If The Bend Park Company now has three well equipped offices in different cities and is planning to open more. They are widely distributing information about Bend. They are going to do all they can to help build a fine city here. They want your help and 'cooperation, their interests are yours and yours are theirs. No one can possibly make a mistake investing; at Bend and the present investors are going to make very handsome profits in the near future. Let them tell you why they have sold 500 lots in less than two months. Large lots $100 to $300 on terms of $10 down and $10 per month. Bend Park Company R. G. SHRADER, Local Agent. 800-801 Empire Building, Seattle, Washington, or BEND PARK COA1PANY Portland Hotel, Portland, Ore. MAY ABOLISM W HS CHIEF JUSTICE PORE SEES SUCH JiiiIkc Itithlu Mold Ttmt Miimu'U'n AiKUHU'Ht In Ia i initio Citio UIvon lllpmlmi I'lltlltw t llu' Appiiiptlntor Onl). TAKING FAST CURE Mr. Ada It. .Mllllcyin Hit Corns Fur Fifteen Days Without Fowl. , Fasting as a means of restor ing Impaired health Is becoming rather common over at the county seat these days. Recently J. II. Wlndoni ended nn eighteen-day ab stinence from food, coming out with his health much improved, he said. At present Mrs. Ada II. Mllllcau is undergoing the no-food treatment and today is the fifteenth that she has gone without more nourishing diet than lemonade and water. For some time she has keen III and con cerned to try the fast cure In hopes of getting some relief from suffer lug.. Mrs. Mlllican has many friends in Ilond who will wateh the outeome of this unusual kind of physical treatment. Mrs. Mllllcan's sister, Mrs. Kiln M. liusey, came over from I'rlno vlllo by stage Monday and will to morrow offer final proof beforo Mr. Bills on her homestead claim 35 mllos southeast of Uond. Prlncvlllo Masons wilt coma hero and help in the work of organization. .MASONIC W)IW.'i: AT .MADUAS. . MADRAS. Iocal Masons aro con sidering the organization .of a lodge here In the near future. Tho neces sary number of memlers required to obtain a chatter have signed a peti lion and this will bu forwarded to tho Grand Lodge at I'ortland for approv al. With the arrival of the charter It is probable that a delegation of COLONY IS I'lIOSI'KKOl'K. IIUTTB. Oro. Kstnbllshment of .1 postoftlce hore Is another murk In th' progress of northern Lako county. I and Is a weleomo Innovation to the people of the Hye tirass Valley south !of Waaontlre Mountain, who will be table to net their mall much more ' promptly than heretofore. Joseph L. Folk has been appointed ot- 1 master. C. T. Hartllng brought a number of people to this territory In the sprint of 19 lu and they settled every available acre that could be takon up under the ISO and 320-acre homestead laws. The colony has 1 progressed remarkably well, having claims now cleared, feneed. home built and a school established. OI'AL CITY I'ASSKS. OPAL PITY. The busy scenes , which prevailed here last summer I when this was the terminus of the I Oregon Trunk are no more. Since the line was ox ten tied south there J has been but little business here, and iSupt. Itogors of tho O. T. oIohoiI tho 'station January S, making this a turn I'agency point. STATE WINS CONTEST Washington Supreme Court Itulcs Agnliiot t'nlteil Mute. OLYMIMA, Wash The State Su preme Court tins decided that the act of Congress granting to the statu of Washington sections lti and 3d In each township of Federal land for school puritos became utterly In I November. 1889, oh the day the state I was admitted, and that th IJH.oeo 'acre of land In those sect'-un w-tl-h the government after that lay allow ed to be settled on and patented be long" to the state. The decision was in the ease of the State vs. K. It. Whitney, a settler In one of the sections 3,lit Skagit enmity, permitted to Main title as a homesteader who was a squat ter when the land was surveyed by the United State, In lvOd. If the Fedora) Supreme Court sustains this decision, the t'nlted St-itea will be called on to make compensation to the state for lands taken up after ud mission to statuhoo ' Old Capers for Sale.' Old papers tied up in bundles mny be hod at The Bulletin office. Justthe thing to go under your carpet. tf EXCHANGE IS PROVIDED LUMBER! Our special price has brought us so much business we will continue it. We sell R.ough lumber at Lhe mill $10 M Rough lumber, delivered $1 1 M You can telephone your orders. Bend Brick & Lumber Co. "A Little Better Lumber for a Little Less. Money.! , ' Hum Icy lllll Would Permit StuteH to Make Lieu Select limit. WASHINGTON, I). C Koallzlug that Western states can derive no practical Ixtneflt from school sections scattered through forest reserves, Representative Hnwley has intro duced a bill which permits tho ex change of theso lands for compact bodies of equal area, so sltuulcd as to be of value. Ills bill provides that whore any state owns lands wlthUi n national forest or where Its right of Indemnity seduction In rospect to school twit Ions within Biich boiiudurles has not been fully exercised, tha stute, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agri culture, may exchange sueh lauds for, or make luilumnlty selections of other national forest lauds of like quantity and value to be selected In njHKOimli))' compact bodies, which lands shall thereafter be excluded from national forest for the benefit of the state. Notice of Aumiiil Muotln. The annual meeting of the North Irrigation Company will bu held at 7:30 p. in. Saturday, Jam 13, In tho olllco of II. 0. Kills at ilond. L. I). WIKST, Secretary. , TlioJarKfst-utiil'bcfct loaf of bread in tovMi for 0c ut the Star Uukci-y. tf XAI.KM In n specially eoucunln opinion by Ohlef Justice Kakltt In (lit case of Cavities ugultist the 1 Urande Irrigation Co.. thu Chief Jus tic put another angle mi the opinion of Judge llurnwtt. declaring In his specially incur ring opinion that the efteet of one statement lit the opinion of Justice Humett la to do away with rlmrlrtii rights as heretufure teeog lilted In this state. In bis oplnnol the Chief Justice says: "I concur In the result of this de cision, but I cannot Klve my conwir to the follow Ins: statement: 'Prima rib' uuy use of the water of a uaturrtl stream for Iwnetlrlal purpose Is free to him who Iihs an opportunity to take It without Infringing upon the property rights of another. "Con cerning the mere diversion and use of water there Is no difference be tween a iiou-rlparlan impropriator and a riparian user, provided the for mer has n lawful right of access for that purponu to stream form which tho diversion Is made. The essen tlnl condition of appropriation In the first place on public lands was thu consent of aetiuliwconre of the then riparian owner, thu guneral govern ment. The reason of tho rule Is not changed by the fact that tho riparian owner Is a private person., provided the appropi lator has his consent, or what Is equivalent, that the npproprl otor and tho riparian owner ore thu same person Thu deduction, then, Is that If anyone can lawfully gnln ac cess for that purpose to a non-navigable stream and water Is there not subject to use by another such n one may appropriate It for his own use.' Itlpnrlnii Mights (So. "Thu effect of that statement Is to abolish or do away with riparian rights as hervtoforo rvcognlied In this state." Hy this opinion the Chief Justlco says absolutely that his Interpreta tion of tho oplnlnon as written by Justlco llurnitt and concurred In by the other three members of tho court Is to abolish tlptrlan rights. Should tho case go to a rehearing and tho sti.ml takon bo rolteratcd, It promises to havo a vastly lmor tunt bearing, especially on the ques tion of adjudicating water rights. Tho Itoard of control believes It will be a decided fsctor In future wa ter questions coming beforo tho board Attorneys throughout the state who hate iweu connected with litigation and a.lludlcatlon of water rights have almost universally used the doctrine of riparian rights as a defense. t'nder this opinion, arrurdlng to the Interpretation of Chief Justice ISakln, only the approprlator has a legal light to the use of water. Itarller water cases Jwve brought out tho fact that the common law doftrlntN are applicable In this state only where there Is an apiwrent ne cessity foe them. The doctrine of riparian ownership Is a common law doctrine, and under the Interpreta tion In the nd'ill)' concurring opin ion It Is evidently abolished us far us Oregon Is concerned hy tho major ity of tho court. CHAMBERLAIN BUSY I'urnici-N of Country Wanting Agri cultural Information. BT. PAUL Tho demand for agri cultural Information and addresses sooms to bo almost unlimited Judg ing from correspondence reaching the office of the development com missioner of the (iroat Northern Hall way. Mr.. Chamberlain madu ad dresses on January 'i and 3 at Cod des, B. I)., two on January 6 at Crook ston, Minn., anil Is hookod for thu fol lowing places and dates: South Da kota Conservation and Development Congress, Sioux Falls, Jan. D-tl; South Dakota State Corn Growers Association, Mitchell, tho Hth; Trl Statu Grain Growers' Association meeting at Cargo, the lflth to llith; Ontario, Gaiiudn, Com Growers' Asso ciation, two addresses January 31 and February 1; Mld-wlntor Fair and Agilcultiiral Meeting at Grand Forks, .,. I)., early In February; Commer cial Club, m. Cloud, Minn., February a. Requests are still coming In nud he expects to continue this Hue of of woik' until May 1. Mr. Cliumiior Isln attributes the Increased Interest In bettor agriculture very largely to thu fact that the oommurclnl interests of the country havd-ut last uwitkeued to Uh Importance to tlioiu, mid nro therefore gutting strongly behind tho mpvumuut. Tho profitable marketing by tho farmer of hlu crops ns well uh tho growing of profitable, crops Is attract ing special attention throughout tho Northwest. NOTIC1S F0H PUlJMOATlON. IKMMiilfiituflhrlntriliir. V H t.imt ()fflct Tltt IMIIrt, okkun, Nnrtmlirf tjlli, itfil, Nll l licirliy glvm tint (ills M llimy. f llrnil.ilirsuii. wlio, mi April (Jul, tgni, unit hoiiftrnWiiity Nil, uV4ifr iiwW.wllnil w, liwiutiit a hiiilli, tmiK in ""I wllliuiieu MrllillH,liM lill.l null, nil llilttlll.ill tnliiKlir niinlnminmnlUm uiiir. tu rlnlillli cUlin In IlieUiiit Mnv ilf.cillwil.litfni II ' Kill. II H CoiMtiiluluiitr Hi hU ultlcr, nt Html, llirsuii, mi llir illi ilv iif Jmmii)'. lull Clulliisiit iiniiim mwHiimx Units1 Mini. tMU, Idlil Koiiiicr, V. N lli.ll.nnii nml H. C llriiklc, nil ul Ilcml, lliriioii. UIS C W MIIOKII. HmlMrr. NOTK'K V0i PUHMOATION. ifiilMiiil(if llif liiKilor, V h.'I.kiiiI IJIAte at Tlie lillr,()ifou, Niitrmlirr IJIh. Ivl I. Niilln- li lit tby slvf a Hint Wsllf r Itanltli oflinul, niriein, wlm, en Niimiiiiwr 'ihiivw liinilf liiimMinei inirr. "" '.'J'i ""S1 ' I n.i,-iM' Umiir II llsil, WllUmrll MtlMl'iii fi fth. iiuluoiil liitintliMi In liil. niml iliM.r, I .UIitlll lUlm t lit IsM't slrttr .iMwtlUl IhIiiih II l Itlll. P. CmiMlHr. ul In oiln, nl lUiul Oivkuii. mi III- Mtli tiny f litem New PALACE MARKET Cltnrlcs lloyd, I'rop, MEAES Vegetables, etc. Ixr, ivi i lilt. IVII. UlllllllMllllll hIIiimwi Jtm limit, f IKllnw. 0m. Ailmti VIimImi lk)il mi.l UlulU It l.uir, ( sun liil 'inn H Itm Kulimmi llruil, (ilr C V MUDHIt, Uflllitft. Palace Restaurant Rooms for Runt Confectionery, I'rtilt Picnic Supplies, Cli'tirn J. P. Taggarl & CcN oend iVlac,i5ne Shp All Kimls of Saw Mill ami I'attiilui: R-E-P-A-I-R-S Wc Carry n I.arnc Slock of Auto Repairs and Supplies Wall St., next to Opern House Madras Flour Natural Color The right Color, Flavor and Quality. Call for It at any store In Bend. I Madras Flour Mills II. K. DIKTKKL. Proprietor MnilrnN, Ori'trnn aoKV We Carry a Good Stock of the Following Lines: General Hardware Stoves and Household Sundries Sporting doods Automobile Supplies Doors, Windows and Glass Paints and Oils Crockery Wagons and Implements Iron and Metals Pipe and Fittings Plumbing Goods If You CaiVt Find It at the Other Stores, Try Us. Bend Hardware Co. Bend, Oregon. ii mm i mm rwimngr i ! 1