The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1911, Image 7

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J (
San I'rnnclsco Patrol Carrie Out Dying
Wish of l.nd ol II Yearn-Itcml
ScnutN Will Preserve IntercMlnE
Clliiliit lo Hielr Scrap Hook
Tho Hoy Bcoiitn nrtrnnlzntlon in
Henri continue to irrow im new
fainlllcH with lmy coiiim to town,
mill tlio niembern nru Utklnif much
IntorrHt In the work nnd learning
mnny thlnjri! of vnlue to them. They
nru compiling n ncrnji hook of Itomn
about Hoy ScouUi of tho United
Onu of tho cllpjiInKH to iro In UiIh
honk Is an nccount of thu tint
funeral ever conducted in America
hy Hoy Scout. It U rw followm
"San FrnnclKo, Col., Oct. 18.
With 'tnps wiunrieri hy thu Imirler
of tho liluck Hawk patrol, Scout
Andrew Denne, 11 yenm old, thu
llrrtt local Hoy Scout to nnawur to
thu Krent roll cull, wiw burled hy
hlx patrol. It wtui thu llmt funeral
ever conducted hy the Hoy Scoutu
In Ainurlcu.
"An tho boy luy dylnjr, hi Inut
whli)K.'red requent wim that he ho
hurled hy h!n patrol. Thu pall
k'urern wore nil Hcoiitn of Andrew'
own patrol, thu Hlnck Hawk. At
their head walked S. C. Houitton,
the coinuiiiwloner'a aid of thu Hoy
Seoul of Denver, who inndo nil thu
nrrnnKemunU for thu younger luiU.
Following I locution came the him
pital corw, with the red crow of
their Hold uniform Itound on their
nrm. Thu rank and tile of thu two
Attention Everybody!
The ntilroatl is now here and we nre jire
pnrt'tl to nlve the lowest priees on iner
elinntlise of all kinds that have ever been
known in lictiil. CARLOAD of
Olympic Flour
First Grade Extra Patent, at
$5.75 a barrel
$3.00 a hundred
$1.50 a half hundred.
Thu Oltl Reliable.
The United Warehouse Company
HAS .secured the contract to
handle all the freight of the
Oregon Trunk and Deschutes
Railroads at Heiul. The Moody
system at Shaniko will he em
ployed, and merchants of Rend
and interior towns will gel their
.shipments without inconven
ience. Have your freight con
signed in care of
The United Warehouse
W. H. BENTLEY, Manager.
Bend, Oregon.
patrol walked two ahreiuit In tho
"Tho final recitative of Father
(Jiilvan and tho two altar boy waH
heard brokenly through thu mnoth
ered hoIm of tlui motliur, and of the
kneeling KcoutH,
"Then rowi a Hound, clear ami
thrilling. Kvury bowed head wiih
lifted to tho blue minny nky hh tho
liUKler of tho Hlaek Hawk patrol
llnully Hounded 'tajm' over thu Krave
of III coiuradu."
Origin of Postal Custom.
Tti atciiiiiiililp Oregon wiih mat (iff
I'lr Inland on Mil II. IKSil Hhv
wnii ruin mint lijr n 'imniwli mliimni-r
remnlnliiK iiDuiit for liulf na Dour, n
lltnr which tnntlr It hjnmIIiI (it tiirv
trerj H'fBiiii aboard When tirr until
wn llrthrfl up mid dolltrrrd tlir (ilree
wcr atnniiH'd with ntnlriui-nl I tin I
Ihr-y bad Ih-hi In tin- wruk, thr (lrat
tustanutvof prartht wtilch la uow
tiuplorrd Uj rilrretlon of I up Intrrun
tlonal itnl 'Union, Tb rn-dlt for
this simple drrlrt I Itrllvrrd to !
dil to Kdward H. ilorpan, at that
tint In aubordlnnl ltlnn In lb
Niw Toric Mto!tli. who frriw that
few tnlntitr" work with nibler
tamp would forestall mi ludnllud or
complaint. -Nw York Hun.
Whtn Turhty Wn Oret.
Turkrjr nt hrr brlBhi wa In Hr
alon of rrrrj fniiinii ry of lht nil
rlt'iit wnrld rxifiit ItiitiH Hhf hHd
b lh niroril Allien, f'olililh. Himrtfl.
(Irn'lnn Tliede-, 'iiiiiiiiiIIiihiIi. An
Horn, Helm la, Ctx-lriinii llnhflnn
NlnorWi, llHRdnd, JmianhMii Dniimx
rut. Mitk, Meillnn AleiiimlrlM. t'nl
ro. XtfinpliN. I')illmi Tlu'N- nnd
Cnnhniri Hornr witf In riilna. imt
tli ir Turk wna liinnli-r litre llirjr bad
A Tranh Prfrtne.
"tXwin'1 our wtfr want tbe prlTl
Itftv of Kulntf to the poll and raitlne a
ballot a an vnlltfbtriird and rtiun
libit cllllftir
"Tra." rrpllM Mr. Orowchrr. "but
abn'd rathrr bar a new hat Wnah
Inetoa Putt.
Hit C.lllno.
IIarkr-rvnint Cntirm. th tanor,
rotnlnd foa of a doctor? I'arktr I
ahoutd an nut. He rrnjImM ma of
tbat llttla Mil I own htm rrry tlrnn
w nrrL Iondon Trlrgropb.
Uund, Oregon.
HAMPTON a uow in a
Sovi-nty five Settler Served lly font-
office In Well Valley to the South-
enat School Will be Started Soon,
Suva I'oitmailtr A. S. VttK
From n Hottlument of two In
AtiKUHt, 11)10, to 21 hotiHoM nt
preterit him been thu remarkable
Krowth of Hampton, in thu Hamp
ton Vnlley. I'oHtmantor A. S. Fokk,
who wan In Ujwii laat week for
frelKht, nald thero won a Btoro there
now and In a short time would bo n
hlackvmlth nliop, A nchool wilt also
be Btiirtcd before Chrintmon. Thu
little town Ih on the Hend-Hurnn
road nnd traveleni find there ac
commwlatltna over nlht, and auto
httd can Kt-'t Krouillnu.
Tho jieoplu nru very anxious to
gut a mall norvicu from hero nnd
aru hopeful of nucceedlnK. Thu
Hampton ofllco at prcMrnt ktvuh 70
jieoplu, Mr. Fork nald.
lU'KardlriK funning developments
in thu valley, Mr. Kokk wild the
homeatendern nro each putting in
th lit full fiom 10 to t0 acres of
grain. Most of this Ih rye, an they
muitt have feed for their tock and
know that they ure nure of a crop
of rye. Experiment with wheat
. Imtni. . nl.n ll.i ef..4l- '
uiu ifuiHK iiiuv tupv, mil ""' Kr
urn believe that valley will noon be
come, with cultivation, a good
wheat country.
Mr. Kogg, like all others, mid the
new road to Hums in mnooth and
fine for travel. He made the trip
in with a four-horw team in two
dnyn. Ho enmu expecinlly to get n
Hhipment of dried pruned from ihu
Willamette Valley. He left Satur
day for home, expecting to be three
days on the return trip.
Ainoricati Hakery bruad and luwtry
for tudu at Thu I'nhn. rtfitf
Probably a Dutch Invention of th
Sivtntetnth Ctntury.
Tho hlMory of uniiti liulowiKmr
wbnt olwrurr, but tho prtaMlliy l
thai tliy to n Dutch Invention nnd
that tluy "ere Introduced Into
land ihiii nfli-r tbe r-oluilon of luvl
Tin- dcrirnilon of Uu won! "wmir In
tilts ! In the Dutch "fan." n tttilli
old Kngll'li "mhc." In Queen Aiini-V
rclmi iliry wi-re jet rnini finitely
iiHcoHiiiion nn in I it mentioned ai n
Kxvlnl frfllUro of iHHIKeM I Imt rr
Mdiertlmil at "lo let" In thf Taller
fr InKtanee. No 17.H. May 27 30. 1710.
I here It IhM aderiltinrnt:
"Tii if lett. In llevonnlilre Ktlrv.
tieur ltithMMlp. n rery ihkI llriek
IIihim or 3 ItiHiiuo of a I'ltmr. and h
KihhI UhII. "lib ery ceo iijrht ami
dark Clooeia. the ivjiolc Mouse In-Imk
well wnlliHeolel nud mikIi'iI vvlih 30
ShnIi I.IkIiim. ii ery (ilent nnd con
venient Otllro holor Slnlra.' etc.
I'roiii CoRlnnd they immied Into
Prnnoe. uhere the firm to put them up
wna MnrntMl do I-or;e nt bla new
hntiHn nt Mntitnmrtre SpeHKIni; of
(liU. Muter In URN wrltea In IiIh "Jour
ney to I'nrla;" "Wo hnit the Rood for
tune here to find I lie niurxlinl bliuelf.
Ilo abowed u III erent annb wlndowa.
how cnnlly tuey tnlclit Ih lifted up and
down nnd atood nt nny helubt. which
couirlrnnce, bo anld, be bnd out of
Unslitud by n emnll miHlel brought on
puroae from thence, there being noth
lujf of thla poIkv In wlndowa In I'rutice
befora" Ixudun Standard.
Monkaya and Qum,
In tropical rounthea the natives Iibto
mnny unique waya of cntcblnR mon
key. One of tbem, na explained by
a traTeter. to this: The hunter walk
about In abort boots In lut of tbe
monkeys. Then they tnke the boot
off, place aome gum In tbe bottoina nnd
lenve them on the ground, withdraw
Jnc tbemaelvea to n grent dlatunco.
Treaently tho monkeyn come down
from tbe trees nnd try on the boots,
nnd when tho hunters come after
them the boots stick to tbe fret of the
monkeys und Ibey nre unable to climb
Tliua the Imitative Utile niiltimln nre
en pt tired.
Exeoutlve Ability.
"You any Mr. I'lulwon has prent ex
ectillvo ability r
"YeM." replied the eyulcnl olllco
bolder. "Wlint mnktvi you think naV
"lUrauiio lie mnnnces lo noul n Job
without beliic rotuietenl to (in any
kind of real work." Washington Star.
Cuts Qlrl.
"flow did she timunpo to got so
many o(Tra of uinrrliiBo?"
' "Who hnd bcr picture taken with a
frying pnu in ber hand." Ulrmlnjr
Vuu Age-Ucrald.
foend not oil yon hare, betters Dot
gilt yos tsar snU (sil nst nil fou know.
Tlnctur of ledln. It la Clalmad, Olvta
fltmarkabla fUiults,
Aiiioiir cimea of nccldt'iiinl polnonlnff
tlioi-c cntintil Uj cnrlilk" add nre tlio
uiohi rri'iiiciit. Tli'p iri'ticrnll nrlae
lliroiiKti nilatnklnK n nolnll'in of enr
IkiIIc nclil for noniu mcdlrlno or, na
orc'iira M'ty often, for aoinv nlcobollc
Tlio rrtncdlca Rrncrnll ernployrd In
(1 fii 1 1 iik hIHi thla kind of pvlaonlnit
rotiali In wnalilnK tin atomncti wllli
alkiillno wnler or pure elyrvtin, to-loui-d
j the liicclloii of Hlkallue aul
ilintea, oil and n'lilir of i-un tifdlen
up Homo ymrn niso, hoMorer. Ir
Mnbt-rl ahuwi-d that tincture of lo
dine, ndmlnlliTI In fnlrljr large
Aoen, mny irlre much hrttt-r rcniilta
On one ocraaton wnrn cnllcd In to
attend fl ounx uritru who, llilnkltid
be waa drlnkluir wtiNkx. had avrallow.
ed a (uantlt7 of n atrnnK aoluilon of
rarbollr acid nnd who rflnaefiientl7
wna fttvcrely burned nbout tbe llpa nnd
fbront. Or. Maberlj hurriedly made
him awallow n tenapoonful of tincture
of Iodine In n cupful of water. A few
minute afterward the patient wna
ahle lo awallow aome milk without any
difficulty, eprakinir temme enaler, and
he rerjr aoon completely recoTered.
The aame Immediate and complete
effect waa obtained on admlnlaterlnff
tincture of Iodine In de of fire drop
In water In tbe rne of n three-year-old
boy who bod Juit awnllowed aome
rnrbollr add.
Hltnllnr aiirce wna met with In
third rnr of cnrUill'- nrld poUoulDK.
the rlctlm tielnic n child of two yearn
of nee. In thl InMnnce the Iodine
trriitment could not br IxTun till thir
ty hour nfter Ibe Invtlon of tbe pol
m Tbe nlnrrnlnc eymptoma aoon dl-appenn-d
under tbe Influence of tinc
ture of Iodine c1cn erery fonr bourt
In doFca of fire drop In n tenapoonful
of water Tbe little patient waa cured.
The tincture of Iodine neutrnlltes tbe
carbolic or pbenlc add by forming
with It nn lodopbenote, lotolutile and
I lif re f nre harmlcfit. European lidltlon
New York Herald,
It la On ef th Moit Powerful Flavor
ing Agnt Known.
What would you contlder one of lb
mot powerful acents wltb which to
Da ror water? Would It be Iron
A half part per million of Iron In
wnler Is detectable by taste, and more
than four or Ore parts make n water
unpalatable. In aome mineral spring
Iron li tbe conntliuent which Impart
a medicinal value to tbe water, but
ordinarily It I umlealrable
More than 2f uirts per million In
wnler uted for laundering makes s
itntn on clothe Iron mutt be remov.
ed from water from which Ice la made
or n cloudy discolored product tll re
sult. An Iron content of over two or
three wns per million In water ned
In tbe manufacture of paper will stain
tho paper.
Iron Is hsrmfnl In wnter ucd for
sienmlng. for It Is In equilibrium with
schW which InMde the Utller become
dloclnled. with the result that the
free scldi cnrn!e the Ixillrr plan, but
tbe amount of Iron rnrrtcd In solution
by tiKit WHieia l co timsll thst the
dnmsKe It does to xtesm liollvrs gen
-nll nniouuts to llnlo.
Waters IihxIiik high Iron content
hsre In some plsi-v rnuitl an Im
uieniie nntouat of trouble slid expeime
when Utl a city lUitpllet. fur they
fawir the Krtiwtb of erenu'brlx to suih
a il.-ure thill Ibe vtsier Ih iM-come
eloggetl with Hie Iron sb.'riibi of ibe
iTanltu. The reinovnl of Iron from
tister Is souiellmes ey and soiue-tline-t
very dtWculc-Ceiilogloul Survey
Twining of Plant.
One of tbe peculiarities to ! noticed
In conuectliin with Ibe twining of
plants Is tbe fact tbnt with very few
exception nil tbe Individuals of one
n pedes nlwnys tlne In Ibe xnme di
rection. Most plants twine In the op
poslto course to tbe movement of tbe
Ktin or the band nt a uutch. Such
twiners nre the morning glory, win
tnrln. wnx plnnt. trumpet creeper and
mniiy others. Amonu thoe which
twtuo In the opposite direction the hop
nnd wild bindweed, or climbing poly
gonum, nre familiar exomplu. Uar
per' Weekly.
Hon Marking.
Among borsea, lrrvxieetlre of the
question of breed, white Is much morn
commonly seen on tbe hlud legs, or on
one of tbem. tbnn on the fore legs.
And when the Initer nre while It Is
prnctlcnlly always true that you will
Hnd white ou the hind legs too. Ac
cording to the UofKO World, when
markings nre present both behind nnd
In front those ou the hi ml limbs are
usually the more extensive.
' Oolng Too Far.
Mrs noftlii-l rend In the paper that a
woman In looking nfter another wo
man to see what she hnd on fell out
of a window. Mr- Itutlln-Well. Unit
only goes lo show Unit some women
la trying tn follow the fnsblous can go
too Mr. Illustrated lilts.
Clerk (to otllce boy after senior part
ner has told noor Jokei Why don't
you Inuch too Olllce ,lloy-l don't
lieetl to. I in icnuug on ouuiruuy.
London Punch.
Th American Navy.
Tbe origin of the Amerlcnn navy
dates from Oct. 13, 177ft, when con
gress nutborUed tbe equipment of two
De not ashamed to t helped. Mar
cos AuruUoa,
Special Inducement In I'rlcea
LitH in Itlvcrflidc and Lytic Ad
dltlorm $10 cnth nnd $10 n month
ICruUiB & Hean Henlty Co.
Fnwh oyntrH, crnbo, lobfttcrn, any
and everything to eat. Oregonian
are thu
bet In i
I. O. 0. F.
Bend Lodge No. 218
Reg. Meetings every Monday night
Visitors welcome
N. P. Wcidcr, N. G.
H. J. Eggieston, Secretary.
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday on ot
before the full moon of each
month. Visiting brothers
always welcome.
M. O. O M Rf OrtCLO. W M.
M. W. of A.
rilot Butte Camp No. 9794
Meets every Tuesday in hall over
Visiting Neighbors always welcome.
C. I. Boiell, V. C.
W. W. Orcutt, Clerk.
Deschutes Lodge No. 103
Meets every Wednesday
evening nt 8 p. m. In
C'aitlc Hall, post-otllcu
lildg. YUliing Knight i
welcome. I
Chan. D. Itowe. C. C. I
K. M. Laden AS.
The BEST ull-roumi Family
Si'winir Miiehine thnt cim he
...., !....,.,! f.w.. ;.i Kr,i, nri
The rotary mnkes hoth
Lock nnd Chain stitch. The
latest up to the minute steel
attaehments with each inn
chine. Sold on easy payments.
Send name nnd address for
our beautiful H. T. catalogue
White Sewing Machine Co.
UOO Market Street
Snn Francisco, California.
The Number 520, Six-Shot
Repeating Shotgun at $25.00
U n Immmi-rloss Run with a solid
frame. I ask r to operate quick
er and smoother action than any
other. It never balls and is
jwrfeetly balanced,
IVtmlcd iltM-rltltn rf nry of our
Ci.i ! Im in r lu I r- I r.e CUlotf.
. fvrit JX'Wl'
If Jim cMiiiot obtain STI I:NS
(.11 I I .. MlUllil ,
t'iruuirti ) i ur ilUr, wo
will :p limit. ir v
j 'ij, nx.iir
1 , u,
M ' A. i "'"'
& TOOL com?ai;y
1', O. Uar yd
i ,iim" i
,wf7 f
it t ar
Carries a full line of Wall
J'npcr, Felt and Paint.
All kinds of Painting, Paper
Hanging, Auto Work and
Sign Work dono
Next door to Jewelry More.
John A. MacCloskey
Bend, Oregon.
Give us a trial and be
D The
That will make you warm Is
the wood you buy of Carter.
$4.00 a load
$4.50 a load
I will haul to town every day
from now on. Watch for me!
I am coming!
Oregon St., Bond, Ore.
Plain and Orrrnuntal
Flue Building. Bend. Ore,
n r
thli bargain prlc all th maUrUI r
qulrtd for th coiutructlan of thU rooj.
era rood-looking aaj coruf ottabla rottaa. Wa
in lnjfpnjnt dealan not tn an truit or
ajtoclation. At thla ranaikablx law quota
tion w iaclikU all lumber, aaih and dsora,
roUlwork. alJInr. clllni. fluorine, nalta, Ulr
work. flnUhln lumber, window framea, door
framea, bulkllnc paper. eaTea trwsh and
pipe, hardware, aath welxhta. palntlnc mater
UIi. rooflm, pluur board, wall tint, etc.
The house, which U of aolM, double-eon.
trucUon throcabout. U a6VLxS6 tu it
dimensions, and U aurprUlniil roomy and
well arranged.
Archlteeta plana, apecincation and full
detail about construction are surpUed.
Our frco foller. which tells you all about
this bouM is walUag f or ) ou. Ask for Folder K.
"RslIaM Dealer."
223 ) Wcstbk Ave, GKATTU3. V 8. A.
trailainarksajlreirrl)iUoUslinl orhu
fre. Se.ut inoJ.l. skrlrhM or phot", so.1 dr.
MHlkw for FREB SCARCH and report
oa pstvaUUllty, Paub rilmvn.
you. Our free UwlleunU fcow, kiiolaat
ana ssr you nooey, t me wasy.
.303 8flvpth fit, .WwlnotM, B. C.