The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1911, Image 4

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Gkouuk 1'ai.mkh Putnam
Managim? Editor.
r-tuMent .. , William It. Tl
VIcrl'reKlilfiU , ,.JmA Shttman
Smtlarjr ursuir. ". ,.1'lilUtulrr C. Kmi
Swittatyol Yitavirj . . I'lankllii Maciili
Srcrrtar) ofhilrtlor Waltrr t, I'l.lirr
Solitary oT Wat II I. Mlm.n!
Stvtttatjr uf Cummitvc atnl MIhw I Imilr N'KRtl
JWctrtat) ol .Naxjr ... -UevtK Win I. Mr)l
crrlnfi of Aiticmluic ani Witwin
lor the Minirc iliiil. clean litinc, clean i ltm.ur UcuinI . . Vinnv. II iiiuIumI.
1 , , , , Altutiu) llrttrtttt . OnHgc W UU.Wt.lmm
An Iiiilepenileiil ttcwannpcr, atiuulliiK
politic, ami the lct uitcrcato of llcntl
nnl Central Oregon.
ly used. R. J. Tylor, apply nt
laundry. il-l-O'p
Fou SAl.K Team of horses,
weiKht nliout 1400 pounds. Inquire
Bulletin, aatf
A BAItiSAlNOno six-room rot taw
to lie moved from present location
hv Nov. lfi. Inquire 11. J. Over
turf. Ik'iul. Ore. IVMS
Onejrar ....
Si Hwh
Tik tlh ,..-......-.
(Inrattabir In lrane.)
mntvf ..
H.trtur ol Male ...
iftnmmr Thtmm H Ka
.UtuiMc) lltiwttl . . . M liatttotll
MIH. I'hWW lH.UlU'tkll... .. I, K. AI.Utll.MIl
Male If talM ,.W. . lhtiiinat
Cmim-fnHrrwt LaW MatMte IL I' Hull
(tame WailleH T lfltley
"!Hl KMRHr..... JohM It l.ri
tr.roruc K Chambettaln
" I jenalhaii Huih. Jt
tV C. IUw'm
Ia.w. Mir n
V. 8 91MlM...
jHite W I. Mrml.tMW
ltuftity -lte.l MilviM
o.tir. T X Hitlfom
Ttea.ater -. Ralph Ionian
Auruor -
-.IHM !HJietlHlrndM.
Hutvevur. ........ - 11. lVlcjr
TitKcocKTs. I'011 tAl.K torner lot In Park
ciacviT Cot'r - Kim Monday in May. ihitvi , Addition, "Sx 120 feet. Splendid
MomUyiniK-totw. Wntitin in tmwt ruiiidlv irrowinir
racn IHVfllH I - - r - r
rintuy pnrt of town. Terms to suit pur
chaser. Henkle & lortl. ;Uitf
- J.u'iiii olllce. at Portland price
I..I....K ....... . I VtH II I III
... or. it (i. don t happen to have on hand what
-.-kTi! itaury I you wan t. can Kct it quickly, tf
Pmm.IK drear Ftrl Monday In aeh month
CommiiunkV Collar Viral
May. July, hiicuiict
M Trlpt
In Janunry, March
ind NaTfniber. miiool tiiaraicr .x u.
ctl. Chin
......-... U. . Wlr.t
Mayor ...... .. . V. C C.x
Recorder -. II C. Hllla
Trturcr .........-.... . .s J. ptucct
S 0 CaMwetl
fS C CaWwel
I ll.On.ltl
II li. Alien
I heo Aune
I M I Kllv
I V. D roller
The "PassitiR-of UieStoKO Coach,"
so far as llond is concerned with the
outside world, is now a reality.
Daily there steams into town
passenger and freight trains, bear
ing men, women and children and
nil the goods that are required for
comfort and the sustenance of
human life. Also, our mail is now
brought in each evening and taken
out each morning by train.
It all seems a lot like a dream
it is so new and so strange. How
short a time ago it was that we
climbed upon the old rickety stage
coaches of the Cornett company
and bumped over the rocks and
crept along through the mud to
Shaniko. Only those who have
made the long, tiresome ride know
how pleasant the trip was not.
Perhaps you were dozing along
about midnight when the creeping
old coach came to a halt and the
driver awoke you with his shouts
and oaths as he tried to get the j
horsos out of the mud on some hill. !
Hut there wn no moving further;
the outfit w&s stuck in the mud and
the msengers lmd to crawl out.
Again the howea pulltnl with all . ... - sHane. Will sell at your figure
their might, but th couch would llw 8m"" y nl some others. AMn ajudW five ,i ofW.,f
not go. "Get your shoulder to the lsK,) h" R,reRj' lKn to count , miles out on Dend-Hunw road. Jtt-7
...u j .l- .. .i:..- .....i i ' the days before Christmas. - -
..TO. WRr ...; u..r. "' Tor Rent.
probably shout. Although it whs - --- -- --- ' Fo nEvrTwo fumii .i,,
CLASSlFlhl) COLUiMiN ing rooms. Joe Innes. 27lf
Fon ItK.vr on Sai.k: SO acren of
land. prve up tin, -Pi
ofTicers and directors of the state
association, a committee was named
to devise ways and means to make
country life more attractive.
Literature will be issued and steint
taken to educate the young to the '
attractions of farm life. j
Of it Link of olllce supplies will
be closed out at cost to make room
for other goods. The Bulletin.
Foil Salk Good paying business
in Hend. Owner called East by Ill
ness of a relative and must sacrifice
stock. Splendid location. Great snap
for some one. Address AHC, care
Bulletin. 31 tf.
Foil Sale Good 3-inch
Inquire nt Bulletin otlice.
Foit SAl.K Three dozen young
hens, $9 a dos. Inquire this otlice.
' Kat Sunday dinner save work
I and at least cost. Oregonian Grill.
Foil Sai.k Dry pine limlw at $1
a load. AddreM Ed Hulvorson,
Hend. Mtf
' For Sai.k One
Two weeks from today to the I-or mi.k une span mares.
special charter election, and four weight 2-liK); good heavy work
weeks from yesterday to the annunl l'n: one Lraml "uw , V?Wr
, , , , . Schuttler wagon; and one 2-in iron
municiial election. axle Milburn wagon in first claw
hard to tell exactly where the
wheels were, for the mud sticking
to them, the tnueengors would lay
hold and the coach would slowly
move on up the hill. The driver
would sometimes pull out a ilask of
vilely-smelling and more vilely
tasting liquid and hand to the men
who had put their shouldors to the
wheel, as compensation. Nine
dollars was the fare paid for such
"luxurious" riding, ami often as
not it took from five to seven days
to make the trip from here to
With such experiences fresh in
their minds, it is but natural that
it is hard for many to realise, when
they we a iMuwenger train arrive
every night and look at the doxens
t, . Tire. it!. . ..., t...- I... a... t.
n.ltJl.1 rur Kenisia imr " hi-i hi IrIlMtMl
wfluiH 111 thlft .uIuhiii- l.iur rent ft line impaled
tor each urH4-u,uut inxruun. Cuutii,Mcres in itmouiy anil clover, tmiance
ix wnnUio a lme. pagture. On Prineville road six
jnilori mirth-emit of llerhi. Al for
Uon,e41 sale :Mn. farm wagon. 2 1-2 in. tire.
Wanted To buy second hand nearly new; one bay mure, f ywir-i
windows and couple of doors. AIo old, weight 1200; one .set work
iron bedstead. Addreu, E. F. Has- harnei; plow and cultivator. S. A.
sett, Bond. 38tf Dutt, Hend, Oregon. ,Vi-!l7p
Chicken dinner n siecialty every
Sunday at Hotel Bond.
Wanted Trees to
first class outfit.
Lost Gold
l.( St
i! . i ivnt until itk;(i. n'ii tn..H.l ... ft...1.. ffi......i. Hull...
See Liddell on',,., ' -,
the WiUwn ranch. Powell Butte.
iHar claw
Add rem, Prineville. Ore.
1 1 tf
1 X.kB ff V1I &hha Ittl .kjl
I i Am i uuhi nnnimiii
AulilU fill A lM '. T " atti fit) la
I WANKD-LxjieriencedmanH-anU 8j(, ..jj,.. olher Ulwni, ra.
pMitlflii hs bookkeeper -and type- , , , ltulletin. H5-38
writer. Add re A. i ., care of v
Bulletin. 31-Gp I Loot Zeta Pui fraternity pin.
, ... ... n, , -, ,m t I Heturn to this office for reward.
Wanted To borrow $1,000 fori
of cars loaded with froight standing j threo-yoar period on large tract of Iwrr An overcoat, on the Sliver
on the sidetracks, that they are not i the best timber in Central Oregon. Ijike road, three miles north of
dreaming that they may awake
and find that 'tis but a dream.
But life in Bend with a railroad
is real, and moans much. New
opportunities are laid at our door
new rcsiKHisibilitics. There is no
more "waiting for the railroad."
The time to act is here. New
Address A
once, seven good
within o0 miles of i
close to railroad
care of Bulletin,
! Wanted At
1 relinquishments
Bond. K. H.
Wanted Lady wants work by
hour or day. Sewing and general
housework. Address .Mrs. J. C.
Hour Mill.
Please return to Bend
James J. Mill
people are coming in, new Indus-' Cannon, Bend.
tries, new conditions. The people ! Wanted Situation
who are here now are they who housekeeper by lady
have the future of Bend in their ,uars old. or will rent hotel.
hands. If they fJI to do their
duty to their town and to them-
fcelvos, the town will fall. Not one , For Snle,
man or two or a handful can make
a town all iu citizens must work
Post, Postollieo in hU speech at Bond, on Oct. f,
'fitf predicted an increase or two thous
and ior cent in the population of
Central Oregon within the next five
years. That siHiech was printed all
over the United Slates and it is not
hard to imagine what the effect
as hotelj will le on land values. The only
with son l'J j place in the Northwest whore you
Busi- can buy farm lands right in the
Mrs. heart of Central Oregon at the
Idaho, same prices they were Helling at
ninety days ago, is the office of
For Sale New roal cart, slight- Wall Street. Bend, Ore.
, ness relcrences exchanged,
E. Quinlon, Bonners Ferry,
togother. Even one who obstructs
and retards can mar the growth, no
matter how promising the future
may seem. It behooves all the
tieoplc of Bond to be awake and
hlive to thoir duties and responsi
ltilitiw, or they will fail and in their
downward plunge will carry others
uith them to destruction.
It is a recognized fact that first
impressions are lasting, whether
mey be for good or otherwise.
1 avengers arriving by rail at Bond
ure given a good impression by see
ing a handsome stone depot arising.
They can have this impression
deepened by the installation of an
urc light at the end of Fir avenue
and another where Greenwood ave
nue runs under the railroad,
to u t..t.K Jersey milch cows,
mo w'Vu"! Service of only registered Jersey
bull in Bond ottered owners ot cows.
C. II. Erickson, Bend. SW-JUi
Foil SAl.K A bargain in it good
typewriter. Royal Standard make,
a good machine. Owner has two
machines, with ue for only ore,
hence the low price of $ IB cash.
Inquire at Bulletin olllce. it'Jtf
For Sai.k White Leghorn
, cockerels, $2.f0 each. S. L. Van-
it c i;nu .Wert Bond Ore 'Xlvt
Wmn Hr.m ,"- L' ' '"" wl- O-W.
Lkoai. Bi-vnks for wile at Bulletin
If we
In tNo years, Is the prediction of everyone that has visited
IJend since the TWO RAILROADS have arrived.
With Ini-Re substantial stone business buildings belli erected
with all possible haste to accommodate the vast Increase In
business In all lines; with business and building Increasing;
faster than the fondest hopes of all who expected a reasonable
rush; with one company preparing to employ TWIiLVI: HUN
DRED AtliN, with other industries now completed and building
that will employ OVER ANOTHER THOUSAND people, which
will insure Bend a pay-roll for over TWO THOUSAND people in
less than one year with all this isn't the prediction reasonable?
For a Short Time We are Selling
50X140 WITH 60- and 80-FT. STREETS and 20-F-T. ALLEYS at
Free certified abstract to each purchaser upon first payment.
Our property is within TWO BLOCKS of the Union Depot. l:or
free maps and photographs of Bend and Central Oregon, write
The NewlongKoller Comp'y.
.101 Buchanan Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Or call on II. D. TRIE - - - Bend, Oregon.
u n
Bankers of the state are taking a
part in the back-to-the-soil move
ment and at a recent meeting of
The Best Crade of Rock Springs Coal
Delivered at Your House.
Overturf-Davis-Miller Co. t
Office in Benson Bldg. on Wall Street, - Bend, Oregon, t
111' 111 .'la'lun
LL.i.i.,i".L:r.w:-ajLi;r.;.mz 'jn
All Family Wines and Liquors must be sold
at once, as our stock is large, and owing
to the fact that the railroad is here we are
compelled to sacrifice at the following prices:
Per Gallon or 40c
Munk Sherry
Blackberry Wine
Royal Port
Port Wine
White Port
California Sherry
Muscat Wine
Blackberry Cordial
We also have just received 11 new line of ease goods- all bottled
in bond namely: Caii'idian Club, Old Crow, Sunny Hrook,
Cedar Hrook, Hoiderlanii, Perfection Scotch, Pine Midge,
(uekenheimer Hye, .James 12. Pepper, Pepperibrd, Hood iV:
Lillanl, Special Kcscrve Monlicello, Old Taylor, Hilly Taylor,
and in fact all the Taylors. We invite everybody to inspect
our new shipment. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we
remain yours respectfully,
tmasiT.f.;,,,"Mi Mrr.',11;.", ', ? n ,:.; irrjTrnr.; Trrirrunj. unyrtrewm'rra,