The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 06, 1911, Image 2

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h t
Every cltlr.eii of Oregon It cordially Invited to at
tend the hort courses of tho Oregon Agricultural
College, WglnnlngJun. 3. Klovendlttlnctlucoiu"H
os will bo ottered In Agriculture, Mechanic Art.t,
Dome-dlc Science nnd A-t, l,onnucivt Korettry nnd
Mulc. I'.vor.v eouro I diolgncd to II KM tho stu
ilont In liN dully work. Muko thl u ptciiMinl and
profitable winter outing. No tuition. ltcuouuhlo
accommodation. rr beautiful Illustrated bulletin
nddrevt H. M.TKNNANT. KcgNtrniM'oruillKOrt'.
fjend JYachine hop
All Kinds of Saw Mill and Fanning
We Carry a Large Stock of
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera House
llnrrlmnn Interest! Snlil to he Huty
Sun eying In Hnittcrn Oregon far limit
nnj Went UuA ll.-nd (liven nt
the li ctittlnl Vcrmlni!. of llio Unnd
j Humors of rnllroml building still
excite Bend Hioplo although they
lmvo heard counties stories of this
kind. This was shown by tho ex
citement last Thursday evening
when the report got started from
some source that the Hill people
had let the contract for a line from
Hend to Hums. It develop! that
there was absolutely no truth to it.
The report gained credence prob
ably on account of the activity of
the Ilarriman interests in Mnatern
Oregon. The Orogonlan carried
Maiaei of M untie.
The intiatiol'a uiituriil home Ii nt the
bottom of tho rpii, never In very dtHp
water nnd yet deep enough to li near
ly nltviiyn covered at any Mate of the
tide. Tor pitiferenct' It liken it bed of
Hand or ntuoath, dim (travel. To till
bed It nttiiclie.t Iteelf liy tho IlKUturc
llku growth on tlm nIipII known nit tho
byiwu, and than, ntuudlug on end
with Itn point to tlto bottom of tho lea,
It fortut Itnolf In a deiiHO mnnn no
closely pui'hcd together that not nn
Inrh of the pen Hour In visible. Am
new ones wmw they do not extend tho
pound Kpnce octuplcd, tint ranitu
thetnxelves one on top of another In
In) en. all llrinly llxel tonctlirr by a
living eord ot connection. In thin po
sition they are exocd to ninny dan
Kent. A heavy nturin may lireak tho
matt to pit-ten ami dlnperne Its con
ntltnentn far ntul wide. An nllerntlon
of the thlul current may nuecp a Hand
avalanche upon tliein and hrliiK nbotit
their etnl by nutToentlnn. V.vvu If they
etenpo thete daHKer It In ecrtnln that
bottom Inyern will lie crunuct) out t
The Vegetable Lamb.
Oi'o of tlm 11101 rei.uu u' nut
urnl fetlthw In the world In tho Old
tieto lowelil. called liy xome people
"tho vegetable lamb" It I regarded
by tlie tinthet or China at aoiticthluit
miHTimHinl They lielleve It to lie
tirt vegetable niul part nnlmnl The
long stories Thursday and Friday of plant certainly bear u retetuhiiiure to fr W1,, r Wllllt tll imy
nil tun nun. iiiiiiiiiikii it iiiikiii in- iiim'ii
" Lonofellow'e InebmpUtt Ulirry
I remember thete wax one llllle hot
of whom Longfellow ui verv fond
and who enine often lo nee him Urn
day the child looked enrnell at the
hum row'M or bixikt in I lie llliinrj nnd
at length wild, "lhivo jnii mn Maek
theCliinl Killer)"'
LmiKfcllau wim ohllued to eiinfeN
Hint hi- library did iml eouinln Hint
eneinled Milnme The llllle Imx li"K
ed ver, Hiirr.t and pnetnli "lipped
duwn from Id knee mul went nwii)
but early next murniiitf iiuleiiow
hiiw lilm eumliiK up tlie vvmk with
Nomethlnt; tUliily i iiitped In til- little
IM 'I lie lit III hull litnlliilil lilin '.'
eentx with whleh lie wax In liliv n
".I nek the tilniit Killer." to lie Iiin own
-AllUlti I'leld. "Aulliura Hllil I'riendt "
lnfct Tonet.
All lnvetp,tor Kl'eii to the rtillei". 1
tloti or cliilnut diltll Iiiim ol'.'terxed Hull
there are at leant three dlfTcrcul touet I
emitted hy lime tn-a low one dtirlut; I
lllulit. a hlKher utie when Hie wIiik
nre held III nui Ii manner thai they do '
not Whrnte ami a yet hlKher tune
when the IiikivI It held no that liuno or
Itn lltubn mil be Inured. Thlt lant. It
It imlnted out. tn the "olee proper" of '
the Inneot. In nome conen It In pro
duced by the ntlunmia or the thurnt.
Sprclnl hidiitrinent III lrlci,
Lots In Hivorsldu nntl I-ytln Ail
tlltloiiH $10 cnxli niul $10 a month
Kimtos t lleitn Hcalty Co.
it the nnlmnl whoc llnrnet It
Ihui'IiI here, heviiUM It will tit
him ea-.lly and nlTotil him protec
tion. Kn ul m onttltt complete,
well made In ever, imrtlculnr by
the ino-.t exKi t mukers, and In
tlie be-t iiintermK. Hore Itlnuk
ets uinile to order. Kvorj thine
the animal want In the wuii of
clothing ami at nnvst ieaonable
rtjrut e.
Vnnufr of Harnoot ami Snddlet
IValer In Wajron. nojjjrles ami
farm unplementt
Hh nnd (.ii am for ale.
Irrigating Lath and House Lath
A Specialty
The timber we cut from it the best in the coun
try, mill A4 mile southeast of Bend.
Pine Forest Lumber Com'y
Bargain Period
Novemlxr 8 to December 20. 191 1
Entire Year of 1912
what is KoitiK on around Vale. Ac
cording to thio reports, Hums will
be the western terminus of the ex
tension the Short Line is now build
itiR from Vale towanls the Malheur
canyon. More than 100 civil engi
neers lmvo gone into tlie field, it is
said, since Judge Lovett vinited Vale
several weeks ago and construction
of 110 miles west of Vale linn been
authorized, it is reported. The
Oregonian stiys: '
"rittns of the Ilarriman system
provide for extension of the new
road to Burns, which at present is
the projiosetl terminus. However,
the line will extend eventtmlly to
Bend, and may KMnibly jKHWtrHte
the ('MscHilett and Mud xn outlet in
the Willamette Vally.
"As soon as the rud is completed
to Hend, less than 60 mile will re
main to connect it with the main
line of the Southern Pacific at Cres
cent, which will be one of the princi
pal points on the Natron-Klamath
,cut-olF, work uwn which now is
under way.
j "It is probable that the extension
from Hend to Crescent will be made
even before the cut-ofT is finished.
' Steady construction from Burns ,
westwnrd, therefore, is expected so
Uint the Eastern Oregon country
will have direct connection with the
Willamette Valley, nnd thnt the
heavy trnilic of the valley, which
constantly is growing heavier, may
be handled eastward without the
circuitous haul through Portland
and over the main line of the O.-W.
R. & N. Co.
"The Ilarriman system will com
plete the work planned for Eastern
Oregon without delay, is the infor
mation coming from the general
otflcus of the Oregon Short Line at
Salt Dike City. W. II. Bancroft,
general manager of the Short IJne,
will have charge of construction
fur a pig nt retullh n u liimli Kou
rlil It computed prim lilly of the
plant known n rhliome and nprliig
from need After nttnllilliu Itn mil
height rinitn nnd leudrll nprltn: from
the tiller and K'tvw downward until
they enter the enrth It It till ixvulliir
formntlon which lm mu-eil n to lie re
ptmled with no much awe 'I lie Oil
licte claim that nfler It hat rem tied
lit full nlxe It fennei to he eitetntile
nnd turn hiiIuihI. feedlin: upon the
tender nhooln of plinil which crow
near It. WuiinrapA I'ltuen
A Siibmergfd Cratnr.
DurtnK the expllmi of tlie inli-nin.
of KrnkMtim. In the ntralt ul Suudi n
IVCI. n lariie prt uf the Itlnud nt Krn
katoa Mat lilnwn nwny. nnd tlie ncn
tiHik It pmre .Nut In III! nflerwHril
tueiniireliicntn were mnde of the ntmpe
Mini depth or the r liy left entered
with wnter nt the northern end of the
disrupted Itlnud The reull were putt
IMietl by Pr Verlieek In tSMI Ijtifltr
Dr Von llemtlleleu linn reliieHlllitl the
KUbtnerceit Imnln furiiittl by the ex
plonlnn. nnd he tlnil ttmt within the
iwrtlnl rlliK foruietl lir the three re
tnnlnlng Inlnmln of the KraKntoa croUi
there It n central Imnln. oxal In ntmpe
nnd with n fairly lerel floor. ImvIuk n
depth over n contldernble nrea of KX
feet Compnrlton with the former
ruennuret tudlrnte thnt there Imn Ikh-ii
no chnnpe In the aen floor durlnK the !
Intcrrenlnc yrnrm. 1 here l no Ii:ii of
rolcnulc nctlrlty.
Till: HlM.l.l.TlN'H chotsilled ads
bring results. lf you have anything
uno a
Htilh'tin elnnsllled ad. It cunts hut
little. tf
Hotel Seward
.l I'llM ANII II Ml II h I'M If I I
I'tiUTI.VNU. ltl lit iN
Olleol tin' Mo-it Al Until' llllll III
Kntl Apmllitd lloleln III the
Nint'liwii, I inlHiltliiK l.tory
Mutleinl onveuleuee Ineen
lei ul letnll niul tie lltei tllttllel
I I Hiil'li N I'l AN
Kalr. 1 1 i. ami u. Willi Hath i . ami n
tint ni.rl .11 ll.lli. l.ntlini iMlinlii ii
W M nl'WMI rinii'iut
Rooms for Rent
Confectionery. I'rult
I'icnlc Supplies, Cigars
J. F. Taggarl & Co.
Itinrlc llod. Crop.
Vegetables, etc.
Prtrvln9 Opldara' Waba.
Nnturnllatn employ nn Incenlont
methotl of prenrnlnit nil kind or apt
der' web. The web nrr Oral nprny
ed with an ntomlrer with a thin nolu
tlon of ertUta abeltar. nnd then, almiild
they be of the ordllinry KiMtnrtrlc
form, they nrt pretrl rnrefully
n?atnat n clnt ptnic. the aupportliiK
ntrandt at the name time helm: aer
ered. After the atiellHe noinllon hn j
dried the plnien rnrrjlny the webt t-nu
bo ttoritl nw-ny In n cabinet Crrn
tlonio nhnn-d wl mny ( preterred
In their ortKlnit i form by nprujtui:
them with nliellnr nnd then nllnnlnu
them to dry l'fore reiiimnl from their
nupportt. Jinny aplden"' welm nre rerj
beautiful, ntul nil nre elmrncterlttle of
tile nit-clet lo wnien ther lieioni;, ho
thnt will iipponl to till
disi'iiiiiiimtiii limn nre
found ut
The Hen's Toggery
Fancy Tics, Gloves, Sus
penders, Collar Hngi and
in fa 61 anything that will
make an appropriate jrift.
Tftaoc MariKn
CorrrtiaMT Ac
Anfftnavillnff a.k.trh ami rtMrft4ti har
auir rria"i nir 1 1 ii fv ii.ih.f at.
liivvnlVin Mtir llil.tU tlkM,Vit-
lbi..irtilr iiiMm lll. MtaOIOOI umI'.i.ui
l.nt fl. tn lt ..nrr lof .miJi.aMI.ala.
I' ! lliMaah Malm J(u,IKlT.
rrrrtal Mlii, illt ciiarta, la laa
Sckntific Jirncricnti.
A Huot ,.lr lllatlr.ifl ..k)r lra..t nt
mlaikin it ar .mmhiI fciiJ, 1 (.. II
if nMtb.. It. puwayaii .wl.
I Co m ..,.,. New York
work, while Carl -Stradloy. chief twt from n neieninte RiMiiilKiint their
IUMt of 1911 Free.
Hajfular Itatos $0.50 for Both Paperal.
! engineor,
i forcajai."
will direct th field
A Blind Paintar.
TJip wmttlerful nlxth neitte niiprMed
to Ik MfitMMe(l by the lilllid It ivdt
f utile. I know n blind uiulcWu. lie
U n cpnltm."
"Tlmt'n not m rrumrntiittt. I luew
bllml winter"
"Not nt nil Illn work porfeet"
"A blind iwlnterlr III work In per
fect? Why. what due he twlnt"
naino decree nt lindou the lmpiet,loii
or beliiK a real city It It on too UIk el
too ainilll a Mcale for Hint; Itn rlren
are too Hide they break the Heiise ol
continuity. At Clmrlin.' Crow, with
eleten tullet of l.onilun In every ill
rtH-tlnn. one k'etn a feelliiK uf umhH ot
Immennlly thnt In IneMiiK In Utile old
New York, nn MnntiiiitHii It properly
dtMcrlbed. Hprtiigtieid liepubilcuu.
pi-ruiiiiient pnwervntlou In very dealr
How Flylno Flan Fly.
The ixipulnr tuition llwt llilne (1th
brat their "HillKn" It n lllltnl. If we
nre lo rely uhui Hit riwilltn of atudle
of Ilioof llnh inmle lit no lea HII nil
1 tliorltj t lm n I'Hptnln lUrett lluiiillloii
It npMMr tlmt the wIukm are not true
j orennt of (licht. but rather play tin
I part or n tMntetiuto or nn neroplnuo
The whole motile rmtver It aiipplUi)
by the Ih II. wlih'li net nn a profiler,
mill Hie tllit-Mtlmi nr iiilti.rlui; nt llu.
-.-lie iHtinin iiiintH. yu cnump.-- WB n ,ll(. Hlr crri.lH uut ,.r
Clovelntid I'luln Dealer. oreanlonnl nhlft of Im-litmilon nre not
-- j ihciiouictm connected with the prupill
London and Naw YorU. , ou or tho llnh In Itn iierlnl dlk'ht.
New York will never Rive In thf i
Daar In Scotland,
Th deer nro probably lhennfct crop
In Scotlnnd Ontn may MTlti nnd
never ripen by reamiu or tiw early
frotm ntul lontt continued wet (! route
may hate dlreane anil nHe lo count
on nny iniMir for noternl earit. Hheei
nro Kcnerally voted or lenn vilue than
KroiiHo. Hut deer are ery rarely nr
fee ted by the Kcnnoii In nueh a way
nn to touch lliu nporl nnd the iciiIiik
TOluo of forentH.-llliiNiraiitl Mpurtlnt:
Now. '
Ul s Eli
For thirty days we will .sell our mtitjli
lumber at $10 per thousand. We huve
contracted to move a million feel of tini-
lier Ii) Nov Ul Hlid Hills) liHte hhiiii. Nut tin. unit
IiiiiiImii jiinl jutt a tlixt elu plate lo IiIhIii a lull
ol IiiiiiIh r lua inollii Imlilt .'immI " llliir Utli i
IiiIiiIh-i (oi u lillli Ii .. hhiiii v "
Not lo Hla UUInfj.
"How did )ou eujoy your ri ti
your Krunilfutlier In tho country
"Oh. It wnn line. rep 1 had lo wnh
my faro and hunilii In raw water al
the pump I like It tool.eil land. Ilkf
we hate It ut homo" .Indue.
Continental Currency.
Continental currency note wero hi
July. I70. worth renin on the dollar
and It took a "ivniron load or rtirrcnrj
to buy a wagon load or provlnlona "
Wadding Venlct to the Sea.
Ily dropping n ring Into the oeenn nt
Venice In 1177 the doee "tvpdiled the
city to the wn." The ceremony U ro
peated nutiunlly.
We ought to avoid tho friendeblp of
the bad and the enmity of the food.
Epic let uo.
Where Now I
Tho Patnlly I'rlend-My denr. I dare
ray you llud comfort in the thought
thnt you made jour hiitliaiid liuppy
while he llvitl The Widow not real
IzIiik the double iiieiinlin: of her tvontti
-Yen. ImliHil I'oor Jack wan In heav
en until he died. IJtidou Skeli h
"How nlinll I clone thin letter to Slow.
puy-'youm truly or Tt-spififiHIy?' "
"8ny 'renpectfully.' but add, In pn
renthenen, 'for tho last time.'" File
gendo lllntter.
Orcnt men nhould think of opportu
nity and not of time. Time In tho ex
cimo of feeble minded and puzilid
Star Restaurant
Short Orders
Served at all hours nt our new Lunch Counter.
Regular Aleals 35c.
Newly Ftirninhed Homnn. Mat nnd Boom Hero and
(Jet the Bent Value for Your Money. Our