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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1912)
M. THE BEND BULLETIN. XT 1 VOL. IX. 1IKNI). OlttiGON. WKDNRSDAY. JAN. 10, 1012. NO. 44 t INSTER DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT FREIOHT WAREHOUSE TO BE CHRISTENED Commercial Club Arrange Interest IttK Affair ntul Kvrr)oni Hhoulil Annul Mil IIuIIiIIiik Will ll W'nll linn toil. "Tho lllKKnt Danro In tlin Dig gest Warehouse hi (lio HIkksI nml Hot Country mi Knrlii." Ho nrii lint legend on Hi" flam boyant posters tlm llond dimmer clot Club In nouttcrliiK throughout Central Oregon. Tim mansion In tho formal open- Ink of Ui new Oregon Truuk-Dos. etiiittiH Jtnllwuy Warehouse nt llond Hint Saturday, January 13. TliruiiKh tlm courtesy of tlm con- trnetorit and rnllwny oltlclnls tho , wnrohouso linn been turned over to tho publlo fur Unit evening aiiiI I tin i ilntiro, with which tlm now IhiIIiIIiik w im ohrlsteiiod, promises to bo tlm largest ntul mint enjoyable thin 'elty has ever experienced. Tlm warehouse In 00x208 feet In . alio mill affords a dancing Hour which tlm llullctln U given to un derstand la tlm largest In tlm stale outside of Portland. Tlm floor la of mnplo mid will ho In shape to sntls- fy tho moat critical dancers. Tlm litilldliiK will l well heated and lighted mid everything kisbIIIo will 'Iki done toward tho comfort of thoao who attend. Homo "Vaudeville Interruptions." Tho niuilc will (hi furnished hy tho (lend Orchestra, nnd tho jdlea' 'Library Club will serve refresh nmnta. Several "vaudeville Inter- .ruptlcua" liavo I iron arranged, al though tholr exact nature la anil aomewhnt of a myatory. It la also Vtxprcteil mat several iiumiuvii ''.iiIImh.i .tftlfdnla will tin lit altnlllt. mice. Tho affair will lio ttlvcn under the nuaplres of tlm Ilond Com nnco nnd n.sko ahort ta'ks. .'.norcU'l Club and tho p occeds will ho turnnd oror to tho club for uae .In lla work durlnic tlm coming yoar. It la seldom that n community ha tho opportunity to so fittingly ccle 'brato an event of ao muah Import nnco to lUclf. and much Interest and onthualaam aro belli it displayed. It la expected that tho attendance will tax tlm oapaolty of oven thla l) Ik atructuro. Dancing will comtuenco at 8:30 p. m. Ticket aro on aalo at tlm TUlumorelal Club rooms nnd ot sev ursl other places about town. BOUNDARY EXTENDED Iteiiil HcIiimiI IH(.trlrt KnlarKed. Tsk , Iiik l" Mnrti Territory Kouth. Tho county boundary hoard. . .which consists of tho County Court and the superintendent of education, was In session at Prlnovlllo Thurs- . itay and considered n petllloil from TWO METHODS. Smith went awny on his summer vacation. Ho took nlontr plenty of cash, HUT tho tiny ho urrivuu" nt his destination tho liuht flnKercri Kontry "lifted his roll" and ho wus up OKninst It riht. Nowyountf Ferris, who has an account ot this bnnk and tnrtdo tho saino trip carrlexl juat enough cash to pay for menla anil other necensarieH, HUT boforo leaving ho had uh send u letter of identiflcation to a bank in tho placo where ho intended to visit. Ho was thus enabled to check against his account hero for what ho needed when ho needed it. They can "pick" your pocket but thoy can't "pick" your bank account. No chargu for letters of identi fication nt this bnnk. The Deschutes Banking &. Trust Company of Bend, Oregon Conservative Banking for Conservative People." I 11. IUIUD, (President) J. W. MASTHKS, (Vice President) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) DlRRCTOHSi t. n. nAIUD, P. O. MINOR, S. V. BAIRD, tlm taxpayer of llond school ills lilct No. 12 for tlm extension of tho district bouiiditry furtlmr Houth. .1 10, Hyaii, I. A. Hhiiiitiiost, 0. II. At Ion mid W. I1. Viiiiiluvnrt appeared Im foio tlm bourd lo oppose tho grant Iiik of tlm pntltlou, nnd. Chairman II .1 Overtilif loprosmited tlm locnl school bourd. A roiiiprotnlMo was agreed on whereby tlm residents n luiiK tlm upper Deachutea woro not taken Into thla district. Tlm now boundnry, on tlm west, wns fixed two mlln weal of tho Him between rmiKes 11 mid 12 mid, on tho south, Dm lino between townships 20 mid 21. Property IiuvIiik n valuation of more tli ii n itiOO.OOO was added to tho I lend district by tho chaiiKo In boundary. LAND IIOAHD MlvlCTH TODAV. A mooting of tho Desert Land Hoard wns sol for ti day to decide II nally the mntler of the Centrnl Ore koii IrrUutlon Co. project. At n session ,lnst Friday n inodllled pro pinml of lohmoHtiyeii Koinfinfwffffr mid II wns bblloved Dion that u set tlement could bo reached toduy. I. O. O. F. LODGE ENJOYS BANQUET I'nlhmlui; liiktiilliillou of (llllcrri. .Mmidii) Mjtlit, MciiiIm'i- lime I'rnxtliitf mid I'uii. Tlm IdKitest Imti'iuet of the 'twst twelve inoutlis In Ilond was that of tho Odd follows Monday ulittit at I Intel llmid. There sat down to tho tnblo fortyflvo meiubors of tlm or der mid their Invited kuoiU. The early purl of tho eveuluc was spout by tho IoiIko members In their hall, o Ulcer fur the oiisuIuk six months liolntt Installed by District Deputy (Irnnd Master A- I.. Trench. After these reremonles tho Iodise adjourned tu tlm hotel and dinner was served. Tho dlnlnr room Ikii' been decorated especially for tho oc casion In rod and white. Tho three links emblem of tho order and the letter "K. 1 T." woro used moil effectively In this scheme. Tho spread placed before tho din ers was an exrellont one, belnc much enjoyed by all present. After clears had been passed around, Noble Oram! O, M. l'nter soli called for apeechea and there was a larito number of brief ro sKinses, Anion tho cuests of tho oveutiiK wero W. V. llrown of I'lfo and County Commissioner J F, Itlce. FIRST COAL FOR BEND ImhI I'rrlKht Train lleforo Storm llroiiKlit In Carload. Tho first car of coal over shipped Into llond was received by tho Over turf'Davls.Mlllor Co. Katurday. It cnniu from tho mines tit Koplnh, Wash., which yield tho best coal that Is produced on tho roast. In order to onootirsKo the use ot coal In preference to wood In tho Deschutes' oountry, tho railroads hitvo Riven n reduced tariff on ship ment Into Contra! Oroiton. The towns down tlm lino prolU even umru by this than does llond, ns thoy aro further from n good sup ply of wood. AlthotiKh as yel thero aro mil few roal stoves In uso hero, thero will prolMibly bo muoh coal burned hero In tho future. 5K0W BLOCKS llilS TOIBEi MAY RESUME TRAFFIC TOMORROW No .Mall or llxpri-M Iteeelveil From Outside HI nee Hntunlii)' l'all of Know Not iim Unity Here ns I'lirlher to the North. llond will luivo another rnllrond dny t'tdeblfitlou on tlm ocohkIoii of resumption or rail cummuiilnuiluu with tho outaldu world. On no count of tlm deep snowfall, drifts Slid slides In tho Deschutes enuyon, belwieii MhiIi-hs mid Moody nnd Madras mid Tho Dalles, thero hus lioon no train Into llond slncn Hat- iirdny iiIkIU. The teloitrapli wires went doftii also, but tlm Westeru Union Kot missKes throiiKh lo PnlthrldKo toduy. Telephono (Him inunlciitlon with Ceiitiul Oiokoii Iohiis over tlm I'loiieer was unin terrupted, but tho lino to The Dalies was lost Monday. Trains aro not uxiioctod In hero loforo tomoriow iilKht, and It may bo I'rldny. Mites of the track of Ixitli roads Is covorod with rock and snow slides. The snowfall which set In Satur day lasted throiiKh tho tilKht and Huti'lay, but llond was favored by not beliiK snowed under as was tho euao at other (daces. Hero thero was only 10 Inches of snow. Hod mom! had 2!, I'rlnevllle about 18, Msdrns reported three feet and at Shanlko thero was four feet. In tho Deschutes canyon beyond Mad ras tho snow drifted badly, piling, IiIrIi on the trucks and blocking traffic. Tho snow plows woro all busy ou tho main lines clearing them. Tho O.-W. It. & N. train did not nrrlvo nt all Saturday night and It was midnight leforo tho O T. pulled In. It went out Sunday mornlnc with u number of lien 1 pnssencors nlKisrd, but got snow !Miund below Madras and retured ti Metollus and tied up Tlm last null by train was that .-t.iM.rdav nlctit. Some years n ) tt:t 1 1 from the 'Outside caino f.." a wholo month. The stnxea from tli3 sr-th and 1'rlnovlllo went u.d to l:oep runnlnK. Sunday nlitht tho covernnieut thermometer hero recorded nlno de Kroes below tero, but this low tem pera turn did not prevail lout?. Monday n chlnook wind from tho outhwost sprsnK up nnd tho snow koRan to melt rnpldly. Tho new schedule which tho rail roads woro to InauKurnlc last Hun da) did not uiaterlHllio, as It waa ImiKisslble to operate on any sort of schedule. Ilrldite I'oinmlly ()Hueil. Tho brldKo across tho Columbln was formii'.'y opened Friday, u iKit tlo of wlun brliiK broken tiKalnst tho mnsslvo stiH.l friimo and the hpnu bo Iiik christened "Celllo.,, The dedi cation marked tho completion ot nn other remarknblo strunUiro on tho (Continued on Pago Four) A BORROW FULL of BARGAINS may be hnd here in the Hardware Line. House hold needs of all kinds, and tools for all trades. Build ers' hardware a specialty. Garden and farm imple ments, iron wheelbarrows, wire netting. Excellent bargains in axes, knives, shears, saws, 111111111161-5 and rough cutlery. You can save a lot of hardware money by trading here regularly. Others are doing ( it right along. N. P. Wall AGAIN DISCUSS SEWER Tffl COUNCIL MAY SOON PROCEED John Hteldl lllecleil Councilman Mayor Makes AiHiliitmnit of Minor OfflclnlN Committees I'or tho Veur AImi Named. At tho meetliiK or tho Common Council last iiIkIU .Mayor Coo urged that immedluto action bo taken In tho mutter of securing tho nM suiy dura for tho construction of a sower system for llond. '"If wo kcI busy outhls mnttor at once. It Is pos sible that some uctusl construction on tho system may l done durlnic the comltiK summor," said tho may or. Tho matter of tho iHsikmmI of tho scwiiko was discussed at tome letiKth. and while no definite conclu sion was reached, the plan suggest ed by tho mayor to burn It by elec tricity loomed to bo favored. It was stated that this system wns In expensive and desirable. Tho sow ago Is reduced to gases nnd water by pasting out between electrodes with alternating current, which eleclrollze or burn It and destroy all germs. Hy a unlmous vote, tho City Coun cil last night elected John Steldl to fill tho vacancy caused by tho fall uro of Floyd Domcnt to qualify. Councilman Spencer placed Mr. Steldl In nomination, this being the only nomination made. Tho following appointments wero made by the mayor nnd confirmed by tho council: City physlclnn Dr. II. Fcrrcll. City attorney Vernon A.Forbes. City recorder II. C. Kills. Chlof of pollw 8. K. Roberts. Night policeman 0 D. llrown. Tho city enginoT is to recclv pay for his services nt tno r.Vv of 75 cents nn hour Tho other n;mluieo will receive tho mf saUry trey huvo horctoforo bovit 'O' living lor their services In tholr rvstcctlve oftlces. Committors Are pMinti'.I The following committees wero npjxjliitcd: I'ollco, flro nnd liquor license Alton, Steldl and French. Streets, public ways nnd sewers Spencer, Stoldl nnd Wenandy. Ways and means I-attln, Allen and Spencer. Cemetery and public property French, Wonandy and Allen. Itulos, order of business and elec tion Wonandy, Sponoer and lln. Tho application of Schmidt and Musgrovo for saloon llcesno was laid on tho tnblo until next meet ing. H.J. Overturf tins qualified as city treasurer nnd will have charge of tho funds of llond for tho noxt year. Tho council adjourned to Tues day ovonlng, January 22. ,) Smith Street .MOIli; ATi:il AI'I'MCATIONH. At tho meeting of tho Itonrd of directors of tho Arnold Irrigation Co. yesterday, applications for now water rights for n total of 1100 acres woro received and considered Agreements for soma wero author ized. Tho prlco for all now water rights sold by tho company after February 1, 1012, will lo $12.50 an acre In stead of 10, tho present price. For the year 1012 tho mainte nance charge was fixed at 20 cents an acre, payable on July 1. OltCIIAItll ACHKAOK 13,000. HOOD HIVEfl According to re port Just Issued by County Assessor Jasper Wlckham, Hood River has 13,000 acres In orchard. Tho of ficial figures give tho area set to or chard about 1000 acres greater than Is estimated by local orchardlsts and show that 1910, when 2444 acres was set to opplo trees, was tho banner year In orchard development. HOTELS GIVING FREE RIDES NOW Tno A 11 tot nnd n Hum Placed nt the Her Ice of Oueots Ketueen Dc " pot anil Iciil llonfelrlcft. Competition among tho three ho tels has assumed a lively aspect, to tho advantage of guests coming In or leaving by train. Frco transporta tion to and from tho depot Is tho special Inducement each hotel Is of fering prospective patrons. Tho bus has beon bought by the Hotel llond. being operated by the Wenandy company. A 40-horso-power Chalmers auto has been bought from Wonandy by J. F. Tag gar t ti Co., and Wenandy's other car has been engaged by Proprietor Fish of tho Pilot llutto Inn for ser vice between his hostelry and the station. When the train gets In of an eve ning there Is a chorus of voices soliciting tho patronage of arrivals. In this case the old axiom of "Pay your money and take your choice" does not apply, for It Is a choice of a free ride without paying any money. ANNUAL ICE HARVEST Hundreds of Tons Put For Use Dur ing the Hummer Month. The cold weather of the past week made Ice harvesting good and the annual putting up of Deschutes water In this form for summer use wsa In progress for some days. At Lava Island, the Ice was 12 Inches thick and some 400 tons was stored away by the Wenandy Livery Co. O'DonnclI Ilros. and Charles lloyd also put up some "hard wa ter" for use In their meat markets during tho warm months. JOINT INSTALLATION. The Joint Installation of officers by the local Woodmen and Hoy al Neighbors last night was open to tho public and proved to bo an Inter esting affair. The women had prepared some thing good to eat. and after the new officers had been duly installed a good social time was enjoyed Tho spread wns the main fcaturo of this part of tho evening's entertainment. The attendance wns large, thero be ing some sixty present. The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON .Or. U. O. COC. PrilUUnt I. A. 8ATHBR, Vic Prttldcnt O. 8. HUDSON, Chl.r Capital fully paid ... S26.O0O Stockholder' liability . . S35.000 Burplua .... SO.COO Mr. Business Maiv-r This bnnk otters you all the advantages of a mod ern banking institution. Ask for our statement and study it. Investigate tho men who stand back of tho business wo conduct. Consider the protection given our funds. Our strength is far in excess of the strength required to safeguard your banking businoss. If your business is paralyzed for lack of funds if it is n good business with good prospects why not talk to us about your credit? You will find that wo havo n friendly attitude towards all pro gressive ideas, and a willingness to give your proposition careful consideration. Ve offer your account strength and confidential and courteous treatment. TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: U. C. COW It. A. SATlir.R C. S. HUDSON O. M. lATTBRSON II. C. HU.IS OIL TANKS AND FISH HATCHERY NEW ENTERPRISES COMING TO BEND Union Oil Co. Will Distribute Fuel. From .Here Htnle .Ofllclnls An- ' .nounrc Hatchery Will He K tAbllsheil Near This City. Manager J. B. Sawhlll returned Thursday night from Portland whoro he had been for a week In the Inter est of tho development of Ilend. Ho brought back word that tho Union Oil Co. would put In tanks and a. warehouse here and that a state flsh hatchery on tho Deschutes near Ilend In the spring was assured. "Whllo In Portland," said Mr. Saw hlll, "Manager T. II. Crang of tho Union Oil Co. assured mo that his company would soon put In two big oil tanks here for the distribution of oil In Central Oregon. Ono will bo for the storage of gasoline and tho other for kerosene, and with these res ervoirs tho retail price of oil hero will bo materially lowered. Tho company will also put up a ware house for tho storage of cao oils. Mr. Crnng told me. He has taVca tho matter up with the main offlco of the company at San Franelsco and within a short time work should start on tho tanks and warehouse. INli Hatchery Asaiirrd. "The efforts which tho Commer cial Club has been making to secuni a fish hatchery here have been suc cessful, I was told by State Oamo Warden FInley and Master Fish War den Clanton, who assured me that a fish hatchery would be built on tho Deschutes river In the vicinity of Ilend In the spring. They regard thla as on excellent location owing: to the fact that It will be very con venient to distribute fry to the vari ous streams of Central and Eastern Oregon which will bo stocked from time to time. "Williams and McCreary of Port land also told me that they were fig uring on putting- In h sash and doo"r plant In Ilend this year. They have bad their cyo on this field for a year and a half. They said their plans were pretty well completed nnd that they would be ready to start work soon." Mayor Coo was In Portland with Mr. Sawhlll and the two worked to gether in tho interest of the town. CALLS MASS MEETING Itond ImiitU Will IV lilcuheil at Piiuetllle on February 3. Upon the petition ot a largo num ber of citizens ot the county, the County Court last week issued a call for a mass meeting of taxpayers ot the entire county nt the court house In Prlnevlllo on Februry S. Tho purpose of the gathering Is to securo nu expression from tho vot ers on tho advisability of Issuing bonds for making better roads throughout tho county. tiC?J It tyffityvl