The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 06, 1911, Image 4

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Gjxmuik 1'ai.mkr Putnam
ManaRinjr Editor,
Am Imleeii(lcnt newspaper, rUihHuk
for tlie wjimte deal, clean lmslne, ctenu
politic, ntiil the twsl interests o( Haul
ml Central OrcROii.
sunscRirrioN ratks:
One jrrr ... .... .........
fn month.... ...... .....-......
Thite tnenth......... . -.
(tnratVuHr In 1tbct.I
... .So
The line weather tlmt Bend has
hitii nil this fall, and esiwcinlly that
prevailing durinp ThanksKivintf
week, has boon the subject of much
comment by all. To the old-timers
here it has been nothing very un
usual, but to the newcomer it was n
delightful revelation. Especially is
thta true of people who have come
from the Middle Western states.
From the folks "back home" they
have received letters telling of the
thermometer dropping below zero
and of the cold, biting winds and
deep snows. Almost every day the
sun has shone bright here and the
crisp, invigorating air has given
lost and energy to all. making"them
feel that life is indeed worth while.
The outdoor workers have been able
to keep steadily going and have
suffered none from the add. Early
in the day old Jack Frost probably
pinched Uicir ears, face and hands a
little, but it was not long till the
-arm sunshine made the day de
lightful. While the people west of the
Cascades boast of their exceedingly
mild winters, they were hit much
harder than Bend was by the storm
wave that swept over the country
about the middle of the month.
Snow to the depth of a half foot
fell at many places, but there was
not over half an inch on the ground
here at any time. Indeed, the
climate which Bend enjoys is a
great asset which by many is oft
times overlooked.
Of course, whatever the character
of the weather, there is nlways
someone who loses rather than
profits thereby. In the case of the
fine weather here this fall, the local
merchants have felt the effect.
Their stocks of heavy winter goods
romain on the shelves unsold, for
the people will not buy as long as
their pront needs do not call for
heavy under and outer clothing.
The wholesale men on the outside,
who perhaps have gathered the idea
that this is an almost frigid port of
the country, wonder what is wrong
when they do not receive mar orders
for wintor-wonr goods. They must
sooner or later cone to realize that,
despite the altitude, Bend has a
most equable climate, free from the
extremes of summer and winter.
rwMenl WHIUm I!. Tuft
X'ltr-rrttUUnl JmtS Nhrrtunti
8entrjrofRtte l'lillmuter C Kwo
SrcteUijr of Ttcftiury .........t'unUIn MutVrngh
HecTTturjr of tutrttor Waller L t'ltlitr
SemUrjrorWar ..II. I.. Mlmaon
SevtrUry of Commerce ami LatMr-Chatlra Najrl
Secretary of Nary ... .lltotfce Von I,. Mcrr
hrcrelaty of ARtfcuHuie.. Jantea Wilwn
IVatmmter flemral .1'mtiV.II Itlicluoik
Attorney Oencral . . -Urorse W.
Oorernor O rl
Herniary ol Mate .... Men W OWvtt
Trrauttr . Thom II Ky
Alteriie) Ueneial .. . . ..V Craorloiil
Suit. ImMIc tntruttiHi. . I. K .M.UtH,n
State I'ttitlet . W. t lmil
Cninmlkiner ul l.altr MalUtiea II I' lloll
()4mr Watvlrti W I. l'inley
Slate 1nkhiecf Jl"i II !.
- 1 iK.,,.!TrUI"
c-i.h,. z$ iiv.R,
Ithtge W I, MmilhH
Alturuty t't4 W. iIwmi
II C Hllr
WantkoTo borrow $1,000 for
threo-yenr period on largo tract of
the best timber In Central Oregon,
close to railroad. Addrosa A 'Jfi,
euro of Bulletin. Hltf.
Wantkd Horses or cattle to
winter. Addiess Smith ii Scott,
Laidlaw. Ore. -I0p
Wantkd Work of any kind. Also
have some lots in Washington to
trade for tent or shack. Addrvsti
P. B. Johnson. City. JlUp
Wantkd Would like to got
stock cuttle to winter by month.
Inquire (.5. W. Wimer & Sons. Turn
alo. Ore. ! 1 1
Wantkd Regular customers to
buy fresh ranch eggs. Phono Mrs.
W. P. Vnndovort. ' :tf
Judge ...
Clerk ...
Sheerff ..
TiearrT .......
Mht "uprtMtrdM
Cmf r . . . .
. . WatrrH fHH
.. 1 N MIMI
.. .hattih Ionian
. J.ll. Ultotklte
M. ,v FM
Df X O little
-Vtrl . Hke
I K. II t)tr
' ( jie Hire
Tor Kent.
Fou Rknt Most desirable olllce
on Wall street. See Voinon A.
Forbes. JlTtf
I Ciact'lTCm'MT - Wtl Mawlay In May.lhlrxl
MemWy In tKtoker
I'aoatTK Mar-I1rt MiHulay In eaehimnith.
1 CjiMHiMmiaaa' CiH'ir l'K't eliwlay
In January. March, May, July, t-cHe'"'
t anJ Noretuher ciiiml DuratCT No n.
1 j I' M kJ" -
, turret ...... ... . . J II I iUrf
! (M Itlprtt. Chm
' Clerk .....-..-.-...-....a,. D. Mini
' rlrv nf IHIN'II
v v ."
Mayor . .
Rrconler ..
Countilmcn ........
II C. Kiln
....... .s.J siriKr
S C. CaMwell
J II. ln. lit
II It Alltn
Ihtu .Mine
M J Killv
IW n -ellera
that tbp smoke fnm one of theac cotl
It Tibetan stick. If the genuine Tibe
tan Incense has bwn umhI. will rlv to
a Rtfot helcht wlthutit Ih-Iiir atTcottsl
bjr the wind, no mutter bow st rone It
It maj b bloelnc.-Ne York UerulJ
Africa's Gold Coatt
Tbe Gold Conat U a Itrltlab colony
on the tvext conut of Afrli-a. tu ell
mato U notorlotial uuhealtbT. the
beat and molMurv bolnc excvaalre; the
coatt U lined with unhealthy Hteamti
and ehallow lakes, while the peculiar
rock of the country Is oald to Rlre off.
under the Influence of the air and
moisture. Inrpe nuaniltli- of bjrdrocen
Kas. The natlee townt are crowded
and dirty, intermittent ferers and oth
er dLaeane belns ahvaj present
These are pcvulliirly fatal to Euro
pean, thuueb the natlit do not auf
fer io much The whole ivdon l
more or les a sold proluflnK t-ounlry.
but at present the value of the terrl
tory li chiefly duo to the profusion of
vegetable product supplied by the rich
toll. Oxsianut and palm oil. broad
fruit. Imllnn corn. yaun. nweet potn
to. Iltnes rind oranse are ouly ome
out of many other ruluuble produc
tions of thin terrltury The principal
exports arc cold duit and palm olL
I'or Sale.
Win. Tkadi: good bulod rye liny
for 2j or il-in. wagon. Address, B,
I C. Cmly. Ijtldlaw, Ore. !l7tf
, Fou S a I. K Team of horses,
I weight about U7S0 iwuntls. Inquire
! Bulletin. lUltf
Fou Sai.k Thoroughbred bronxe
I turkeys by Mrs. S. A. Dutt. six
I miles east of Bend on Prineville
I road. ailtf
I Fou S.M.K A bargain in a good
typewriter. Royal Standard make.
jngood miichine. Owner has two
machines, with use for only ore, '
hence the low price of $4fi cash.
i Inquire at Bulletin otl'tce. Il'Jtf l
, Fou Sai.k Three carloads of Hoi-1
stein dairy cattle brought from New)
York state. These are high grnde j
dairy cattle, many of them now
frosh, and are lieing sold fast by C.
M. Brown nnd Mr. Mcintosh of,
i Fou Sai.k Corner lot in Park1
Addition. TSxl'JO feet. Splendid
location in most rapidly growing
part of town. Terms to suit pur
chaser. ' Henkle & Ford. !Utf
Fou Sai.K Good V wagon,
with :i-in. tire, or will trade for hay. i
Also Jersey cow. fresh in about i
r three weeks. Inquire Bulletin. 8tf
Fou Sale Relinquishment of 320 ,
acres adjoining Johnson ranch near
Powell Butte. Inquire Bulletin, tf
The American Bakery delivers
bread and pastry every day to all
parts of town. Phone and wagon
will call. 3Glf
Fou Sai.k House and two sotS
of harness, east of railroad bridge,
one block south. Inquire Bulletin.
If yon want yom child tn love
truth love It yourwlf: It vnu "'ont
child to lor Jtmtlre uml purity anil
llmpllrlty and nouet una ctmraur
Kit them yimraelf.
'X $150Cash Prizes
What Will Be the Popula
i tion of Bend, Oregon,
July I, 1912?
RATKS: Pie cent line for firat In- j
tertion in till- column, lour cents a line
(or each tulHrqueiit insertion. Count
tx word to a line. I
ECPEUUWCKR wonuin will care'
for children evenings. Inquire at
Bulletin office. 39p
Do you know Z. M. Chase of The
Dalles? If you don't (and we'd let
n rotten apple you do not), run
chase yourself. Mr. Chase is a self
nominated candidate for Prosident
of the United States. In his an
nouncement declaration, he says,
among other things:
"I believe tlmt it is the God-givon
right of every born American, male
or fomale, white, black, rod or
yellow, bull cwlf, juckaw or tomcats
(or akin; of tio opposite sex), to be
Proaident of the United States at
least once, und I strongly advocate
the Orezon system, which gives
everyone the chance to get there."
We are glad he further announces
which class he is in by saying that
he is white and a man.
Once a Patron of Innos & David
son's barber shop, you will continue
to be for their service is the best to
be had.
Wanted Vocal pupils. Marion
Wiost. 35tf
Wanted A few relinquishments
near Bund or Laidlaw. Henkle &
Ford. aO-39
WANTED Some one to clear 15
acre of juniper, taking rmy in
wood. Estimated 0 to S cords to
acre. George S. Young. Box 111,
Bend. !J7tf
The Hill and Harriman lin have
spent $25,000,000 to reach Bend, the
Spokane of Oregon.
The first train over lwith nmds
ran in on November 1. 1011.
The iMipulation then was 1 .000.
In eight months' time what will
it be?
We offer you a chance, without
cost to yourself, to participate in
the following prizes:
$100 CASH, 1st Prize
$35 CASH, 2nd Prle
$15 CASH, 3rd Prize
This money has been doxited In
the Scandinavian-American Bank of
Seattle for this ptirpoM..
For prize blHnkn, write
bGO-HOl Km pi re Building,
Seattle. Washington,
Bend Park Co. Representative. Bend.
Tibetan Inctni Stick.
The moHt valuable Interfile stick In
China a ml those which neldom, If eier,
are Imported Into thU country are
those In the manufacture of which Ti
betan InevuHO la used. These sticks are
tuude almoRt exclusively for the Im
perial court, which requires them for
ill Its ceremonies.
The atlclta are lone nnd thin and
are never allowed to be wholly con
sumed by the court. Tbey rue careful
ly extinguished when about three Inch
es remain. Theav remnants are 'either
old or Riven by court officials to
friends or foreign visitors. The cheap
est variety of the Tibetan Incense stick
comes In thin sticks of great length
and coU from 2& to 0 cent a stick.
The larger and more costly sticks
range la value from II to IZ The
Chinese hare a tradition or a theory
The Best Grade of Rock Springs Cool
Delivered at Your House.
i Overturf-Davis-Miller Co.
f Office in "Benson BIdg. on Wall Street, - - Bend, Oregon.
Wiestoria Addition
Is Selling: Fast. Why?
We are fu milling every purchaser a certified abstract PHI:!'.-
We are selling on a real estate contract.
We hind ourselves, as well as you, to fulfill the contract.
We now have City water on our property.
Our prices are lowest; terms the easiest.
IJetter make vour selection today.
Our property Is within three blocks of the Union Depot.
Prices $150 and up. Terms $10 a month
Liberal discount for cash. Lots are SOxllO with 60 and tt()
foot streets and 20 foot alleys. ----------
Do you want to sell your ranch or farm lands?
If so, write us at once, giving full description and all detail
information, your price and terms. --------
The NewlonKoller Comp'y, Inc.
Seattle, Wash. Portland, Oregon. Bend, Oregon.
Portland Office: 301-2 Buchanan BIdg.
All Family Wines and Liquors must be sold
at once, as our stock is large, and owing
to the fact that the railroad is here we are
compelled to sacrifice at the following prices:
Munk Sherry
Blackberry Wine
Royal Port
Port Wine
White Port
California Sherry
Muscat Wine
Blackberry Cordial
Wc also have just received a new line of case goods all bottled
in bond namely: Cait'idiiui Club, Old Ciow, Sunny Hmolc,
Cedar Hrook, Horderland, Perfection Scoteh, Pine Ititlge,
Cuekenbeiiner Ilye, James K. Pepper, Pepperford, lioud &
Lillurd, Special Reserve Montieello, Old Taylor, Hilly Taylor,
and in fact all the Taylors. We invite everybody to inspect
our new shipment. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we
remain yours respectfully,
Per Gallon or 40c