The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1911, Image 5

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    Ladies' Underwear
Now is the time to get ready for
winter. These cold nights and cold
winds make heavy underwear a
necessity. You will find in our
stock anything you want cotton
or wool two-piece or union suits.
The prices quoted are extremely
low. Always compare qualities
when you compare prices.
Ladies Underwear.
Heavy Jersoy Rib cotton fleece, perfect fittiiiK,
white, vests and pants, ouch UUCtS
Medium Weight Elastic Rib wool, non-shrink-alilc.
natural gray, vt"sts a,1' nts. & $1.10
Medium Weight Cashmere perfcel lilting, extra
clastic, white, csls and pniits. each ... $1.10
Union Suit medium weight cotton rib. glove-
fitting, while, per suit JCtS
Union SuiL extra heavy, cotton fleece, "The
Florence" ."snugfil" white, each . . $ 1 .50
Union Suit. very fine ca.s'hnierc-elastic-rili -"suuglit,"
natural gray or white, each.. $2.33
Misses' Underwear.
Heavy Cotton FIccco Rib natural gray, all
sizes, ests audpants.each . . 25ctS, 30ctS, 35ctS
Medium Weight Fine Rib "snugiit" cashmere,
light hrown, vests and pants, each ... $1.10
Union Suit extra heavy eptton rib lleeee, natur
al gray, each O-JCtS
Union Suit Pearl waist union, medium weight,
white each 60(flS
Union Suit non-.shrinkable gray cashmere, glove
fitting, Med. weight, very warm, Kit. .. $ 1 .35
Ward II. Coble wont iliiwn to
Portland Sunday.
loo F. Taggarl returned Sunday
night front h trip to Portland.
Mr. Tom Triplet luft Monthly
for F.ugunu to join hur himlmnd.
The Ilildgo Cltili wan entertained
a Friday nfturnuon by Mr. It. F.
.loliii W. Kolly of the 1'orllan.l
Telegram, anil wlfo, are vWior to
flay in Hond.
W. S. Slovoiwon of Portland
arrived Inst night on a vitll to Mr.
unit Mn. .1. W. Dlinick.
Hi AilaaiH, thu Silver Lake cultlit
inan, Hptmt Sunday nlitlit horu, leav
ing Monday for Portland.
Minn Tolvlii Carlson camo up
from Portland Thursday nlwlit t(
visit hur H'Htur, Mra.'.W. I.indborg.
Ralph Hudd, chiof engineer, and
W. F. Turner, controller, of tho
Oregon Trunk, Hi)ent Inst nlffht in
II. K. Goodman of Mt. Vernon,
Mo brother of Mm. W. K. Scott,
arrived Sunday niRht to mnko his
homo here.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Uu Hobhs,
Nov. 1, a girl.
0. A. Ponreu, cnsldur of tho Mad
ras State Hank, was a Head visitor
last week.
After an absunce of several
month, Montollu (!. Coe has re
turned to Ilund.
II. C. Mulm and L. II. Kadclillo
wore in from their homesteads near
Whitaker over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. .lohu K. Kyan were
guoU Sunday at Hotel ilund, re
turning from Kliuimlli FiiIIh.
Thu MothodUt ladies will verve a
uhlckon phi dinner in the Oneill
building on Minnesota street Thurs
day evening.
Robert Itlnckwoll and family,
formerly of Alaska, arrived Friday
night from Portland to make their
home in llend.
Clyde Fnulkur, wlfo and little son
of Ilosoburg are visiting nt the home
of Dr. V. W. Faulkner this week,
having arrived Sunday night.
Ed Huckholz and Will Anfang of
Worcester, Ohio, who hnvo been
visting their undo, Joo Duckholz, I
for, two weeks, loft Friday for their
home. " I
Tho Prlscllln Club mot last night
with Miss Meda Cnstlo.
Judge KIIIh wont to I'rlnuvlllo
.Sunday evening to attend county
, court.
1 Mlssdertrudo Hortort IcTt'Mnn
'day to spend several months at
W. II. II. WIIIIiiiiih of Seattle has
bought lot 22, block 15, Park
Clyde M. McKay and family re
turned Saturday night from a visit
to Portland.
Percy W. Hrackelt loft Saturday
for a visit of several week with
relatives in Seattle.
Mrs. .J. I). Davidson, who Is
teaching school at Powell llutte,
spent Sunday here.
Mrs. M. E. Keyser and son of
The Dalles were here last week
looking for iiivostmontri.
.1. K. Sawhlll, A. 0. Hunter and
J. S. Parmlnter returned Wednes
day night from Portland.
I Horn nt Ijiidlaw, on Oct. 27, to
'Mr. and Mrs. Dan II vising of Me
tolius, ti'J'A jKiund girl.
Claude and C. h. Mannheimer,
twin brothers, arrived last week to
I iitum llinti nmi utstri Iwirtt
in:ii iiivii nun pwiv ivtv.
Mr. and Mrs. Aficl Sellers arrived
last week to attend a month or more
visiting their son, W. II. Sellers.
Misb Cora Saltier returned Thurs
day from nn extended visit with
relatives and friends In the East.
M. S. Lattln left Sunday morning
for Portland and Seattle. He will
return the latter part of the week.
(Jlonn II. Slack, who is at the
hospital ill with typhoid fever, is
reported as getting along very well.
State Deputy II. W. De Souza is
ex)ecteil here this week to organize
a council of the Fraternal Hrothor
hood. Trainmaster F. A. Raman! of the
( iregoii Trunk sjH'iil ThurwlH.v here
getting acquainted with. Rend
W. D. Nc-wlon came in Wetftw
i lay night from Portland, returning
Sunday. He reported the mk of
lestoria property brisk.
The Star Itakery and I'eatautjant
has put in a lunch counter aiw is
now M-rving sliort orders at nfl
lunirs, as well as regular meals. '
Mrs. E. I. Thomas of Portland
spent Friday in Rend on her way to
Frt Rock. While here she called
on Mrs. .1. W. Dimick.anold friend,
E. I.. Marvin and John Pearson
of Portland and Henry Turrish. a
wealthy business man of Dulutb,
Minn., sxnl Monday here looking
at timber.
William A. Hutledge. formerly of
Chicago, arrived in Rend hut week
to consider the busiueM opptirtuni
ties here and has decided to make
his home here.
Copies of the new city charter,
which will be voted on Nov. 22, will
lie ready for distribution among the
voters this week. It will bo bwuwd
m iwmphlet form.
D. A. Royd returned last week
from Seattle and at once started
work of excavating for tho building
which he will erect at Greenwood
avenue and Rond street.
The first ticket from ilund to
Chicago was bought by Mrs. A. F.
Shiremau, who left Monday morn
ing for Indiana to upend several
months visiting relatives.
The Royal Neighbors will give a
dance Saturday evening nt l.inster's
Hall. There will be prizes for the
bust waltzing, and three Indy floor
malingers will lie in charge.
K. R. Sunmiy of tho Rond Park
Co. came in from Seattle Wednes
day night and stunt several days
here. He was accompanied by F.
R. Poor and R. 15. Shreadur.
J. J. Danch of Sandusky, Ohio,
manufacturer of corrugated paper,
was a visitor in Rend several days
last week, looking over this part of
tho slate as a Held for his goods.
Mrs. A. A. Rurris came in from
Kugeno Saturday night to visit her
husband and iniike annual proof on
her desert claim in Hampton Valley.
Shu went out yesterday to the claim.
Coot-go DeWilt of Seattle, who
has a homestead to the southeast,
him come in to establish his resi
dunce. His son-in-law, Fritz Ander
son, also has a claim fill miles from
huru. I
Tho Star Theater has installed an
aluminum screen, which will greatly I
improve its pictures by lessening '
the llickor. Arrangements are be
ing mado also for an improved film .
Rend was visited Sunday by a
high wind which sent clouds of dust
Hying along tho atreota. Tho local
Government weather bureau was
put out of commission, tho thor
momotcr Bhqlter bolng blown over
and tho instruments broken.
More Weeks
Closing Out Sale of Millard Triplett's
Furniture. You Cannot Afford to Miss
This Greatest of Money-Saving Events.
A Few Big Bargains While They Last.
$30 Sideboards, Golden Oak, on sale at $20.00
$27.50 Kitchen Cabinets, Nickeloid Top $19.75
$20 Solid Oak Dining Table, 6 ft. Extn. $15.00
$2.50 Solid Oak Dining Chairs, now $1.95
$9 Iron Beds, Blue and White $5.50
$8 Cotton Mattresses, Full Size $5.75
$4 Springs, B. I. Support, $2.75
$2.50 Comforters, Full Size, $1.75
All during this sale I nm giving DOUBLE nmount of votes
en Lara-Thompson Piano Contest.
Regular nervlccs will be held by
Ilov. M. V. Weaver Sunday in the
hall over the pontotllce. In the eve
ning Mm. Undlxirg and Mian Tolvia
Curlw.n will rinjc m duet, "Pilgrims
of the Night."
William la-vcny of Portland has
Hn in Iiend the jwwt ten day
learning of this part of the country.
While here tie met an old KaniM
friend, A. II. Horn, whom he hud
mil teen in 2.r yean.
' Itev. W. S. Holt and Itev. J. V.
Milligan of Portland, general tuiier
intendenU of the Presbyterian
church on the Pacific coast,
are expected in Bond tomorrow
evening on their way to Hunts.
W. A. Ilaker of St. Iui. vice
president of the Acme Cement &
1'liutter (.4i., was taken out Sumlay
by Secretary Sawhill of the Com
mercial Club to look at the gypsum
deposits -10 utiles east of Mend, at
the Hwr Creek buttus.
Not being able to finish business
at tlie annual meeting of the " What
soever. " there will lie an adjourned
meeting held at the church Friday
at 2::to p. m. The election of otii
cers anl other uigent matters will
be considered at that time.
A jiarty of Portland men. accom
panied by W. P. Vandevert and Cal
Ilaton, huiiUtt bear at Crane Prairie
last week and sueceeilel in killing a
largo black one. The dogs clunked
a grixxly but the sitorumcn failed
to bag him. The Portland men
were Arthur Fish of the Journal,
Mr. Cates, a banker. V. I). William,
son and J. 0. Ilnyt.
Ralph Patterson, a local rancher,
was bound over to the Circuit Court
Friday on a serious charge, by
Justice I-awronce. His bond vns
placed at $5,000 and failing to give
it he was taken to jail at Prinuville.
It is alleged that he committed an
unmentionable crime against his Kl-year-old
stop-daughter, last June.
He has retained J. L. Sumrnll and
W. K. liuorin as his attorneys.
On Saturday, November 18. at 1
o'clock p. in.. I will sell at public
auction at my ranch A miles from
Itondon the Prinevilleroad: K good
cows. s(.'lectel with ecial care for
dairying; 1 span good horses; 1
wagon; 1 set double harness; 1
harrow, nearly new; 14-in. plow and
single cultivator, steel hayrake; 1
old buggy ami single harness; 1
cook stove; 1 stands bees; chains,
shovels, picks and various other
tools, etc. Terms: Sums of $10
or less, cash; over $lu, six months'
time, Imnkabte note at 10 per cent
interest; 5 per cent discount for
i Try the Oregonian Grill.
K. At. Ladcwlj: and II. Cater to do
Quarrying and Building
K. M. Ijidewig and II. Caler
have become associated under the
firm name of the Ladewig-Caler
Construction Co. and will do a
general quarrying ami stone con
trading business. They announce
that they have secured the quarry
, right to large depositsofstonearound
Bond ami will build both business
houses and residences of stone, on
I easy terms. They expect to export
j stone also, they state, having already
interested outsiders in the local
I building product.
Home-made pios, cakes and bread
for sale nt Oregonian Grill.
Printers Attention.
We have for stile a second hand
Challenge P.) inch paper cutter. Big
bargain. Thu Bond Bulletin, tf
auhuuy iit.itmrs.
Lots $in cash and $10 a month
FaMos & Bean Realty Co.. Agls. tf
m ut.rn.
Advance Showing Xmas. Goods
It is none too early to think of Christmas
presents, especially if you expect to give arti
eles of your own handiwork. Our first ship
ment of Holiday Goods has arrived and we
now have on display many items that, after
being embroidered, will make very handsome
gifts. The list includes:
With design for embroidering
Suitable for initial embroidering.
For initial embroidering.
You will find some very handsome articles in this list,
and any of them will make very appropriate gifts. You
are cordially invited to look them over.
"The Same Goods for Loss Money."
f-, --.-i .. I
. TnXla Ktr J 'I 9&f Irr
' WP '
Tiiadc Marks
Copyrights Ac
lit ItU. Ol.U.I i
lll.DM l.K.n loruui
ll.cmadlltL HJHDHUUH
OI.1MI .ncr (or.wvrlnciutMiU'
t&k.n thrtiuh Hunn A I
im(UImI, without la to.
i Scientific Jlmcrlcntn
I Aliuioinlrllltutrl4 WHklr. IjiMMtc
1 suUUuii of r .cl.iilldo J"UtniL Ttiui. M
ihti fourmoullu,IU Solatijill nwiJlw.
Until November 20th an extra pair of pants
with every Boys' Knickerbocker Suit.
Come early and get a choice
selection. Some of the finest
Hoys' Suits ever shown in