The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 01, 1911, Image 7

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    I 7
I ( TllK IIOTKli IlKNO'H Sunday
1 ' ihlcVm HnnurH uru thu bent In
fern.1, 20tf
I ill H
Pmirt out of Iho horn of tlia
rinclly ai It went Into thf retard.
11inJ, orchestra, violin, flute,
PUColu, piano, iaiiu, t-oll, Cor lift,
clarionet, tfomlHiiio, 'cello, apercli
or aliiglnK voter, olo or rntcmMa
every (iota anJ torn) Is dear nJ
Ciooil reAion why tti machine
It perfect. Let u fUy the "UN"
, 1 Columbia I
! I Graphophonc I
I fur you In t't"r li, Ifynulitir vim I
I'Y lual ela.eo lot (lie riniiiilrtn H
jillllf olili lirrillr ami Irrmila. II
I ay In. i IMi llko. Otlitr M
tijIlilill.Jlll ISOlu 200. H
Ladies' Waists, Gowns,
Corset Covers, UnderwV,
Gingham Petticoats. Noth
ing in this line reserved.
Winter is Coming but Our Wool Blank
ets Will Keep You Warm. They Co
AT COST also. Real Bargains for You.
Shoes ut Cost every jmir to go ut the
Uig Hcdiielion.
The Ohl Heliiible. llciul, Omfion.
The Jones Warehouse Company
HAS secured the contrite! to
handle all the freight of the
Oregon Trunk and Deschutes
Uailroad.s at Hentl. The Mootly
system at Shaniko will he em
ployed, and incrchanLs of Heud
antl interior towns will get their
shipments without inconven
ience. Have your freight con
signed in care of
Jones Warehouse Co., Geo. A. Jones.'Manager,
Uend, Oregon.
The Coifcb'bok.
Whipped err run ti n good nrcoinpanl
wont to Ico crenm, n It inodlflM Hie
Intoimo cold of Ilia frofeti mlituro.
Hpriiiklo n llttla Whito tnienr over
potiKu cnWo Juat before auttliiK It In
Hi it oven In linko. It will form n dainty
cntat over tin top.
Tim rtililltloti of n lcaaoonful of
chopped Mtict tu over ilnt of tnlllc In
n rlro puddlui; not wily make II
creamy, I nit nlsii willy Iriiprwrvs Hit
Matrimonial Maxims.
Wedlock a n. pridlork.
Holler In Imlf hnnuoil llinn III wed,
Man' boat fortune or hla worat U n
lln Hint tell hi wlfn new In tint
ru'wly will,
flood mnnnifcmcnt In belter tlinn
I'OOll llll'OIIIU.
Short Storlos.
Oil lamp were ued In 1021 II. a
Tim t'lilnrin" claim to hnve dlaeovrred
America In HI),
lied nihiw rind hall, villi red dint.
fell In TiUK'tiii)' on .March 111 mill It.
Ill n vonr or two there will bo n mar.
ndmntiiil lifli road ajatcin around tin1
laluiul of I In Willi
tt la hmIiI Hint there nrc Imt twenty
flvn nr tlilrlv while peraotia llvlnu on
I In. lalnud nf Ihirneo. w till-ti la tiifirl?
Ii'ii 1 1 mm". na InrKii na the atalo of linen.
Collection of 'far Coin.
A cnlli- Hun nf Cliliii-i' hih) Jhwiii-i'
cnlua, ilnllnic mm fur ri JtlJ It ('.. I tin
Illicit lllllllllnll lo I In- tuilwuill In Hie
ptiMli- iilimry In Khiihh Clly. The
ullt tl'ili la untied hy IMwunl I tut I x.
NiMH Iho Kniiana Clly Time 'I tin
colna nro of mcry coucH vrihli' nhaH'.
.Hid nciirty nil of Ihi'lii Imvc n liolu ft
t Imt Hiinirv or roiinil In tin- renter
Thorn la one liuitr ntrlne of shout fifty
rolna. Hundred of Ihcm htno hcen
worrii together Into n "word nhotit two
feet lone This sword bonr-a tlio nninu
of Trio ICrtNiijr nnd la Uatwl 1-otwtvn
ISIH) nnd lCiO.
flute of Onob Society.
Mnrk I tinderttnnd that Van Pyke
hn Imii drnpiMMl hy awlciy Wyld
Veil, he ninde himself unHiiiilnr be
irue he pmil liN delita Inatend of hla
'x-lril iitillKiltlnlia -I'm U.
And Turning It Into n Com-J
monplaco Affair.
Tin' liroker'n prlvnlo nccrflnry IixjUiiI
up In imliiiitNliliiciil riN flu rMy h Hired
old hrokr-r. who un frlcldlty lliielf,
hulled the vlNlior with:
"Wi'll, wi'll. Tom. tint wheru did you
RprlriK from Ilila Iiiornlnu"
And Tom. ttlio rippitiri'd to 1o fully
ii old mid frigid inn) urny hnlred m
the oilier, replied:
"Hii), Jim. Ii'm koxI for worn eycn to
mm- you. Tln (i. nnil H. roud wmilit n
lli'Mimiml new freight crtrir. mid I'm In
Hie iik I lo rulre. n Iniiii. How riro you
miyliowV ritdliiK preiry t'ny. old buyf '
And then Hie mid Ihe a neriil
muiiiiKi'i sat diiwii for ii iIihI oer old
(Iiijh m roltece nnd li Iktil of IIiIm mid
IIihI fur hii hotir lii'fori' I he hmker wild:
"Ity Hie H).Tom, I'm ttoi a I my out
on our rond." I
"Voil d ill"! Hnyl Ho liBftll't It. I'll lieur
me with a leiiir"
"Hill he'a llieti'. Von rciiiciiiltfr irty i
Uiy liineT AlwnyH fuaalnr Hrouiid
with iiihi ti!ner alnee he una n hid I
Wauled lo IIIHt.e n broker of him. hill n
Miiiplcnf jeiiM hki. iifier roliiK through
th I'iiIx leehnle NKHlliat Uiy wlalu-.. he
llnew mo nwr lie wmilitl to rati
HwdltiK. mid I whiiIih) him litre mid iw
Vtl liml H flllllll out."
"Voil diill't aajV"
"I didn't drlie him from the houe.
hut he left Jnat tho nmiie. Kh! ho whi
KoIiik lo uwke hla own furl line mid rill
that IhwIi llnau't hail h tent of hla
Income from mtt In over h )ir. lie
wrlti" In hPi niolher. Imt I never henr
direct from him. Cot lifMlui. I think,
hut lif'a M'lf wllhil hihI luclliied tu ht
nil h."
"Don't lm too hard on him. t It
tau'l hii wh.v to hkln the lumba let him
try wime nilier. I twllevo joii uwl lo
le known an 'Old OlHtltiacy' oticu upon
ii llmi'."
"Yen, I reinetnlMT. If ywi lwpHn to
eoliiH ncriHM the lioy nil I he ilrwerviw
n lift kIo It lo him No pettlliK or
INimperltiir. tlnuiKh. Ut hlui hoe rill
the roiiKhlriK It ho whuim."
Away mit wint on the (3. nnd ft
rnllr.xiil there wua youuic limn of
twetit) io working n tlremati on nn
etiKluii drHWlliK h Iim'mI Two yenr
iM'fnre. when he hfld nppllc1 In the all
perluti'iideiit of miitlvo (xiwer for
MimethliiK lo do. the "atiMr" had
1 looted him over In contempt on no
count of Ida white lunula mid iwtotit
IcMther nIiihm, mill repiltil
"Wnllt work. ehT Well. I'll Klvo It
to you. (lo up to thu roimdhiiuau nnd
tell mm to aet you to work Ha n wiper.
Tho my will be S'M ier inontli. mid If
you K't KH'nae hmiIh on that dmidy
null of our the conimny won't iy
for the rlenului;."
The olllclnl turniil nwny with n
Klin. Ihliiklui: that that writ thu Inut
of the yoiiiiK limn, hut he wna mla
tHkeii. When threo day hud mvd
the Immm of l lie roundhotiix.' rt'iKirtwl:
"Jay. Joii .nt me n Jim dandy of n
wImt IIhiu'iM If he don't nM to
know aomethluft HlHiut nmehluery."
"What' )l the young fellow clmw
upT" naknl the "altper" III aurprlai'.
"Ililil workliiK rlKht aloiuc, and he'a
the handleat clmp I've had Hliwe my
time here. Ve'J'll Im promotliiK htm
out of the Iumim' lu h mouth."
The youm; inmi wm wntched cloxe.
ly nnd kept track of. lie had lnm put
nl the iry dlrilwt work and jtlvon the
HMirei my. hut he made no com
plnlnta a time en i no when an en
nine wh telepluiued for In h hurry mid
there wum nuUnly tu run her out of the
limine urn up the yard lie stopped
Into tho chIi nnd had th table turned
for him and turned Hiw eunliw oxer
without comment, lie wna kIuk hack
in hla work when the MiporluttHMUmt
"lld you eer flrtiNti oihsIhp'
"No. air."
"I'hlnk you eouldT"
"I'm ready to i;ti It n trial."
Two weeks Inter he wh put on n
yard engine. The euiclueer meant to
tlud fault with htm Ihh'huho he waa
it "diindy," Imt no opiHirtunlty occur
red. lie wna kept In hi place for hIt
inontha, iin there were many to lie pro
moted In udvmire of him, but he wna
lluully kIvcii ii pluco on thu loonl.
When thlit enclneer wna naked tu ro
port on IiIh "cull" ho hii Id:
"He'a a pench lu lili way. hut l
dunuo how ho'll pun out In tho end.
llo'a one of thixiu book eiiKiuccra. He
thlnka he could take nil cnultie to
plecca nnd aet her up again hy tho
liooka, nnd I'm looUln' to nee hla hend
gel Hwelled until thu road luu to
hoiincu him."
Thine wero In thN nhnpo when tho
genenil innungcr returned from New
Vorli. lie hud forgotten nboul Pnvld
Holmes for the moment. Ho wanted
to go down the roud for u fow inllea,
mid no he tool; the local.
He wna accompanied by Ma (laugh-t-r
Nellie, hut not lu the cur. It wna
Mild of this plipmnt girl of eighteen
ycura that alio ran thu O. and K. road
by running her father. 8ho wanted to
go down on thu cnglue, mid alio had
her way about It. mid tho meeting be
tween tier and "tho Imndaomo tiro
man," na Dave wna culled, had conse
ciucnrea, lie had on his Jumper nnd
waa grimy, but aho snw beyond that.
Her heart wua bcnllng faster boforo
abu bad been to tho cab, flvo nitoutoa.
Ihxrtag Ut next roonlb tht cab tiU
irai rcpeatod thrw or four time on
uo excuao and nn other, but the n
KlniTr Krlnrifd und nnld riotliliiK, What
mlKlit Imi en I led n clnndentlno corru
ipondenco followed. I'erhnpa tlicro
were clnudi'Ntlmt inwUmkh In tliu park
tvlieii Dnvo hod Ida dnya otT. Thtr very
fnet thtit mi cuiploycu of n rnllnmrl
dure- to fnll In lovo with the dnuKliler
of Iho KoniTuI inunnKor li n chmdi.ii.
tine net.
The K''tiernl triniiafrer hail not yet
t hlllHed Up (he nrm of Ida old friend.
Ik'Iiik huay nliiit thonc riew cnrn nnd
hnvlriK to HiniMilh down the linrUa of
eternl dlriH-tnra who helleed that tho
rond u KnllU Into Imnkrtiplry, when
the motive power deportment promot
ed the (lreinnii lo he eiiKltieer nnd cave
him n lociil of mure tmporimire.
It n n't ho mild that Iluve mid Nettle
wire wnllliiK for thla ihln to hnii;n
Ihnl Momelhlni; viae mlchl ho hroUKht
HlioUt. hut they were not Ioiir III tnk
Inic iidvnnlriKe of It. The allly youiiK
roufde phintiHl mi elopement.
It wiih Klvi'ii nwny hy Mlrm Nettle'
triNld, nnd the k'etieml muiiHfer Inlet
hla little phmx neennl'litly. The ur
mid her mnld were iilloueil to depurt
for ItoynUtou In the cnli of Dare'it en
trine, nnd nt (he Unit Mtop the (i. SI.
left the imaaerifer ear In which he had
Ik en eiiNi'imeed mid nppcttred In the
The way the maid ahrlekid out. ndd
'it to the wh.v the dnui'liler turti'd mW
aid Hie engineer turned red. waa Mif
IPIeni evidence of guilt The (.. M.
itiiaiul lo be an nteuglng f mi her. !!.
mi nut to mint d hla dnuuhter to faint
away with remorae nnd the ciikIiimt
to drop on hla knee mid bis imrdmi
for living until he could remit the next
Ktntloli mid gel off hla chimo. Ill faet.
I he (.. M. hud n gun with htm, and
there la never any telling what a man
who dtHwu't know the miuzle of u re
volt cr from the butt limy do when he
gels to plnylng heroics.
"Voting lady" he had liogun In hla
an meat lonex when Oave Interrupted
to Inl.e nil the big me. White he wna
taking 11 Ira gavu Ida name mid nitoke
of hla father.
"Then-then you nrc David dolmen ?"
naked the i. M. ns he mt up hi gun.
"I can Identify myaelf Mitlfactorlly.
"Then why haven't you done long
"I wanted to aucceeil liy my own cf
forta, nnd I think I have done fairly
"Y-e-a. I think you have." Mid tho
otlH'lal aa he looked nt hla daughter
with n grim amlle on his face.
"I'ather, I Hive liaa linented n new
flrelajx for engine, mid It'a bound to
be a great MiircisM," Maid Nettle, with
an appcsillng look.
"And la this eloping In nn engine
eat, one of hla Inventions na well"
"And, wiini. dear, he has Inventcsl n
new kind of frog one you can't get
' t'.itlp fiui, tnnt l.i nml lu. mti ,liii
..... ..", ...r- ... ...... .j .MM .
ami he's got n Jack by which one man
emi lift the ton, nnd you don't know
how much coal nnd oil nnd labor he'a
going to hiivu. lie's one of the bright'
eat mid amarteat and dearest"
"That will do for Jut now," Inter
rupted tho father na he laid n hand on
her arm. "Young man, do you think
you could find my house If you tried
wry hard?"
"I do. nlr." replied Dave.
"Then 1 will get off nt the next ata
tlou with the girls and be looking for
jwi tomorrow evening. 1 believe you
hate the evening off. I want to talk
with you h lon t theae new flrclxuoM,
frmrs. Jai-ka and eloxmenta."
Dave found the limine without going
far antra)-, and there waa a conversa
tion. Thu waybills of tho G. and R
road don't ahow whether the couple
had to wnlt three months or alx. hut
they referred to David Holmes n year
later as n division auiHTluteudent. nnd
he did not atop there. When the mar
rlaiio took place the father's face wore
n Hinlle as ho l;led the bride, but the
bride pouted nnd wild:
"Now. m, how mean of you to
miII our romance nut! make us get
married lu this atupld and old fnahlou
ed wayl"
Th. Average) Man.
However loosely one may ue the ex
preaalon "the average than," however
plaualhly another may argue Unit no
audi HroiiMRo exists, the average
man has n very distinct reality lie
exists not In Imagination, but In the
ictiuil world of iibvalcal nlilcct. Tln
flniHH.alhlllty of Identifying him Is no
irgumeiit agNlnat I 's btrlng. Tho aver
age man Is u monarch, the only mon
arch we have lu u democracy. Uefore
htm all other men bow down. Ill
wont is law. Indisputable. IneeH'npable.
I'rom this deerw there Is no uppeHl
slid no redress. Ho courts suggestion,
hut not Interference. To tills real but
uutiHUieil person H)lltlclaus nuM
make their uppeal nnd stntesmen look
for Hiipport. Ho combines radicalism
with healthful conservatism. Is not of
ten carried nwny by the passion of tho
moment, but If he Is hla mental equi
librium Is quickly restored. He may
Dcciistoually he wrong, hut nover for
long, lu the end his judgment Is cor
rect and infallible. Cleveland lMnln
Masked Mountain Climbers.
The natural conclusion upon meet
ing 11 inn slccd mail In an unfrequented
location Is that wo are lu for nn en
counter with n hlgliwnymiin, but this
la not necessarily the case, for the per
son might be 11 scientist engaged lu
exploration work. Mountain climbers
luivo found that some auch protection
Is required to ward off tho pain and
Inconvenience of snow scald. Along
the Pacific alnpo there uro several or
ganizations of amateur mountain
climbers, nnd tho advantage of some
protection for the akin of the faco
was flrut appreciated by them.-Hx
Departmtnl of Ihe tntetlor,
U H. Init littttt al The IMIIi, Ore goo,
.... , . . IKIemtr vh, in,
Mitlce nhttthf tUtn that IV,nl.l V. Mek
InlMli, or l(rid,lreiMi,wh, on November lit,
ivAmaitehomrtltail entry, No, isjyi aerial Ho.
u'n, lut K , ac. rt and H a,
KriiUiu , Tonnaliln u tkMilh Kante li I'jiit.
Willamette Meridian, h filed notice ol lolen
lion to make final fie Vear prw.f, lo
KUl.ll.ll claim In the land alxne drarrlUd,
Irlore II C I'llle, o. n ComnilMloti'r, al lilt
aiine ai iiena urtxun. on I he nlh day ofoem
lm. iv"
Claimant nainea at wllnrMri llii(h II. iMeiea,
Ken II Wl, llfxiir lUMtMhona and Michael
J Kelley, all iA ltiil, Orraon
JM' i W IOOKI!. Kexlter.
I. O. 0. F.
Uontl IkIkcNo. 218
IU-'tf. McctlnKH uvury Monday niKht
Vialtora wulcome
N. J'. Wfirlcr. N. G.
H. J. KKKleaton, Secretary.
A. F. & A. M.
Meets on Thursday on ot
)x.'forc the full moon of each
month. Visitinir brothers
always welcome.
M. W. of A.
I'ilnt Hutte Camp No. 9791
Moot every Tuewlay in hall over
VWtinK NoiKhlwru always welcome.
C. I. HoRfll. V. C.
V. W. Orcutt. Clerk.
Lodge No. 103
K. of P.
Mrr is every WedneMlay
t viijing at H p. na. In
( aMie Hall, attol1lco
Hldg. VUiilng Knlhta
w i Icome.
Clrna. II. Howe, C. ('.
K M Ijulewlg, K.H.A.S.
The Buckley
Express Co.
between railway points
and Hend. Cnreful atten
tion ,'iven to Stage, Ex
press and Fast Freight Busi
ness. Hend agents
Wenandy Livery Co.
Arrive Rond 10 a.m.
Leave Bond 12 m.
-The BEST all-round Family
Sewing Machine that can he
produced. Made in hoth RO
The rotary makes hoth
Lock and Chain stitch. The
latest up to the minute steel
attachments with each ma
chine. Sold on easy payments.
Send name and address for
our beautiful H. T. catalogue
White Sewing Machine Co.
14(10 Market Street
San Francisco, California
trmleninrkaaiKlt-uryrUlilaoUalanl or no
frA BtikI rnotlcU tkrich, or pboloe an4 dr
Mrl4loa fur rREB SEARCH and reiurl
oa patentability, luok relMenrva.
you. Our lira UmUUs 1.11 hew. n lo Invent
and no you moaoy. Write today.
303 Seventh St., Waihlaoton, D. C.
Special Inducement In Prtcct.
Ixta In Ilivcrsido and Lytic Ad
dltlons $10 cnah anil 10 a monUi.
EnatcH & Hcnn Ileal ty Co.
fla linglne Tor Sale.
A two-home power Fair-banks-Morse
gasoline engine
for sale nt n bargain. Is in
firHt clasfl shape, does good
work andlhas givon no trouble
whatevor. Has been in light
service for one year. Desire
to replace with an electric
motor, to lower insurance and
because greater power is
John A. AlacCIoskey
Bend, Oregon.
Give us a trial and be
G. U. Janata
The Tailor.
First Class Workmanship
Correct Styles
Best Material.
Fitting, Cleaning, Pressing,
Wall street, Bond, Ore.
at the
Seward "&
Bend, Oregon
thU taussln price all the material re
quired for the eoiutruction of Utb mod
ern cooJ-IooVlns and comfortable cotlas. We
are Independent dealer not In any troat or
aaaocUUon. At thU remarkably lew quel,
tlon we Include all lumber, ah and iloori,
millwork. eld lor, ceillmr, flooring, nalla, aulr
vrork. flnUhlnjr lumber. wMew frames, duer
framea. bulUlne paper, eavee treuirh aJ
Pipe, hardware, aaah vreltrkta, palatine nutee
UU. rooHnjf. pUeter Luard, wall Unt, ete.
The houM, which la of aotld, deubta-ewft-truelloo
throughout, la fc.xltH tu In
UinienaWna. and U aurprfoUgly roomy an4
well arranged.
Arehlteela plan. epwtfleaHena nnd fall
UirtalU about conatruetwn are luppiietl.
Our free folder, whkh teila y allaluait
thU bsuw U waJUns f aoou. Aak f at VUr K.
"Ballablo Dealer."
2230 WeatUVe Ave. SEATTLn. U. S. A.
No. TO Llt Price. 88.00 .
',VhlHi-nwdln(r"Unblsnil- tt
vantiiffe. You tu the i-nrtridiro It i
iro In theehnmlx-r. You knuie Js.
when the trim 13 loaded.
G.'ts all the came in sights
Practice on nnd clean out all
the f.irm Kh ,j thU kpriiiK.
l'otnls for the
9hartahoolr L
. ii.... .
huu uuiii.r
l)oaai tvprft lKm- .
-awlhiitnlw.ttatf.llua lUi
14 4 iMvMwHatf.vrWa '
'.ui talllas W'kbh wlent
i-rr.i. 1 u UHt. fly wlmaiwll
.. .1 rlMrrl.tu vaulfdtt.lM
abl 1 ( fmn. Wtf $ffl.
i a tK MJ iiUrtlMtutWi ttvt i
!' ai. 1 num. humm, rwwn
.vl Kit 1 fflM i tl't ut lj.
ti I Miip iliitcl, t irM trkl.
tf Ufx iMtp gf Ul(V wkt,
iv$Pt T0'
iw4' w
-itariJgrSFi 7SS!3fyaH