The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1911, Image 2

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selling1 fast
Over 350 having bees sold m
the last six weeks and over 200
more reserved. Maiy Seattle and
Portland buyers are planning to
go to Bend shortly after the New
Year. Large lots selling at, from
300 Each
on terms of $ 1 0 down and $ 1 0
per month. Send for our new il
lustrated folder and price list,.
Bend Park
Racial Marks U.ft by Our Early
plortri and Stttttri.
Wtillc nuixt of Ilic stiitei of lilt' Ml
rWiiit nlloy. Iu'mIiIim counties vlv
i'i Mini Inlaw In nil pntN nf I lie t'oilii
li.v. lu'iir Indian nnnies. tmt n Ntmill
' tmtiihci' only nf tlu towns Hint nto
tlu wnil. uf tin- wlilto in it it luuo mlopt
I'd niiiuos hurrowisl from tlu oi'lglunl
on hits of tln liitul Nut olio In ti'ii. It
lilt boOII HllltCll llllt. I'f tlll 1.1(1 Illl'gO
i II Irs Iiiim mi Imlliin IlilliH'. illnl mining
tliMo Hint Inn i It N niuiilly un iulnt
, tli'ii ftimi moiiio tirtulilMM'Init InKo Hi'
I Tln early explorer hihI wtilcw Iim
Irft their nu Inl mhi'Uk. I'p tlio 1 1 ml
Nun nnil MoliHMk tin I mil of tho
I luitclimnu In pretty clear. 'I'ln I'roiioh
IiiIIuoiiio In northern New York unit
Vermont mul nlotig tlio lino of tin
gloat IhUim Is fiiinlllnr In ninny iniiiiiw
Mississippi IniM no "miiIiiIm" In It
lint, whereas, noroni tlu rlior. I.nulsl
. unit. by iiliu iiilliii mul ninny low iih.
rivers mul hikei. perpetuates; tlio re-
llgloit tenon of In early settler.
Kentucky mul Tounooo evidence tlio
xiK'utntlnry of tlio hunter mul trapper;
I Moutnun mul lilnlin tlutt of tlio iiiIiut
I All tlio region ni'iiilriil fioni Mexico.
t pnrtlculnrly mhuiIhtii Cnllfot'iiltt. iiiiiln
tnliiH In Its plin'o unities, tlio memory of
IIm Spanish explorer mul sotilorn
j Tlioro nro relatively few liullnn
unities on tlio 1'rtcltlo nwHt N'urtli of
tlio Spanish liolt onpes Hill) town fio
iinoiitly rotltvt tlio liijnlt.x of iMirly net-
i tier to (do olilcr Mates: of tlio I'lilou -Pittsburg
llflvrtilinrul i.rilir Inlrllol, II H l.miit Uttlcc itt
Tin UMIk, uitiii'ii. Novrmlwr ivili. iu.
Nulli Mimliv nlvrii Hint I'll M Hny, nf
llcllil, lllriiiiil, itlm. lilt Aplll l.llil win, inmlf
luiiiclr'l tiitiy Nu ,, (nr iiwU.mtlluii ,
I Inwii.liiii l.i mihUi, minir id rnl Ulllmnrtl
I Mtilillmi, lilts Illnl iiiiIUv lit Intniliiiii In imiVr
IKimilinriit nt I lie Inlrilur.
II ri l.iiinl lUlUr l Th littles, Oiriun,
Niitrmlifi I Jill. 1411.
Niitln" l linrliy tlirii Hint M'nllri iMnlrla,
uf limit, lift Mi.ll. vim nil NiivrntlMrr llll.lytjA,
nulla. -..( a...... Ml. II ik. klllal Mil
niml iiimiiiiimliiiii ' mrnmliiuli ilitlin t , , ( Untlim 'n, .ii.liii 17 K.1.1II1,
till lillltl lir ,lr..lllir. t,, II i I III. l . Mmiimp i I!m., M nl-tllirilr Mnl.llnll, Imi III I'. I
iiiiIUt ul liilriilliiii in iimKt mini imi In
lll.llll I'lrllltl III llir Uml lm lll-mUml,
Iwliill- II V" Win. I' liilllllllwl'llirl. nl liu
iilfltTHt llfllll IIIIMUH. Willi mill its yitf ll.ltlll
H liHHIItlssliillrr ill Ill.iiMiir, Hi llrllil, lllilll
; (Ml llir li. ilrtv HI IrtlMIAty Wl
1 ivliiiiiitiiit mourn iiiIiiim. UriMK Mllll
i'iiii. Itilil Kuiiiri, I' N Hi I! nail mut n I.' lltllil lllriiiiil
).)l l U MIIIIKK KrUlrl
I I'Uniisiil imiiiM Hi iiinr--r Imtin H llii
I hum, ur l.nhlUiv iimhiiii, A.Um ki1fmnn,
I I linllt lln)il Mini I limit. H il lit ml, llir
1 41 I' MiillHI' Hral.lri
Unifies lloyO, Prop.
Vegetables, etc.
Rooms for Rent
Confectionery, I'rult
Picnic StipplU-N, CIkiim
J. F, Taggari & Co.
800-8(51 Empire Building, Scuttle, Washington, or
BEND PARK COA1PANY Portland Hotel, Portland, Ore.
Text uf Document I'reentc! and Ac
ceptctl tijr Council Iiont Week.
As stated last week, The Hullctln
was unablo to glvo the text of the re
!ort of tho special committee ap
pointed to Investigate alleged elec
tion Irregularities, and as thcro lias
been a demand by many people to
know what was reported and put on
the records by the council, the re
ort is given this week. It follows:
Bond, Oregon. December 19, 1011.
"To the Honorable Common Coun
cil of the City of Ilend.
"Your specil committee appointed
to Investigate alleged Irregularities
attending tho city election on tho
fifth day of December, 1911, begs
leave to report as follows:
"It does not appear that this com
mittee has the power to summon wit
nesses and administer oaths, but
from diligent Imiulrv and personal
knowledge and observation we are ! nectlon with ald
crowded ujwn tho election judges and
ur'i'd forward thoMj whom they were
Interested In voting, even cngnKin,,' In
rancorous disputes with said judges
and with others present at the (Hill;
That the city attorney apHared us
the le;rul adviser of the election board
and at the tame time uoU-d on partisan
challenger, and his erroneous advice
caused tho election I ward to admit
(uottionahlo votes without the oath
required by law in such caos;
"That inducements were ottered to
Influence voters, liquor, clears and
automobile transjiortatlon lxilrifc' anions
the influence;
"That n larjro number of persons
having- no lexul residence in llond
voted at aid election, and others voted
who wore not qualified in point of
"Tliereforo, liecauso of the numer
ous Irregularities and iinluwful acts
that have come to our notice In eon-
election, o reueh
'derly manner; tliut public eontldencu
! In the election Is greatly sliakcn If
not entirely destroyed, and we recom
mend that said pretended election be
declared and treated as a nullity n nil j
"All of which Is roijiectfully Mib
mltted. "M. J. KKLLBV, Chairman.
Liv on Two Oimplt Mli of
Ordd anil Datu a Day.
Tlio dull) liilltllio of III. AlHli Is Hltn
plo nud Moll onlorisl llo Is up with
tlio dHjlirenk Mini ns -tHiu mk wHi.lilt
loilils bis eniiirls. tliiti bo rlilos for
hiiiio four or tlvo hours In-f nro In lias
his first inornliiK iiionI, thou ho Is off
nfllti until late In I Ho nflrrlHMm. whoti
n halt Is uiailo fur flio nlrlit. SilpjuT
usually eoiislsts of ,irm lirond. with
nu onltin or dates ns u relish. I'.reml
Is prorisl In ns almpto a tnnniior hs
ImmkIIiIo While tho rnnre flour Mini
water mo I'olint kmsidisl Uiln ilimicli n
Inrpo tiro Is ma do. wlilrli prmlili-i n
PihhI honp of Imt nslns. On part of
tlioo tlio tlnttoliisl doilKli Is I11I1I. tlton
lovortil with the renin Inder of tlio
In nlMnit flfloon 111 1 ti 11 1 os tho iloiitth
Is siiltli Ifiitly l.ikisl. If Is thou well
Ih-hIou to freo It from naltos, Imikoii In
plo os nud dlrUtoil hihoiik llmso who
from tliolr lines Imio i'onliitiii(ist tlio
IiiphI After the ovonlint feast iiifTeo
Is made by nemo momlior of tlio pflrty
nud. "iurnl out lulu tiny ruts. Is sol
emnly hnndtsl nroutid to onrli one.
I I)nls often Inke tho plnro of bronil
In Arabia. There nre mnny vnrHles.
nnd the comiHislttnn of tlir dnto does
I not differ no very miirh from thai nf
brrnd. Pnt Is Inrklnc In IhiIIi. but
1 this li mippllrd by tlio butter rhiimnl
1 In akin lnp Piisiendisl from n trtsl
nnd shaken or nitled on the ground.
' Chlcagi) News,
)encl jylachine hop
All Kinds o Saw Mill mul I'uriiiiii
We Curry n Late Slock ol
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera Mouse
Notice to the Public.
This lu to certify that I have trans
ferred my prnotlcu hero to Dr. T. C
Kwlug, formerly of lloiuIam, Wash
Dr. Kwlng la a graduate of tlio
Augelos College of OnteoHtli) and
I horeby recommend him ns an clllc
lent practitioner of drugless healing
Dr. A. A. IIL'ltltl.S.
Ilend, Oregon
llcst In Town.
'Tlio Star Dry denning Houw,
with A. L. French, iIooh all kinds of
clunnlnj,', proswinK nnd ropitiririK of
clothes in u nont mnnner nnil nt
satisfied that gross Irregularities oc- tho conclusion that wild election was roagona,)le lcofl Ia,,iotf. work M
curred at said election; ' not legally conducted; that it Is Im- ,
"That tho IMnf place was not pro- possible to y what the result would "on a done. SattafHCtlon
tected as ordinal lly required by law huve been If the iloition had been , K.ven nnd work promptly done. A
nnd jonons enrai;ed In electioneering conducted in u regular, vku and or-1 trial will convince you. 27tf
An Inconvinlint Piano.
Leopold ile Me or of lireailen. n brll
limit nud Hipular pianist of his day.
was ouco Hiimmomsl to piny hofore the
sultan of Constantinople. Oolug thith
er, he borrowed a grand piano from
one of the Auatilnn awrolnrloii of le-n
tlnn nud had If aot up III a large recep
tion room at the ixtlneo. There he
awaited the coming of the aiillnn. hut
when that Intelligent inoimnli entered
the room ho Minrtotl Imik In nliinn nnd
demanded of hi attendant wlnil that
mounter was atniullug there 011 three
legs. Kxplmintious followed, but were
III vnln. The legs liml to bo Inkeli off
nud the body of tho Instrument Inld
lint 011 the floor, un.l I.isimiIiI do Me) or.
squatting tross lougetl on 11 mat. went
through Ills program ns liest he could
lu that nwkwnnl ntiltudo nnil without
pidiila. Hut the euiniiimuler of the
fiillhful was delighted, nud when the
last p'ito was plii) oil gae the artist
tur foMit) ns iMiekHhissih.
Madras Flour
Natural Color
The right Color, Flavor and Quality.
Call for it at any store In Bend.
Madras Flour Mills
II. I DIKTKI., Proprietor
Mm! ma, Oreirni
The Central Oregon Irrigation Company has moved
OFFICES to the new town of DESCHUTES, CEN
TRAL OREGON. AH parties having business with
this company should write to or call at Deschutes.
Write for
Hotel accommodations can now bo secured at DESCHUTES.
BOOKLET describing
(Central Qregon Irrigation (ompany
Too Carly.
One raw IVIiniary morning mi In
structor In tho University of Mlihlgun
hum calling the loll of hii H o'clock
1 las'! lu Kngllsli.
"Mr. Itobhlus." aalil ho.
There wna 110 miawur.
"Mr. Itohblna," lu 11 slightly louder
Still no reply.
"Ah." said tlio Instructor, with a
quiet Millie, "(oino In llllllk of If. It Is
nilher early for robins."
The Instructor ivhh (ho Into Moses
Colt Tyler, who later Ikh-hiiio piofo.
aor of history nt Cornell, him! It allows
him In the plimslng light of a man who
could ho lioyUhly gny at n gray and
eheorluHS hour no hiiihII feat. If one
atopri to coiiHliler 1111 Instructor's provo
cations to morning diiCuoss.
Our special price has brought; us
so much business we will
continue it. We sell
Rough lumber at the mill $10 M
Rough lumber, delivered $ 1 1 M
You can telephone your orders.
Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
MA Utile (letter Lumber for a Utile Less Money."
Hon Riding In AncUnt Timet.
Hllirups were unknown to the un
dents, Along the puhlle ronil (hero
1 were pliucil mIoiiom to ennlile tho horse-
men to mount. Kllrrups were iinh) to
) some extent In I lie llflh century, hut
I were not (omuioii even ho Into iih the
'twelfth. IlorsoMhoelug Is a lory mi
ll lent nrt. ft Is represented on u ruin
if Tarentum of about XM It. C. It Is
mii Id that William the f'ouiiiernr
1 hiought the llrst Iron liorxoHhoe to
England. London (Jinplilc.
Putting It Mildly.
"That man aeema to bo proud nf his
stupidity," anld the Impetuous person.
"I wouldn't put It thnt way," replied
fho conservative friend. "I'd merely
siiggcat thnt when It comes to n thirst
for wisdom he's a prohibitionist." Ex.
Star Restaurant
Short Orders
Served at all hours at our new Lunch Counter.
Regular Meals 35c
Newly KurnlHlicri RoottiH. Kitt nnd Room Horn and
(Jet tho Hoot Vtilnu for Your Monoy. Our