D m LEVY INFORMATION FOR THE TAXPAYERS County Court lias District Attorney Prepare Statement In Recti rd to Steps Nccsary to Take for Securing Spec ial Assessment (or Improvements Since there has boon much In quiry relative to the methods that may be adopted under the present laws for the improvement of the count' roads by districts, the County Court has requested Deputy District Attorney Willard H. Wirtz to pre pare a short statement for the Crook county press for the infor mation of the taxpayers in respect to the steps necessary to be taken to levy a special tax for road im provements. The following has been submitted: "There are two methods by which the taxpayers of any road district may call special mcetinjrs for the purpose of votinpr special road levies, and it is first important to be known that under either system the meetings must be held before January I in order that the special levy may be collected during 1912. It should further be made plain, at to bo kept in separate funds, known as a 'special road fund' and used only in tho district which voted them and it fs always ndvisable, if practical, for tho districts at tho special meeting to specify the character and nature of improve ment desired and where the Improve ment is to be applied; then the money collected under the special tax can be used for such specific purpose alone and none other, though of course, nil improvements go forward under the direction and supervision of the county court." Any further information in regard to these matters will be gladly fur nished by Deputy District Attorney Willard II. Wirtzat Princvillc. Home-made pies, cakes and bread for sale at Oregonian Grill. CONGRATULATE BEND AIDS FARMERS DEMONSTRATION CARS HERE THURSDAY People Come Alany Allies to Learn of (letter Methods of Agriculture Sum pies of Mllo Maize nnii Canadian rield la Distributed By Officials North Central Oregon People Wire Felicitations on Railroad Opening Tho following telegram was re ceived in Bend last Wednesday afternoon: "Arlington, Ore., Nov. 1, 1911. "J. E. Sawhill. "Sec. Central Oregon Dew League, "Bend, Oregon. "Tlirt TrLTViiintv n,vilnnmpnt counties of Farmers from Hampton Valley as well as from the country around Bond were here last Thursday to visit the demonstration train of the O-W. R. & N. Co. A largo number of town oopk went out to the depot also to so' the exhibits carried and to listen to the lectures de livered by the Oregon Agricultural Collego export. Accompanying tho train were n number of Harriman railway utile- ials. including K. II. Miller, manager; William McMurrny, gen eral freight and passenger agent; John Scott Mills, special writer, and H. J. O'Neill, traveling freight and passenger agent. The train consisted of tcvon cars, Uest In Town. Tho Star Dry Cleaning House, with A. L. Fronch, does all kinds of cleaning, pressing and repairing of clothes In a neat manner and at roasonnblo prices. Indies' work as well as men's done. Satisfaction given and work promptly done.. A trial will convince you. 27tf notici: for i'UMjIuation. t(ttmriil ofllir liilrtlur. V S. Land OnUr al 1 tic IMIIra, ()trKim, (Htiilwr lath. 1911. Nolle la limlir lvm llial 1'tr.Uilck V l.rvftrnt, il Tiniialo, Oirqoti, wtm, tiuOttulHr lllll. wv mailr ilraral laml mlrv Nn .. acilal .Sn ol.ni. for url wl(, mi ? witling .....I . If ... t, ...ll.... M I....-...I.1.. .A ..mill piii nw.f . j , i...i "i inniiiiiii ... "miiiii laiiii 11 ml, Wlllamrltr MrinlUii liaa Hint Holler iirtntriilltm hi tnaV.r rtual ilcanl i.tiail ti r.laMuli italm tntlir laim alnir ili-.lll.nl r fmr II 0 Kill t s l.illimH.linirl, al MaiilNc al llfinl. ()lri;ill. nil Hit nl day til .Nmtttilxr. Wil Claimant tiaiura aa witmaara Huntr I) I'ul Ham, Uilin M McKunir) Juariili ul'xiil ami (IrutKC lllualiiaou. all ufTuitialii, Hirami .11 a v' U MllllMI. Hrglatrr NOTICK FOR PUHUCATlON. IVktMiiitnt of llir lnlriliir. I' H Land (lifter al Thr I Ultra, Oimuii, Hrtilrtnlor will 111 Nolle ( hmliy .hoi thai Malwl A katktifTr, riimt tly Mat.rl HiiWll-. l llrml, 'itrjon, Mlu. tm April iiitl, wij, mailr lumirairail inirv No i"IN, fr lirl art I lain 1. li)whlil m auulli. laimr id IU-1. Uillamrllr Mm illatt, haa AUti nullcr tit liitriitliiti In makr Atlat cnininutalluii titiaif In ratatillah italiit lu thr laiul alio. tr,tllit. Ut.ilr II C llllli, I' H CmtinilaaLiiirr.al hla ullier at llrml. tilt Bull. traltlc n thr mil ila) uf ITtrtnnrr wil viaiiiiaiii iihiut fi wiiii.www nrnif v mull.. Call IC Muitla l'.rir-rW Knait ami (lilt I' llcnklr, all of Ikud. IIKltuu .U-J7 C W MOOHU Krglttrr League, comprising the Sherman, Morrow and Gilliam, in l including n stock car, two Hat cars convention assembled today at j ,m,i iL.cturo conches. The hovrs nnd carried attracted much ArKmrtnn Vina nlltlinrWittl ttlti til . . . . V ;"i ".7 . . . ,l.. chickens icnu 11s congrniuiauuns iu wic ciUzens of Bend and its tributary attention. territory on the occasion of the A large supply of milo maize and entrance of its first regular passen- Canadian field peas was carried nnd first, that the nualifications oft" trnin nnd the installation of ! packages were distributed to all are the same as those of school Oregon. I " "i' tno truin WIU "oru "" lno districts, that is; any person, male i '"WILLIAM McMURRAY." school children were given an oppor- or female and of 21 years of age. ' tunity to visit it. The ollicial raw vote at these sieclal road HAMPTON NEWS NOTES photographer with the railway meetings if he or she has been a! . party took MoraI pictures of the, jhr ith.Lof iiftfiii wnauhi .. N0T1CI. FOll I'ltllLICATlON Iiilincnl of Ihr tnlrilur. 1) h l.att.l UfHtr al Thr IMIIra. Dtrjun H'lrml Mlh ii Nollrrithrttliy rltrn thai I llirl II Ntilila tif llclitt, HtrKHll nt, oil Attll Iiitl tito luailr homr-trail mil y- Nti iAja.1, f(lr nwlt arxtUtu 14. Itiwnahlp ft, aotlth, laiur lA IUI Mill aiitrtlr Mrfllllait. .ha fU4 tmiffuf Intention Iti makr Anal rtiitiitiiitatH n pitKif luralaMlali claim 10 Ihflainl alalirllt-illlail llinr II 0 I'.l.l. V S CnmmlMluiirr al Ma nmrr l Ik ml Oitjiu on ibr itit day nf IH-crHitirr tan Clallllilll na'lira aa tallliraara Unity 0 Muha, Call K M.'irla, C.mi W Knai ami l.roia II Ka.IclilT. . all ul ll. ml. (iirftm UK C W MOiiKK, rlrtlalrf. NOTKJK FOB PUBLICATION. Il4lri1 Tcl I'rtWtC I Att. NattP W,timrnl utthr li.'lfltof . f s l.aml mNr alThr Italka iIujoti mieWr rMK mi NnlMvIa hflrliy it M that aatllr,rl li III Caaai HlattpMr of thr t'.rnrtal ltml ofAt-r mi.tti Ktrvlarooarf rt ttf Ctfi4lraatHint ur f Aluslala M rlll ml i al liul-ti. aalr l.ilhr hKhr.l Mdlrt. al atmrliKl. .. . ., ....... ... .Vhn.t U n.-In Amniir t!nmrtcn JcrA .. r-n- ...i i- 1:11..- 4ilMI MiHHMtaiiHiws '. ' uona nue resiuom 01 me uisinci zur -. uuk m u ui. tumui m .j i. k wh w m photon to the a-fiiHuiHirriiiiofti. ihoi.u .. JttHM9, UW Uf IKIOIV IRC ItUtf tl'ltilfi I.i v , X HiNini nrIMM csr.r) Qsj-aiaj1 wfal OsssS Announcement Bend Milling (Mb Warehouse Co. Is now open and ready for ImsiiiL'ss. We buy and sell all kinds of GRAIN both wholesale ami retail. Call at our mill and save money. Will start wind ing about Nov. 10, 101 1. If you have anything to sell eoiue and sec us; if you want to buy, we can save you money. Our motto: "Live and let live." Bend Milling (Sb Warehouse Co. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tablo alwayi tuppllntl with llio bolt that the town affords. Ncnt and Comfortable Koomi. HitNIi, OuiU'.OH ..a ki.t -. thirtv davs immediately nrior to i y preisent the enlarged the special meeting and has real! "ami-ton, uct. Ji. ine nignis i)mnj 0f odticntion to be hung in property, that is, real estate, in the j the P1 Wtfuk have ranctl trom 5 . the school building. district in his or her own name t0 10 nbove wro- lmt the day have The train was' here four nnd a .... t I lumn tilnnlMnnr u'nrm uml v,rv i.i i . i..i... ..i o.un 1 upon wnicn ne or sue is name to , " " ...., IUiu nours, urnvuig iiiwuioMvium HH - . It,ln .T.trt.l pay a tax. It is not necessary that """- """ the voter be a resident of the state Mr. Riggs returne 1 to hU home- six months prior to the meeting, if ' stead Saturday and is busy putting leaving at 1 p. m. he or she cations. "Under has these other qualifi the first system 10 per in his crops. The ryo planted in September is up and looking fine, but the wheat cent of the taxpayers of any district I shows the effect of the severe miy call a special meeting to vote a special road levy by posting in three public places in the district and at the court house a notice con taining the time, place and object of sich meeting. The notice must also be published for four consecu tive weeks in any weekly newspaper of general circulation in the county and in all case? must be signed by at least 10 per cent of the taxpayers in the district. All such meetings mum be held during the month of December and, if this method is adopted, owing to the necessity of publishing the notice in a news paper of general circulation, im mediate action must be taken by the taxpayers who wish to take ad vantage of this enactment for the benefit of their district. "Under the othor system any Otree freeholders, that is, persons, male or female, owning real prop erty taxable within the district af fected and 21 years of age, may petition the road supervisor of the district in writi.ig, setting out the object of the proposed meeting, who, thereupon, must post four notices calling a special meeting, containing Uie time, place and ob ject of the meeting, ten days before the date fixed in the notices for the meeting. Three of the notices must be posted in three public places within the district and the fourth at the court house and all muit be signed by the road super viwr. "At the meeting the supervisor must file his sworn affidavit with I nights. The Bend-Burns road has been well traveled lately and is in good condition. Last week .the nutos averaged one each day, and often several t'ams passed through Hamp ton Valley in a few hours time. Alvin Thompson, on Hampton Butte, harvested his turnips, ruta bagas and potatoes recently. The potatoos froze down three times and as a result were small about the size of an ogg but there were 10 or 12 potatoes to t-ach hill. Burr Black moved into his new cabin on the Bend-Burns toad last Saturday. Eat Sunday dinner save work and at least cost. Orgonian Grill. Order your fruit cake Oregonian Bakery. now Home .Made (lootla Served. The pastry we serve is strictly home made and the best. Try it and you will be convinced. The 1'alm. tf NUTIt'l-: KOK I'UMUCATIU.N. ifMttmrnt afiKr Inittiur. V h UM uAur at Thr lullca iti.n i NuttaiM iM iii SMkt la hrirby (torn that M K- l-ita M.n. UIH,W IHfllM, ftu. M ihlli I' I i.i" .iiiMMr Nmai.a.t r.iliy Nu o a. ( a. i4 Vlloi u. Townhn "-will, Man 1" l-art VulrUttwIir M.IMUH. haa HU.I Hutk-r if mien I tk tu ktakr nwal nmnatutatioti itpl to rai'MlancUlm la thr lamt alr lrailliol W 1 fair II C hIHa (' t Cummiaakiurr al hm.rtn. I al Ikml 'Hrguii. irti thr jjtil ila) uf l.lulr Wil I J Short and Dired: Route to Portland and Other Western Oregon Points ( I i Oilman! ujmraaa vllnraara William I Mc CuiiHrll. JuhH I' Uulirr, ilvfar c llrHalc ami ".ft,nr Vk. K). all l llrwl. IHrinn jjy, C W .M'HIMrl Kriil.l" ...From.aa BEND I Redmond and Central Oregon Fouit IiAltliKlts (every one skilletl) now requirel to serve the many patrons of the Innos & barbershop. You'd better join the tw ' '"""Lt"' " ''"', '; "".." '!' ' a nrltr MrlHtwlH haa Meat HiilKr of iHtrulluai lu thrnriL' of nlnnstiil plicnbi of this maknlialnH.ii4iaiK.M shop. aNOTICK KUK IMJHI.1CATIUN. Orl-aitmrHl uf thr lulrtMii. V. H l.amt OlfKr at rhr iMtlra, iiir(n. .Sutrmbrr Ml. lll larnthal llrHijr C lluha. luaarr 1111. tvi mailr himrairil ruirjr ru :?,. Nall la hrfrliv alt) Davidson of Ikml, inuw, h. ui iHlutarr inl. i,iainiaiii Takk Youk Sunday dinner at the f"l" atel Bend. Chicken sorvvd. 2.1tf " Hotel H Wtf. tUCIUMUH lUlm tu 1 he Uml Ur tlrtKiilril, trftfr II , llttl Lf m CiMttHilWff. m U ti(frr tl 4rut, ( gi, ki Ihr J nl Uy of llwcffMatf iii l.iatiHtMi Hsm iirci wiiiim j t V H;ffr Uuc-tir C llri'klc aiMl H4,; ulluirrfifl txun . w ,tniKrv HfKiviri HI!U) .USiriMS Held, Oct. :10. N. Kins has been busy for some days hauling lumber for an addition to his residence. Albert Lootens and family came back from Bend last week, where he has been engaged for two months logging for the I'ine Forest Lumber Co. A. A. Greon completed his rosi donee last wek and moved into it. N. Kins made a trip to Bend to day, some of the settlers accom panying him to get suppllos. REALIISTATG IRANSFIIMS. (I'urnlihcd by thr Crook Comity Ab.traetCe.) Ezekiel B. Hendrickson to Nettie Hendrickson w se and e swX sec 15-10-15. $1. Jos. N. Hunter ct al to L. F. Swift, It 5, blk 9, Bend. $1000. Leander C. Caldwell to C. J. Sly, InoJ nvf'i, nw'A noK and sJ4 ineX sec 30-21-11. $10. Kudmond Towns! to Co. ti Hannah the secretory of the meeting that. m. Gibbs e'A Its 1, 2, a, I, blk -15, 'ho posted the noticos ten days prior 'Redmond. $250. to the meeting and he must aho file Mrs. G.M.Jones et al to IC. A. with the secretary at that time the . katos, w Its a, iu, n, iz, U1K do, New Goods Just Received by us everything you need m the -HARDWARE Line. See our Stoves, Hunrcs, Oil Heaters, etc. We now cany Sewing Machines. I'ainLs, Oils, Harness, Saddlery. Prices That Please Our Patrons. Skuse Hardware Company, Bend. VIA THK DKSCHl'TKaS IIKANCII OF TIIK Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Through Car Service from llend to Portland. Daily Train Schedule: Hotel Bend Corner Bond and Oregon St. AA1ERICA1N PLAN Rates $2 and $2.50 a Day HUGH O'KANE, Manager petition of the three freeholders upon which he issued the call. "It should be known also that all tax e8 voted at any such meetings are to be collected by the sheriff at the same time and as other taxes are collected. The secretaries of the rospective meeting must certify to the county clerk the minutes of the meeting and size of the levy, which in no case can be greater than ten mills. But these taxes are Kedmond. $15u0 State of Oregon to Harry G. Adams, e sec 3G-2M-J. $800. Harry G. Adams to Wm. P. Swope, ctf sec 36-21-13. $1. W. H. Staats ot al to Frank H, May, Its 3 and A, blk 17, Deschutes. $1. Redmond Tow.isito Co. to It. L. Huffman, It 1, blk 12, Redmond, $200. Also lt 6 and G, blk 08, Redmond. $JC0. yvjMTyjTnjnTjrirjgfnfi Try the Oregonia ) Cr VHlaa-. a'.ra'.- f - "DIGNIFTING THE INDUSTRIES" Tbli li the tltlt of a btautlhil e-paca book, wbtcb will ibow any boy or gtrl bow to SUCCEED, Prop a pottal in tb mall T0DAT and It will be Mot THEE. Tb aim of tbo Colltf U to die ntfjr and popularli tb lndutrti, and to larra ALL tba peopl. Itofftri counti In Agrlculturt.Clrll Enclnearlnc, Ectrlcal Enctnerlnr,MebanlcalEnelnc.rlur.MlnlnKEnfln rlDj, rormtry, Domeitlo-Bclrnca and Art, Com. mere. Pbarmaey and Muilo. Tb Oollei opani sptmbr22d. Oatajocfre. Addrotit REOIBTRAB, OREaOU AajlIODLTURAL O0LLEOE, Corrallli, Oregon, Ixiave Hend . . .. " Redmond . . " Opal City.. Metolliis. Madras Arv. Durtcliutori Jet " The Dnlliw .. . " Portland 0::i0 a.m. 7:21 a.m. 8:K) a.m. 8:22 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:15 p.m. M p.m. frATi p.m. Lv. Portland 7:50 A 10.0(1 a " The Dalles I2.il) p " DoschutortJct. 1 30 p Arrive Madras f. Ifi p " MhUiIIun I! 00 p. " ()wl City. 7 (Hi p Redmiind 7: 15 p " llend. ... 8.:5 p in. in m. m. m. m. m. m. For further information call on any O..W. II. & N. Airunt or writo to WM. AlcAlUKKAY General PassoiiKer Ajjent, Portland, OreRon. flWiiBAVBlliWinili''Jii.wP!BflTi3llattaaVIMBjaM I fit ',0. sl!gito i rr- 3i j (f mmierrM lil ' IL7 'lll1"'-.,W "mm m qggfist Go Journeying East Tlip-i-'ll lx no much to ti-ll alxxil when yon nvt t Ui' k iif.irn iir.itlon trip K.int on tlio (iriat d S'urilii' ii Kiulwiiy, tliroia;)) th HiK.kk at riiii A x- , with i In' vi- .1 wotl'l Uitlird in (olorn, an you 9j viiv it fmrn tlu coninuxlious ohavrvatlon nut HM lorm on tho Oriental Limited tho lie fii tliroiii'li train to Si. I'.itil, Minnfiipolli, ( I.k.i;i.. 'I h; l.aku I'.irk Ki-Kion of Mliim-Mita ikh- si's - ivan ciinrtn, anil the Klorinm (iriMt l.aki-H in i c.irrici yiu tlirniiKh a land of indi.intiiitiit to n.u tin n in the Unit. (Jut f older, "l!nstvrn TriiiH lor Wist rn Pcojilo" mid information alxmt KikciuI ituund-Tnp hummer I'arcs. Call on or uddrvsi Archibald Gray A. O. !'. ,V.I. A., Poitliim), Oregon. vKMHyvtTijal BJiCj jIiiL Mm r ' VvFliaf j8 TvWft M Wmmm I lllljll i.avr