ir r I IS. AUNE. A PONEER ENDCAA1E LAST WED NESDAY NIQHT MR. WUDST RESIGNS III Slnco IjiM Spring. AriM IjuIj- Succuinlw lo Htnmncli Truulitn Come llcrc Nine Years .ru IiCiivis 7 Children. With tho death last Wednesday night at 10 o'clock of Mrs. Arnt Aune nt tho ago of 66 years, Ilcnd lost another of Its pioneer citizens. Mrs. Auno hud been In poor health since last spring, succumbing to stomach trouble. Tho remains vroro Interred Saturday In Pilot Hutto Cemetery. Nino years ago, when there were only a few scattered houses whore now tho town stands, tho Auno family camu to liend from Michigan, and Mrs. Aune had turnip her home hero ever since. Tho family home was tho second residence erected in tho town. ltorn In Norway, Mrs. Auno was a native of Norway, having been born at Thronhjen on October 2. 1S45. Until n year ngo sho enjoyed good health. In April sho went to Tacoma to have an oper ation performed, but It was of little avail and she gradually grew worse. Knowing that tho end was not far off all her seven children gathered at tho homo and were with their mother when tho Death Angel paused over tho threshold. She Is survived by her husband and tho following children: Mrs. llert Nelson of Pcquamlng. Mich., Halph Aune of Tacoma, Misses Caroline and Mngglo Aune, Mrs. Oliver Johnson, Thcodoro and Anton Auno of Ucnd. The funeral was conducted from tho residence Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock by Itev. M. V. Weaver of tho Methodist church. Special songs were sung by Mrs. Z. W. I.lnd borg. Miss Iva West, a 11. Hunter nd O. A. Thorson, makink tho ser vices most impressive. School lion Hi Clerk (loliux on Kv tended Pleasure Trip. At n meeting of tho school bonrd yesterday Clork I.. 1). Wlest filed his resignation oftoctlvo February 1. about which ttmo ho will lenvo on an oxtonded pleasure trip to Call fomln. A communication was rend from County Supt. Kord Rtntlng thnt tho returns of tho recent school elec tion showed that notices for said election woro not posted tho legal ly required ten daya prior thereto, and consequently ho ordered that another election to fill tho vacancy caused by tho resignation uf Mil lard Trlplctt bo held. Notices woro posted yesterday calling tho election for January 23 nt tho schoolhouso from 2 to C p. in. ANNUAL MEETING fine Forest Irrigation Co. Stock holders Klect Directors. At tho nnnual meeting of tho stock holders of tho Pino Forest Irrigation Co. Saturday, directors for tho ensu ing yenr were elected and other busi ness transacted. Tho following men compose the board: C. I). Itowo, Olenn II. Slsck, Kmest Clnrrett. K. McNaught and V.J. McOlllvray. Tho land In tho segregation was divided Into four sections, with n different prlco In each dlvtston for water right. Tho company ngreed to -sell water rights for some 1200 acres of land which was originally undor the Central Oregon segrega tion but which could not bo watered on account of being abovo tho lovel of that ctnal. Tho ctnal system has been com pleted and next summer a regular , ditch rider will bo employed -and maintenance fee levied. MAirr4 - RKSMBI 'umi'v JJU ,' I, t. La Pine, Crook County, Oregon. CAU! OF THANKS. Wo lsh to extend our thanks to tho friends and neighbors for tho many kindnesses shown us during tho Illness and on the death of our wlfo and mother, and especially to Mrs. O. W, Hall and those, who fur nished music nt tho funeral services. AUNT AUNK ANU FAMILY. WOMAN'S COXFF.UKNCK. There will bo a meeting at tho llaptlst church Thursday afternoon nt 3 o'clock to which every vuman In town Is Invited. Tho matter uf having union church services hero will bo discussed. HANlll.KS Ml'CII MONIJV. PlttNKVll.U.. Tho sheriffs of fice tins handled lots of money for Crook county during 1911. Accord tug to tho footings of Deputy Sheriff Kdwnrda tho sum Is $173.&S0.68. Short order netted nt nil hour nt the Star linker)' and ItrMiirut. :itf Family style meals only 3.1c at tho Star ltokery and ltrotaurnnt. Mtf Why get up In the night to fill the store? llank It with coal nt night, and you ncetl not fear tlint the pipe will freeze. Good Things to Eat l at a Living Price. BERT SHUEY oFcMhgrocer; Oneill Building Bend, Oregon A Snap On Business Property. BEST BUYS IN TOWN! Why? Because their location is ASSURED. Thoso bargains consist of 19 lots across tho street from the depot and on Groonwood and Fir Streets. Tho first flvo will ho sold at a greatly reduced price, for wo wont to sell them quickly. Wo also havo a fow 5-ACRE TRA'CTS i Adjoining Bend which are still unsold. They havo a . perfect water right and water is delivored to each and every flvo-acro tract SOLD ON EASY TERMS. Do You Wish a Choice R.esidonco Lot? If so, call on us, for wo havo some of tho host buys in that- class of property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain. If you aro looking for an Irrigated Farm, you should call and sco our list. It costs nothing to investigato and wo aro sure you will agree with us that wo havo somo ot tho Best buys to bo found in tho country. Our nino years' experience in this country gives us hot ter advantago to securo for you tho best location of a 320-acrc homestead of any firm in tho county. Our prices aro right and tho location is guaranteed. Insurance. Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty. Call on or write Oregon Investment Co. East sido of Wall St., Betweon Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Ore. Phono 1 . P. O. Box 49. All communications promptly Answered. r?v Our Mill is Now Running Regularly .x te& rnM.j ri : :;- - . . i csaj nmv iy WL FORGET ffi? r Turning Out High Grade Products 4 WtfWV BUY FLOUR MADE IN BEND MmmmBmmam t; PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY and at the same time SAVE MONEY! INSIST ON YOUR GROCER SUPPLYING YOU WITH "BEND'S BEST PATENT" AND .."? 4'ji "DESCHUTES STRAIGHT GRADE" FLOUR Or telephone us and we will deliver any quantity you want to your home In Bend. Sec us for FEED-STUFF OF ALL KINDS AND GRAIN. Special Attention Given to Ranchers' Trade. Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. BEND, OREQON. 1 H