' b I ', tV m INTERIOR WAS OPENED IN 1911 TWO RAILROADS COA1 PLETED TO BEND Construction of I.lnw up tin? l)c.v finite llatlitjc llcon Aevoui plUliod, I'uitlior UutUllng Won't ll IHITUnlt. Hut for th following railroad article, one would hardly know that thtjro l a Csntml Oregon, from roadlng ta Orafionlau nununl this year. TUIs story Is reprinted In full: Whon Jttmwi J.lllll. on Thurs day, October S. 'droo a goldon spike at Htmi, marking tho com Diction of the Oregon Trunk Kail road to that oint. tlio hopes and amotions nourished by Conral Ore gon for over a ilecado wore ro allied. Macular train service bo tween Portland and Hend, over both the Oregon Trunk and O.-W. It. & N. branch line, touching all tho In-termc-dlntc iKilnts. has been In of fset since that time. Tho peoplo of the state's Interior now are looking beyond 11 end to tho south and to a c-uu-vtlon with tin- Oiiirou Short lli'C from the east. Work now Is lu n irrcts west of Vale on a road projivtod . y tho liar riman system to Do? Mountain, 140 tulles west Thla road event ually will extend to lcnit, ou gt tho Southern 1?!.U A tvnueit ing line from Dead to Urencaiit clio Is planned. Tho past year witnessed i'is com plctlon of loth the Oregon Trunk tho Hill road--.nd tho Des chutes line of tho O-W. IS. t N. ti.d from Culrer to llond thd two r.wds have a Joint irf.cl. AV'Inil up DevluttM C.i.vh. Mio Oregon Truir counnc.ts at Jallgrldge Wash., lth the miln lino of tin North llairt road. " The road follows the rugged canyon of the Dcsohutea river for a distance of SZ miles, occpylug the west sldo of tho stream. At the confluence with Willow creek It leaves tho for mer Btream and follows tho creek to tho high plateau north of tho Crooked river. Tho O.-W. It. & N. Co.'s lllne leaves tho main road at the Des chutes Junction and occupies tho east side of the Deschutes canyon In Its progress toward tho Interior. At Sout Junction It diverges from the river, crosses Trout creek over ii high bridge and enters Madras, 101 miles from the Columbia, on a 1.5 ior eeut -srade. Just south of Madras It eronses over Willow creek and the Oregon Trunk traeks. Prom that point It maintains an easy grado until it reach oa Ita destl-! Uon. Meanwhile the Oregon Trunk i by as oMf grade attains a height j equal to me otaer lino, ouauiing them to mHt on a oJiumon level at Calver Junction. One of the most remarkable en Kineerlag feats In connection with this work was the construction of the high steel bridge aoross the Crooked river. This structure con tests of a single areh and was bull: out from either sldo until the two ends Joined In tho middle. Both roads operato over It. Tho bridge Is 340 feet long and 320 feet above the bed of tho river. Penetrate P.lch Country. - South of tho Crooked river Is a rich agricultural and timber coun try. Irrigation has aided in the de velopment of largo areas of irid land in this section, but other Im mense tracts aro subject to Irriga tion. Much of it can bo developed by dry farming methods. Tho cam paign for settlers has been waged with particular reference to the territory opened by the advent of railroads. Many new settlers poured Into Contra! Orefnn within tho last ix montt'i, but the Infljx has been somewhat slot' in oinp.iri kon with that eiucr"'i.ifl in oL'itr sections of the state. The country is many million aeres In extent and is very sparsely settled, the avcrago population being one and one third to the square mile. Not only have tbo sections direct' y tributary to those roads been benefitted by the Improvement In tranportatlon facilities, but towns and communities comparatively ro mote from tho rail Hues have ex nerlenced eood effects. Prlnevlllo, Paulina, Hums, I.aplne. Silver Lake' and Lakeview, towns that havo had connection with tho railroad only by moans of a long and adventurous stago Journey, now are placed with in easy access of Portland and other cities. Now that tho railroads havo been built through the Deschutes can jon, which la tho most difficult fea ture In connection with activity in Central Oregon, the development of tho remainder of tho state Is com paratively cany It Is estimated that 20,000,000 has boon spent by tho two big systems In reaching Jlend. A similar sum appropriated 'for further extensions and Improve ments, It in figured, would provide an eastern connection from Ilend to ,Valo, would give the O.-W. It, & N. OS lraST'treou Hend and Cres cent,, a convenient point on tho Southern Pnclflc, to tho south, and would carry tho Oregon Trunk across tho mountains to llutto Kails, where It would connect with tho Pa cific and Knstern, now operated by tho 1 1 lit Interests between Modford nnd Hutlo Falls. In the event that tho road Is extended to Modford by thlsroute the Oregon Ktcctrle likely would bo pushed from Kugono to Modford, thus providing n com plete loop through Portland. Tho Southern Pacific now Is push ing Its main line between Huruiio ou the north nud Klamath Falls on the south, with tho expectation of completing It soon after tho close uf the present year. This will place Crescent, a convenient point on that line, only fiS miles distance from Hend. Tho natural step will bo the extension of tho O.-W. 11 & X. road from Hend to Crescent. The completion of thwee two rail roads has made the settlement of the Interior country invisible. The roads hold out the assurance that extensions will be made as fast as development warrants. STAtJKKtM.K "OPT OP WOUK. CI HCAHO Fifteen hundred ac tors and actresses, It was estimated by tanking agencies, aro seeking employment In Chicago. The number Includes leading men and women, chorus girls nud men and vaudeville artists. It Is snld that within three weeks more than -10 companies hao given up the "road" In towns near Chicago and actor folk say It Is tho most disastrous ear lu a decade In theatricals. MONEY IN SPUDS Kxpcilenco of What HoM'hurx Mini SIiouh Can 1k Done. ItOSKHLItO A god llliiKtrntlon of what a man can do In producing potatoes Is demonstrated In the suc cess of Grant Taylor, n Winchester rancher For many years Mr Tay lor has exerted his energies along various lines of work, but not until this year did he decide to experiment In raising potntocs. Along with his other work ho planted n small tract of potatoes. With cxccllont cllmitlp conditions, his land well adapted to potato culti vation, and other conditions favor able, Mr. Taylor expects to havo not less than 2000 bushels of potatoos, which at present would bring from 1 to 2 cents a pound. Dellcvlng that tho price Is sure to advance In tho next few months Mr. Taylor does not Intend to market his product at present. This Is Mr. Tay lor's flrt experience raising ota toes, but he has announced he will give more time to It In future. S. C. Itmwn Iegliorni. lloavy layers 600 farm raised. Trios $8.50. Cockerels $5.00. Hggs $2.00 per 16, $9.00 per 100. Uaby chicks $15.00 per 100. Primrose Poultry Plant, James Ireland, 414 Spalding Illdg., Portland, Ore. 4-7 NOTICK TO CIlllDITOltS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Crook In the matter of the estate of John W. White, docoased. Notice Is hereby given by tL undersigned, the duly appnlntM and acting administrator of the e tate or John W. White, derwuHMl, to the creditors and all person' hav ing claims against the said eira'e of said deceased, to present them duly verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at the olllco of his attorney, Vernon A. Forbes, In the First National Hank llulldlng, Hend, Oregon, the same being tho place for tbo trnnactlon of tho bust nebs of said estate In said county and state. Dated this Sth day of January, 1912. A. C .LUCAS, Administrator of the ostate of John W. White, deceahed. 1-8 The Amorlcan Bakery dolivera bread and pastry evory day to all parts of town. Phone and wnifon will call. 3Gtf Ask Yourselves WHO does your clcanlnjr nnd press ing, and those who are best satis fied with their orders in that lino will surely refer you to us. We have built up a reputation for doing high class work in a short time and at n very MODERATE CHARGE. Star Dry Cleaning House With A. L. French ' ' v Oregon Street. " WILL MAP FORESTS Clutit to Show Owner of Kteiy Tim Iter Tract In State. PORTLAND. To add to tho ef ficiency of the present system of lro protection lu forests tho Roxor.nmont tins started tho collection of dntix for an "ownership map," allowing tho naW of oory owner nud tho locu tion of exory forest tract In tho ntnto. 'Max ltothkugol, of tho Portland for est sen Ice olllco, tins started the map, and expects to havo It ready for use next summer. It will be posslblo to tell at n glance tho nnmo of tho owner of any tract where lire breaks out. It Is We Deliver the Goods Bus and Dray Line LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. liny, Hurley, Ontu, Wlioot tuul Hrn at lowoot prlcos. Tlio UirKiwt Hunt in Contra! Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bond, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX r O'DONNELL UNION MARKET Fraternal I. O. O. F. Bend LodfrcNo. 218 Hck. McctinRS every Monday nik'ht Visitors wolcomo N. P. Welder, N. ('. H. J. KtfKloston, Secretarj'. BUND I.ODG1-: No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on ot before the full moon of encli month. Viiitinir brothers always welcome. J II lUHi, W M II I! .Uft. SKitUry Business and Sylvester L. Slants Attorney t Iiw. offlCK: Next Iuor to Bullrtln W. W. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST Uullctlu nuildlng, Mend, Oregon WAItli II. COHI.K, Attorney at l.nu'. Oftleo In DesehuteH Itank llulldlng Opiioslte I'ostofflee. llond, Orogon. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OPFICK OVKK I'IKST NATIONAL IIK. Ofiicc Hour: 10 to f a. in.; I to 3 ami 7 to 8 p. in. Bund, : Okhoon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFHICK IN HIRST NATIONAL IIANK III.IM. UliND. OKliCON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER I'IKST NATIONAL HANK 1H.DO,, DKNO, OKHOON Qeorgc S. Young Civil, Mining and InniGATioN ENdlNKKIt Oregon Strcot Office with Eustes&Bcan Realty Co. ROBERT B. GOULD Civil Knginkhk And Sukvisyok. Wall und Minnesota Sts. Bend, - Oregon. Crook County Abstract Co. INCOKI'OHATI'.D. AllSTRACTS Ol' TITMJ tof all laud and town lots In Crook county, B. P. Wvldu, Secy. rrinevllle, Oregon. We photograph the records. thought many disastrous fires cun bo ctuppod by olitnlnlng cn-operntloit of tho land owners lu thu rorest-llro period. I'Allt KIOCKIIOLDCKH MKKT. PUINICVII.LK. The minimi meet- lug of the stockholders of tho Central Oregon Llwmtock & Agilmilturnl As sociation was held Monday lit Com mercial Club Hall. After tho trans action of some routine IiuMiioiih, .1. N. WllllaiUM.).), J II. Wltidom and John Wlglo wuie elected directors. Onck a Pathon of limes & Uivvld son's Imi lior oluip, you will continue to lm for tlielr Korvlcu in tlio bust to bo tuul. BROTHERS Societies. M. W. of A. Pilot Butto Cnmp No. 070 1 ' Meets every Tuostlny in hull over M)HtolllCt. Visltinjr NulKhboni nlwnys welcome ('. I. liOMlll, V. C. W. W. Orcutt. Cltirlc. Deschutes Lodge No. 103 K.ofP. Meeln every Witliie-tliiy ivi'iilnir at H p. m. In ( mill- Hull, m-.l-i)lt1cf Hid VWtlux KnllfhU Hi'leome. ( Imi. D. Hone. ('. ( K. M.IjHlnlir, K.lt.A.S. Professional. CLARK & WRIGHT 1.AWVURS W A8!IIN'(rrO.N, l. c. Public Und Matters: Flrwl Proof. , Uwert Ijinds, Contests and MIiiIok (-WH11, .Scrip. AssocImIo Work for Attorney. BRENTON JONES feai Estate Farm Loans, Insurance Olllco--Citizens State Bank Building Mktomuh, Oiikgon J. I. WEST Undertaker and Etnlmlmor Full Assortment of Undertaking Goods. Kir Htreet Bend, Oregon F. O. MI N uT rORTOPPICK MIII.IIINQ LIPK PI KP. ACCI DKXT INSURANC P. Notary I'uhlic and Couvcynneltiu All l.c(,"l l'aiiers Corrixtly Drawn, FIDELITY BONDS Mrs, Maude Alnsworlh MILLINERY Over Skuse'H Storo Wall street : Bend, Oregon W. E. PARKER Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating Jobbing Promptly Attended to. IIKNI), OJIKGON Caldwell & Main All Kinds of Blacksmith Work THICKS IIKASONAIII.K. Minnesota St., Bet. Bond and Wall. Lcut UkUi, iuicUai, nlaiif, l.dif aad houilaf psulirr Ii Cr.'vT1 in. Mica MiUoa 4 11 I'ouIirrjix.kHunp.iiUj. 8U It 00(1, Iim. TUdu.H.IJlyCB,S.lil J III i immi win WW ii hi taws, ami mi iobi a ihbi imi ii ii ''? vMyKtbsv DHMttMUMMiMMsknMlAAis'JIH lUt.' M'.l'JBRl VlAl 1. -'JWI :t'K TlSIa i. If.WI. IllHWfH'l 1 I Bil "t WHEN IN I3END STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with Ilia ball tlmt the town affords. Ncnt nml Comfortnblo Rooiiih. HitND, Oiokioh LUMBE OF ALL KINDS Irrigating Lath and Houso Lath A Specialty The timber wc cut from U the Ik-1 In thecouu try, mill 4 1 mile wjuthest of llcnd. Pine Forest Lumber Com'y BEND, OREGON '- " SsEsss DO NOT BLIND YOURSELF ia iV"T ij.Tnefc H. J. Eggleston Mitnufnclurcf of llnrnciei nml Sndtlloa--I)eiilors In Wnjrons, UuRKiea nml Fnrm ItiiplutnentaUny and (iniln for sale. Short and Dired: Route to Portland and Other Western Oregon Points CEr Wl fi $ U I $VmmM VIA THi: DKSOHUTKS IIKANCH OK THE Oregon-Washington Railrond (Sb Navigation Co. ThrouKh Car Service from Itoiwl to Portland, Daily Train Imvu Beml " KuilllHMMi " Oiwl City " iMellliw.. Mndms Arv. DtuwhuttM Jet " The Dnllw " Portland... - Por further information call on any O.-W. It. & N. Agent or wrlto to WM. AlcMURRAY General Pruwongcr Agent, Portland, Oregon. "s, sCi" Go Journeying East "he el I, n-i iniii to tctl al)out when you 11 . i.i .r .1 ,-u,tt on inii Bat on the irihe 11 PitdMiiy tlimuKU the Rockies at , iili 'Iwvn- t wi.tl'l lathed In colon, if ' It fro.n tliii c 0111 moil lout obu-rvutlon liirm on tuo v rsBBFuxiZSifsf-' f ?y:ji ttfeWaUa.-- dental Limited 'liHffot through train to St, Paul, Minneapolis, hlCMItO. 'I'll Like I '.irk: Itct'ioil of Minnninln iiu. ijtto ylvsn I'harni, nml the jjlorioiK Croat Lnkci trio csrrks y hi thmunh a laml of rnihantment to yrnut titi.-s In the Kat, (Jet folder, "Uaitcrn 1 rips r UVslirn Pwinlf" nnd information about Spccinl Ko u.dTrip t'ummvr Faros. Call on or uddreM Archibald Oray A. O. F, & I. A., Portland, Orojfon. -rfsa .it ri&JS5 m 1vmxMb . 4 1 kS mJ0 WMMWi ISill'lWI ' R to the fuel that wo ran wive ,uu miicli money ou MntiifM and lloio ( lullilojf, wlijlo Klil"k' )nu the er lml ami iimh.1 dura ble iimlHb', cinnbliicil with n iii'iit nml Ix'itMllful iippearnnee Uoiiino "oeeoml" HtudtM n( muti'iliiN, nml employ none but lUi' iIhm woikmen, euiteuent lv ' aic kuio tlmt irtir lluiuewt, t 'c , U tin' Ih1 that uu Im hoiiiJit nil) here. ...From... BEND Redmond and Central Oregon Schedule: . (1:30 a.m. I.v. l'ortliind 7:W) & 10:00 n.in. .7:21a.m. " 'Hie DhIIm .. Vi-Ai) p.m. . h:(H)H.m. " UiMehutwiJet. 1:80 p.m. .. H:2ii a.m. Arrive Madrns fi;-l(l p.m. , . l:0() a.m. " Motollus .... 0:00 p.m. ... 1MB p.m. " 0miI City.... 7:00 p.m. .. hnTip.m. " Uodmond 7;4B p.m. BMBp.m. " Bond BiUft p.m. AXr fa ti.Tt yiWW'V Ret Orvat gun- as ; isv pi ou at- o r I T . .