The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1911, Image 4

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Gkorok Palmer Putnam
U. N. Hoffman
Manajrinff Editor.
An independent newspaper, tndiiiR
for the Miuitrc deal, clean bnlne, clean
politic, and the twst intctcnts ot Ilcnd
and Central Oregon.
Ont Yrr.. ...... ................ ..... . ...... .$1.50
H month ......... ........
Thrte month.... . ........... S
(InniUMr In mlnnc.)
The draft of the city charter nnv
poeol ly initiative ivtition filet!
August 2:1 and ontuinetl by the
Common Council August ill has
been printed in pamphlet form anil
distributed anion: the voters. Next
Wednesday they will cast their
ballots to adopt or reject it.
The charter is a long document
and apparently fully covers the
field. It makes no radical changes
in government from that at present
enjoyed by Bend, but docs provide
enlarge! powers which have already
been found needed by the council.
If adopted, Uend will be able to
issue bonds for various purposes,
and extensive street Improvements
can be undertaken if deemed ex
pedient. The council is also em
powered to buy or construct and
operate water and light systems,
as well as sewers. The acquiring
of water and light systems may bo
by "purchase, condemnation or
otherwise" of such system "now in
existence or that may hereafter be
The elective officers provided
under the charter are a mayor, to
be elected annually; six councilmcn,
three of whom shall be elected each
year to serve for a period of two
years, and a treasurer, who shall be
chosen annually. At the first elec
tion under the charter six council
mcn shall bo chosen, the three re
ceiving the highest number of votes
to serve two years and the others
one year. The mayor must ap
point a recorder and may appoint a
chief of police, fire marshal, street
commissioner, city attorney, city
engineer, city physician, etc. Every
appointment must bo confirmed by
a majority vote of the council.
The charter provides that no
salary sHrII be jmid the mayor or
If adoptod next Wcdnosday, the
charter will go into effect from and
after midnight of the succeeding
day, Thursday.
notabla addition to its stall last
week when it acquired E. S. Rey
nolds (better known by bis friends
as "Tige") as cartoonist. Mr.
Reynolds was for several years on
the Tacomn Ledger and for the hist
two years with the Vancouver 01.
C.) Province. His cartoons nro
bright and humorous and have been
copied from one end of the country
to the other. Rent! rentiers of The
Oregonian will wnlch with interest
every day for the pictures with the
little tiger on them.
The new experiment station and
dumoiwtration farm which the Ore
gon Agricultural College has decided
to establish in Crook county, using
the funds provided by the two rail
roads. Portland business men ami
Crook county, will mean much to
this part of the state. It will supply
the proper knowledge needed by
the farmer to make succowful agri
cultural work possible.
Wanted To borrow $4,000 for
three-year period on largo tract of
the best timber In Central Oregon,
close to railroad. Address A '.!,
care of Rulletin. ill tf.
Wanted At once, seven good
relinquishments within GO miles of
Rend. E. It. Post, Postolllco
Comer. lllitf
The Rulletin has received from
Secretary of State Olcott a copy
each, in pamphlet form, of the fol
lowing laws which anyone may see
by calling nt this ollice: Fish and
Game, Elections, Forest Fire, Rank
ing, Water, School, Assessment nnd
Taxation, Motor Vehicle, Mines and
Mining, Coriwration, anil Roads,
Highways, Rridges and Ferries. '
In copying The Rulletin's recent
editorial on "The Automobile Hog,"
the Hood River News refers to it as
"apparently copied from an Eastern
publication." No thank you, Rrother
Walton, it was not copied from an
Eastern or any other publication.
We take the blame ourselves.
At a meeting of the Oregon Fish
and Game Commission last week, it
was decided to make an investi
gation of the Deschutes River with
the intention ultimately of establish
ing a fish hatchery on the stream,
probably next year.
Eastern dispatches quote the
doctors as saying babies are kissed
too much. The infant would
doubtless prefer to delay the oscu
lation until the more mature age of
16 or 17.
A brand new job press has Ieen
added by The Bulletin to its equip
ment. The machine has boon re
ceived from Portland and will be
installed in a few days.
Turkey is on the eve of a great '
catastrophe. i
a oaroiin wirnour uvns
Tired of "single blessedness", the
bachelors of northern Lake county
have put their heads together and
formed an organization known as
the Silver Lake Bachelors' Club.
The preamble of the constitution as
quoted by the "Leader" of that
town runs thusly:
"Believing in the rapid develop
ment of Northern Lake County,
having demonstrated the fertility of
the soil, built homes and accumulat
ed sufficient worldly goods for tho
care and protection of two(ormore),
we, members of the Silver Lake
Bachelors' Club, find oursolvoa mere
paupors in The One osaontial of the
Ihmiw. We find Northern Lake
County virtually an Evelosa Eden,
and to eradicate this drawback to
the country we hava determined to
diroct our efforts toward bringing
more Evm into the garden."
From tin's it would appear that
the bachelors of Bend had better
keep their lanqw trimmed and burn-j
ing bright or those Silver Lakeites
will be carrying off some of the girls
from this town to adorn that "Eve
less Eden" to Die south. The fame
of the fraulcins of Bend has doubt
less reached the Silver Lake wife
less ones: perhaps they have heard
that there is a club here composed
of eighteen marriageable misses and
are preparing to make an attack on
the hearts of these damsels. Sloth
is not characteristic of the Bend
"boys" and if war is declared, with
the Bend girls as the spoils of battle,
there would doubtless be a conflict
that would overshadow the famous
siege of Troy. To armi, to arrra,
ye brave, bonny Bend bachelors! !
The Portland Oregonian made a
RATKS Hue eent alttirfor fir.t in
crtion iu ihi column, lojr cttut a tine
fur each utoucnt Insertion. Count
.ix muii! in n line.
V tinted
Wanted Vocal pupiU. Marion
Wiost. Sfitf
Wanted To buy second hand
windows nnd coudIl of doors. Altfo
iron bodstead. Address, E. F. Han
sen, Bond. K8tf
Chicken dinner n specialty ovary
Sunday at Hotel Bend. 2fttf
Wanted Trees to null. Have
first cla&s outfit. See Liddell on
the Wilson ranch. Powoll liutto.
Address, Prineville. Ore. lltf
Wanted Exnoriencod man wanu
position as bookkeeper and type
writer. Addre A. Y., care of
Bulletin. 31 -Op
Wanted A few relinquishments
near Bend or ladlluw. lienklc &
Ford. 30--I9
I'or Sale.
Home-made pies, cakes and btead
for sale at Oregonian Grill.
Fon Sale New road cart, slight
ly used. It. J. Tyler, apply at
laundry. Jil-lip
For Sale Team of horses,
weight about 27S0 pounds. Inquire
Bulletin. naif
A Raruain One six-room cottage
to bo moved from present location
bv Nov. IB. Inquire 11. J. Over
turf. Rend. Ore. itlltf
For Sale Jersey milch cows.
Service of only rogistuiod Jersey
bull in Bond offered owners of cows.
C. It. Eiickson. Rend. :i:i-!l
For Sale A bargain in a good
tyjiewriter. Royal Standard make,
a good machine. Owner has two
mnehinos, with use for only ore,
hence tho low price of 15 cash.
Inquire at Rulletin otlice. il2tf
Get your order in at onco for
your Thanksgiving fruit cake. Tele
phono American Rakery today.
Legal Ri.vnks for sale at Rullet'n
office, at Portland prices. If we
don't happen to have on hand what
you want, can get it quickly, tf
For Sale Corner lot in Park
Addition, 7S.1L0 feet. bplendid
location in most rapidly growing
part of town. Tonus to suit pur
chaser. Henklc & Ford. iUltf
Have your Thanksgiving fruit
cake baked in the only brick oven in
Rend, nt tho American Rakery.
Phone us.
Our Line of office supplies will
bo closed out at cost to make room
for other goods. The Rulletin.
For SALE Good paying business
in Rend. Owner called East by ill
ness of a relative and must sacrifice
stock. Splendid location. Grent snap
for some one. Address ARC, care
Rulletin. 31 tf.
For Sale Good 3-inch wngon
Inquire at Rulletin office. 30tf
For Sale Three dozen young
hens, $9 a doz. Inquire this office.
Eat Sunday dinner save work
and nt least cost. Oregonian Grill.
For Sale Dry pine limbs nt SI
a load. Address Ed Halvorson,
Bend. 3."itf
The American Bakery delivers
bread and pastry every day to all
parts of town. Phone nnd wagon
will call. atttf
For Sale One span innrtM,
weight 2-100; good heavy work
harnuiw; one brand now Sdn Peter
Schuttler wagon; Hnd one U-in iron
axle Milburn wagon in fintt clntw
4m). Will sell at your figure
Alvin Mueller, fto and one-half
imluri out on Itond-Hurnti road. :to-7
for Rant.
Room and ImkihI in private family
for man nnd wife or two gentlemen
for $7.W) per week. I-'irge airy
front room with stove. Inquire at
For Rent or Sale: 80 acrcw of
irrigated land, prou-d up on, -10
acrex in timothy and clover, balance
pnsture. On Prineville road six
milw north-oust of Bend. Also for
sale :Mn. fnrm wagon, 2 1-2 in. tire,
noarly new; one bay mare, 5 years
old, weight 1200; one hot work
hnrnoris; plow anil cultivator. S. A.
Dutt. Rend, Oregon. :io-:i7p
I8T Gold mounted Iwar claw
watch charm. "W. A. N." on one
aide, "11)08" on othi-r. Liberal ro
wan!. Inquire Bulletin. Xt-'iH
The Best Gr&de of Rock Springs Coal
Delivered at Your House.
Overturf-Davis-MUler Co.
2 Office in Benson Bldg. on Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, t
In two years, Is the prediction of everyone that has visited
Bend since the TWO RAILROADS have arrived. -
With large substantial stone business buildings being erected
with all possible haste to accommodate the vast increase in
business iu all lines; with business and building increasing
faster than the fondest hopes of all who expected a reasonable
rush; with one company preparing to employ TWELVE HUN
DRED MEN, with other industries now completed and building
that will employ OVER ANOTHER THOUSAND people, which
will insure Bend a pay-roll for over TWO THOUSAND people In
less than one year with all this isn't the prediction reasonable?
For a Short Time We are Selling1
50X140 WITH 60- and 80-PT. STREETS and 20-r-T. ALLEYS at
Free certified abstract to each purchaser upon first payment.
Our property Is within TWO BLOCKS of the Union Depot. Eor
free maps and photographs of Uend and Central Oregon, write
The NewlonI(oller Comp'y.
301 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Or call on H. D. TRUE - Bend, Oregon.
All Family Wines and Liquors must be sold
at once, as our stock is large, and owing
to the fact that the railroad is here we are
compelled to sacrifice at the following prices:
Per Gallon or 40c
We also have just received a new line of ease goods all bottled
in bond namely: Cnnudian Club, Old Crow, Sunny Hrouk,
Cedar Urook, Horderlaud, Perfection Scotch, Pine Ridge,
(Juckenhcimer Rye, James E. Pepper, Peppeiford, Hond -Lilian!,
Special Reserve Montieeilo, Old Taylor, Hilly Taylor,
and in fact all the Taylors. We invite everybody to inspect
our new shipment. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we
remain yours respectfully,
Munk Sherry
Blackberry Wine
Royal Port
Port Wine
White Port
California Sherry
Muscat Wine
Blackberry Cordial