M k. it. I :-, u fr . : 1 ' H DEEP SNOW MAKES CENTRAL Tho Cmilrnl Oregon dry fnrmor In rejoicing thin week. Tlio cnuno for thin fueling of oxullntlon In tlio gonttrmiH Hiinw which Iiiih fulluti during tho piutl ton ilnya. Tlio fall Hown grain wan In nooil of hiicIi u warm blanket to protect ll from tlio frost ittul fruuxiM, mill the longer tlio Know lion on tho ground tho hotter it will plmwu tho fiirmur. Whon It llniilly iiiuIIh thoro will ho it Inrgu amount of molnturo to go Into tho ground and ho Htorod up to walor tho growing grain noxt Hprlng and Huminor. Central Orugim'ti agricultural powilhllltlon tiro iih yot unfitlhomed because thoy linvo not boon ileveloixtd. Hut tho Hiigulirtinh Ih bulng rapidly replaced hy IIuMh of guidon Kraln anil crops of clover, alfalfa and other L , hay. Tho nccompnnylng Illustrations show what can ho accomplished. Whnt somo have done others can do i ulno, and now with railway transportation nlTonllng tho farmors quick outlet to the markets, there will be J, , added lmHtus to agricultural development in the Itond country. , CROOKS PART $39,599 Main Apporllonini'iit Very With I'or Homo I'tikiioun Cmiin. Kor mttiio reaitou which tho otll clala of tli' County Court iro unitblu to uuilomtnai), Crook county's np K)rtloniuut of Htato tnxra thin yonr Ih 137 pur runt urontor thnn In 1I11 Tbn Mini In tSnttlO. im POJI1. If' purcit to I10.C74 In 1911. 17.4M P i. itiin eia.iv. i.. iiwm tiinnn In 1 10S. On ncoouut of this atato InonmiH, tho Ktmurnl lovy for tliu county this year Is of noewmlty raUcil. IlomUod, It Is ns follows: Mills Htnta f'onntv . . . . 4 7 4.5ft .Of! CrulsliiK timber 1.60 (ionnrnl nohnol fund 3.&0 Itond fundloxclutilvo of I'rlno- vlll mid Hum!) 1.00 County hlith school fund (ex clusive of dlat. 12).... 1.B0 Library .06 Total 20.00 ' This Is 4 mills inoro thnn In 1011, thu IncruiiHO IicIiik li-CO mills to moot thu statu luvy nnd 1.60 mills for tlmhor crultliiK. Thu proBont MBBiiOKBiiiont on, Urn her tins boon foiiml to ho tncquul, nomo of tho Iuhs hoavlly timbered land IiuIiik tnxod an amount Qiuat to that on tho bettor tlmliorod land. Tho cruise will bo iniulo for tho purpoBo of nscortnltiltiK tho amount of tlmhor ou' all thu land. In school district No. 12, outside of tlio Incorporate limits of Doml, tho levy will total 30.60 mills, iWlthln tho, city tho aggregate, will bo 46.00 mills. . . . OREGON DRY FARMERS REJOICE. CRNTIMl. OREGON FARM SCENHS. ST 1 ?sv B XtaBRAND JHams and Bacon m sro ssked for by name, nnd thnao xtho lmre once etn jK Columbia Ilraml lluius snd llacon Invariably tuiltt upon Vk g look s-w this imno bruml. "Columbia Jlmnd" li a ttailo- flf for pt a v mark. It dlitlngultdir tho be.it. There li a W NR fi.J l. ucliiinus, savory tluvor to 'oluiMait)nillUmi H E (I. i ! II n,1(l ei pooullsr to this brand alone, Tho B 4 u,;Me1 mention of ColuwMa JJraml In connection -with ,a8 jj Hams or llaooa cuunvs one mouth to vrator IK Jl for a tasto. Order Columbia lirand today. M k At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes Jm A Union Meat Company. Portland, Or. ar l ncn.r rk.r t u rein iKr fcia 1 asj i llliiiilrtt ,Mi for HnU; Tho boat mill moat up-to (In'.o rnrj if tho county la tlio bliioprlir mii which Tlio Ilullutln linn for aula It lithiiwn ull tlio now rond ntut town. WllV Don't Vou ot thnt lon hair cut? Innoo & Davidson do tho host harbor work in town. Tint Hui'.i.ktin'h clarified ndn hrlnjr ronulU. 1 you have anything for wilo or want, to buy, ukc a Itulletln clafwlfied 'ad. It coU hut ;iittlo. tf i NOTH'K I'OH I'fllLKTAIOX. Not Cortl liuuil. Depart im'tit of the Interior. United Hiali LmiiiI OlHctt, The Dalles, Ore K'.li. Im- umber 14th, 1B11. ,Nollr Is hereby given that .latitat Kwm. umiIumu of Archibald Chiii ' !!, HinHf )OftUiftre addreim Is IIhmiI, Opkoii. riled In this oMe this 21st lvor July. 1911. (under 230 It. H.) bla nppllcatlon to selfK-t tho Hl.'t A. Her. Z0 township 20 south, .tim M vskt. Willamette MerldlBii, 4rl-l No 098JI. Any and nil iHirsotm clalmltiK ml vitik'I) the lands described, or de drlt.K to object because of the min eral ehnractur of tho land, or for nny other reason, to the dlaioal to ap ill' Hilt should fllo their affidavits of iiKittfit 011 or before the 2!ith day of January. 1U12. C. . MOOKK. IteKlater. .NOTICK I'Oll I'l'IIMCATION Depnrtmont of thn Interior, 8. Laud Olllco at Tlio Dalles, Or., 1 December 8th, 1911. Notice Is hereby glvon that Vlo letlle D Iteetl of llend. Oreon, who 011 February 20th, 190S, made dos ert laud entry No. 632, Serial No, Ui'hl. for WWHKVt. Hoc. 3. and U 4 NT. V.. WHSKVi. K"c. 10. T188, It i:i:, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make fi nal desert proof to the land above de scribed before II. C. Kills. U. 8. Com missioner, at his office at Itond, Ore gon, on thu 23d day of January, 1912 Claimant names as witnesses -tirnest A. Smith, Tom Murphy, lames K. Hoed and Flowlo V. Smith, ill of llend, Oregon. C. W, MOOllK, Hcglitcr. NOTIC'lt I'OH 1'L'IIMCATIO.V Department of tho Interior., V 8. Land Ofllce at Tho Dalles, Or., Dec. Gth, 1911. Notice Is horoby given that Jonas L. Olsson of Tumnto, Oregon, who n May, 20th, 1910, mndo homo Head entry No. 0C73C for EHNBU, .Sec 12 T. 168 It 10 IJ and W4NWU. isec 7.T1CS.U11K, Wlllamotte Mer- tdlan, has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo II. C. Kills. U. S. ."omiiilslonor, at his ofllce at Ilond, Oregon, on tho 23d day of January, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur II. Cortson, George W. Oort son. George lllgglnson and John Mc Kinney, all of Tumalo, Oregon. C. W. -MOOIIB. Keglster. NOTK'K I'Olt I'UOMCAITO.V. . Iw.lated Tract. PuWIc Uml Sale.) I' S. l-and Otnco at Tb Dalles, )regon, Decemlter 13th, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by tho Commissioner of the General Land Olllee, under prvvUlou of Act of Congress approved June 17. 1906(34 Stats., 617), e will sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder, at 10 o'clock n. m. on tho 8th day of February, 1912, nt this ottlco, tho following-described land: SWUSRU. section l: NWUNH.i and NKU NW'U, section 12, township 16 south, ran go 10 cast, Willamette Meridian. No. 09291. Any person claiming advorsely the alovo desortbed land aro advised to fllo their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated fur Mile. C. W. MOO UK. 42-C Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IoUtfd Tr.rt. I'ublk Lml &lc. Dcixitmrnlthr Intfilor. V M Lindnflfccut Nstlc it hi lebv kIi.u Ihtt. tllrtwira bv thf CumitilMiuurt el thr (ttiirml Lud uttk. uinlcr I'totumutbl Act r! (.auirturot Junt tj, IwilUMiti, silLwe willoHjr it iwUicuU la llir hlthc.t UtlJcr. nt 9 45 u'ttuck . in , on Ihr6lh (lay of Uuuitjr. 1411 at t hi other, the fiilluwllistt xllUil Uud. NK) hWy.MV 7, T 16 n. K. II mmv.u. Any ttron claliuloi .drrrwlr the above dcurlhnt laud lf adtUrtl to Air Ihrir clluia. or lul lictlom, oa or Ufoic the tluic dclK'"l foi ie. is; 41 C. W MOOKU.ItciUtcr. Hotel Seward AMlltK AN TKNTII 8TKKKT I'OUTLuVND, OUKUON Ono of tlio Most Artistic ami Kle-(.'notly-Appolntcd Hotels In the Nortliwest, Kmlxxljlng Kvory Modern Convenience. In ceu tor ol retail and theater district. KUKOI'KAN I'l.AN Katra: Ji.cosud up: vrllh lltlb. iioqnud up. Ilua uireti all Iralna. Grill lu cuuutlou, W. M. 8WKD, IToprlftor. Money to Loan $50,000.00 to loan on Improved farming land. See M. S. Lattin & Co. LHUCYYIVJ - ai t?n Construction Co. 1 Are You Going to UILD? If so consult us. Wo will build your home or business block of STONE, on easy terms. January Special Wo will mako during the month of January, from any of our fall uml winter fabrics, (plain lilac ks and Hlue excepted, A HL'IT AND KXTKA PANTS for the PltlCT. of a SI IT ALONE. All wool quality Tailored rljfht l'roKr t)le nnd fit n certainty. Prices Prom $18 Up. FRED E. DICK, Tailor Sutherland (8b Mcintosh Contractors and Builders Jobbing Promptly Attended to Shop on OrcRon St. Ultimate 011 BpliCHtiOtl Wall Taper at Portland Trices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Rett Wall Taper Sam ples In the county. Get My Trices. Box 39. Demi, Oregon. r TEe Proof of tho Pudding Is In the Eating CLAIMS are canity made; but not always emly proven. We would not maVe the claim we do for the hiKU quality of our stock if we were not convinced of their truth, ami If wedidu't have so many compliments from cus tomers ou the superiority of our trees, and the most excel lent manner in which they were packed, enahliut! them to arrive at destination in prime condition. This UUtem, good pack ing, It nallr orrtUiolnl by tnitiy, but li otic of Importance, and ta one of the many luataucc where ournt. ttntloo tQilctait keep up the high atandarU of our trtea. Hare you aecn our 74-par.r catalog? It'a a beauty. Heller send for it. Yakima Valley Niirsery coaipany Toppcnlsh, Washington. More Salesmen Wanted V. Send For This Seed Annual-Free qokrc USyS cdi aw K-Acdfo tarity ai and ;lc3 nraiului. rsoKiiaiiacii ty us wls thne two (joiSii itaw tMeiyaareACaulanl. OuiliKy qurrped Uboialory uadai Ih iMm ol a sa-aui uu nwn Krd ttSer imuvrt all(vnas. WhoQti.iiUIh! 3.ymjwiy botaMdcroiia. Scad lot caulo. TU CUa. H. Lffly Co.. 5auh www s p e NEW JEWELRY STORE I am now prepared to do nil kinds of watch and jewelry repairing. My prices are reasonable, my work Is Ruarnntecd. Will be pleased to havo you K'ive me a trial. R. H. SOLOMON Wall St., noxt to TaRgart's Uond, Oregon ,..., ,.. . -JJ 1912 CATALOG MAILED FREE. 1 -AMD BUILD IT FOR LESS MONEY Buy Irn mZtwoik dura from our Li factory for o.U-.trd to half of what ycu woald pair your local dealer. We opef au our own mill aad can niatantee every piece we mate to be? wtll-mada and of cJiokefl lulo Jf led lurrixr. 0. B. WILUAMS' SASH and DOORS 5-paal cloott. 1$ sun. 1J0. Craftimaa bungalow doors. $1.60. Dusgslow trout domt, 95 and Jo. itiinJa trim 10 pea. to a act, 80c urvW. aarsafe sate dLv ery. U'riU l tsu!e jo (-m. mwfffl For Parties and Banquets Wc can fumlsh 'PATTIES (oyster or chicken) SALADS Brick Ice Cream FRUIT ICES FANCY CAKES LANGTRYS SALTED NUTS, Etc CANDY (Our own make) Fresh dnlly. BEVERAGES Hot and Cold at the Fountain. tt Bang!! BangHI Down go the prices of F. M. Carter's LIMB WOOD $3.50 a Cord. See him when you want wood. Fivo years in tho wood bust noes for tho City of Bend. G. U. Janata The Tailor. First Class Workmanship Correct Styles Best Material. Fitting;, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Wall street, Bend, Oro. Qas Engine. For Sate. A two-horso power Fair-banks-Morso gasoline engine for sale at a bargain. Is in first class shape, does good work and.has given no trouble whatever. Has been in light service for one year. Desire to replaco with an electric motor, to lower insurance and because greater ' power is wanted. ' '"'' THE BEND BULLETIN. vapcKE r ,r q