The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 01, 1911, Image 5

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    Winter Outfits
For the Working Man Here.
NEVER. In tho history of our business havo wo been better fixed to supply
all the needs of the working man. From head to foot wo havo what you
need. And again everything that goes out of our store Is guaranteed. If it
Is all wool wo guarantee in to bo all wool. If It is Merino parL wool and part,
cotton wo don't tell you it is all wool. Your money back and a smllo thrown
in if you aro not perfectly satisfied in ovory way with ovcry article purchased.
Working Men's Specials.
Full line of Indian gloves, prices from
$ 1 .50 to $6.00 in lamb-lined milt, a good one, tit
llorschidc knit top mitt, very durable,
Siberian horsehide ileeee lined glove, at
Other kinds as low as per pair ... 10c
Men's Po-irl Klk bluchcr, 10-inch top, at
Men's tan chrome, l-'-incb liluclier pair,
Men's blaek chrome kangaroo calf, IM. toe
Men's black chrome bluchcr, lii-inch top,
We have men's shoes as low as per pair,
Heavy Muckinr.w shirts for loggers, at
Men's blue rainproof logger, extra quality
Hlue flannel, 1) ounce $4.00
Gray flannel $3.00
Other shirts, if you want them, as low as
Hug. Moleskin, chamois lined, fur collar,
Cord., sheep lined, leather trim, Ext. good
Reversible leather and corduroy coats, at
Heavy full length sheep lined Moleskin
Our Mackinaws
Extra heavy, all wool, are the very best.
IMJITTTmTll I I 1 1 1 1 ITT ' ' ' '
Born to Mr. and Mm. Sylvwter
Stunt. Thursday, n boy.
J. I,. Kutnrall wont down t4 Bod
nmixl Monday on husino).
M. ('. Aubrey of Ijilillaw wiik In
town Saturday on laulnuMi.
Shan Stovunsnn of Portland will
arrive thin uvuntug to viitlt Mrs. J.
W. Dlinlck.
A I.iiviiI 'IVniixirnncu (.oirlnn lilts
j, been organized anions tho young
R IHMiplu of Bend.
W M. J. Morrison nntl II. H. Davles
returned Sunday from attending
court at Prineville.
Mrs. A. F. Shlromnn will louvo
Monday to sinmd thu winter visiting
.relatives in Indiana.
J. T. Hardy, traveling passenger
ngent of tho Oregon Trunk, In
jending today in Bond.
T. II. Foley left Thursday on n
ten-day Imslnesa trip to rornanu
nntl rugoi oounu cmen.
J. F. Taggnrt & Co. have re
modeled their Htoreroom, dividing
It ho as to give a hool lohhy.
Tim Vimiur Hcluml. Mix miles east
"V town, oHnud Monday morning
with MIbh Ida Young an teacner.
r W Arnot. who recently bought
I the Millard Triplett building, ar
' rived in Mend Sunday from Tacoma.
c n oiun Inm lot ii contract to
' Ralph Patterson to clear 40 acres of
land hIx miles souuicasi oi uiwh,
urn nr the Arnold (llicn.
Jack Wright, who has an Irrl-
Rated 'MO" east of town, left
Thursday to spend Uiu winter at hla
. old homo in I'omeroy, Wash.
Tho pinno player concert glvon by
E. M. Thompson Saturday at tornoon
and evening vfiu enjoyed y nl' WM0
, dropped in to hear tho music.
Hen F. Hansen and F. I. Parkor
. arrived from Wallace, Idaho, Sun-
ilnv iinil will ilnn imlntinir. I aror
hanging and decorating business.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Bo-' Mrc. Ituth Bnllonger has opened a
oil. Tuesday, a girl, jdrotwmaking parlor in the Putnam
Hon F. Hnnavn went down to J'I'K in connection with Mrs.
i.... i i i.. i... i...u(.... rtinswona s mimnery stion
I 111 Llilllll KKiui ins iiuniiiunii i
The Hulletin building was Riven n
now emit of paint last week.
Millard Triplett left this morninR
on a businetw trip to Ashland.
Glenn II. Slack is in the Hend
Hospital ill with typhoid fever.
It. F. Averlll returned Saturday
from a business trip to The Dalles.
The roRular meeting of the
Episcopal Guild will Ihj held tomor
row afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Wilson, leglnning at 2 p. m. sharp.
The annual meeting of the What
soever will Imj held Tiiukhday after
noon at 2:110, at tho home of Mrs.
Faulkner. OHicers will Imj elected.
Arthur J. llohinson of Rochester,
The Wenandv Livery Co. has nut , Vermont, arrived in Hend on the
on n bus between tho depot und the ' first train lust evening to visit the
hotels, j Wing Brothers and look over the
Father Luke went down to Mad-
rns to help dedicate tho new Catholic! M. Mnnnheimcr arrived from
church Sunday. ) Portland Thursday night to look
I nfttim ftluk lfca4kll innmi numb
I.MI.I. KW.mmrh l.,f '" " " ' '"'"J uiui ujiwir
! ) IS ! MIU
morning for n visit with relatives
at North Yakima.
Tho IjuIIos' Library Club will
hold its regular meeting next Tues
day afternoon at Uilll) o'clock at the
Clyde M. McKay went down to
Portland Sunday. He and A. 0.
Hunter are expected back this
ing tho Mnnnhcimer
Co.'s store.
II. D. True is exhibiting at his
office three potatoes which weigh
eight and a hnlf pounds. They
were raised by Hugh Gee at Hear
Creek Hutto.
J. II. Hlttner, who recently ar
rived from Newcastle, Pa., has
bought a lot in Park Addition and
will Htnrl work nt mini nn n fnnr.
K. II. Gould wit yestonay on a nmin bungalow
..- .1.... al.. - .. l?.i at . ! .! fc I Ilk I
lun-uuy inn i i'iiuiuku
expects to attend tho Uuifnrnia
Stanford football game.
.John Irvine Knight of Seattle, of
tho insurance department of the
Knights of Pythias, will visit the
Head lodge this evening.
(J. W. McGlnoty was a passenger
on tho first train out of Hend today.
Ho will visit in Portland and Los
Angeles before returning.
Rov. II. A. Porry, district super
intendent of thu Methodist church,
hold quarterly conference hero lost
night, leaving this morning.
Tho Lara-Thompson piano contest
continues spirited. Tho three lead
ing candidates as shown by Satur
day's count aro tiortrudo Markel,
7018; Mrs. J. H. Wenan ly, G028;
Olga Johnson, Hlli)5.
Sam McMurtrio, who was put out
of businew by the recent lire, has
opened his restaurant across tho
street. He has a bettor eating
place than before.
A. S. Collins will leave for Rend
today for a two month stay. He
has some proporty in that neighbor
hood which he intends to improve.
I'rinovillo Journal.
Gcorgo A. Jones came up from
Opal City last night, returning this
morning accompanied by Mrs,
Jones, who will pack up preparatory
to moving back to Hend.
W, J. Shannon is enlarging his
lodging house on Fir avenue by
building on tho east sido. Ho has
leased it to T. B. and J. W. Baker,
formerly of Madras, who will run a
M. J, Kelly, who started about
ten days ago on a trip to California
by auto, met will; a Merles of break
downs, Including n broken axle, and
his car Is now at Silver Lake await
ing repairs.
I). II. YeornanH left today for
I'omeroy, Wash., to look after
properly ho owdh there. Ho will
return about April 1. He has forty
acres of ditch land east of town
which he will further Improve next
Mesdami'S C. S. Hudson, F. F.
Smith, J. K. Sawhill and George A.
Jones sjM;nt several days last week
i at the Sawhill homestead up river.
I They returned Sunday, Memrs Hud
son and .Smith driving up in their
autos to bring tho party down.
The services conducted by the W.
C. T. U. at the Baptist church Sun.
day evening attracted a large con
gregation. Tho program included
readings, recitations, talks and
sccial music by a large choir. Mrs.
W. B. Cameron, president of the
local union, presided.
C. V. Silvih of Ketchlcan, Alnskn,
has bought out the jmoI hall of Tom
Wall and will make improvements.
He will also (it up rooms to rent up
stairs. He will Imj joined in a few
days by his partner, Robert Black
well, also of Alaska, who will bring
his family to Bend to make their
Vernon A. Forbes, who has been
attending Circuit Court at Brine
villo the past two weeks, spent Sun
day in Bend. He returned to the
county sent and from there left for
a trip Kant. He will go to Duluth,
Minneapolis and his old homo at St.
Croix Falls, Wis., returning about
the ICth
A party of Bend people who had
been to Prineville attending court
got lost while returning by auto
Saturdny night. Three airs driven
by J. M. Lawrence, John Linster
und 0. C. Henklc got o(T the road
at diUVrcnt iointa along the way
and some did not get her till after
Suiwrvisor J. Roy Horvey has
sent the papers of the four men who
took examinations for forestry
service under him last week to the
Civil Service Commission at Wash
ington. Those taking the tost were
Furl B. Houston and Robert Wood
ford, Bend; Burton Oney, Sisters;
Willatd W. Lawton. Gist.
W. II. Stoats, Joe Hunter, Prince
Stunts, Carl Hunter, H. J. Fgglc-
ston, R. M. Smith, S. J. Spencer
and A. S. Collins drove by auto to
Silver Lake Saturday to shoot
ducks. They returned Sunday
afternoon, having killed f0 ducks
and geese. The return trip from
Silver Lake was made in three and
a half hours.
Regular services at the Baptist
church Sunday by the acting pastor.
Rev. M. W. Weaver, tho Methodist
pastor, will preach at the hall over
the postoflice Sunday morning nt 11.
The evening service will be devoted
to songs, introducing the new books
which hve arrived. Sunday school
at 10 o'clock' at the church and hall.
Mated Commun'catlon
Thursday evening, Nov. 2, Bond
Lodge No. BID. A. F. & A. M. Im
Mirtant business.
C. M. REDFIF.LD, Clerk.
W. M.
Lots $10 cash and $10 a month.
Eastcs & Bean Realty Co., Agts. tf
On Saturdny, November 18. nt 1
o'clock p. m., I will sell nt public
auction at my rancli 3 miles from
Bend on the Prineville road; 8 good
cows, selected with special care for
dairying; 1 span good horses; 1
wagon; 1 set double harness; 1
harrow, nearly new; M-ln. plow and
singlo cultivator, steel hay rake; 1
old buggy and single harness; 1
cook stove; 4 stands bees; chains,
shovels, picks and various other
tools, etc. Terms: Sums of $10
or less, cash; over $10, six months
time, bankable note at 10 per cent
interest; fi per cont discount for
Town Topics.
The chief of police la rtillnriplphln
Bnj rblliiJelpUlanH are great utters of
driiRS. NurvotU-sT-Loulsvllle Courier
Journal. Tho New York board of health wtl
tuolM tho iwpulHtlon of Orwiter New
York nt 6.000,400, Tbi "four unndroaV
of whom wo have branl before, prob
ably tuNlattxt on being enumerated sep
orntcly. Youth's Companion.
With n population of T7.000, Troy Is
unique uiuonpt cltle of Its hUo In that
tho Troy Are department Is made up
largely of volunteers. Out of a total
of 133 men ready day and ulcut to
light flro, only Kevoaty-elpht are on the
payroll of the city. Homo Sentinel.
We Misrepresent Nothing No Permanent Success Was Bver f
Hullt Upon a Foundation of Fraud.
EVERYWHERE one hears complaint over tho
high cost of living. "Prices are too high,"
It takes all one can earn to meet living ex
penses," are common expressions often heard.
Here is a suggestion for cutting down this high
, cost of living buy one of our food chopiwrs
I and make many delicious dishes from the odds
and ends that are now thrown away. It is a
common rernnrk that a food chonr)cr soon pays
for itself by saving that which otherwise would have been thrown
i nwny. We now have for salt
The "DanaM Food Chopper High grade In every par-
5 ticular 3 steel cutters, coarse, medium and fine; very C 1 e
OJisily cleaned; cannot get out of order; Spcc'l bargain P &
The "Wizard" Food Chopper A little larger and bct-
T tor cuts 2 lbs. a minute coarse, medium and fine cutters
patent drip sjwut. The "Wizard" is one of the best tf C
X sellers on the market. Will cost you here only S CJ
You do useless work when you wash a window and do not have
X one of our rubber window dryers saves fully 50 per cent Of
J of the labor and costs only rJ
X Noodle Cutters something new, only 25c
Many Other Items that Lighten Labor.
X "The Same Goods for Less Money."
Llf of Icitorg.
Iceberg In the Atlantic sometimes
last for 200 years.
Eltphant Load.
Elephants aro cupnl.le of carrying
from 1.700 to 2.200 pounds on n lout;
Journey whiff maintaining a regular
puce of four rallc an bour.
8howj In Italy.
The laws of Italy are strict In regard
to ibeaters and clrcusva. Ercry net
or performance announced on the pro
gram must bo glren. Any great ex
aggeration by (noun of picture In
tended to mislead the public U punish
able by a tine.
Ennrntl Warn.
New enamel ware wifl last longer If
It Is placed In a pan of warm water
and reunited from Ibe store when the
water come to a boll. Allow lo cool
In tho water.
Tor-tots Shall.
A targe turtlu gives eighty pounds of
tortoUe BuelU
on trial for several days In New York
for being a common scold, was acquit,
ted Oct. 21. 181X
Dilltt Training.
Ballet girls In European cities are
taken at a tender age and held Ilka
apprentices for several year under the
severest discipline. They are boused
and fed by their teachers.
Ettphint Ivory.
It requires 12.000 elephant to supply
GSO tous of Ivory.
Tortugal was formerly known as
Luidtanla. The prescut name Is de
rived from Porto Callo, tho ancient
name of the town now known to ua aa
Wealth For tho Swlti.
It han been cut linn ted by an Investi
gator with n statistical turn of ndnd
that the thrifty SwUa calculate tho
tourist crop In this manner: Half a
million traveler staying long enough
to mako 13.000.000 hotel days, nt an
average expenditure of J2.-I0 a day.
Water Clock.
Among tho curious features of an
dent Toledo which unfortunately re
main no longer were water clocks, de
vised by n Moorish genius named Ax
Zarcal. who placed them on the banks
of the Tagus so that tho people could
read the time. They were run by
water power and were so famous that
Daniel Merlac, an English astronomer,
went all the way from Oxford in 1183
to study them.
England's Nobility.
The nobility of England date their
creation from 10CO.
On of Stern'.
"God tempers the wind to tho shorn
Iamb" Is not a Scriptural quotation.
The nentenco is taken from "The Sen
timental Journey," by tha Itev. Lau
rence Sterne.
A Gllmpso of th Past.
Margaret McMuhen, who had been
An Author' Slip,
rtlder Ilnggard committed n queer
blunder In "Jess." A slmplo matter
of arithmetic upon the data supplied
by tho novel Itself show that a charac
ter therein had grown up and bocomo
the father of two children before he
was In his teens.
in Finks' new building
on or before November
10th. Full line of Dry
Goods, Shoes, Huts
Ladies' and Gents' Fur
nishings, etc.
Mannheimer Mercantile Co.
Bend, Oregon.
Now is the
time to Paint.
Now is the time to paint your
house or barn. Paint will
last longer when put on in
cool weather than in warm.
We have a complete line of Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
Also Shingle Stains. Get our
prices before buying.