I -At The Palm- ipUWIl linn of Clim'oliitiin S C IB ,v"' """"ii1"' J"i I"" ( 5 ' eulvisl, Morn to ho hum ? I In h fiuv (Iiivk, Out linn of ? r our 1!1 1 Ihixiis Iwfoiii llicy ,'o. Wo mo closing out ( our old amok iitcoittn S ? iiiitkn room for hum. ( ? !() unil ftOi'imi ; J Cbocolntco ? limit nil ko ut S J 25 (ItO. ; S W. II. VVINC1, Prop. S Nixon EXPRESS AND TRANSFER Furniture Storage Mouse Aloving and General Dray Work Prompt Attention Ncnsonnhlc Price I.KAVi: (llll)KIIK AT I1KNKLK & KOHIV.H WAI.I. HTHIIKT Sutherland (b Mcintosh Contractors and Builders Jobbing Promptly Attended to Shop on Oregon St. lUllmatrs mi application Wall paprr at rsitUml Prices N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Chrrt mill Hot Wall 1'afri Sam ple, in llir county. Let My I'lircs. IW ji). Ilcliil, Oregon. Wood! Wood! II BI.1,01 Where are you going? Down to Carter's after n con I of that good ilry block wood. My wifowon't hum anything i.'Iko. Cnrtor Ih four bits rlumHr than others. Ho nellsdry hlock wood nt ?l.fiO per cord. P. At. CARTI2R saveVs to V4r 3-ctoM Panel Doort, Gilt quality $IJO QjiiIcmouiuI, J. in., tr 100 ft. 30 cU. Crdar Sidintf. 4 ami 5 (l. . $8uf M. riooiiog, 4 ami 5 fi. . . $11 per M. Diop Siding, 4 and 5 (l. . $11 per M. All No. I and 2 good fttndstd flock. SulriotWofClUlofMN. "' sJ uuyuui iioat o ritaorr. .. inuJltoilltlplaI.lt, Ut ilc, nil lt a)liAlr, sUp angrwli. ., Snd ut trout LA UOII fi yiaj j r 4 I i&g SASH ? asjpwr I' 3ZtL V ,Si 00RS III m BaaBBV-VSft, B V MID-SMTE DAY CENTRAL ORGOON T 0 l 1 C IS Portland Ad Club AddreiHcd lly Hem), Kcdiuond, lliirn nnil l.nlievow Men -llnKlnxer lludd Telia i.f lltilldlnic of Udllrond Line to litis City (I'nitlaiul OrrKonlnn) Central Oregon wiw tho hoIo tliumo nt tlio weekly luncheon of ihu l'ortland Ad Club Wdnodny under the direction of Wilhur K. Comnn, chairman of the day, general freight and piusHcngor agent of the North i Hank, Oregon Trunk and other Hill rallroadH. A. 0. Hunter, of Bend, realty mnniiger of The Mend Company, in a whirlwind ndilrcwt of ten minuted, told why Central Oregon will grow. He declared thai from a purely business standpoint thu interior is hound to expand. HIh own ex tieriencu, ho Miild, hna provel Uiut Central Oregon fund in cttpnhlu of returning M per cent per annum on thu Investment. Hu cloned liia ad lrfw ly prolicting that Hend In dcritlned to Ihj Uie second city in ilze In Uie state. J. V. Ilrewer. president of the Hank of Commerce of Kedmond and president of the Commercial Club of that city, declared that if Hend Ih to be the M'cond city in size, Itedmond will bu a healthy Htiburb. j Ralph lludd, chief engineer of the , )regtm Trunk, hkIiI that engineer-, .ng.m the Oregon Irunk had not ! iH'en dilllftilt HtheDeR'hutei Hlver ' provided it imturiil right of way. . , ,. ,i , . i ,. . ,. making it iHtwihle to build w mil-1 riwd for UK) miles muitli of the Co-' lumblit Hlver with no grade to ex ceed ft er cent. He wild that from the prmuint terminus of the Oregon Trunk at Hend it is jKwwIble to build it road to any other mrt!on of Cen tral or Southern Oregon without engineering dllllcultloo. V. I.. Knelling, a farmer nnd live stock raiser of Ijikevluw, declared that (iooc Ijiku Valley wils the original (ian)en of Kden, nnd that ! Adam, when he was tempted by one or the native apples, was up against It" and could not win, "Hill" Hiinley, the millionaire ranchman of Hums, oircrcd a remedy for the high price of land by urging that more land lie placed on (lie market. Hu also argued fori soil surveys that thu settlor may lUat In Town. inu htar Ury Cleaning House, i ..,,,.. . .... , , With A. I., bronchi doOS nil kinds Of cluimiiig, prutMlng and repairing of clothes in it neat manner and nt rvnsonahle prices. Indies' work u.s well ns men's done. Satisfaction given and work promptly done. A trial will convince you. U7tf Hunter Bros. With hKUsu IIahhwakk Co. Interior Decorating llouso Painting Wall Paper In Stock. r Tho Proof of tho Pudding Is In tho Eating CLAIMS nre cally iiiiule; but not iiImr) raiily provrti We mouM nut liuikr the claiuia c do for the high ipmlity ol our stock If we Mt-ie not couviiicrd of their truth, mill If weilidu'l have so ninny voiiipliuiL-itts from cus. tnuicrH on the siiH-rlority of our trees, and the most excel, lint manner in which they Mere packed, enablitiif lliein to arrive ill ilptliimtioii in t rime niiiilltluii. This last Unit, irwsl Jvack. lull U ratllv uvriluuk.nl by many, lull Itunr of ltitKirtaiiir, and Isuuc ul llir many lualatirrs whrrr our kl trillion luilrlall ktcta uu the hlh tanitarit ofutir trrra, Have you arm uur it pagr catalog! It's a beauty, lltltcr trim for II. Yakima Valley Nursery COMPANY Toppclllsll, Washington. WVlffalaaaBl afS?Ttt, lfjp WHK$$r Moiih Sai.ixsmkn Wantkd mflBS2BiMMmm$x--- know what tlio land In capable of producing. Ho was received wltlf Cliccrn. ' A unique feature was the shapo of the programs, They resembled railroad tickets, euch address being represented by n coupon. Tho club Indorsed I). 0. Llvoly for livestock cotiimiKsioncr of tho Pnnumn-Paciflc Kxposition. IUMA1.0 NIIWS NOrilS Tumai). Oct. 27. C. I'ederson is very III and is not expected to re cover. He has been having stomach trouble for Homo time. Wlllnrd Houston of Hend has taken the contract to clear and pre pare for the plow 100 acres of land for (5. W. Wimer & Siiiih. Forest Hanger Smith Is stopping here while estimating the amount of timber which was burned over in the Are near hero last summer. I. K. Wimer and Charley Spangle have just finished baling their lurge crop of hay. A threshing machine is expected In this vicinity soon. Cliphinti of Olam. What U mi clcfilinnt worth? A Yon leer feed itenliT who onco attached tli itt'liyJcriiiatoti part of n clrcui, wlilcli nlu tip a wrek'a pro (It a In one ilny, wouldn't Kite n rnnrclml atamp for one, but In Hlnm It'a illfTcri'iit A cunaulor roort anyi Itint "roiiKlily rt 1 1 mn I fil tlio titltnlMT uf ilomciitlrated ploptmntt In Hlnm la almut 3.000. TIip upply liaa Imwii doorrnnlni; yrnrly. and prlicH liitvr iiilviinciil until now a full crown malt (IiiiImt elephant la worth nliout Jl'.riO and a femalo It.fVir). An rtcptinut la full Krinvn at twnnty-flte jfiim. Inn not In I'n 1 1 vlnr uiiill thirty flit The leilKth of life la W to IV) .rmrn, mid thn nvirni;i wnlitlit U altoiit thrttt toiia."-Ntw VorU Trlhunn. Monty For Htreulantum. The ItsllMti rtiNiirclhir of the rx- ,.U.H , , ,M. ,,,,,,. Ht ,..,. film The klnic hlmilf hs pwmlaitl "' ,Hv,' w,,-"", nr' '" "'" wine imr- P'e. It Is I'tirlout tn iiftft thai lxtr ,, mu- Imh-.i l.tiili rinht r..r the Ktrtfta of the old mwn TIiim will nil hav to Im pullcl down (oiiliprntilf "rninirc. It la filltl. Ilea hlddiMl iM'ili'nlli t nilna to bo cxattiliicil Ixindon Clobo. Walktd on h. Wattr. Ilerr Klelir. n (Ii-nnnn Invrtitnr. re rently took n thn-i mile wnlk orcr Slnnitwrc Inko. nenr .Munich. iikIiik "wntrr ahwa" of til own eniiatructlon. Ifpln the wind nnil the miiKh mirfnre of the water, he cornil the illatancc In mi hour mid n half. Thr "water In-'" nri of evllmttirnl form unil nrt "I feet ! The nre roniiructcU of ,,n'"" 'nunea nd asllclolh. FlatUry. "Odd thine about fintlpry." "Whntr "It mnkea everybody hoU except hone who swallow It." Exchange. Ho initrh la n ninn worth an bu es teouia hliiietr. Ilntietnla. XOTK'K FOR PUIU.ICATION. ItTtMitmrttt irflhr ln(tfr. I' h IjwIOINtiI Thr IKtllr. Oirrwi , , , hriUB.wr tmi iu NetkrUhrrrhyalwnlhal .tt 7 lrt t M.lri, llirctm. wlm. mi .N.Hr,mlTr tti.l t. rnaur mmfnnM ttHiiv .-n IMIJ !rfll ta vt.i hM W cH ll !, nij rthiti n. tun.lili i ".Hiih tHgr I ntl WilUmtltr vlfiMutn, h hlnl mm.T uf InlriilltMi lOHi.Vr final htr inr fn.r In r.tal.ll.lt plaint to Ihr a u.l Uir .IimiiIwiI, lfuir II C l.lll. I' ComnilMluutt, al hlauitirr at lit Nil (lirton.on lir t)ti lUy uf Niivr ttltrr 10.11 CUimanl ttaitmaaxitnrura W A Will anil Hail WluVlr niniilria lliritmi Alrt l.rtcilDK til llcnr) Khuiuachrr ufi.lit orrnmt u V ' W M'MIKK Hrtll.trr W I a. gtaagjWlS' ' '' i 1 m y . l -. Go Journeying East llic ell lie so initc'i to tell nlsmt whet ytu get iNuk af ir a , nation tnp Uiist on the Gnat N'orllie n ILnlway, through the Ruckus nt sun w , vtth tho vc t worl I lutli tl In itilors, ns you vicv It fnini h coiniuothoiis ol)scr.tii)i plat luriu on tli,- Oriental Limited tho iwfcct through tram to St. P.iul, Minncwixills, ChiuiKii. Tho l.ako I'.irk U-Rionof Miniuxiln pos WiMU Iv.in charm, nnd tho L-lorioiK Ctrvat 1jiLi tn i curriuii y hi lhn)ii(;h a laud of ench intnicnt to gnvil tin a in the Knt. Oct foltlcr. "H.utcrn Trips or West -n PmdIi'" niul iiifoniiatum ntmut Stk-cml Koui.d-Trip I uiiuncr I'.irw. Cull on or addrcsj Archibald Oray' A. O. P. &.l. A., Portlund, Oregon, mrviiin aKwrMM SEEK BIG TRACT CHICAGOANS WANT 100,000 ACRKS OF LAND Syndicate Plana l.arjce Development llnlcrprlar, Which Would Alake Ifiiinea for At any People Splendid Opportunity for Central Oregon General Passenger Agent Wrn. McMurray of the 0-W. H. & N. Co. bus received a letter of inquiry from Chicago which will interest all Central Oregon, and esjccially holders of large tracts of land. Tho letter in as follows: "A syndicate in Chicago is en deavoring to locate 100,000 acres of land In one tract, if possible, and which can be purchased for loss than $10 per aero, which they pro pose to Hulxllvlde into eighty acre tracts, break up five acres of Uie land, build n house on same, furnish two horses and a wngon and one cow, and then sell same on the In stallment plnn. "PnrtleH have looked over land In Michigan and Wisconsin but claim the land does not suit them, and will you not kindly advise if there is any such tract along our line which could be purchased nt the price indicated?" It would be a fine business stroke for Central Oregon if the capita! necessary fr a development enter prise of this magnitude could be in duced to come here. Any we knowing of available land should write to Mr. McMurray at Portland. COMET I S VISIBLE Number of (lend People Report Hav ing Seen It. Hrooks' comet, which was dis covered in July, is now said to be visible nt Hend early In Uie morn ing. It is best seen about 4:30 or C o'clock. It nppenrs In the cistern sky, northwest of Uie morning Btar Venus. Several Hend people who rejuirt having seen It say the tail Is visible to the naked eye. It has now passed beyond Uie extreme star in the handle of the dipper constellation and appears for several hours before daylight. It will re main visible several weeks yet, ac cording to thu astronomers. NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION Notice it hereby given that pursuant to an ordinance ol the Clly ol Until, ihrre vtllt lie submitted to the nu'lifird rleclnr of said cliy, prord charter. (or llielr adoption or tijrciun. at a tprcial rlrction to Ite held for thai ptirKi'cm Wednesday, NiiNcmtxr JJnil. 1911, twtwrru the hours ol cmht A M 'Hid r'u V. M of Midday, said rlrc tion to be held nt the hite huii-r. thr usual imlliiig pWe in the Cltv of llrml. mil iiisi v. . livllHin. (i-lialriiiin, v II Srllert and It A. Sathrr act a judgrs ami C I) Ilrnvtii. J I), linncy maii ami S)lrstrr Staatk act nt clerks .it such election. II. C. KI.I.IS. Cn Kecorder. lleuil, Oregon. October 21, 1911 -ic I im QStJSmt f Xl'VaaaaaaV ftaaaV 1 1 . 1 Y. a v.r- 9aSjaanMf E'praife Training a Daby Emprr. If tho llttlo omporar of China lljte American youngateni of his oro ho Is probably "fcolln' awful bad," having "a toulhacho" or conjuring up oihor tlrno worn xcuea to cscnpo Rolnir io school, Tho empress dowacer has Is mi pit an edict "that Iiii Zcng Chiang, minister of tho empire, nnd Trhcng I'no Ken, governor of Cliliml. bearing tho honorable tltlo of vlco minister, ahnll both become tutors to tho em peror. They shall Instrurt him night and day with tho greatest rnro and ahall teach him nil sclenro becoming n roynl personage, and also the history of tlio different countries of tho world. In order Hint our emperor may grow strong In knowledge. They ithnll also nxplnln to him from time to tlrno the new administrations nnd constitutions! laws, ns well as nil modern sclnnrpi. but ut the snmo tlrno they shall not forget lo Instruct him In the doctrine of Confii'lus concerning the means to firncilro tho virtues nnd to gorcrn the empire." Dancing In Washington's Days. It was n dancing nge. None wan too old or too dignified to join In Uie pas lime. Ve lime It on tho authority of Oenentl (Sri-etio that on ono occasion Washington danced for three hours without onco silting down. Patrick Henry would close tho doors of his of fice to Itetake himself to dancing or fiddling, and Jeffemon dearly loved to "rosin" his bow for n merry Jig. Tho story Is told of him that onco when nwoy from homo he received news of the burning of his father's house. "Did you snv any of my books?" he naked of tho stave who brought hi in tho tidings. "So, mnssa." nnswered the negro, "but we snvi-d the Addle." Maud Wilder Goodwin In "The Colo nial Cavalier." Woolen Goods for Winter Everything Men Need to Keep Them Warm Will be Found at the MEN'S TOGGERY. Get thnt new pnir of Trousers you want here. Curlee Trousers $2.50 to $5.00 New Stock to Select From. A. L. FRENCH Oregon Street .... Bene, Oregon r. Oregon Trunk Ry. Service to Portland St. Paul Denver Kansas City Daily train leaves Rend (1:30 a. tn., Redmond 7:21 a. m., Opal City 8 a. in., Culver 8:13 n. m., Metolius 8:30 a. m. and M minis 8:31) a. m., nrrivinR Portland 6:00 p. m. Direct con nection nt KnIlbridKe for Spokane nnd points cast. Arrive Spokane 9:15 p. in. Through tickets sold to Eastern points, Puget Sound and other Western points. Deposits accepted for west bound tickets to be furnished persons in the East. Details will be furnished on requost. J. H. CORBETT Agent, Bend, Oregon. R. BUDD Chief Engineer, Portland, Oregon. 6i&5 Live Qf2ZE2T xr j & v xou Wv& Send awav for David which tells you Cattle, Horses, sheep, Hoes and Chickens. We have Dr. Roberts' Prepared Prescriptions right here nt our store and we have innv?!? a copy ol the grand book for you avUCiCj Tit. Robrrts tt thr crratrtt lire stock authority of the country. Ex-State Vttetlnarlan of Wisconsin, Lrclurrr atnt Writer on Ure Block Dltcatrs.thc vrterluarlannhqlt callnj far auil nrar to trrat hlch.prlcrd anlroalt. lilt 1'rrptrrJ Prrtcrlptlont are the onct he uacs In his awn practice, the hlngt)ou hare utr for scores oftlmrscrrry yetr- The book grts Oown closrr to tlockinru't nrrilt than anyihtnK you taste crer rraJ posit yon on symp toms ami ilttrasrs, tells you what to ilo ami how to ilo It. We hare brought the. ailrlre anil the treatments of the fsntout veterinarian right lo your door. And lha, big book Is absolutely frre. Call fqr your copv. 1'ut tuc. moat toJuauIc ptcnarcJ ixeacdptiou ou your stsblt shelf for emergency cu.es, " ' PATTERSON DRUG CO., BEND, OREGON. NEW K. OF P. LODGE .V ,V ! I I Ml Hend Men Take Part In Ceremonies at Redmorid A Knights of Pythias lodge was Instituted at Itedmond Monday night. A delegation went down from the lodge here to asjdst In Uie work, nnd there was present also n team from Prlncvillo. An cnjoynblo time vas reported by all who at tended from here. The trip was made by auto, those who went being: S. II. Snyder, O. A. Thorson, Joo Innes, M. A. Palmer, Karl Lndcwfg, Tom Murphy, Gene Getchcll, Halph Poindexter, S. C. Caldwell, N. P. Smith, C. D. Koweand M.S. Lattin. LIICTUKU NOT 0I1LIVCKC0 The lecture which Col. John So bleski was scheduled to give here last Wednesday evening was not de livered owing to the fact that Uie speaker did not reach Bend till 10:30 p. m. A large audience waited patiently for several hours, some of Uie young men and women present entertaining Uie gathering with piano and vocal selections. Col. Sobieski will be secured for another date or another number substituted In tho winter lyceum course. The Ilicketts family, musical enter tainers, will be here nbout Dec. 1. Hot and cold baths every day at Innes & Davidson's barber shop. Spokane Chicago Omaha St. Louis. J Stock Men. (Ipu" i 1 . Hour aon i nave io vtnwKABUN this Grand Book It's a bie 184-pace book, prepared by Dr. Roberts, the celebrated veterinarian. all about the ailments of your Cows,