Furniture Sale Extraordinary! The coming into Bend of two rail roads, making possible a great sav ing in freight rates over the old wagon haul and the Closing Out of Millard Triplett's stock of Fine Furniture makes furniture buying EASY in Bend. You owe it to your self to take advantage of this sale. Never before in the history of Bend, were prices so low. A few real bargains while they last in BEDS, SPRINGS, DRESSERS,BEDD1NG, etc DOUBLE amount of votes in the Lara Thompson Piano Contest during this sale. E. M. Thompson Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty. Wall street, Hem!. Oregon. MIL KM OFFICIAL CHANGE WAS MADE MONDAY It Ortalnly Did. "Johnny." mM the Sunday school triirntr. "con you tell me what cnuicd the flood?" "Yes, .ma'am." antrcrcd the little fellow; "It ralned."-CnleuKO .New. Reversion to Stage Is Not Expected This Time Star Route Schedules Will Probably be Revised Sunday Hours to be From to to U a. m. The change in mail service went Jnto effect Monday as announced. Postmaster Minor sent the pouches out by train and the clerks brought the mail for Bend on through that evening, the Wenandy Livery Co. delivering it to the postofficc. The change was made this time on official orders from Washington and is supposed to be a permanent agreement. If it is, some changes in the star route schedules from here are expected to be made, especially to the south. The postofficc will be opened each week-day morning as soon after 8 o'clock as the mail not dis tributed the night before can be put in the boxes. The great con gestion at the general delivery window about G p. m. i3 expected to be relieved, the people having all day to call for their mail. The Sunday hours will be from 10 to 11 a. m. J. B. Heyburn has been appointed by Postmaster Minor as his assistant and has already entered upon his duties. AUOKCY MniOMTS. Lou $10 cash and $10 a month. Eastes & Bean Realty Co., Agta. tf lpMs W.ll Worn. Wire-That wa a pretty old Joke Rorem cmi-kt'd at dinner. Wnuit Hon in didn't rrark It. That Joke ha been rracked for year. I'hlladelphla Hcc ord. The truo art of memory Is the art of attention. Johnson. i i ii i iQ Hello, Santa Clans! - La Pine, Crook County, Oregon "Hello: Hello: la thin Santa Claua? Well, thU U Slarjorle Brown. Oo. 1 Jut knew you'd 'member me. Awf ly nice of you to bring all thoso thlngx last Christina. What do 1 want thin ycarT Ever and ever ao many thine. Four dolU with real wako up eyes, an' a set o' dishes, uu a sled, au' one no. I want two. three atory books, on' games, on', oo, ever ao much candy, an' an' "- There, you old enveadroppcrl Been listening, novo you? Well, pcrhapn you have a right to. for It Just hap pens that In this curo you aro Santa Claus. Get all the order? This little girl trusts you to bring theso things. Then there are the boys and tho folks and your friends. Better go right out now and stock up while It Is fresh on your mind and while the goods In tho stores are fresh, nemember little Marjorlo or Esther or Mary or Helen, as the caso may be. Also remember to shop early, relieve the tired shop girl and get the best. Bern MysttrUt el Drsia. We hnvo wondered at the pulnrlty of the fei In thu east In unite of lu np parent unsultnhlllty to rimlcrn suns Sir Charles i:ilot htm aottm olwrva tlom which nre In Hlnt "DreM In tho ent H n matter determined by rank or rare and h not ulTeited by such trifle a ellumte or teitiHrntuns Some people think It proper to g about nlimwt linked, other lnir. them solve under it mountain of clothe, but nil would xoorn thu lileo of put tine on ftn overvtvit lwnue It win mid or leaving 0IT fur lined robe beenuiellie thermoiiii'ter wim tit W degreiw In the simile." Tliee reiiiitrU are uimle In connection with the IttitKtirlnn wont en's gala costumi'-white linen gown with woolen emtirolilor? mi Mrt ami sleet c. vntlou Nlreu'le giirtuenis over thl ntnl ntHixe nil u thlik ipillteU Jacket itud olumliH)u siixh In all thN they will perform the national danee throughout n blutlug afternoon, -rail Mall Oasette, sssss Chsngtd His Mind. A southern senator was alone In hi Plllce one morning when n middle aged woman entered, bringing with her a wild glenin In her eye. "Can you lend me MV she nked, calling the xeiuitor by name. "I'm Horry." replied the lawmaker, "but I'm iifmltl I can't this morning. I'm pretty hard tip" The W!tor fidgeted In thn chair which she had taken without Invltn lion "I need $'-1' very Imdly." she continued "In fuet. I've Jut twfled fmitt a lunnlle nvlmn" The glenin In her ew got wilder, mid she iK'giin tn wine her h-intl img in long swinging motliin tx'fore tier. "I Jmt get out yedterdrtj.' ln wild. "Tlutt U'liic the i-ae." emie ludetl the senator miiitewliat hastily, "here s the twenty " Wnhtngtoti Star. The Abtsntmlndtd Rteord. Pulntli I the home of n woman who In the line of iilwenunltideiliie hit the whole world Ih-hIi'II tltiNh She I nlnontmlndeil from the time he w-Hke up until the moment she goes to sleep Kmll.v." n friend aked her nn one occasion, "how old whs your mother when she died J" "I don't know." replied Rmlly sweet ly "You knuw she died hHtg befuru I was born."-l'opulnr Mmulue. Life's Cruclblt. It wa sold of Olderot that In hi In tnrlnhle optimism lie was like one of the old alcheinlt. who Miwa.v found gold In hi crucible lnvauc tie had tlrst put It there. That I what the lntructcd soul lenni to do. for life consists ulwujs of what wo put Into It Hard Hssrtcd. "Poor Bickers has a very bard heart ed wife." said Trlvtet. "What's the trouble now?" asked Dicer. "She not only broke tho broomstick over his head, but made him go to the store and buy another." Natur. Nature paints the bet part of the picture, rarvca the best par,t of the statue, build. the best part of the house and speaks the beat part of tho oration. Emerson. Marina Yarn. Kllpper And bow did your boat come to be wrecked? Skipper Well, you sec. she wa making so many knots the crew wasn't able to unravel them. lie that loses bta conscience bis nothing left that U worth keeping. Proverb. LARA'S Birthday Party and Christmas OPENING Saturday, December 2. Musical Program. Miss Iva Vt, Violin l . II. HUNTWt, Trombone C. M. OlJlTM,. Mandolin Miks Amur. lli.ACit, Soloist 2 to 5 p. . Little Giant Mat oh Chimes of Ileawm I'ulltniiH AutQinolillii Hoy. Kverv I.Ittlo Movement Solo Perfect Day, MUtHlack Caught in a Net Vaicoilo W'nluiw Wedding of the Hoto Killing Maid Two Little Lovo Heos 4. r. !! 7. H. II. 10. 11. 12. IX 14. 15. HI. 17. 18. 111. 20. 21. 7 to 0:30 p. r. Social Life March Dorothy Vornon Walt. When I'm Alono I'm Ino)y In Now York Town Sweet (ilil of My Druamx Vlnlty Hull Mutch Solo Forgotten. MUx Illuck 1'ut Your Arms Around Mo I'unsles for Tliot Duet- Llfo's Dream Is O'er MIsh Wost Mr. Hunter Verona March V Tho Store of Better Values A Snap On Business Property. BEST BUYS IN TOWN! Why? Because their location is ASSURED. Thoso bargains consist of 1 9 lots across tho street from tho depot and on Greenwood and Fir Stroots. Tho first flvo will bo sold at a greatly reduced price, for wo want to soil them quickly. Wo also havo a fow 5-ACR.E TRACTS Adjoining Bond which aro still unsold. They havo a porfect water right and water is dolivorod to each and every five-acro tract SOLD ON EASY TERMS. Do You Wish a Choico R.csidenco Lot? If so, call on us, for wo havo some of tho best buys in that class of property in tho city. Let us show you a big bargain. If you aro looking for an Irrigated Farm, you should call and seo our list. It costs nothing to investigate and wo aro suro you will agroo with us that wo have somo ot tho Best buys to bo found in the country. Our nine years' experienco in this country gives us bet ter advantago to secure for you tho best location of a 320-acro homestead of any firm in tho county. Our prices aro right and tho location is guaranteed. Insurance. Stenographic and Notary Work a specialty. Call on or write Oregon Investment Co. East sido of Wall St., Between Oregon and Greenwood Sts., Bend, Oro. Phono 1 . P. O. Box 49. AH communications promptly answered. Photographic Portraits That Please at the Seward & Robideau Studio Bend, Oregon Agents for RIVERSIDE Hi LYTLE ADDITIONS Lots at Small Prices and Eiisy PuymenLs. Business Property Warehouse Property All kinds of Farm Property Homestead Locations Fire Insurance. Eastes (2b Beau Realty Co. Oregon Street DEND, OREGON. To' the Ori'Konlnn rill. Why Don't Yon Ket thnt low? hair cut? Inneii & DavIiIhoii do thu beat burlier work In town. IIotki. nnil farm for wile. Uttrmon Cook, IjiIiIIuw. Ore. Frrah nyitnni, crnbs, lobtitern, any nml everything to enl. On-Konltiu ' Crlll. American Hnkery bread nml juiMtry Nothing sold but kooiI thiiiKfl to for wile nt The Palm. Mfitf cut nt Oregonlnn Orlll. The Original COLE'S HEATER With Patent Draft Will Heat Your Home On Two thirds the Wood Other Heaters Use They cost no more than others. So why not buy a COLE? Bend Hardware Co. Solo Agents ki , . j H 'I l .1 4