The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1911, Image 8

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Epic of the Oreat Events In Our Na
tlonal History.
Wr have many volumes ttf commem
oration odea of qultv respectable liter
ary i-unllty. tiut we look In nln for an
epic of the war of tin Involution,
which might (111 each one of us with
the hemic spirit and hind us nil In
Ihnt living union of great hearted bn
mlllty which Is the supreme tinllunnl
pride. We loots In thIii for mi epic
on the greni civil war. with one of the
greatest of nil life soldier ns lt
hen. roir do we tlml Imumrtallscd In
AeneMs thixe wonderful expeditions
itcros this contliieut-tlie travels of
Lewi mid Clark, the settlement ol
the forty nlners. the opening u of
Alnska. the reclamation or the deserts
nnd the founding of Texas llow other
wise than through poetry are our ehll
Urcn to possess the beauty nnd the
priory und the spiritual grandeur of the
saga figures who founded this marvel
ous union of states, of those heroes
who "highly resolved" and so highly
achieved? It is tme Walt Whitman
chanted tbe rone of democracy, but
bit chant U n magnificent prophecy of
an Ideal tt Is an exhortation, not a
IKtetlc manifestation. The spirit that
strove nnd Is strlvlug toward n reatlui
tion of tbls democracy Is best caught
when cxempllOd In the lives and
deeds of tbe men who lived nnd fought,
who conquered and died lighting, mov
ed by tbls spirit This Is tbe creative
work of tbe poet we await Temple
Scott to Forum.
A Turkish siN::unE. v.vcrisrcQy
What Rom. Paris, Constantinople and
London Have Suffered.
It Is a dlUlciilt thing to kill a city,
and there are some well known places
that bave so much vitality that they
will survive any number of disasters.
Take Home as a first example. No
fewer than ten times has she been
swept by pestilence. She has been
burned twice and starred out on six
occasions. Seven times she has been
besieged or bombarded. Ituc she still
flourishes. Perhaps that is v?ny she
Is called tbe Eternal City.
Parts has bad eight sieges, ten fam
ines, two plagues and one Ore which
devastated It We make no rvfervuee
to tbe number of revolutions, as they
arc too numerous to mention. But
Paris still Nourishes.
Constantinople has been burned out
nine times nnd has suffered from four
plagues and Ore sieges. There are
soma people wbo think that many of
tbo saltans hare been as bad for the
city as nny pestilence. Aud yet she
goes on.
Lastly there Is the English metropo
lis. London began as a kind of mount,
to a swamp. In ber early history she
was sacked, burned and all ber Inhab
itants butchered. She tins been deci
mated by plague Are times, exclusive
of typhus, cholera and such maladies.
8be bas been more or less burned sev
en times. She la thriving In spite of
Yet Ha Lovtd tha Sea.
It Is said that Bryan Waller Proc
ter, known as tarry Cornwall, wbo
wrote tbe well known poem
I'm on tha Mat I'm on tha al
1 am where I would cvtr bat
was the very worst of sailors. When
we read that be was so seasick that
he could scarcely bear tbe sound of a
human voice It becomes apparent that
bis wire's conduct during bis affliction
could senn-ely bare been reassuring.
As be lay on tbe deck of a channel
boat, covered with shawls nnd a tar
paulin, she had the pleasing habit of
hamming a strain of bis Jovial sea
song. Tbe poet wbo loved tbe sea. but
loved It best at a distance, bud very
tittle life just tben. but what force be
had was used In tbe entreaty:
"Don't, my dear! Ob. don'tr
Tet no doubt be loved tbe sea.
Eswy Job of tha Msn Who Was Ap
pointed Duoy Tender.
Some years ago It was resolved to
onoy the shoals In the sen of Mar
morai some of u hlch exteiul to n mile
r more from tbe shore An KnglMt
uavnl oillrer was lent by the liiiglMi
to the Turkish government In order to
carry out this aud other measure.
lie laid down tbe buoys and was sur
prlcd to tlml that the lurks thought
that thereupon the whole litislnc who
concluded, lie pointed out, however
that buoys require euro, that It l
noessary to rcmlnt them from time to
lime, to pump the water out ot theiti
and to see that they renin in duly an
enured In their right Mtloti. To etnt
vluce tbe Turks of this took a consul
erable time: but. being at length con
vltx-cd. they appointed a man espe
cially to take charge of the buoys.
Some mouths later, however, the
English officer heard shocking report
of these buoys aud many complaint
of tbem. and on going out to Inspect
tbem be fouud the paint worn off nnd
most of tbe buoys waterlogged. Here
Dpon be wrathfully fouud the man In
charge and demanded an explanation
The man Informed him that he had
never been supplied with a boat and
bad therefore never been nble to visit
the buoys since be had been in charge
of tbem! London Family Herald.
.MrJS 3
l.n Pine, Crook County, Oregon.
On Way of Determining a Venel'e
Court on an Ocan Voyage.
Dead reckoning simply menus tbe
computation of a ship's longitude nnd
latitude from her movements as re
corded lu the log nnd without having
recourse to nstronomlcnt observation.
Tbe chief elements from which the
reckoning Is made are these:
The point of departure that Is. tbe
latitude and longitude sailed from or
last determined tbe course or dlree
lion sailed In as ascertained by the
compass, the rate of salllug. measured
from time to time by the log, and the
time elapsed.
The vnrlons principle or method
followed In arriving at the reckoning
are known among navigator as "pluln
sailing nnd "middle latitude sailing."
However, the data thus obtained are
always liable to considerable errors by
reason of currents, Icewny. dui tuutlous
of the wind nnd changes In the deWI
nation of the compass. Tbe result-
arrived at by dead reckoning, there
fore, must of necessity tie corrected as
often us possible by observation of the
hcitrcnly bodice. No narlgntor would
risk relying wholly on this method of
determining his oltlon on an ocean
voyage. New York Times.
Tombs That Oeee Sometime Crect In
Their hive.
Bees have a very Ingenious nnd sanl
tary way of disposing of a mouse or u
slug that may happen, by accident or
design, to tlml Its way Into tbtlr hive.
When the tutruder Is killed tbe prob
lem arises how to deal Willi the body.
If It Is Impossible to expel or dlmem
ber It they will proceed methodically
to lnclo-e It lu u writable sepulcher of
in one of bis hives n beekccivr dis
covered three such tombs side by side,
erected with party wnlls like the cell
or the comb, so that no n should
bo wasted. These tombs the prudent
"sextons" had raised out the remains
of three snails that n child bad Intro
duccd Into the hhe. As n rule, when
dealing with snails, bees will lie con
tent to srnl up wlih wax the opening
of the shell. But In this eae the shells
were more or lens erncked and broken.
mid they had considered It simpler.
, therefore, to bury the entire snail
They had further contrived. In order
' that trnlllc might not be impeded lu
. the entrance ball of the hire. i number
of galleries exactly proiiorttomne. n
Origin of Panto.
No word bas moved with the times
more than "panic." Iajd ago In an
cient Greece It was a mild fear In
spired by mysterious sights and sounds
among tbe mountains und valleys by
nlgbt, which were attributed to the
god Pan.. Nowadays It bas a by no
means supernatural slgnlOVauce uu the
stock exchange. "Panic fear" was the
original expression, aud In shortening
It to "panic" we bave all really been
as slipshod as the smsl b- who calls
hi "comic paper" a "comiIc." Shaftes
bury 200 yeors ago would have used
tbe word for any contagious feeling
that seized upon masses of men.
"There are many Pnnulrks In Man
kind beside merely that of l-'ear. And
thin Is Itellglon ulno Pannlck." Lon
don MalL
Elaitlo Tim Table.
In Ita early days railway traveling
was a much leva formal affair than
now. One night, bark In the sixties,
tbe guard of the last train leaving
Banff was reminded by an Irate pas
senger that It was souie minute past
the atartlng time. "Ob, aye." replied
the man. tf)ut Sleester P. has n dinner
party the nlrht. and I'm jlst geln him
two or three roeenlts preevllege."
London Chronicle.
His Half.
A wife after tbe divorce said to her
"I am willing to let yon bare tbe
baby half of tbo time."
"Good!" said he, rubbing bla bands.
MYe," Bbe resumed, "you may bare
him nlfihu."
He Objeetsd.
Clergyman Elmer, wouldn't you like
to be a minister when you grow up?
Bninll Elmer No, air J don't bellere
a working oo Snndty.-CblcaKo New.
Pointing th Point.
"1 Iblak," remarked Biggs, "one of
tbe funniest signs I ever Mir was
tbls: Teeth Extracted While You
Walt.' "
Ulgga laughed long and loudly at
this, and shortly afterward be tried It
on J legs.
"A friend of mine." he said, "told
me of a funny sign be bad seen
Teeth Extracted While Yoo Walt."
Jlggs reflected.
"What la there funny about thitr
he nskeU. "1 don't qulto catch the
"Can't yon see? The man wbo put
up that sign used live words when one
would bare been enough. Tbe word
dentist' covers tbe whole round. Er
trj dentist to supposed to pull teeth
Isn't ber
"Oh. yta: I ace. Ila. ha. hal" New
Vork Mall,
Arm In Arm With a Tlflren,
It Is related of Sir Edwnrd Bradford
that he once walked arm In arm. so to
speak, with a tigress, lie was out
shooting and. always a fearless sports
man, had come to cloe quarters with
bis quarry. He fired, and either the
ball failed to lake effect or but slight
ly wounded the animal She sprang
at him and seized his left arm above
tbe elbow Tbe pain must bave been
terrible, but Sir Edward kept cool,
and. realizing that It would lie death
to drag his mangled arm away and al j
tow ber to spring afresh al blm. he de I
llberaiely walked a few agonizing
puces until bis comrade was able to
take aim and kill tbe brute. Thus his '
courage saved bis life, though the am
putatlon of his arm at tbe sho'ilder
proved necessary.
I to their girth, but to that or the male
j bees, which are almosi twfc-c as tarjte
a the workrni.-lvoiidon Standard.
I Place Nimn That Dot It Breathe of
It Tragedies,
The history of the ton of the strait of
i Magellan began wheu the !lri prlml-
tire en n ue capsized and fatally spilled
I its dark skluned Amerinds into tbe Icy
1 waters or this southern ar blH-lago
j The first white man's toll was paid on
bis maiden passnge through tbe strait
by tbe man whose name the strait nuw
bears, and the prlre exacted was one
of the flower of his fleet and tbe deser
tion of others, which turned tall for
home before tbe bitter blasts from the
western unknown.
Since that long 300 years ago these
wild and forbidding regions bare ex
acted their heavy toll or life and
property from every maritime nation
On Business Property. BEST
Because their location is ASSURED.
Theso bargains consist of 19 lots across the street from
the depot and on Greenwood and Fir Streots. The first
five will bo sold at a greatly reduced price, for wo
want to sell them quickly. Wo also have a fow
Adjoining Bond which aro still unsold. Thoy have a
perfect water right and water is delivered to each and
overy five-acro tract SOLD ON EASY TERMS.
Do You Wish a Choice Residence Lot? If so, call on us,
for wo havo some of tho best buys in that class of
property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain.
If you aro looking for an Irrigated Farm, you should
call and sco our list. It costs nothing to investigato and
wo aro suro you will agree with us that wo havo somo
ot tho Dest buys to bo found in tho country.
Our nino years' experience in this country gives us bot
tcr advantage to sccuro for you tho best location of a
320-acro homestead of any firm in tho county. Our
prices aro right and tho location is guaranteed.
Insurance. Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty.
Call on or writo
Oregon Investment Co.
East side of Wall St.,
Between Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Oro.
Phono 1 . P. O. Box 49. All communications promptly answered.
Fir Extinguisher.
About tWu it Mr Thomas Philips of
fvmdon Invented an apparatus for put
ting out Ore. but it wus not much of n
success. When put In action the steam
and carbonic acid which were to ex
tinguish tbe flame were not gener
ated In sutllclent quantity to do tbe
work. A Frenchman named Carder
patented a fairly successful extin
guisher In 18G2. since which date they
bare been used more or less all over
tbe world to put out Incipient fires,
though, or course, they ure vulueless
after tbe tire bas acquired much bead
way. New York American.
i - i
I Billiards
and Pool j
p Fine and Popular Lint of 5
S il vis & Blackwell I j
Wall street, - Bend, OreRon v
i mmmem i
of tbe globo which has Bought to use
these "ends of the earth" as a high
way. The very names given by explor
ers lu luvsc ariH srv a iimr iu it. oia-
tory and character-Mount Darwin.
Ileagle channel. Mount Harmlrnto.
Desolation Island. Thieve bay. Port
Famine. Mount Misery, Unfit Lit. Uit
Hope Inlet. In many rases spelling trag
edy in its worst forma. Outing.
A Cartful Clerk.
-Why dldn t you praUe that sausage
morel demanded the groevr. "That
sausage Is all right."
"It doesn't pay to praler sausage too
highly." retorted tbe new clerk "It
might wag Ita tall'-Washlngton Her
Money I a bottomless sea In which
honor, conscience and truth may be
drowned. Kotlay.
t'to money realized from first pay. ro prom-dlnk's under Uii
menta nt nny time excird tint Htntutu will l cuinmoiict'd by the
amount of S'.Tt.OOO tin additional Hoard.
bond aatlsfnctiiry In the Bonn! ahull "Tenth Hint tho Company shall
bo Kiven by the Company. (notify tho Bonn! mi or bvforu Wed-
"Nineth Thnt if the forejrolnjr ! nendoy, Dec. 27th, III 11, whether or
conditions are not complied with by I not thU proposition la accepted by
the Company by February 1, 19 TJ, tho Company."
Tha Gladiators,
risually gladiators were matched in
pairs. They fought In different ways
blindfolded. In rbarlota. on horseback.
In full armor nnd with the lasso. Nets
were used by aome. wbo, after throw
ing one over the head of an antag
onist, dispatched him with a three
pointed lam-e or trident.
Dick nil! writes that he'a living In
a magnificent cottage. Bam Why, ll'a
to small that you can stand on the
roof, reach down tbe chimney and open
the front door. BU Loula Republic.
There are no elevator running op
and down the ladder of fame.
The Smiling Face
that bids you "A Happy New
Year" is a balm to tho Krlevinjr
heart and a comfort to tbo
weary. This is not a wason
for faHtinu;, but for feasting
not for fretting, but for frator
nizinx; not for frowning, but
for frolicking; not for mood!
ness, but for merriment; not
for care and worry, but for joy
and laughter. Let us echo tho
pretty girl's greeting: "A Hap
py New Year-" We oiler you
all the good wishes imaginable,
and wo will back up the senti
ment with a promise to give
you better and bigger bargains
than ever during 1012.
The Men's Toggery
Oregon street, Bend.
(Continued fioin llrt uigo.)
traded for under tho North Canal
extension, provided all moneys shall
be secured so that they can be re
turned to purchaser if there is n
failure to build the extension of the
North Cannl, and all purchasers
shall be notified that monuy will be
returned if land Is not reclaimed
within two years, and that no water
will be guaranteed before that date.
"Seventh That money to be
used for the enlargement of the.
Central Oregon canal may bo used
for the construction of the North
Canal if the Company am satisfy
the Board that they have sufllclent
funds to complete the North Canal
to tho old river bed.
"Kighth That tho Company shall
givo to the Board a surety company
bond satisfactory to the Board, in
tho iwnal sum of $25,000 to insure
tho construction -of tho main Pilot
Buttee flume und the enlargement
of the Central Oregon canal; and
that an additional bond in the samo
sum bo given to insure tho construc
tion of tho North Canal to the inter
section and to guarantee the return
of the notes and first payment to
purchasers of land In Segregation
List No. 19, under tho North Canal,
in case said lands bo sold aro not re
claimed within two years from their
sale; provided, however, that should
We Carry a Good Stock of
the Following Lines:
General Hardware
Stoves and Household Sundries
Sporting Goods
Automobile Supplies
Doors, Windows aud Glass
Paints and Oils
Wagons and Implements
Iron and Metals
Pipe and Fittings
Plumbing Goods
If You CaiVt Find It at the Other
Stores, Try Us.
Bend Hardware Co.
Mend, Oregon.
I j