The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 06, 1911, Image 5

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    . 44
yOU hivc some one whom you want to remember with a tflft at Christmas time. It is some
times hard to make a selection that will he both useful and appropriate. We have a store
full of HtiKKCstloii.s for you, of suitable kICIk for old and yomiR. We are listing just a few; there
are hundreds of others in our Immense stock. Visit our store look around ask all the ques
tions you want lo we can help you make that selection. Do it now, don't wait uutill the
Christmas rush is on. Now you can jjet what you want later well, you take your chances.
tDFB '"Milt tfrfWn V mmtwVr
For Your Wife, Mother,
IjuIIiV (ilovcn
Shli KiriH'U
Fancy ApniitH
$1.25 to $2.50
50c to $3.00
75c to $6.00
75c to $1.50
i'lUtuniiTrniiii $5.00 to $6.00
l-'imry ItiiKH
lluth It'ilxft
Knit Sweater
I.mlie' (VmtM
35c to 75c
60c to $5.00
$4.00 to $9.00
$8.00 to $25.00
Three Weeks to
Have You Remembered Ev
erybody? Get Your Presents Dcforc It
Is Too Late.
For Your Husband, Bro
ther, Beau.
iwT" . ..35c to $1.50
K?. 35c to $2.50
fn"m 50c to $1.75
lXh . 10c to $1.00
KT $1.00 to $3.50
Sm,1K::,m:. $7.50 to $12.50
from0' .. . $2.75 to $7.00
Scarf I'iriM er
Cuir Links 71r
S,lt'r.ConU'. . $2.50 to 5.00
FOR THE CHILDREN: Hooks, (lames, HulldinK Blocks, Trains, Drums, Mechanical
Toys, Drawing Slates, Dolls, Doll Uules, Dishes, Chairs, Air Guns, and hundreds of other Toys
to delight the Children. Bring the Little ones to see the show.
DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY. We will take care of your purchases and deliver
them to you just when you want them. They will be delivered Christmas morning if you say so.
Bend, Oregon.
Bend, Oregon.
Santa Glaus Is Coming
to Bend
0NT A CERTAIN DAY the exact date will be
announced soon Santa. Claus is coming to
Henri. He will make his headquarters at our
store for a time and will welcome all the children
who come to visit him. All the little boys and
girls may tell Santa just what they want for
Christmas. When he comes he will have a pleas
ant surprise for every child in Bend.
EO tbC Ol&cr jTolllS'oThc common remark by
those who have visited our store Is: "Oh, how
many beautiful things you have for Christmas!"
We are showing a wide variety of Gift Goods
something for everybody. Many have already
bought. Come in and make your selection early.
future In man; directions, but tin
greatest development may be expected
In those activities for which racial
and social experience bap best pn-par
ed tbo Intellect. A strong but selective
realism In literature, delicate word
painting, tbe successful Meurrb fur
mastery over tbe force of nature, a
grasp of social and political relation
ships thew are among tbe things we
may eipt-ct from tbe Japan of tbe
IM llMlviimoti M'iil Sunday in
('. M. IlirlmnU cam up from
Portland Saturday night.
II. J. Kgglwtt'H) mtulti H trip to
Hunt tint firwt of the week.
Judge UHi "lK,l Miy i"
l'rinoville on court liuninwsi.
Service at tho Catholic church
next Sunday nl 10:30 o'clock.
Water main are holm,' lld thin
wwk on the Htri'iitH of WloKtorlu.
Hugh O'Kane luft Monilny morn
ing for a trip of a fow duya to
I. II. Watt f Thu Dallwtnrrivod
Saturday night t' deliver two totnh
HtontM huro.
John V. Whit In ruwirtod wir
ioualy ill with heart trouhlo nnd
Mr. !'. A. Shonipioat Im return
od from a vWl with relative in
Victoria, II. C.
Tim I'rlsdlla Club will moot till
evening with Muw Kthel llolimw nt
lh Solium homo.
It. I'. Miutor IhiukIiI lt week
from Vurnon A. Korhoslot 18, block
18, Park AiMitlon.
MrH. Thomas K. (iriiy. po.slmn.ster
lit Wliitnkcr, wan in town ovor Sun
ilay, coining In tuv Mupptioa.
II. 0. Mulm Hpont Saturday and
Snntlay in Hunt!, returning Monday
to IiIh Whllakur valley liome.itend.
V. E. Scott Hnl Friday at Terrt
(tonne and Kedmond In the inlrreU
of thu Iterxl llrick t I.uiiiIkt Co.
It. P. Do Snum nrrivinl in Itawl
hut night to organise a hrnnch of
thu Fraternal llrotherhmHl here.
MIim Nona lticharln Hpont
ThtinkHKivlnif at homo, Imvinir. aa
hur Ktiuxt MinN Jaciuoxof I'rinovillu.
There wan no whool on Friday,
an well m ThMukKivinr, the day be
ItiK Kivuu the children tut a holiday.
MitM Cornelia Wilson entertained
the Hridu'e (-luh Frlilay afternoon.
The score cards bore Tlinnkk'ivink'
Wall Htreet between' Oregon and '
Nevada In boin llllu.l in with dirt1
excavated for the foundation of the
llmm ImilditiK. I
The Girl' Athletic Awuiclatitin '
held it II mt lmMketlmll practice litMtj
nlht, a larKo mimlKr of the youm;
women altendiiiK.
A. 0. Hunter left (IiIh morninu:'
for I'ortlnnd, whence he k'n n n
extended trip Ivint. He will return i
to I'end about Feb. 1.
After a viit of three weeks with
hur imrentH, Mr. anil Mrs. Suth ,
Dickey, Mm. d. CouiHtock of Milton, j
Ore., returned homo rriday.
Mr. and Mrw. .). 11. Gillam are
hero from Sliver Lake, coming up
yutitorday to place thuir little daugh
ter uniler thu care of Dr. Cou.
C. S. Hudson went down to Port
land Thursday, returning Saturday
evening with Mrn. Hudson, who
The Garvin-Loomis Construction Co.
I N 0 O It I' o a A T K I).
Ocncrnl Contractors.
Central llalldlnj! Wall and Ohio Sis.
' .i . '
had been visiting there wveral
Thu Ijtilieit' (luild hits a line of
hand-embroidered linens on sate at
Ijirn's store. Thue gixxls were
sucurinl especially for thu Christmas
George S. Young spent several
days last week running the linos of
the proHrty which S. N. Stcelu of
Portland bought last summer at
Spring Uiver.
Postmaster Minor announcos that
mail for Prineville must be dropped
into the postollice before 9. p. in. in
order to go oil" on the stage the
next morning.
CharloH K. Everett of the forestry
olllce is wearing a smile that won't
oniric oil". The cause is the arrivnl
of an ulght-M)und girl nt his homo I
Sunday morning. '
Judge Ellis has received blanks to
1m umnI by motor veh'clo owners in
making application to register their
car for HUH. Thus may be had by
all who deire them.
Thomas Ilutton of Egli, Ore., in
vented last week in Hund residence
proiwrty, buying lots l and 10,
block 18, Center Addition, of Forbes,
Littin and Parminter.
The three-year-old son of J. A.
Iln.uka had the misfortune t full
Friday whilo ldaying and break his
loft leg below tho knee. It was set
by Dr. Ferrell and tho child is doing
well. I
An enjoyable Five Hundred party'
waa given by Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Scott nt their homo Saturday ove
ning in honor of Mrs. E. Bonner of
Portland, E. F. Furrer of Portland
and Helmut!) Goodman, j
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Horn gnvo a
most enjoyable Thanksgiving tlunco
at thoir homo last Wednesday eve-,
ning in honor of thoir guest, Mrs.
E. Henner of Portland. A luncheon
was served at midnight. j
W. J, McGllIvrny and children
Imvo moved to Bend from their
ranch eight miles southeast of town
to spend tho winter. Mr. McGllI
vrny will bo associated with Jamoa
Hyan in tho real estnto business. I
The Bond lodge of Masons elected
the following oflicers Thursday eve
ning: Worshipful master. J. D.
Davidson; K'tiior warden. Jew Innes;
junior warden, W. B. Sellers; treas
urer. George Young; secretary. II.
E. Allen. Tho other ollicers are
Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Colvor enter
tained The Bend Brick & Lumler
Co. at dinner last Thursday. The
guests wore Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Horn and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Scotland son, Mrs. E. Henner
and Mrs. Scott's brother, Helmut!)
Goodman, of Mount Vernon, Mo.
A class for beginners will bo or
ganized in the first grade of tho '
public school on Jan. 22, 11112. in j
case there is sutilcient demand for
it. Husidentd of Bund who have
children six years of ago who have
never attended school are requested
to send the names of such children
to the princiiml before January 1.
Have you seen thot oil minting
of Mrs. Morrison's at Patterson's
Drug Store? I0p
Originality Not Cnnndrd a Virtu In
th MiKado's Land.
Tbe pimitiuii ot iltrntr men In Ja
pan illlTi'r In many tHM'lul re.(tivts
from that wblcb I niforded writer
of prominence In tbe weMern world,
wrllen I'll u I 8. Iteluscb In tbe Nurtlt
Amcrlciiu llevliMV. Tbe liullvldunllt
of llieniry fame and literary person- '
allty In Its various aspects bave uut
been dereloped In tbe orleut to nearly
tbe Hiune extent as In tbe west. Tbo
Krent tuHika to which ineu return ngnln
aud again for guidance nnd liiRplmtlon
bare been written tbousauds of years,
and thoao men wbo earned fume there
after won tbelr laurels by writing coin
mentarlea upon tbo classics. No merit
attached to originality. Moreover,
most writings were anonymous. Es
pecially If tnoy were original was It
advUablo that tbe author abould not
make bis personality too prominent
Wbllo learning waa always respected,
authorship never bad tbe position In
Japan and otber oriental countries
that It has enjoyed In tbe west from
tbe (IreokN down to tbe present.
Xbs Jnenoee tuliid wljl excel In the
Cothtrn's Happy Thought and ths Un
ruly Qalltry Cods.
It was In tbe year 1S or tSCL Dur
ing tbe summer months Sotbera. wttb
John T Itaymnnd and several otber
well known actors, occupied tbe local
theater of a seaside summer resort, to
which he and bis comimny drew a
houseful of people several nlcbts In
tbe week to hear end see tbem act
rehearse It really waa In preparation
for tbelr next winter! New York sea
son-tbe most Important of tbelr plays
Tbo little building bad. of course, a
gallery, nnd In tbe gallery tbe "gods'
became so obstreperous on occasions
that It was with great difficulty tbe
play could lie proceeded with. The
ringleader, a well known rough ot tbe
town, was a man named Dill tlanra
ban Ono nlcbt a happy Inspiration
seized Sothern. Having learned the
name of this prnmlneul memlter of the
rowdy element he nddivs-Mnl him In
tbe mlJ-it of the mint unearthly nnlc
as follows: "Mr Haiirahan, will you
he good eliotlgb to hike charge of the
iriill.Tj and keep order fur me) I shall
fcH ven gmieful "
Tbe result was maglcaL ftlll be
I came at once en official of tbe (beater
I and as such cracked tbe beads of a
few ot bis erstwhile fellow rioters
wltb aucb good effect that It was only
a little time before tbe best of order
A Mattsr of Buslnsss.
There U a reason for everything,
even a train news agent's reluctance
to pass through tbe cars with bis
packet of newspapers first. A woman
who bad traveled fifty miles out or
New York before sbe had a chance to
buy tbe afternoon paper sbe bad neg
lected to provide herself with said to
the boy wbo Dually appeared wltb pa
pers: "Way do you always come through
first wltb books and then magazines
and leave tbe newsidtera until tbe
"Whyf exclaimed the astonished
boy. "Hecaue It's buxtne-. If I came
through lltt wltb paer everybody
would buy a paper and read that all
through the trip and leare me with all
' tbeo dollar hooks und twenty tire cent
I magazines on my bamls." New York
I Press.
I Suprsms 8lf Estssm.
"1 am afraid llllggtns Is a bit or ego
1 1st." mild the ready made philosopher.
j "lias he offended youj'
! "No I offended mm I ventured to
, remark that ixihodr Is perfect, and ho
tiik it us a iersonal slight." Wash'
ingtou Star.
Time never drags nor dne life ever
rcem iiii'iiciinuou to thoe wtm are al
ways wurkiug. thinking, learning and
Bring in Your Dolls
For the best, dressed doll - - - - $2.oo
Second best dressed doll Handsome pillow top
Third best dressed doll - - Set of beauty pins
For most original doll Handsome aviation cap
Prizes will bo awarded December 23, 1911
Bring in Your Dolls
Maimheimer Mercantile