r The bend bulletin. VOL. IX. 1IKNI). ORIXJON, WKDNKSIMY. NOV. 211. Hill. NO. 38 I NEW SAWMILL SIQ CLAUK TO OPI-R- ATI: IT Maihinery Here for I'lniil I lint Wilt lie Located Seven mitt n Hull Atllea SoiitlteAKt nl 1'imii-Convenient In the IliiinmlriiJ Country, Machinery for a new sawmill which will hu operated hy SIk Clark wjveii unit a half mlli Houthentit of IIdiiiI, only a abort tlUtnuce nir tint mud to lluriiH, Iihm been received in llend from Itluc Slide. Wnsh. Mr. Clttik nay tlu plant will have a capacity of 6(t.(Kl() ft-d u iiy hut will not ho i mi at Hint to cut mnie than 2o.0()0 or Wl.OOO. It will bo located at Hint on tilt Wllaon place, adjoining W. J. MeUlllvrny'H ranch, ami Unit vIhm lumber turned out an the IIihIkt In llmt territory In kihmI. In connection with tho Mtwuiill a planer will hImi ht operated, Mr. Clark y. He expect to f urn lh m large (iiimitlty of lumber to homo atowlera in tin Mllllmn country an tho mill will It tho lumrmt one to (Imi ilUtrlct. With kikmI ilnwnhill nrnih, the lumber can aim ho limit ed to Bond cheaply. Mr. Clark iw.'U to havo thu mill in Mwrttlloii within a abort limn. 1UMKIIYS AMU I'l.llMU'UI.. Thu IochI turkoy markot wan weaker iIiIh year than uaiinl, ilrowwd hinhi Killing for '.Tic and S(Jc. Ijmt year thu price was around IIUc. Thu markets ruorl a big biiHlnoiw In fowlii and many Bend eoplo will tomorrow enjoy n turkey dlnnur. FARMERS WILL RAISE HOGS;" CAR CONTAINING 53 RECEIVED The carload of brood jow for fnrmem of thu Uend country arrived lust TliunMlny from Ncbrnakn In llnu condition. There wore oft in thu uhlpmunt and all weru unlontled at tho Mock yard at Kim avenue where the Kind National Hank didtributcd them among thouc who had plnccil urduni for them. Thu following men made purcluiMMt: Willi Noland, Millican. 1; U-vl Krrntt, Uend, 1; ICurl SaunderH, Powell lltitte, 1; I'red Wflion, IjiIiI law, 1; Dan It. Smith. Iiidluw, 1; John Thyen. Mend. R; K. A. Kiiottn, Uend, 2; Henry Tvtt. Powell The Wisdom of Age A poor old man in telling of his lifu'rt experience wild, "I can nee where I have inuilu many mistaken In my life, hut I think my greatest was in not start, ing a bank account when a young man, If I had done ho and stayed with my hanker, 1 would not havo Ikhid working by thu day In my old age. 1 can plainly seo now, when It Is too late, that I have all tho time nemlud the bank'H luwistanco. My ndvico to all young men Ih to open a bank account and form n connection with tho Imnk. Then If hnrd luck coined you will havo a friend under some obligations to help you." t Thu above has our hearty endorsement, make an earnest elfort to help our patrons. The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative People." I,. II. 1IAIHI), (I're.l.lent) J. W. MASTHKS, (Vice Treildeut) 1'. O. MINOR, (Secretary) DlKXCTORS: -1'. O. MINOR,- h, B. IIAIJU),- CUV 01' IM.IJCIUIC HNI'UdV. Pond Im being nmde a luil Hunt town of a night hy tho iiiHtallatliin hy hiwlni'w houses of many electric Hired signs. Ono of the inortl atliactlve of Uiwmj new algtm Ik that of thu Pilot Ilulte Inn. TELEPHONE TO BURNS Pioneer CiiiiiMity Hullitlng CnmiectlriK Link to Harney County Scat. Within ten days, prolmhly, It will hu poiwihle to have direct telephone ciiniiiuiiicatiuii hetween llend and Burns. The I'lnneor Telepliono 'i Telegraph Co. Im now building a 12 mile Ntretch of line that will join the Harney Mini ('rook county wut ami then ft will lie ponalblc to talk direct to lUirim. Heietofore that town wit iiiu'licd over a fnriiii'm' IrfllJ. RICKETTS MONDAY Second Number In Winter' I'ntcr tnlmiicnt Course. The aoemid niimher in the winter cure of entertainment will ho the KlckulU coiuiwiiy, constating of live muakian. Tlicre are three brothers and two glutei-, all artist. They play llute. violin, piano, cello and are atau wijolat. Single neat ticket)' will ho only M cent. Season ticket arc now Milling at $l.7fi. The company will be here Monday night I.OOKIMI ATIIM WII1SI0UIA. K. K. I'urrer, general manager o( thu Nuwlon-Koller Co., in hero from Portland to ajwnd moat of thu winter looking nftor thu wiles of Wientoria Street arc Mug cleared and grad ed and a water HyHtuin installed for thnt part of town. Huttu, 2; Iax Hobbn, Powell Iluttu, R; G. V. Harm, Hund, 3j O. C. Card well, llend. :; (',. W. Wlmer & Sum, Tumnlo, 2; John Strnhm, Glut, 2; (Jeorgu HateH, Hend, 2; William ; llanke. Uidlnw, f; J. N. II. (Jerk- Ing, Lnldlnw, -1; Grovcr 0. (lurking, Ijildlaw, :i; Ivd Halvornon, Hend, -1; George M. Krlcknon, Hend, 4; J. F. Young, Hend, 2. With thosu "mortgage lifterH" thu country adjneent to Hend Htarta ; Uon a new industry which Ih ex ! pecteil to bring much money, event 1 ually, to Central Oregon. We -S. V. UA1RD. FREIGHT REDUCTION TO HELP BEND Interstate Commerce Commission's Order Will Cut Down Charges From Portland On All The Interstate Commerce Commission's order made Friday that a 20 pur cent reduction he made in diHlrihutlvu chuw rate from Portland and other Northwest count el tie to interior towns means much to Bend, if upheld. A hig lowering of freight rntcH from Portland will result. Thu commlwion'H order in to go into ojfect Jan. 2, and thu following j tabic shows what the preheat clam what they will he If the reduction Im Chew 1 12 H I I f A H C I) ' K PreMiutiate 1PJ 101 KII 71 110 (!0 .18 ,'tl! W 21 Nuwrate HI 77 01 Wi 41) a i Hi) 27 I 2: 18 HOLIDAY lO.MONKOW. Tomorrow heing a legal holiday, the poMtolllce, hnnka and sehool will lie clotHii. and wimic of the huaineMi Iiouhum will keep open only pari of thu day. IIUND'.S RAILROAD IttJSINMSS. More than 5100 otrlnndK of freight have heen recuived in llend idnce thu llntt of the month. Agent Corbet t ottimatcM thai the Novem ber wile of pMNwngur ticket will he more than 1000. "Now, What on Earth Was I to Remember ? " ThU nun hsB a itrlnjt on Min or nt Irtut a string anger Will Hint make htm remember what hU wife tolil lit in to buy? Well. It Is your Kin-Hi. What la your cipt'rleu'ir Hut rtlil YOU forpct thnt Chrlitmas hnpplnc? If you did tl n trlnK to your tlnper lixlny AND THEN DON'T rORCET AGAIN, Don't STRING your CarlMmna hop ilnc along. Kturt It quick nntl tin re It OUT Neither let anybody STRING yon with the Into Hint you ran get n itxM good' le. SI n you cnu Pee. I or Pec to You know better Thu answer lie Get STRINGS on those CHRISTMAS packages NOW. jii i - i " iB KJEgfRjEfllL There's Something Coming: Off 7rn SOON, and It will pay you to be prepnred for it. You'll get ahead of your neighbors If you watch for our bargains nnd take ad vantage of them. Your monoy will go far ther here than it will at any other store in town. You get tho best untitles nt the lowest prices, nnd experience the best treat ment nt nil times. Wo give you good reason for thanksgiving hero all the year 'round. N. P. Smith Wall Class Shipments rates from Portland to Uend are and made an ordered: SELLS BUILDING i V, I). Newlun I5tl Structure Hrccl ed lly J. I. Weil. The atone building vrcctol hy J. 1 1. Went on Greenwood avenue Ih : nwiring completion. The rock work i fjnitheil and cjirpentern arc giving thu hint touchuH to the InHide. Plate , glum front ha lieen put in and the ! building hi onu of thu most nttntct I We in town. Mr. WoataUtotf that he hag sold the building to W. I). Newlon of , the Newlon-KollorCo., to bu turned 'over to thu purchaser when it if entirely completed, llic price wm $:550, Mr. Went mid. and included in the dual in thu small frame build ing on thu Mr avenue end of the 25-foot lot. This Ih the first stone building erected in Hend. Two others, the passenger station and thu D. A. Iloyd building, arc going up rapidly. (10I.SU ON I'LCASUKU TRIP. Joe Ouckholz, who has achieved much success here ns a gardener and truck grower. Is going to stop work awhile and take a little pleas ure jaunt, leaving probably Sunday. He will go to California and on East by the southern route to his old home in Worcester, Ohio, where he will spend some time. He has rent ed his ranch near town and before returning here will probably investi gate Hritish Columbia opportunities. OI'IIN MliUTINU 01' M. W. A. Next Tuusduy evening the M. V. A. will hold election of officers and an open meeting. All members nrc requested to bo present. City elec tion returns will bo announced dur ing the evening. Homo-made plus, cakes nnd bread for wile at Oregonlnn Grill. Street DISPATCH HV im.HPIIOM!. Telephone wires are now be ing strung along the railroad to Bend, and when thu linu is completed all thu dlnpntching of tralnH over the joint road will he by telephone instead of telegraph. REFRIGERATOR CARS Iloth KoaJa Operating Them Uelween Portland and Mend. Refrigerator car service between Portland and Hend has been inaug urated by both railroads. This gives a (uick freight service for perishable goods from tho me tropolis. 'I he O-W. It. &. N. announces that it will have n car leaving Port hind every Thursday, arriving at Hund Friday night ready for un loading Saturday morning. The Oregon Trunk will send out one car every Monday and Wednesday, which should arrive here on Tuesday and Thursday nights, rosjiectively. MAKES SCHOOL COUNT Clerk Ulc5t Working on Data Ob tained Latt Week. Clerk Wiest of thu School Hoard ii working on the count of children in thu Hund district between the agos of 4 nnd 20 years. Thu census is taken as. of Nov. 25, data being obtained from the last census, re ports of toochers nnd personal can vassing. A preliminary estimate is that there are more than 300 school children, which is a gain of more than GO per cent. As soon as avail able the exact figures will be given in The Hulletin. POSTPONE K. P. MEimNCl. On account of the musical con cert tonight, the K. of P. lodge has postponed iU meeting till Friday evening. SEATTLE MEN PRESSED Plans for the first pressed brick building for Bend are now being) drawn in Seattle. It will be erected noxt spring at the northeast corner ! of Bond and Minnesota streets by ! Drs. W. G. and J. R. Booth, of the Puget Sound city. In a letter to The Bulletin, Drs. Booth say. "We are now working on the plans for our building. It will be 100x100 overall, of two stories, built of ornamental pressed brick The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U, O. OOE. Pr..ld.nt E. A. 8ATHIR. Vic Hr.. Id.nl a. 8. HUOSON. C.hl.r Capital fullj paid ... 828.000 Blockholdari liability . . 825,000 Surplua .... . SO, 000 Mr. Business Man This bank offers you all the advantages of a mod ern banking institution. Ask for our statement and study It, Investigate the men who stand back of tho business we conduct. Consider the protection given our funds. Our strength Is far in excess of the strength required t to safeguard your bonking business. If your business is paralyzed for lack of funds if it is a good business with good prospects why not talk to us about your credit? You will find thnt we have a friendly attitude towards all pro gressive Ideas, and a willingness to give your proposition careful consideration. We offer your account strength and confidential and courteous treatment. TE FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: D. C. COK It. A. SATHtR C. S. HUDSON O. M, PATTKRSON . C. W.US ON FIRST TRIP AUTO-TRUCKS TAKE Bid FREIGHT LOAD Two Packard Cars Left Mere Monday Afternoon Loaded With Ooods for Harney JMerclunU-New lira In Central Oregon Pr eight Ing. The two big nuto-trucks which will be operated between Hend and Hums by the Central Oregon Truck ing Co. left Monday afternoon loaded with freight for the Harney country. As the railroad marked a new ora to Rend, the auto-truck opens n new chapter In the history of freighting to Hunt. The two cars came In by freight Sunday night, and Monday after noon wore loaded with goods. The largest part of this was for Hill Hanloy, though a few hundred Kiunds of Thanksgiving things were taken for Riley, Burns nnd Hnrney merchnnts. One car carried 7C00 pounds nnd the othor 7200, or nearly four tons each. The big Packard trucks have a guaranteed capacity of three tons each but from four to six tons can be hauled on them. They are rated at 30 horsepower but each develops more power than that. In charge of them will be ex perienced auto-truck drivers brought in from Portlnnd. C. C. Harrison and C. E. Merrill will have charge of them and they will be driven by F. McKeen and A. Oiborn. D. M. McDade, manager of the company, y will divide his time between the two towns. Until it is known what the volume of freight will be, a fixed charge for hauling will not be set. At present the rate will he about two cents a pound, Mr. McDade an nounced. He left Tuesday morning In his touring car for Burns. t TO PUT UP BRICK BUILDING and modern In every way, with plate glass windows, leaded lights above the windows and doors on the ground floor. We will start con struction in the CRrly spring, as we believe there will be a demand for space in several such buildings." Dra. Booth have owned property here for some time and have always been ardent boosters of Bend. Their faith in the town Is shown to be strong by their decision to erect such a handsome and substantial building ns planned.