5 General Merchandise to Be CLOSED OUT! MEN'S UNDERWEAR. FOR COLD WEATHER. No. 90, Vicuna Wool, Regular $1.15, Special 95c No. 2425, Natural Gray Wool, Reg. $1.25, Spec $1 .05 No. 2611, Natural Gray Wool, Reg. $1.50, Spec 1 .20 No. 2441, Cooper's Silk and Worsted, Reg. $2.50, Spec 2. 1 0 No. 2471, Pure Fancy Wool, Reg. $3.00, Spec 2.30 No. 3359, Very Heavy Vicuna, Reg. $1.75, Spec - 1 .40 Worsted and cotton ribbed Unions, Reg. $4.00, Spec 3.05 Pure worsted Unions, Seg. $5, Spec 3.95 A FEW NUMBERS IN MEN'S WOOL PANTS. Dark gray Hk stripe. Reg. $3.50, Spec $175 Dark Oxford stripe. Res. $4.50. Spec. . $125 Fancy, pure worsted. Rep. $5.00. Spec. 3.55 Gray, small stripe, Reg. $3.25. Spec .. 2i5 MEN'S HI-CUTS. These Are "Close Out" Prices Sure Enough. No. 2034, Men's Double Sole, tan, calf Blucher, heavy sole leather counter, 2 buckle top, Klondike hooks or eyelets; Reg.$8, No. '2013, Tan Chrome Blucher, plain toe, 14-inch top, regular price $7.50 special price - Xo. 1111, Pearl, Elk tip blucher double sole, outside counter, 2 buckle top, regular price $7.50, special No, 2087, Tan Mohawk, double sole, wing tip. 2 buckle top. regular price $7.50, special - $6.90 6.45 6.45 6.45 "R.UBBER.S." Every Robber Guaranteed First Quality. These Prices Can't Be Beaten. IjOIWCS Solid ntbMr heh, Mtra heay rolled edjp. rawhids lace. T-iach top. ? O Q lnTjr dock lifted, r pair dfW LOPACS Same a atc except W-iach top mm! hoary fete liarog, per pair 3.55 M EN'S OSK BL'CXLE ARCTICS - Extra bear; rolled edge, fob liaed, a ttocdi- ) A uarj tsIuc at thin tow !e price &fiJ MEXS KCMK IMTKLE ARCTIC &?rwb -Me a above 2.95 MOTOKMAX OVERS '-To tt worn wit heavy , lai mbber beets fceary -J 'Vf rollMltdr. hary MtlM, per pair 0. J HIHBKR BOOTS-Km length, the beat vetw bay, will Dak sale at K OK j;r jlr r.... JtHfJ HIP BOOTS- All ntbbor. jirf the thin; for hantiajr or vatfac the deep mot. daring 7 C tbi- safe will jp at pr pair t 1U I 1 LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Cashmere Combination Suits, Regular $1.75. Special. 51.45 Ladies' Cashmere Combination Suits, Regular $2.35. Special 2 00 Ladies' Vests and Pants, pr garment. Reg. $1.10, Spec. 1.00 Children's and Misses Union Suits, Reg. $1.15 to $1.75. Spec 95c to US Children's and Misses' Vests and Pants, Rep. 65c to $1.20, Spec 25c to 95c Ladies Ready to Wear. AH Misses' Coats. Reg:. $14.50, Spec. . S 11.65 All Misses' Coats, Reg. $13,5. Spec .. S 10 50 AM Misses' Coats, Reg. $11.50. Spec . 8 95 All Misses' Coats, Reg. $10.00. Spec . 7.85 AH Misses' Coats, Reg. $9.00. Special 7.10 All Children's Coats. Reg. $12, Spec . 8 35 AH Children's Coats, Reg. $9. Spec 7.45 All Children's Coats, Reg. $7.50. Spec 6.00 All Children.s Coats, Reg. $7, Spec 6.65 All Childrens' Coats, Reg. $6, Spec 5.10 Ladies Wool Knit Coats. Reg. $9.00 grade, Spec price . . $6.95 Reg. $7.50 grade. Spec price. $5.95 Reg. $5.50 grade. Spec price .. .. 3.80 Reg. $4.50 grade. Spec price. 3.65 Reg. $4.00 grade, Spec price. . . 3.25 Remember no goods charged at these prices Ladles Skirts. Regr $14.00 skirts, Spec $10 Reg. $42 J-skirtSs, Spec. $9-65 Reg $7.30 skirU.-SpeoJtf 95 HaSaa'a'-2:::2-aaaTalla ' ?"-rA".SraLgk.'(? In Price Making This Sal H the Beat We Have Ever Had No. 2023. Tan Chrome Btecber. 12 T C AP . . . p?.:7j inch top, Reg. $7.M. Spec No. 2021. Mack Chrome Kang. Calf, plain toe Bte.. 12 m. top. Reg. $6.50 No. 2136. Itttc. Chrome Bto.. 12 in. top double sole, books. Res. $5. Spec No. 2005. Tan Chrome. S in. top. good servicable shoe. Keg. H.50. Spec. 5.45 4.95 3.10 Remember this Sale Is A Spot Cash Sale No Goods Charged at Sale Price. HEAVY WOOL SOX. TO BE WORN WITH RUBBERS. EXTRA HEAVY pure wool, white, extra long heavy rib leg, Reg. 6Jc, now HARD TWISTED WOOL, black and red mixed, best wearing ek we hare. Reg. 60c. HEAVY RIB black and white check, doe rib top. Reg. 60c. new PLAIN GRAY long rib top. very heavy. Re. 50c now MEDIUM WEIGHT gray, white heel and toe. white top. Sflmlii vatae at 55c; now MEDIUM WEIGHT blue, white heel and toe. ions dose-6ttine white rib top, 50c. BROWN, very veavy white heel and ue. Reg. 5ie. now MEDIUM WEIGHT light brown, white top. a soft comfortable sock. Reg. 40c BLUE MIXED, otherwise a.-ne as abne. Reg. fie now .. . . WHITE MIXED. Cot. and wx!. heavy weight. R-g. o5c. r..,w 50c 50C 50c 45c 40c I 45c ! J'JC i 30c 25c aaaaf ttaaKF aal HTE II nWEeaaa Jaaaaafra-aannnnnL-tfaaaaar BEND, OREGON. MEN'S DRESS SHOES. AT STARTLING PRICES. ote- A f? C ' cs-. ; No. 2. Men's Patent Colt Bluchers military heel. "Hi-Toe." ex eg. so. (o. spec lor out ante. u No. 1749. Welt Vekmr Btocher. leather fined, straighc hat, Regalar $5.00. A. f No. 12. Rooter. Gun Metal, chub last, for the nifty dresser; Reg. 5 0". j A ! Special price for this sak- ? J j No 1?. Men's B!acher G.azi Kangaroo. ctt n sens last. regu.ar pnet $". v. 5pecj N "- Fa'e-'t t b-tt -C. - " " . .-'. - - 4.10 3.60- 1 a (1 i i 'A i r?s":,V l:. - .": "" - - - .. , .