The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 03, 1912, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
NO. 43
Clmime In Silirilule llflriilw Hiiititii)
Olt'Kiiii Tumi In Klin Tinln
TIHOIIKIi III I'lllllilllll I'll'kU
dent (fm) In liikpevt IIIk Hjuiii
Willi ilii I'timplutlon uf llin Oregon
Tiunk Hall a) brldKH hcuh tho Cn
liinililit rhtT m I VI ll. (ulrker train
Mirtlrv neiween llond mill lnrt
t it it tt In mart KUile ItrTiHillvo
tiott HiiiiiIh)'. Jan 7. there will bo a
limine In vhedulo tin Hi tun tlm
Mum liri
Tlu Jolnl HIIMIartliiian train will
leave Merit nt 30 h m a liiirHi'nfnri'.
Mil pAimmiRKiN will nmili Cortland
ti r. so i in., eailier than now. In
Hie etniilng tln train will arrive hero
ut H jr.. 2U minute earlier limn nt
IIiioiijjIi Triiln In I'iuiIiiihI.
AiuiiiiiiiruiiHitt lx mni by the Ore
gon Trunk that beginning Hunday
trHliiN will run through frnni llond
in Cortland llr(ifiiro passengers
going n the O. T had t fnnw the
('uluiuhl.i by frry. which resulted
ItUtllt 3.'i minutes
Mom tliHii twu )hv have been re
liilril In I.iiIIiIIhk III bridge, which
riml approximately II.OiiO.liuu Ha
IoInI length. InrltiillliK Hi" "V" nl Hi"
northern end. U !'. feet It l
imllt ut hiIIiI masonry nml steel,
even mm of the concrete plum rot
Iiik on u rock foundation. A draw
upon I provided fur. tint It will not
Im) used until after lliu Government
canal at (Villi), which now In being
liillll, U rumplMed. making iMisilhlo
navigation through that portion of
thti river spanned iff the bridge.
Gray to Inspect Ilrltlr.
Cnllmlhitry to the opening Carl II.
dray, president of tlm road, and
uthor officials, will maku an Inspec
tlon trip over tho bridge Friday.
Mr Uray'a private car will bo at
tached to tho regular train leaving
Portland at I) 6G a. in. and will run
,to Olllo, wham a special cnglno will
tako It ncroM the bridge. Although
construction car havo inaita their
way over thu structure, thU will bo
tho first passenger cow oh to cross.
' Iikwwc for I.wil Half of tll Over
ItMO In Imtkii,
I-ocol postal receipt aro alwaya
takun by a city a a fair bnromuter of
"its growth and progress. Heml's
Krowlh U shown hy tho receipts hero
to have been counlitiirnhlu during tho
Smith went nwny on hid Hummer vacation.
Ho took ulonK plenty of cash, HUT the day ho
arrived at hl deHtinntion tho Unlit flnKored
Kontry "lifted hlu roll" nnd ho wan up nKnlnst
It rlnht, Now younK Ferris, who hna an account
nt thin bank nnd niado tho uamo trip carried
jiiHt enough cash to pay for meals and other
necuhHiiries, HUT before lenvlnj? ho hnd us
huihI a letter of Iduntincntion to n bank in the
place where ho intunded to visit. Ho was thus
enabled to check against his account hero for
what ho needed when ho needed it. They can
"pick" your pocket but they can't "pick" your
bank account. No chnrKe for letters of identi
fication at this bank.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservatives Banking for Conservative People."
I,. U. HAIKO, (Present) J. W. MASTHHS, (Vice rrwldcnt)
1. O. MINOR, (Secretary)
h. n. BAIUD, V. O. MINOR, S. V. DAIRD.
I punt year. 'I ho only Hkhioh iiviiII
iihlo me fm tin' IiihI linlr or mm mid
tho IiihI nix nioulliN of 1UII Tlii'"!'
hIiom tlnil the tin In In 1!H I or xroHN
leielpta wriN MI!I (iM'f tho cm rim
ponding piuloil of 1IM0.
lOITorlH urn being mini" lo Ki'l
I'liilo H t in In piovldo i-mIhi h"I
Miiiiili'iH foi tho IochI nllice nml (or uppiopiliilloii for clerk
A oililni. In being rlrriilHteil In so
nno a aovitii-diiy liliill service to Kit
ii I.Hko Irmleml or Mx iIhh hm hi
i'ivr. itci.ow lino.
Tim llml nlKht of tlm now er wiih
tho colilent tilKlit of tho whiter In
llmul. A tuiupcrntiiro of llvo id
Kri'OK Imlow xoro wiu rei'iinleil hy (ho
Kovoiniimnt llieiiiioinetiir which In
kept hy Tho llulletlli. Tho temieni
tun IiihI nlKlit wiih two Iroluw. On
iiwouiit or iiiiikIi Ice tint power plmit
wiin clnneil lor ll few Iioiiim thU
limit (illU I elel.nileil AilielH of
l.eup Vein Tnlilo lrtimtliHi
Altrnillti mill fnliiie.
Nluelevn youiiK wonioii ccleliruti'd
(lie ciiiiiIiik of l!il!f l.i Ytr
with n Jolly twiHiui't Hi Corki'ir
Momla) tilKlit. TliiMif ollJuylllK tho
uftalr wore lht nioniliori or tho I'riM
clllu Chili.
Tin dworHtloita of tho tahlo were
the hollila) rolora of Knoll Mini rod
HhNiled eaudtoN HkIiIcI tho long table
it which tho Kill lt. The M-enc
h It appeared Iroin tho outiililo
very attractive, the red uliadtw Klv
Iiik Hi" room a warm kIow. Tho
menu and plan eanU were both
tantuful and unluiie Tlio former
contained u btdltrtiKarde! a IkmIH
cbmI a thU la l.ui Yomi I atid the
111 of faro Mini the latter card bore
a I'rlrcllln nnd u votnu or injulb refer
ring to tlm youiiK lady who occupied
the lent. Kiich Klrl hud to read what
wa on her card, to the einbarrnM
tuent of herielf nnd the atnuieuienl
of tho other.
Tho following menu wa ered:
Urapo fruit
Chtckan alad and nniwlolu
I'lnoapple iherbet
The Jolly banqueter refued to
make known to tho uninformed
whether the "trifle" were mero
men' heart or omi'thlug more ed
ible. After thn iproad, thero wero ong
by all thoia pro4ont. a reading by
Mil Hldnor. vooal olo by Mla Mar
lon Wlet and violin nolo by Ml
'el Tho affair wa brought to a
cloio bofora 9 o'clock that thoao who
wlhod might attend tho Now Year
danco at l.lniter'a Hall.
Tho Hoy Scouta of ltulyn, I-ong
land. In whom Clarence II. Mackey
I much Intorettvd. recently toro
down advortlilng lKn along tho vil
lage road near tho millionaire'
homo. Mr. Mackey warded prlxe
to thu boy for thl work
IahuI .Men Will be AgeiilM for Mini)'
Home, Willi ("look, Mill lie) It ll t
I'm In of l.nke nml l( In inn f It
IViiintleH iin 'Ilielr Tenllnty.
Tlmt llond will be. for an Inilnll
ullo iwrlod, tho dUtrlbiitliig intliit
for tho wholo of Conlnil Orer.ou Iihh
lieeti evlilellt for Mine time. Mild tlllx
fact hint been taken MilvantNge of tu
the nrKMiilratlou of tho Central Oro
Kiui HrokurHKo Co., which coitiiiioiii'ftii
IiiihIiiomi with the now yvar and Iihh
It oltlro In lleltil.
Thl loinpnity ha contract with
a iniiiibr of the I'hoIIIc ConhI ihhhu
faetuterH and Jobber for lliu wile
nml illntrlbtitliiii of their hooiIn In all
or Crook and Hartley and the north
ern parta of l.nke anil Klamath wiun
tlei.. The IiuiiIuihi will be conducted
on a hrokorK Imnl and tho com
Muy will carry atock for tm(trnl o(
It II tmit with tho t'nltod WarehoiiM)
Co .uxti completion of tho new
watehoiue. Thl feature will ho of
eoulderablo advantage to tho local
merchant, who will not havo to wall
for their Kood to be alilppeil fioi'i
Portland but can drkW at any time
from the wHrehniiNi tttotk Other
point tu the Ninth ami ot of llond
will aliHi prollt by thin quicker
ltrpreriit lllg ('oui-eillx.
Among tho firm the brokerage
company will represent nro tho fol
lowing: Union Meat Co . with a full
lliu of freih and cured meata and
provlnlon. Modern Confectionery
Co., one of the largest candy iimuu
factuior on tho coait, Ktnudard
HUcull Co., maker of a well known
line of cracker and cake; Zan
llrothera, large maker and dlifrtbu
tor of broom, woodenware, matche
wrapping paper, etc.; l.lbby. McNeil
& Lib by Co,' line of "l.lbby" conned
meat, olive and pickle; W. II.
Olafke Co. f reth fruit.- green good
and produce and Malarky tt Co.,
frrh flih and oyiter.
The organlter of the Central Ore
gon Brokerage Co. are Ward II. Coble
and K. Morrl I.ara, both well known
young men of (lend. Mr. 1-ara will
do moit of the traveling, whllu Mr
Coble will attond to tho local bul
neu and tho tample display room
which will he opened In the roar of
the Dcschutc Dank building.
Tho ani.ual meeting of the llcnd
Commercial Club I called for tomor
row evening at the club room at 8
o'clock. All member aro urged to
bo pretent to tako part In tho pro
ceeding nnd help get tho work of
tho now year Rtartod of rlKht.
may be liml here in the Hardware Line. House
hold needs of nil kinds, nnd tools for all trades. Build
ers' hardware n specialty. Garden and farm imple
ments, iron wheelbarrows, wire netting. Excellent
bargains in axes, knives, shears, saws, hammers and
rough cutlery. You can save a lot of hardware
money by trading here regularly. Others are doing
it right along.
N. P.
Aitlim Dei Inline Itoult Void In
Ite-elinled, mid I'lte Cnllili llliiell
gililllfy mid TnUe Tlielr ent
Two .Mei'llliK" A"' Held.
Harmony HKalii prevail!, from all
outward HppoKfHnced. In Homl '!)
oHIelNliIoiR. th old elly council hav
ing teppd out lout night and the
now eauncll having taken up It du
tloa. At h meeting of the old bod
lam Friday night, the resolution de
clmiritiK tho election of !) 6 old
was lOMClndiH) and the f'lll report of
tho elwllOH I nard hpread on the rec
oidn, thereby oboyliig th mandamu
order of JhiIk HralhHw of theClr
cult Court.
Tho following mow eounellmen
have ijtialllliHi and took their heat
lt night: A. 1. Krtmch. 8 J Spen
cer. II. ll. Allen, J II. Wonandy and
M X. I.Ulii.
Mayor Coo. who wm ro-eleeted.
waa not present, being In Portland.
II. J. Over turf, oloctoa an treur'
or. wa alao abent.
Kloyd Den.eHt who jwclvwl tliii
liU-.hent vote or all the iiiti.ililmwi lor
coutitiltnan atattti ho will not
iu.l!ly Mini nl mieceHKr will be
tinmen at the meutlnK of the council
next T ll em) it V ulKht.
liiiliiiH Am Altoueil.
The following bill were allowed
by the old council.
Omkuii Trunk Ity. frt $HS
II W I., and I. Co. wuter.
light uud urc IlKhts... ICC OS
V I). Hrown. alar) to date. . .75.00
l'utteron Drug Co . uplille C5
B. J. Hpencor, al.iry a trea . .00.00
II. C Kill. alury a rec 50.00
V. A. Forbe. city otty C0.00
Tom Murphy.labor. . .r 3. 60
S. K. Itubeita, aalary 75.00
Election board 3C.00
A. (I. Ixing, hose, etc ....... &93. 00
A warrant will bo drawn for half
the amount of the Long bill, payable
at once, and another warrant for the
remainder payable on or before Aug
uit 1
Ilcfore adjourning, Councilman
Seller of the old council made a mo
tion to rccomlder the action In re
gard to adopting tho report of the
apeclnl Imeatlgntlng election com
mittee The vote was a tie. a fol
lowsAye Allen, Auno. Seller.
Noe K el ley. Caldwell, Onelll.
New- Ciiuncilmeti Take Keut.
""The" old council then adjourned
and the members of the new body
took their seat for the transaction
of buslnes. As provided In the
charter, n president pro tern, who
shall uct In tho absence of the may
or was elected. Councilman Allen
watt chosen.
Tho first buslucs to bo trans
acted by the new ofTlclalH wa allow
ing h bill of 'i presented by J I
West for nailing cleata on tho iMe
walkh. The Oregon Trunk Hallway pre
sented a petition asking fur the vaca
tion of certain street and alley In
I.) tie, and the petition was granted,
tills will allow the railway to fence
Its rleht of way If It so desire.
Polcemen Roberts and llrown were
The council adjourned to next
Tuesday evening.
Vote to IIi'mIihI ltcolullon
Friday night, Councilman Cald
well, as one who voted for tho reso
lution declaring the election void,
moved thai tho action bo rescinded
and that tho resolution bo stricken
from tho record. This motion
carried unanimously. Tho council
then proceeded to canvass the vote
and nfter this had been done a reso
lution was submitted by Caldwell
rending a follows:
"Whereas, upon a canvass of the
vote cast at the last election In the
city of tend It uppirs that there
were 207 votes cast, for mayor I'. C.
Coe IfrS. fur mayor J. N. Hunter 108
I the resolution Including the names
of all candidates voted for and the
number of totes each received. I
"Hiring a thorough canvas of the
election held Dec. I. 101 1, and the
vote thereon, as shown by the tally
sheeta returned by the election
Councilman Kalley moved that the
resolution be adopted and s.ireaJ up
on the minutes of the council, and
the following was the vote Ayes,
Allen Anno. Caldwell. Kdley. Onelll
and Kellers.
Why He Will Nut Quallf) us Conn-
illmmi li Told.
To the Kdltor of The Ilulletln:
To the" who take an Interest In
village iolltlcM and family rows, I
will say that In falling to qualify as
coumilman I am nut oppressing ap
proval or disapproval of any faction.
I hae said many times that I have
no Interest In local politics further
than to aee the city business taken
care ol In a business way.
I did not accept office because. In
the opinion of somo people, tho elec
tion was Irregular and was not a true
expression of tho popular will. It
must be admitted that among those
who hold tnls opinion arc somo of
our Lost citizens Whether they arc
right or wrong, I do not know. At
an) rate, I am adverse to taking of
fice undo. condition an they exist.
Under other conditions I should have
qualified, r-lthough tho office was not
of my seeking, nor wo my name put
on any ticket with my aprova!.
The uselessness of tho petty work
that has been dono In the name of
politic must be apparent to all prac
tical people. All we need, and all
we ought to try to get, Is a business
administration of business affaire.
If some of the partisans who have
been so active In this affair would
show the same enterprise In their
private business, and devote the same
energy to It, they would make a
huge success of everything they
might undertake.
lou may not agree with me In all
theso statements, particularly the
latter one: hut I can say without fear
of contradiction that in a thousand
year from now this little matter
will have ceased to bother any of us.
Tho love of money la truly tho
root of much evil If you marry for
Ihe First National Bank
Dr. U. O. OOe. Prtld.nt C. A. BATHER, Vlc
0.8. HUDSON, Cathl.r
CplLI full, paid ... 838.000
8tockhold.lV liability 826.O0O
vi t&'v
t Burplut
Mr. Business Man
This bank offers you all the advantages of a mod
ern banking institution.
Ask for our statement and study it. Investigate the
men who stand back of the business we conduct.
Considor the protection given our funds. Our
strength is far in excess of the strength required
to safeguard your banking business.
If your business is paralyzed for lack of funds
if it is a good business with good prospects why
not talk to us about your credit? You will find
that wo have a friendly attitude towards all pro
gressive ideas, and n willingness to give your
proposition careful consideration.
We oiler your account strength and confidential
nnd courteous treatment.
U Pl)
(l .&
Iteml Co. Today Hent Shipment to bo
Mnle Into and Doom tm Test
of IWdhllltii-i of (Vittrnl
Ore(?iin Yellow Pine.
The first carload ef 1 Km Iter from
the liend eountry Ut now on Its way
Hast, it was shipped owt over tho
O.-W. It. & S. Line this morning by
Tho llond Co. consigned to tho Mc
Mullln Lumber Co. at Hastings,
Minn. II. K. (Upson of the (Upson
Scanlon Co. Is president at this com
pany. Tho shipment consisted of About
22,000 fecUmade up of shlplap, lap
siding, flooring and other lumber. It
Is all thoroughly dried and will bo
manufactured Into sash and doors aa
a test of tho KMslbllltlos of tho yel
low j.lno lumber of Central Orogon.
The railroad has given a rato of 01
cents a hundred to Hastings, and this
Initial shipment will in a short time
bo followed by other earload lots.
The movement of lumber from
this city has, for various reasons,
not yet started good, but the demand
for It Is vory encouraging to tho milt
men. Tho towns along the Oregon
Trunk-Deschutea line are buying
here, eleven carloads having been
shipped out in November and Decent
ber by the llcnd Ilrlck & Lumber Co.
to flit such orders.
Tho holders of large tlmter Inter
ests tributary to Bend havo announc
ed that within the next year they wilt
build big mills here, and by Jan. 1.
1913, it is probable that ever) dav
carloads of lumber will he leaving
here for the Eastern markets.
Tho Ilend Co. is running Its planer
every day, but owing to tho cold
weather and Impracticability of
driving toga at this time of year In
the cold water of tho Deschutes the
sawmill Is not cutting.
Great Northern Head Reported a
Intending to lletire.
Unofficial announcement has been
made at St. Paul that Louis W.H1II
is to retire May 1 aa president of tho
Great Northern Railway and that he
will devote his time in the future to
hla agricultural holdings In various
parts of tho Northwest.
It la understood that Mr. Hilt baa
been eager for some time to relin
quish his direct connection with tho
railroad and aid more actively in the
development of the Northwest. In
which he 1 vitally Interested. Tho
principal reason that keeps hint
whero be Is, it Is said, is the absenco
of a man who will suit his father,
James J. IllU, as his aucco&sor.
so OOO