The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 29, 1911, Image 2

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Bend iVlacliine Shp
All Kinds of Saw Mill and Farming
We Carry a Large Stock of
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera House
If you care for the BEST GOODS
' at the BEST PRICES
trade with
H. J. Eggleston
Manufacturer of Harness and Saddles
Dealer in Wagons, Buggies, Farm Implements
Hay and Grain for sale.
Irrigating Lath and House Lath
A Specialty
The Umber we cut from U the belt in thecoma
try, alii 4i mile southeast of Bend.
Pine Forest Lumber Com'y
... . '
Bargain Period
November 8 to December 20, 1911
Entire Year of 1912
Rest of 1911 Free.
Regular Rates $G.50 for Both Papers.
Jm . yir i
First lilcctlon Under Now hutrimicnt
1 Called for December 5 When
Mayor, Treasurer and Sl
Con iicllmcii Will HcCIioncii
By a majority of lUl, tho people
of Bond voted lust Wednesday to
adopt tho clmrtor submittod to
them. It went into effect at 12
o'clock last Thursday night, and the
first election under its provisions
was called for Tuesday, Dec. f. by
the City Council at a special meet
ing Friday morning.
The charter provides for the
election, on that date, of a mayor, a
treasurer and six councilmen. The
three councilmen elected last De
cember for a two-year term will,
I therefore, not hold over, as would
have been the case had the charter
I failed of adoption. The three men
i receiving the largest vote will wrvo
two years and the others one year.
1 The vote cast lust week was very
light, many of the cltiaeiw not tak
ing the trouble to go to the polls
ami express their preference. In
terest in the election of the llrs-t
otllciuls under the new governing
instrument is already keen and it is
predicted that there will be a heavy
vote cast Dec. f. Many candidate!
have been mentioned for the oinht
offices, but no definite announce
ments made yet.
The City Council met Wednesday
evening and cnnviuwoil the vote,
finding it correct and fair, and on
Thursday Mayor Coo hwuml a proc
lamation declaring the charter in
effect nt midnight last Thursday.
The judges who berved at the elec
tion were E. A. Sather, chairman.
Frank May and V. B. Sellers. The
clerks were Montelle Coe, J. B.
Heyburn and J. II. Bean.
The council named as judges for
the election next week S. J. Spencer,
chairman, J. N. Hunter and Frank ,
May. The same clerks as last week i
will serve.
The petition of W. P. Vandevert
filed Nov. 14, for the vacation of
the present plat of certain lots near
the depot, was granted.
The council adjourned to meet at
11 a. m. Dec. C to canvass the elec
tion vote.
Football Games That Wore Won
by n Tongue Lashing.
Trainer Mike Murphy Mail tin Ap.
pial to Pann, and lha Had and Olua
Rota to tha Ocoailon and to Victory.
A Dog Won a Qama For Columbia.
WhaWvar tha Oraat Compoiar Fait
Flowed Forth In Muilo,
Whwictor Holuibert hiii'cncd to turn
outr lli leutc of ii Miiuiui' of poetry,
tcrn'i lluii plcimed Ii t in would ho
wnii' cloiluil In melody The) would
nIiik tlieiiHelw In liN mind with nu
petli iii'ioiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiI. noble lu rhythm
mid ihli In liiiriiiuiilo ir paper Imp
pi-lll'll lo ho wtllilii riMII'll till IIWt
would nt onio Ih written down
duo .Inly ecnlnu in IS'.'d. nfier n
Iiiiik wiilli. Ihi i-niiiporer Hliiillcil lulu
ii beer uiiidcii mid found u friend Ml
tint: nt n nihil' with ti voiuiui' of Hluiki
WrttliiR on football In the American Kpeore. Hhiibeit pnuoti up Hie 'ok
Mnenxltie. IMwnrtl t.yell I'm tell of ud reml tho aoiur In " yinbclliic.
football ill-ream thnt were turned Into -llnrk. Hark. I lie Urlt Ihi'bomilirul
viotorle l.y loiiK'iit' Iii1iIiik. Ileaaya! iiu'h'ity. with Its itceoiiipfliilineiil. nu
"There nre lnimice wlierehv coach- l'' l,w "n'' " iimlnntly llnhcd iihiii
i a. a a i. ... ..... la .1. ...... .kit tti.. .at. ill
c lime won same nil unbeknown to "" """ '"' """' """ " ' "
the public. These nre crle Hint have
tieen faced In the UretodiiR riMim t-
I ween the halve, with Hie team
atretehed otu dirty nnd hriilncd Ijmti-
el hy coacheV tmiKUc or ntlrrrd hy i
the nppetil personal, mi apparently ill
orcnulritl nml defeated rabble often
become a atendy hut furlou lluhtlniz
"In IPOA Pennsylvania went to their
drelnj: room nfier ptnyltiK n (I to tl
drat hulf wlih llnrrnnl. The tie score
wn inlnlnullinj. Ilnnnrd hud played
the lietter football rtiey luul ripped
the nil nnd blue Hue to tnttent And
Ilnnnrd would haie crushed IViuwyl
innl'i If Mike Murphy, the xeternti
(rnlniT, hnd not Jumped upon n tnhle
nnd talked three minute to the tenm
Murphy, like Anion), was no orntor
"'Do you wntlt n lol of benn en I cm
tip there III lUmton to crow over the
luiidi their tenm Hindu of youV cried
lie. -They'll turn that city lnldo out
nnd on Kood I'enu money ut that'
Vonr friend 'II he ronrtlu' free lunch
counter for week If joii let llnwe
duh k'et nwny with this! Myclf-ll
almost mnde me cry to nee thoc hhc
tl(T wnlk nil orer you' (lie uulped
noticed hly l 'lleenune I know liow
Cood you nre. You weren't right thnt
tin If. ott'll kill 'em now Vmi've cot
to Think of I he crowd And oiiy. fel
low, If there' no mother, fntlier. l
ter or clrl up there witiutilu'. jui
think or me. fellow Think of me.
thnt tnke enre of you nil. Tor I've
cut the "eon." Iioya
Ilium HttUe liilHtliy Bcrnwieii item
the Imek of n hill of fnro. In the eoiirfe
of the aiime evenhu: he act lo inunle
the drlnkluK ou In "Antony nnd
Cleopnlrn" nnd the teme "Who I
8) IWu." In "Two tleiitlemeii of Ve
romi "
And nil thin ctquMtcnc enmr from
the noil of n cook mid 'r mivhinih'.
w hone chief dellKht n n Imhy wim to
plrk out melodle on n ruly old plnuo
In hi father' aliop nnd whe ncme
of hiimnii till wn renched when he
ih tnken lo ii nelKhliorlim Jollier' to
try lit lufiiut hniiil on it Hue new In
Ntnimeut He wn n chiirlty pupil In
the Itnperlnl ScIhniI of Mnle. hut nei
ther. It orphan n)lnm ntinophere.
the two inenl n day nor the Ice cold
plnuo with the he cold Instruction
dampened the little t'rttnz' ardor
Vhnieer he felt flowed forth In mil
lc.-.Scw Vork World
Concrnlng Frathman.
Jnine. iikiiI the. mid .SHrah ncwl
eeu were the children of a pnife
or mul tiMik n Kriiit Interei nt the lie
Klliultlt: of the coIIcko year In the In
cnllWIuii which thev dally wltnetl
on the cninpii. 'I hey dlcucl the
merit of the cne from eerj aide
JmuiM naiinllr preferreil the frelimeii
while Srtruli nlwii)a aided wllh their
(ne iifteruoon Jame una trotlltiic
ncro the cmupil. hohlllik.' IlKhtlj to
hi father' hmid III llllte fnce wr
iiille nerloii. nnd he kept IihiWIiik hr
hind him more or lot fenrfuilr III
fmhiT. ihi'p In mrtlllnihiii, wn tint no
lUat III low n.
Tho Star Dry Cleaning llmwv.
with A. I. FieiH'li. does nil kinds or
oli'iinlng. iniwlng ami u'palihiK of
clothiM In a neat niimner nd nt
ifitHouiiblo pilci'H. LiuIIoh' work us
well us men's tlniif. Satlsfni'llou
kIiu mid wink piomplly ilonu. A
trial will convince you. i!7tf
.Spcilul Inducement hi I'lkes.
Lots In Ulvernldo nnd Lytlti Ail
illllons $UI uikIi mid $U u tiioiith.
Hasten v Htmn llotilty ('.
Tint Uoi Kl.
chicken dlmiois
llllND'a .Sllllilli)
mo tho ItotiL ill
Older your fruit niko now nt
Oiegoiilan lluki'iy.
Tiik Bi'l.l.irrlN'8 I'luwllk'il ads
bring results. If you have- anything
for wile or want t I'")". ""o n
Bulletin chwIIU'il.ail. It costs but
little. t'
Rooms for Rent
Confectionery, Trull
I'lcnlt Supplies, Cigars
J. F. Taggar. & Co.
"lie coiibIuhI. tiriiahnl hi eye with tlclni; iiulll lliuill.i n niunll tolienald
the hack of hi hand nnd faltered on
I won't tM with you very much
loncer, nnd I rrnnt yuu to wtn thla
pi me.'
"lie flnlihPil spenklnc nnd stole nwny
without n word. There wnii no cheer
Ins: tho men were ihlnklne too tinrtL
Tho next tmlf llnrrnnl found n Ulffer
Tnthcr. titer wouldn't mlitnke h III
tlo 1,0) for ti frehmmi. wmiul the))"
Woman' Home Coinimiilon
Antlmllltarlim In Otr'nany.
At StrnhurK I nw n ceneral leave
hnrrnck. The wntrle ikh nt ntteii
i lion, i ii.-ii u ueii hi1 oiiii iifi"-iii mi iimv
Ctiarlc llod. Crop.
Vegetables, etc.
IkiIIi nt the ame liilnn( mluilrkeil hi
pi It, which rna iMvullar. Ih'IiiiiiI hi
hack enirli. mind you' I hnve alo
eeu irc-t liya In tleriiinuy mock tin-
purndeHchrltt of InMipcr when nn on
rut I'rnnaylrnnln tenm, n trnm whoc
emotion wrrf keyed up to audi n pitch
that their rJrrce football bn never
alnco hero een on Krnuklln Held Hnr
vnnJ wn dated, awrpt nway aud heat-
n tx-rauae man apokr. jeer pned hy. nnd the trooper Krtn
"Another remarkable turnlntf of ' ned broadly and the nfflcrr aaw. but
(KurnUhctl by the Crook County Co )
C. II. Hoplcy to John llarr, It 6 to lo
inc . hlk M, KllliiKct' dd. Redmond.
twx. i
Iieml Water l.lht & Power t'o. to
Html MillliiK & WMrehoutc Co., tract in iie. CC3J-I7'U. fl.
John !'.. Hunaker to William I'. Kiii. '
li .,..1' .11 ami U tip' IH.K.I7. t
i 1600.
II. I'. lone et at to II. M. Jenteii. It .1.
hlk i, I'.hrct lit Mild , Redmond, f 150. I
H. A. Depue to Ceo. II. Depue, e)i :
aw,', aec 3&-IO-I4. ft. 1
II. 1. Otrrturf to l II. Summy. It 4 of '
vc 31-17-12 and uw iiw,', ec 6-i8-u.
Guy H. Dol.Kin et at to Lilly II. Oil
lettr. It I of l)oloi.SIocum Acreage,
Redmond. I75U.
The Ilend Co. to Morgan Ailkim, It a,
blk 30, Park ndil , Ilend. $1.
Frank McCaffery to Nina May Kelly,
It 1 and a, blk 1, McCuficry'a I'lrit add.,
Sitter, fl.
CUuiIe McCauley toG. W. Daviea, It
5 and 6, blk 2. Redmond, fl.
Ona W. Triplctt to J. 1. Weat, parcel
In ne'X nctf. 3j.17.iJ. ft. (Correction.)
Dudley Ma field to I)echutci Lumber
Co. .Mrjnw,'. 'A lie,' anil eX "ej,
aec 13-2; II. fSj.
W. It. S. Coyne to Nick Mamlle,e$
ne(, wA K',i. 'i w. - X 'l
tvX vU, xc 10 l5'-' f'-
Tho R. Throop lo I.. !. Throop, wi
cJ4. t-X vU ii. 3---5. f.
Stnte of Oregon to Nell Chriitellieii,
nwj awf, 8-iS-n.
Agreement to m-11. OrcKOti Trunk
I)ev. Co. to II. S. Woolly. It J, blk 3,
Graudvlew add , Ileml. 500.
Oil. John Sobiouki filled hid on
Kajjemunt hero Friday niKht, do
liveritiK two of iii lecturoH. Ho
Hpoku on the riuo of 1'oland and
tiien buvc a vivid picture of Itus
Bian prison life and Siberian exiles,
lie haa a fine nemo of humor nnd
told a number of amusiriff nnucdotea
during tho courts of bin lectures.
Those desiring a loan for building
purposes through the Pacific Build
inp; & Loan Association, call on
James Ryan,
rnroo between the balrm occurred at
Ithaca In SWA. Cornell led Columbia
by 0 to 0 when fhv tram returned to
lbs dmulnR rootna, Columbia had not
recoTewl from n wrarloK Ram wllh
Princeton the wek heror. Many of
tb men were overtrained. There w
dlatlnrt feellnir or tint hopelenr
of It nil whrn the player lay down
upon tbr floor nnd benche. Only Hill,
a white hull terrier mawou ahowed
aljfn of llrvllnetui. It wn cold In the
drraaluR room, and a trainer abook the
aihea In the atov. lie uaed a Kker.
lb end of which became red hot.
When Anally he laid down the metal
rod the red whitened, but the heat re
mnlned. Hill, deciding that tbr poker
wn to bo played with like n atlrk,
rauKht the healed end lo hla moiiib. '
lntanily hi Up enn-d nnd turned
black. Hill only abook the poker bard
tt. Two men crabbed hltu nnd tried
to force him to open hi mouth. Hut
Hill fouRhl hock, and finally they had
to choke blui before he would looen
hi prlp. It wn then that Conch Mur
ley tin deed Captain Klher nnd point
rd to tbv do. Catchlni; the Idea. Plah
er aprnnir to hi feet nnd built up n
apeeeh nround Hill. lie compared Hlll'a
nerve to the leum'a nnd uked the
men If they were not uhnmed of them
arlve. Ill cloliig aenicucv wn.
Juit play for Hill. Hill. Hllir
"When Columbia returned to the field.
Hill. yrlploK fuiiouly, led the wny
All throiiKh tbr half the team henrd
blm barklnc from the ld linen. Hald
Von Haltxa, the bl(C tnrkle, after the
game, W heard avery yelp, and It
aim ply dror u.'
"Alto Hlll'a yrlptnK waa ao Rood that
Columbia won out, 1'.' to 0"
Very often. Mr, Vox declare, the
ability of one roan to kirk lm deter
mined tha outcome of the Rauiu. lie
"lu 1007 Minnesota and WIconln
nlnved 17 to 17. The in nt ch htm been
bnllybooed 'the mot aeiianilonal ever I
teen That It ended lu n tlo wn be-
ciiuio of Capron He aaved Mluneo ,
ta. fie kicked three fcoul from the
field. The Riitne lieRnn with n bewll (
derlnR aerlen of riMhe. end nut nnd
trlplo forward panne. The ncoru leap
ed to WIconln 1'J. MlnneHota ft Here i
('apron begun to kick. Hnindltiu on i thirty yard line, he drove the hull
between the pout Wlxcouln'rt lend
ivn reductil to three tinlutx Aunln.
thl time from the fnrly-nve ynid line,
Cnpron nent the ball "nlllnu I rue. Mln
nenotn h-d Kl to 1'.' The llrt half
ended, however, wllh WlwoiiHln wIiir
Ins back Into tho lend A touchdown
enmo after a nuccehn of end run
Tho arore wn Wlcuiiln 17, Mlnne
sotu 1.1. Id the tecond hnlf the tenm
ntcndled down and plnyed 'clone foot
ball.' Ko more aeorca were likely.
Hut In the cloning minute Capron aent
a kick twlntln from the forty-five yard
line. It cleared the bar, nnd the ncore
was tied. Wloontn had the better
team; Minnesota had Capron."
aald nauitht. Hurh nntlmllltarlm I
' MHlriliibaiilak In ! raa f Jltlittirt Illilka
UUIUIUKHiliV IM V awvu htwwv
Ha Mad tha 8ala.
"Ye, the pnierty I cheap enough
Why do you want to aril Itr
"You won't Rlre ta nwa)T"
"Well. lr. If tieeanne I'm the only
mail In thl nclRhliorhood that d(x-n'l
mow In hlch M-lety. nnd I'm lonr-aome."-Chl'-a.'o
Tnaoc Mnna
CoevniOHTa Ac
Ant mi iwiai tltf h t HtMW nir
miilr rttn iHir uh!"! p l-bf .
INM...lllc(lfr. i.J.i,l(.l. MllOaOCI "ilil
"I H llllMl .Mf Mf llll.
I' I.l.n Ikn-nth Mna I. kI
nrulIUt, without Wf, In
Scientific fltticrican.
A illmiM Miir lnnnni'
taiiUHi ,1 .nr l-niiii.i, 1 .,.. li
imti iriiii
Iimt wJ4ti ftll I.,
r WMrlva t.i
A Bargain in
For thirty tlny.s we will .sell our rotih
liuiilier at 810 per thousand. We have
contracted to move a million feet of tim-
her hy No Ut nnd imi-t liuo mmiiii. Not tho only
IiiiiiImt ytitil jut a Him cliu pluco to ohtalu u hill
of IiiiiiIm'i- Dm- motto hold (rood: "A little better
lumber for it Utile le inolic)."
Star Pestaurant
aaaaiHi.ii i i a i a i i hi.ibmibih. "'"" " ' ' inilaniil
Short Orders
Served at all hours at our new Lunch Counter.
Regular Meals 35c.
Newly Purnlxhoil Booiiih, Kut ttntl Room lluro nml
(Jet the Bout Vultiu for Your Monoy. Our
u' '..-' V-" if'- v. ,
M " r
1 Y