidency of tho Great Northern. Mr. Stevens, however, felt In need of a rest, and decided upon a trip to Europe for tho summer. A few days ago the news reached Portland that Mr. Stevens had or ganized the John K. Stevens Con struction Co., a $2,000,000 corpora tion, with the object of handling large railroad construction projects, but Information received here today is to the effect that while this wus Mr. Stevens plan it Is possible that an offer to head tho Great Northern at this time would receive his con sideration sinco ho has often ex ptesscd his liking for the West and the Pacific Coast. That tho Great Northern Is plan ning to pursue a more nggressivo development policy than ever Is also said to lie indicated by various re cent moves 6f J a hie J. Hill, chair man of the executive board, and It Is said It would not be surprising to see him secttre Mr. Stevens to carry out such plans as he roa have tentatively la .mind. It was upon Mr. Stevens' leoommendation, that the Oregon Trunk was built Into Central Ore ton and which practically led to the Hlil Invasion la Oicrou oa a large scale. About to weeks ago It was re ported thet reorganisation of the Great Northern wis planned and that President Gray was slated (or the position of vl-e president with con trol of all i.t the Great Northern linos west i.i Havre. Mont. I..nll !, Mad. Gray den. el this report, stating that he kaev ef no planned chanties that would ilfect his position here. At that tlw i'0 mention was nisde of President I -out YV. Hill. It Is now believed, b .never, thtt rumors of Mr. Hill's inieatlo'i to resign ha1 lie come ciiiM-tit an I tl'.it M'c wv rise to Ike belief that a general ro orsRMlzatli r was planned. Mr. Stevens figuring on visit ing the "iut and Portland mi rue time this hi i nth according to letters received bmw recently, und It Is con slderod n .( at all improbable that this visit will have more slgnlflcancj than a frlenH cjII. WAN1-. WOMKN TO VOTH WASHHiTON. Keprosentatlvo Ifferty ol (trogon has Introduced an amendment In the federal constitu tion to extend the voting privilege to we m Mi SonMoi Itourne has Introduce 1 n b:M ti;itl.iil'.ug tho construction of u vjhir pj 1 wl bridges through t'." C-ater latin national park at a cost not exceeding $012,000. $100,000 to be Immedlilt'ly avallablo. MUSC CO TO COL'NCIL. SALHM lu an opinion asked for by attnruei. in llaltor regarding the mathodj of amending city charters h tho Initiative. Attorney Gonorul Oawford lilds that such proiiosed aiiienduiHiib, must first le submitted to tho cit,' onunell. If the council sees fit it may orduln tho law und further niocecdiiigii under the Initi ative voul I uot I io uecoBsary. if, hi wover. Hie council refuses to or dain the ttt the council must submit it to a viilu of the people. Hut tho cl tctiou a which It is voted upon c aiiot eoioo until 90 days Iium elnp Hid after tho measure wub Unit sub mitted to (ho council. MI.SSKI) LOIKJi;. SALMM John Qulucy Wilson, a AMllamette villey pioneer of 18.12. dud lieie in his 8 I til year. He was ouo-ot the Jew surviving charter iinjuihoru of the local Order of Odd Fellows, oiKJUlred lu 18G2. It is claimed Hi it the lodge novor met hut "Old 4, I,, was there." Ho was born duduft. tlie'istttor part of John f died Ht pritCtlt'rtll the BMtlie Age the noted ex-presldent RECORD OF TRANSFERS Deeds Recently Piled With the County ' Clerk at Prlncvlllc. John Vesscn to Oregon Inland Dow Co. sec. 3 K-14-23. $10. V. II. Stunts et nl to Win. P. Mc Naught Its 7 and S. blk U, Des chutes mid., Iloud. SI. Tho lleud Co. to Thos. Huttou Us 9 nnd 10, blk IS, Center add. Ilend. V. 1). Nowlon to I,. I). Wlest It 12 blk 6 nnd It If. blk 11 and Its IS and 16 blk 19, Wlcstorla. (Quitclaim.) Lovl D. Wlest to V. D. Nowlon Its 15 nnd 1G blk IS. Its 1 and 2 blk 32. It 1 blk 13, It 1 blk 30, Wlestorln. Lovl D. Wlest to John llecaas It 15 blk 11, Wlcstorla. $10. 8ttvtnton't Nsme. No modern writer Is better known by his Initial than Hubert l.ouls Ste venson, but "II. I. 8." was arrived st after considerable experiment. Ste venson's baptismal names were Itobert Lewis tlntfour. and tho third name conned the dlilloulty. Until he wns about fifteen be signed himself "It. Stevenson" After that he occasional ly used Stevenson. "It. I- H." In 1SCS he nsked til mother to address til in as "Hubert Lewis," but n year or two Infer, a he expressed It In n letter to Mr. Hiixter. "after several years of feeble and Ineffectual endeavor with regard to my third Initial to thing I lontbei," he finally abandoned It alto gether. Stevenson when about eight een changed the spelling of tils seeoud nitne from "Lewis" to "lajuls." but Lewis lie remained at all times in the mouth of bis family and friends. Origin of the Most Rote. The reputed origin of tbe moss rose, according to the Persian legend. Is so pretty n tale that It will have a ro mantic Interest for all who lore that old world and delightful member of the grout roue family. It appears that In the long ago the angel whose task It was to lend the flowers, wearied with his lalsirs. fell asleep beneath a rosebush und on waking, refreshed with Its perfume nnd the shade It bud afforded him. bade It ask for any boon It wished "Give us." sold tbe roses, "mime further chnrm." Hnd the nngcl. stooping, picked up some of tbe moss on which be hnd been lying nnd en veloped the flowers with it. telling them that this green covering, being tbe emblem of modesty and humility, would make (be moss nc ihe fairest of Its vlcs nnd Its queeu for all time. -Pall Mull Gazette. Quetn Clliabtth's Jttttr. Pace. Jester lu Queen Klluibetb. was so bitter lu his retorts on her that he wns once forbidden her presence After he hnd Is-en ab-ent for some time a few of his friends entreated tier majesty to receive him ls!i-k Into favor, ciigsclnc for him that he would be more guarded In future On hi return however. Pare wns ns Isol as ever. "Come ou. Pace." sl ihe queen In a grs'loun liiitBor. "Now we shall hear of our fuiiits ' "No. ihhiIihii." fuild i'm-f. "I Herer talk of wiist Is dbH-ii'M-u by all tn wortdr The Plsntt Mercury. MereHrr Is so i-te ! the ettn that It at times reeetres nine times ihe a moo nl of bent reeelved hy itn- earth It wohW Pe much too run Hi Mercury to permit life Nt all siiuiiur to what we have on our own piseet. nnd there has never been nn.v Ul-s-u-ston regard tag the holiliablllty of Menury. The Cotter Glrt't r:om. Ostrich plumes are as much of a ne cessity to the liiidon coster gin on her outings ns nre the iieuri tmttons to ber musrullne coniKiuloii. and the big trimmed huts with Mielr drooping feathers nre familiar in nil gatherings of Hits class Many of Hit- girl cannot afford to keep their money (led up lu useless plumes, and thete thrives n lirlsk Industry In the hiring of these feather Tbe loan of n single plume for u day costs a quarter, or for u dol lar a gorgeous trto muy be hnd for an outlug, io lie returned promptly tbe next morning. Wenlher renditions cause the terms to fluctuate somewhat, since u wet or foggy day will take tbe curl out of the feathers und make re curling uecessary, for wnieti Arrlei" has io pay an extra quarter. Loudon nt-Ults. "8tlnt" and "Stunt." Stint Is a good word a a noun. A s verb It means something not quite so pleasing Do not confound It with stunt, however. A stunt Is something quite useless. It Is the horseplay of ibe mountebank and has nothing In common wltb honest, productive labor A stint Is tbe warning to tne wise that something demands io be ncrompllned, a gond to the laggard thai time Is on tho wine- Atlantic. 8ht Knew It "I have decided to quit this company tonight." snld tbe prims donna as she Bounced into ihe mutineer's otllco. "Hul my dear Miss lllvlngton." he protested, "we have nobody to lake your place." "That's why I bnve decided to quit tonight" Chicago Hucurd Herald. Larger Coming. Irish riontmon isurveyinc the solitary rwult of the dnyi-lt's u folue fish tor the size nv ut. Tbcmil mn about three to tbe pound. Ancler-ilardly that, I should say. Uoatuian-Well. maybe Ibe other two'd be a bit bigger. London Punch. Qmm d.Uns a In nuM.ltliUi named dr him ndiulicd turn OREGON'S OPPORTUNITIES MADE KNOWN TO THE EAST The publicity which tho recent Western Governors.' Special, on Us tour through the Kast, gnvu tho suites of the Northwest wns the grimiest ndvortlslng feature ur nttoinptml In the Interest of this part of the country, according to those whoso chief business Is looking after thu westward movement of people nnd ac cording to those who made the long trip. Not only did thu Uustoru news papers gUo much space to the train. aovuRNOK wusr and thu orloon but tho big magntlncs aro featuring It. For Instance. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly of Decomber 14 cnrrlod ono full pago of pictures of tho special, tho exhibit cars and tho governors. This pago will do much to help the great colonlxatlon movement west ward, nnd lleud nnd Central Oregon with their vast resources In various Hues will gain ninny thrifty settlers as their quota of this emigration. hat Governor West of Oregon who made the Journey with the special, thinks of tho trip Is ex pressed by him ns follows: The Western Governors' Special has piood the greatest ndvortlslng feature ever attempted In the Inter-, est of the West. News of Us coming niintttu in ion mini nun iiiuos- amis awaited Ht the stopping points 1 Btife JTJ-rjBHeWBt. WRd, sBskW Wl Wli&h sTTfs BBhmA.s&J ESsHiimHsIussBIBIsIsU JfflSlffi jL Qu H 8 t9 II n!( to receive us with open arms and to r will see n westward movement hear of the great resources and i- . such as never was seen iiefore ' A PLAIN STORY AND A HALF COTTAGE Design 03, by Glenn L. Saxton. FIIIHT I'LOOIt PLAN. taM . tim Mr cSsfMjs to ' ---MtJWsM tsMfTTBlT - . '"n"- k m w a h m ip . wii h i'lkspix'iim: uuv phom a piiotoguapii. MMBJCCB.VILsMfett SODBSBn S9W II' 1 DINING nOOM n KITCHEN ! '2-OAIJ-O . ( H If-tfAII-b' M lr-0JUI'b , I ll il Bid U-Ta I -v-i i-m -- I I UJT liM' j (3 -012-0' CHAMBCn fl living noon I I j n'-uAii-b' J lf-0AI5-0" ? n ! I I I ! r i i Flo 1 1 I PIAZZA u'.'l'- i-X' w J This design combines nu attractive exterior with n practical mid econom ical Interior arrangement. The reception mom mid living room nre Meiiiriited Uy a slldlns door. In thn thing room there Is up ubuiidaiicu of good wall (.pace. While planning to gut the other features many people often forget to plan places for their finiiltiiie. In tho dining room Is a built lu Nhlcbonrd or buffet, with four hiiiiiII windows nbovo It. In tho kitchen nru u sink, cup t'oiirds, molding tabic, Hour bins and other iiccokhoi'Ich. Tho first story Is finished lu blrcli, left natural lit tho kitchen nnd Mlulneil n soft touu of tobacco brown In Ilia other rooms. Tho second story Is HiiImIiiiI In plno to paint. Illrch Hours throtigheut. Width of house, twenty six feet; depth, twenty-eight feet Cost to build, exclusive of heating und pliiublng, I'-VI.V). Ity special arrangement with mo tho editor of this paper will furnish ono set of plans and specifications of design No. 03 for iri, ... .. . .. GLK.NN' II. SAXTON. slbllllles of (lie Western states, "The tour of the Western Gover nors will result In the bringing ithout of it better umloi Minuting und close fileudshlp between tho Hunt nnd the West. The oos of tint Knst were not only opened to the possibilities of tho West, but Its people were brought to ronllxo that our Interest Is their In terest and Whatever Is dotto to de velop the West Is bound to redound to the botuillt of (ho Knst. They hxtmur cak in iiamimokk, aid. know that n movement of tho 'land - less mini' of the Kast to the lIlatllesa land of the West Is one not only lu tho Interest of business, but ono which will innko for government. , "When told of the great variety, of resources of n state llku Oregon of Its 29.000 siiinre miles of virgin forest, of water power which mens- u res twice that of New York. Mas-' sachusutts and Maine eombliied.of ' Its great variety of grains, grasses i and vegetables nnd fruits, of Us mines und fishing, of lis orchards and hop fields, of Its live stork lndiistr. and Isst but not least of Its delightful climate they could hardly bellew the statements trim. As h result of tho ,r,,, thousands are .l.eeoiiilng In tcrosted. and 1 am sure the coo'i , Architect. Minneapolis, Minn. ! j J 8KCOND I'LOOIt PLAN. POEMS WE MISS. Epics ol th Grtat Cvantt In Our Ns- , tlonil History. We hnvp iniiu.v volume of commeni i nrntltui odes of iUlte lespeelHble liter n ry ipiullty, but we look in tt its fur an epic of the war or Hie llcuiliitlon, which might till enrh one or in with the heroic sphlt ti tit I bind us all In that living union of great hearted hti mlllty wlili'h Is the supreme national pride. We look In tutu for tin epic an the great civil war. with one of the ureal!'! or nil life's soldiers ns Its hero, nor do we (Hid litiuiortnllxed In Arnold those wonderful expeditions across this continent tho travels of Lewis and Clark, the settlement of the forty nlners, the opening up of Alaska, the reclamation of thu deserts and the founding of Toms. How other wise I tin n through poetry are our chil dren to possess ihe beauty nnd the glory and the spiritual grandeur of Ihe tngs figures who founded this marvel ous union of state, of those heroes who "highly resolved" and so highly achieved! It I true Walt Whitman chanted Ihe song of democrat', but his chant Is a tmtgnlltrcut prophecy of nu Ideal-It Is an exhortation, not a poetic manifestation, The spirit Hist stroe and Is striving toward n realisa tion of this democracy I best caught when exemplified In Ihe lives nnd deed of the men who llwd nnd fought, wtm comptered ami died lighting, mov ed by this spirit. Thl I Hie creative work of the toet we awiilt Temple 8oo It lu I'tirum. CITIES HARD TO KILL. Whet Dome. Paris. Constantinople and London Have Qufftrsd. It Is s dltrtciilt thing In kill s city. and there nre some well known places ! " Uar mut'n My "I ' " survlie suy number of disasters. Take Home us s first example. No ,wr than ten limes hai she been swept by estlleme, Hhe has been burned twbe nnd starved out on six occasions, Seven times she has been besieged or bombarded. Hut she still flourishes. Perlins that Is wtiy she Is called the Kternnl City, Parts lias hnd eight sieges, ten fnm I no, two plagues and one fire which devastalist It We make no referencu to the iiumher of rvvoliitlons, as they aro too numerous to mention. Hut Pari still nourishes. Constantinople tin been burned nut nine times and has suffered from four plagues and (he sieges. There nre ' """'i' people who think (hat many of the sultans bnve Im-vii ns td for thn city as iiuy pvntUcme. And )et the , goes ou. I lastly there Is tbe HnglMh inriniH. lis. I.oikIoii began ns ii kind of moutli. In n swamp lu her curly history she , was sni'krd. Iniruiil mid all her Intinb ! limits billcherisl She tins lieeli divp mated by plflgne live llines, eiclllslvu of typhus, rliolers nnd swli maladies. Hho bus Ihshi iwin- or li Imrtii-it sev en times. She Is Ihriiltig III spite of alt. Yet He Loved Ihe Ses. It Is ssld Ihst UryiiH Wnller Proc ter. kHowu m Itsrry Corn wall, wlw wrvte Ike well Khowh sfHi- lm ilw i s' I'm hi in mm I I am M I Mould rmr Ur' was the veiy wnrs f llocs. Wliefi mm read thai be was mi seMsirk Hull He ishiUI wsr'i-ly besr the Wflllld of a lllimsii twice It ls times sptairent thai tils wife's rtHKluct during his allklln cihiNI m'sni'l) ttxSf lieeu resseurllig. As be lay oe the iterk of a channel Ihhiu rotereil with shawls and n mr ismllii, she lisd ike pleMslng habit of humming n strain of bis Jminl sim song The sx-l who lonsl the sen, but lou-d i m-. hi ii ill-IHine. had tery little life Jnl then. Ihji what force bo IihiI wns usisl In the entreaty: "Don i, my diHir! Oh, ilou'l."' Yet no doubt he lined the sea. Origin of Panlo. No word has mot til with the times more Ihuti "panic. ' lxig ago In am clout Greece It was a mild fcur In spired by mysterious sights mid sounds among the mountains nod valleys by night, which were attributed to the god I nil. Nowadnjs It tins a by no means siipeniiiturul slgnltlninre on the stock exiiinuge. "Panic fear" was tho original exnrrsston. snd In shortening It to "panic" we bnve nil really been as slipshod ns the small b' who rolls his "comic poM-r- a "comic, miotics, bury 'Hi years ago would have used the word for any contagious feeling that solr.ed Uxm masses of men. "There are ninny Psiiulcks In Mnn kind besides merely Hint or lrnr. And thus Is Itullctuu also Puunlck "Lou don Mall. Elsstlo Tims Table. In early days railway traveling was a much less formal affair than now, One night bark In thu sixties, the giiunl of the Inst train leaving llnnff was reminded by an Irato pas senger that It was some minutes past ihe starting time. "Oh. nye." replied the man. "but Meesier P. has n dinner party the ntcht, and I'm Jlst geln him two or three meenlts' preevllege." Loudon Chronicle. His Half. A wlfo after tho dlvorco snld to ber husband: "I urn willing in let you hnvo the baby hnlf of the time." "flood!" said ho, rubbing his baud "Splendid!" "Yes." sho resumed, "you may have him nights." H Objtcttd. Clergyman-P.lmer, wouldn't you like in he a minister when you grow upT Rmall Klmer-No, slrt I dnn't boiler In working ou Hunday,-Chicago News. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. rtsclnl Marks Left by Our Esrly Us-, plorsrt anil Settlers, While most of Ihe state of the Mis sissippi valley, beside countless liv ers mill hike In nil pints of I he conn Ity, hour lintliiti mime, lint n small immlier only of thu towns Hint urn the work of (ho while until lumi adopt ed names hummed from the original owjior of Iho Intnl. Nut mill In ten, It bus been olnled nut, of the lf0 largo rllles has till Indian name, nnd nmoiig those Hint liiivn It Is usually mi ndop Hon from some neighboring Inko or siren lit. Tim early explorers nnd siilllcrs Imvo left their racial marks, Up Iho Hud sou ami Mohawk (tin (rail of Iho Dutchman Is pretty clear. The Prem-li Influntiro lu northern New York nnd Vermont nnd along tho line of thu great lakes Is familiar lu many tinmen. Mississippi has no "saints" In Us list, whereas, across tho river. I.ouls. ana. by nine parishes nnd tunny towns, rivers and lakes, mrpetllttte thn re ligious tenuis of ll:i early collier. Kentucky nnd Tennessee evidence, (ho ocobulory of the hunter and trapper; Moiitntm nnd Idaho that of the miner All the region acquired from Mexico, iHtrtleiilnrly southern California, main tains In Us (dare nnms ihe memory of Us Spanish exploiers mid settlers. There nru relatively few Indian unities on the Pacllle const North of tho Spanish belt cnc and town fre quently reflect the loyally of early set tiers to the older state of the l.'tilon. Pittsburg I'ress. THE FRUGAL ARABS. They Live en Two Qlmple Mtsls of Dresd and Dattt a Day, The dally routine of Hu Arab Is aim plo and well ordered. He Is up with the daybreak and As soon ns possible loads his camels; then he ride for some four or live hours before he ha his first morning meal; then ha I off agsln until late In the afternoon, when n halt I made for thn night. Hupper usually consist of warm bread, with nu onion or dates a n relish, Itread Is prepared In as simple a luannrr n imsslble While the coarse flour and water are Isdng kneaded Into dough nl Inrgo fire Is made, which provide nl good heap of hot ashes On mrt ofl (hese Ihe flattened dough Is laid, then coverrd with the leiuallider of the astir. In about fifteen minutes the dough is sulthiently Inked It Is then well ticnfcu to free It from nshes. bnikeii lu piece am! dltldcd nlliong thine who from their bag have contributed the lllifll. After the evening fes coffee I made by so mo memls-r of the (wirty mid. titiriil out Into tiny rups, Ii sol o liny rups, Ii rmiI ii to each one "W the jilnre of bread J ire many vnrlMlo. 4 J einnly handed nrounl Hate oflrn lake II In Srsbl.v There nre many mid the comttloti of Hip date does net differ so very ihiicIi fnun that of hread. Pat Is lacUnx In Isith. bill lbl I supplied by the bulier chimoil Iti skin Iks iMH"iid from n trls ami sJiaketi or rolled on the grund -Cbk-ago News. An Ineenvtnltnt PUno, laxplt iW llejtr of Dremlen. n brtl llsut suit istpiilar pi 11. 11 of his day. was imi aiiiuniuMl lo play lfre th stitlsu of CoiisiautlmH'le Doing 1 tilth it. be Immmiil n grand piano fru oae of Ihe Aualttau sserelartes of tegs Hon nnd had It set up In s Urge rwep lluti tsMnn nt Ihe imlace There lie swslled the i-mnltig of ibe sultan, Mil when Dial Intelligent monarch lilersl Ibe rwim lie sisried 1st- k In alarm ami demanded of hi attendants what tlwl monster ws slMlnllug there iw Ihree lows. i:plunstlmis fidloneil, bill were In nlii, The legs he'd lo be taken off Hlld Hul Issly of the llislnilllelit Isld Hat on ihe liner, mid Leopold de Meyer, squalling eriHM logged 011 II unit, Willi through hi program as best he could In Itwt awkward attitude and ullhoiil sdnls Hut the ceiniiiHIider of Ihe faithful whs delighted, nnd when tint hist pli-ee was plnyisl gave the artist over $.i,0is ns barksheesh, Too Early, One raw l'olirunry morning nn In strticlor lu the t'ulverslty of Michigan wus culling the roll of 1111 8 o'iio k tiasi In Kugllsb, "Mr. Itobbltis." said ho. Theru was 110 answer. "Mr. Itutibtn," In 11 slightly louder voire. Htlll no reply. "Ah," snld the Instructor, with a qulvt smile, "come to think of II, it I rather early for robin." Tho Instructor was Hie lata Moses Colt Tyler, who later hecaiiio profes sor of history nt Cornell, and It shows til in In Ilia pleasing light of 11 man who could be lsi)Uhly gay nt n gray and cheerless hour no small fent, If one stops (o consider nn Instructor provo cation lo morning dullness. Hon Riding In Anoltnt Tlmtt. Htlrrups were unknown to the nn rlents. Along Ihe public roads (hero Were placed stone to enable the horse men to mount. Htlrrups wero used to some extent lu tho llfth century, but wero not common even so Into ns the twelfth, Horseshoeing Is n very an cient nrt. It I represented 011 11 coin if Tnreiitiim of about !I50 11, 0. It I aiild Hint William (ho Conqueror brought thn first Iron horsushoo to lCiiKland.-London Qrnphlc. Putting It Mildly. "Tlmt mini seems to bo proud of hts stupidity," said the Impetuous porson. "I wouldn't put It (hat way," replied (ho conservative friend. "I'd merely suggest that when It crime to n thirst for wisdom bo's a prohlbltlonUt."-Et. change. 1 i 1 s ):