The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1911, Image 5

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And q host of all kinds of nice things for tho 1'ittlo
folk. Our toy department is oil ready for your
Do It Now!
You can select what you want wo will kocp it,
for you and deliver it any time you may want it.
Don't Wait!
Until tho last minuto. If you do there isn't much
to solo ft from and you miss getting tho best
Take our advice and
Do It Now! Don't Wait!
I,. I). Wiott MHint Monday in
ICimImioixI on bulmw.
JainiM Ryan Is spending tx!uy in
Redmond on business.
Goldlo am! ThI Hoke left yostor
day morning for Chicago.
K. (!. Sturgeon of Ijildlnw wan in
town Monday on business.
J. C. Rurrls of Portland in visit
log IiIh father. Dr. A. A. Rurrls.
J. 1). Davidson liari boon ill since
Saturday with sciatic rhuiuniitUui.
A. V.. Segal. Sr. and A. K. Sogal.
Jr , loft Monday for Portland and
other towns.
For tho first timo in llond'n his
tory, Hond Indies ran now pit
full valuo for thulr money in
Soap. Wo havo put in a stock
of tho well known "Diamond
C" Laundry Soap and hero
nfter it will ho Hold at the pricu
fair to all of
6 Bars IZn
Many other equally big bar
gains in hand and fancy
It Pays to Trade at
M. S. Ijittin returned Sunday
from Portland.
K. (i. Rourk of Crescent sjHint
several days here last week.
V. A. Ha to in able to he out
again after a week's illiunw.
SuiKirintendent W. II. Hollln of
0-W. K. & N. spent Saturday night
Mm. F. 0. Minor is at home from
Corvnllis for a visit of a week or
tun iliiyn.
After an alwonce of about a year
Mr. anl Mr. II. II. Hall have re
turned to Ilend.
.1. P. .Johnson will mid forty feet
to the Thouion furniture store in
order to glvo more room.
Mr. and Mr. Will Forilhatu, who
live up the river, are thu proud
parent of a nine-pound boy.
There will b an important moot
inif of the "Whatwevorn" til tlie
eliurch Tuesday afternoon at 2:'M).
Mary L. Patterson has tiled action
for divorce against Ralph W. Patter
son, in the Circuit Court at Prino-
K. W. Wilson, who has been with
Moody at Shaniko, has joined the
force of thu United Warehouso Co.
V. K. Guorin has been called to
Sandusky, 0., on business and will
leave tomorrow to bo none a week
or two.
After visiting friends, Miss Mary
E. Kershaw, who has been in charge
of tho hospital hero, will go to
No. 101), hold by Miss Erika
Johnson, was tho lucky number in
tho rafllo for the Irish crochottod
collar made by Mrs. Horrlng.
Owing to lack of quorum, there
was no meeting of tho City Council
last night. Councilman Kelloy,
Sellers and Onolll wero absent.
Mrs. C. S. Hudson left Sunda.v
on a trip to Portland.
Mrs. J. H. Shouso returned from
Portland Saturday evening.
Mrs. A. M. I,ara untortnlnnl Mnn.
day nfturnoon with a thimble party.
The Eastos & Ronn Ileal ty Co. has
had it ollice remodeled and greatly
improved inside.
The meeting of tho Priscilln Club
this week was hold at the Markel
home last evening.
The Central Oregon Irrigation Co.
building will hereafter be known as
tho Central building.
Mrs. Lutx, who has been connect
ed with the hospital, uxpects to leave
this week for San Diego. Cal.
S. C. Caldwell and family have
moved into their now homo mi U'mII
street, in Definite) addition.
L. W. Doonar and lineman came
over from l'rineville Mnn.lnv tit
look nfter telephone work here.
Among tho passengers from Hond
Sunday morning was Mrs. L. II.
Haird, who went down to Portland.
Tho regular W. C. T. U. meeting
will ho held tomorrow afternoon at
2 o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Ford.
C. F. Hey wood of Portland sient
yesterday in Hond soliciting busi
ness for tho Northern Express Co.
0. A. Johnston arrived In Hond
Friday night from San Francisco to
lllo on a homestead or buy Irrigated
land. I
After n ton days' visit to his
brother, Clyde Faulkner, with his
Wlfo and Bon, returned today to
Rev. J. F. Vernon, Presbyterian
field secretary, spent yesterday in
Hond, going down to Redmond this
Tho following Rums peoplo wont
out on tho train today to Portlend:
Archie McGowan nnd Mr. and Mrs,
W. C. Cecil and family.
J. H. Oneill In having n one-story
two-room ollice building erected on
Minnesota street next to the build
ing occupied by Hunter & Stnats.
Snow in Crater Ijiko national
park is reported to be already
several feet deep. The present sen
son was one of the latest in years.
Men Mff'airery, wife and child
arrived Monday night to make their
home In Hond. Mr. and Mrs, Mc
Cattery are trained nurses anil will
havo charge of tho Rend Hospital.
W. T. Andrews of Portland, an
exiMTt lumberman of tho Forestry
Service, arrived Sunday night on a
Held trip to the Dwtchuto reserve.
He will be here a week or ton days
Miss Anne Markel was taken sud
donly ill at school Friday and had to
go home. She has been having
considerable trouble with her eyes
and will have to make a trip to
Portland to get new glasses.
Millard Trlplott and family left
today fur Ashland where they will
make their homo. Mr. Triplott's
departure leaves a vacancy on the
School Hoard which will be filled
shortly at a special election.
Vernon A. Smith representing the
Oliver TjK.'writer Co., was in Rend
Saturday. The company has re
cently sold machines equipped with
printyjie to the Rend Milling &
Warehouse Co. and !,. M. Thompson.
On i-ccount of the poor light in
the afternoons, the seats In the
High School assembly room have
been changed and now instead of
facing west they fnce north. This
places the windows at the backs of
the students.
Regular morning and evening
services will be hold nt the Metho
dist hall Sunday. In the evening
Mrs. Lindborg and sister. Alius
Carlson, will aing. Owing to the
storm there was no srvico last
Sunday night.
The dance given by the Royal
Neighbors Saturday evening was
well attended. The lady floor
managers were Mrs. George S.
Supplies at Cost.
In order to close out to make
room for other things, The Rulletln
is belling tyiH-writer ribbons, erasers,
perforators, iienholders, pens, note
books, files, paper clips, jxncils,
timebooks, cashlooks, dividers,
tnpes, eyeshades, pasmpartout bind
ing, etc.. nt cost. tf
Lois $10 cash and $10 a month.
Eastes & Rean Realty Cp., Agts. tf
Try the Oregonian drill.
60 YEAns
If You Buy Anything from U that Turns Out Badly Tell Ui
About It We'll Make It Right, i '
Extra Good Corset Value.
To meet tho largo demand for n good, strong, medium priced cor
sot, we havo wlded to our lino tho "W. T." Corset of country
wido fume. TIimo coi-miU are iruwto of fine quality lKUlitc,
medium hunt, long hlin nnd Isuik. French twxlol claip reinforced
ly lmk plwe which not only mnkei It unlireaknlilo. hut kcops
iindfrt'iiniKntt free from nm stain' nnd N nl)lutoly ImtKirvIoii
to nioUtiiroor porsplrntlon. Pitted with "Knnt Kum Off" Ikmo
supjiorters wlilrh will not rip or tear nny from tho corset. A
model meeting every iepiltemont of the present style of drew.
For h short time inHnufiioturers given liHmline
ijui-i-n Itelene jiAttern sllrer sjkii with every C j CT j
comet. Vuu t'Hii get tlieM ujinoIm of Li at JmijJ
We iiaw other eotx-u at $1.25 and $1.00
Infants' WhitC Caps .Something especially attrnctlve In
frifaritt' White UtuU made of inewnline, .fsti silk, plain and em
Itroideretl iplltn, titettllv (leeoistetl with rlhlxms. eoifls, tftvK-N
him) laee. A CHreiully selM-tel Mortmet of the -
s'n's (iHlntleit sltles. One IJoimI Iwly lwuilit the tkC
smne ho4xl from mail older houie for 7.c- our price J J w
"The Same Goods for Less Money."
Tiiaoc Mark
Ant .n a Jtnc a lrtfj nd OrMtipO in ni.r
ltifntlon It rrfthfttlr rtwtlhl jViumuitlfw
lkni.iriiirnnoiiiiiu. HiSDSDOl c
qnl.'kii cr(&m our ot-: tja frbliir ma
ni.irlllrnnailiilUl. MINOSOOt oal'l.uli
nt f r. OI4l mf ncf for curftif tiataiita.
mi Ukn ihraiuh Muun x Cu. rvcvln
I'.i.nii ukn ihraiuh Muun X Cu. rclr
tftrut nrtUi, wllhoul cbr, in tb
Scientific flttioricatn
A h.nd.fim.lf Itln.trnlrd Mklr. IrtMt Mr.
ruUtlun nf nr nniias Inuinil, Tirnn, I)
rr i iur moiiiiii, l u cum cr all nt'HHiin.
. IIHV- r St- U C
Young, Mrs. K. D. Mcintosh and
Mrs. Jennie Harpor. Prizes were
awarded the best waltzers.
The Oregon Investment Co. will
soon place on the market the
tract of land lying near the depot
which is owned by W. P. Vandcvert.
It has been divided into 19 business
lots. They front on Fir avenue,
Greenwood avenue and Fifth street.
F. F. Smith has resigned as di
rector of the First National Rank
nnd is succeeded by 0. M. Patter
son. Mr. Patterson has been In
! businofls in Rend a year and a half,
making many friends, and is re
garded as a good acquisition to the
1 bank's directorate.
; Acting Pastor Cline of the Baptist
church will be In Redmond Sunday
1 looking nfter his work there ard
! Rev. I. I. Gorby will preach at tl 0
, church Sunday morning and even-
ing. Sunday school and Christian
Endeavor at the usual time. Mrs.
! Cline will lead the Endeavor.
The GarvinLoomis Construction C j
Oeneral Contractors.
Ceniril DiilMing. Wall and Ohio Sti.
Until November 20th an extra pair of pants
with every Boys Knickerbocker Suit.
Come curly and get n choice
selection. Some of the finest
Hoys' Suits ever shown in
We Want You to See the
COME IN and look around, see what the newest styles
are ami learn what really good goods can he sold for
little money.
quaint yourself with the new fashions, even though you
have no intention of huying.
We're ready with everything that
is new and correct this season in
apparel for men and boys
Tho new Suits and Overcoats are handsome this
season, and we are exhibiting the choicest ones to be
found. All are made according to this store's high
standard of quality and workmanship and priced at our
usual fair prices,
R. M. Smith Clothing Comp'y.
Everything to wear for men who care.
I Itel
: .