The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 25, 1911, Image 5

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Our Store Is Your Store.
If wo huvo mudo u duccodo of our ntoro it
Id bocuuoo YOU huvo given uo YOUR BUSINESS.
Wo huvo triod to givo YOU tho right kind of
u otoro, but wo could not huvo dono oo without
your holp. Wo upprociuto thin holp and wo want
you to fool thut OUR STORE io YOUR STORE that
you holpod muko it whut it io today If you can
ouggoot any chango that you think would bo for
tho bottor wo would certainly appreciate it if
you would toll uo about it
Our ambition io to muko thio ntoro tho ono
placo whoro you will want to do all your trading,
tho ono placo that you will recommend to your
friondo and noighboro, tho ono placo whoro you
uro aboolutely ouro of a oquaro deal at all
timoo, tho ono placo that guarantoeo you natio-
faction or your monoy back with a omilo thrown in.
If you will drop uo a lino and nuggeot oome
improvement in our otoro, in our oervice or in
our otock, wo will oincoroly thank you.
j. - ,r s
A. M. LARA k CO.
"THE Store of Bettor Valuoo."
W. II. Sellers returned Sttlurdny
from Klamath Fall.
I. M. Chrlsman of Silver Ijike
tKiit last night in Bond.
Mr. ami Mrs. John K. Kynn were
guests lost niiiht at llottil Hum!.
K. M. Thompson will glw a piano
plaor concert al his ntoro Saturday
afternoon anil evening.
Tho Episcopal Guild wilt Imvc a
food wile al Odonnoll'H market Sat
urday morning, Oct. 28.
Al Hill has wild his interest in tho
Star Theater to Edd Newman anil
loft Saturday for Sumnor. Wash.
Martin Hnllmyor came in from
his I'rlnglo Finis homestead hint
weok to moot his family from
Hunting door after Nov. 1, when
the oH)ii season ends, will ho un
lawful. Tho duck Reason extend
to Feb. IB.
Rev. II. 0. Perry. Methodist
district fltiperintendont, will hold
first ((uarterly conference hero next
Tuesday owning.
Mrs. Ma7o Iickwood bought Innt
week lot 10. block 10, Park Addi
tion, of Thu Bond Co. and will build
n bungalow Hoon.
Tlio first hiHiirnnru payment on
thu Hond Htroot lire watt mudo
yostordny to Carmody Bros, hy the
Springfield Fire & Marino Co.
A. Bollotalh and family and Peter
Gordon and family of Pennsylvania
have arrived In Hond on their way
to homoHteadu In the southeast
1 country.
J. N. anil H, C. Koalts, who have
1 240 acres of Irrigated land six miles
east of town, arrived last week from
Mnyvlow, Wash., to Improve their
With electric current availablo
during the, day, tho Pond Steam
Laundry has begun ironing with
1 electric Irons. Four nro now In uso
and otliora will bo put in shortly.
M. McFi'o, tho railroad contractor,
was a Bond visitor last week.
Mrs. J. H. SIihum; left yesterday
for Portland to mjwiiiI several weeks.
K. F. llnsiott Hied Saturday on a
honiostead in the Hampton Valley.
Mrs. Sauford Schultz and the
MiivHts Schultz were Hond visitors
.1. 1). Davidson went out to his
Powell Hutte ranch Sunday to spend
a few days.
Allen Thomiwon has bought lot
10, block IK, Deschutes Add" f
L. C. Whltted.
J. W. McClure has Ju
pletcil a new house for hii
tho west side of the river.
Assistant Depot Agent
Hrown has bought fiom T
Co, lot I), block 11, on Horn
W. . Lloyd of Portlani
Monday und Tuesday here at
the losses in the recent lion
Judge II. C. Fills tment ye'
and today in Prineville ati
Uie sessions of the Hoard of
Georgu It. Hulls of Iiidla
final commutation proof
homestead before CnmiiiMiinnur
Fills Saturday.
W. II. Kiger and wife of Albany
arrived Sunday to take up their
residence on Mr. Kigor'H homestead
to tho southeast.
Four men took tho examination
given by Supervisor J. Hoy Harvey
Monday and yesterday for positions
of assistant forest rangers.
Mrs. L. Ulrich, who has boon
visiting her ulster, Mrs. Frank
Uennett, left yesterday morning for
her homo at Jacksonville, Ore.
Mrs. A. I). EstolKinot and children
loft Monday for Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs, W, C. Hrcdenhagen
will occupy tho house vacated by
them at Third street und Hawthorno
The open season for trout fishing
will end on Oct. III.
I. Segal of thu Red Crot Drug
Store came up Sundav from M minus.
II. H. Could ami II. J. Overturf
attended court in Prineville this
M. S. lMn and J. S. Parminter
purchased lot 2, block 22, of The
Hem! Co., Saturday.
Walter Taylor was In town
several days lost weok from his
homestead near held.
'- -mi Mrs. A W. Dimlck
..e. . - 'l'0 nrrived
bust week fro'm Oklahoma, have
bought lot 2. block IB, Park Addi
tion, of The Hond Co.
C. M. Hicham, Miss Hess Rich
ards, Miss Modora Steele and Ward
II. Coble left Monday by auto for
Portland, going by Tho Dalles.
Tho October Gorthwcst News,
published at Philadelphia by North
west Townslto Co., contains a long
and well wiitten artlclo on Hond,
with several Illustrations.
A party consisting of Mr.- and
Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Morris Lara, A.
M. Pringlo. Clyde M. McKay nnd
Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Halrd drove to
Silver Luko in two autos Saturday,
returning Sunday owning. Thoy
went on a duck hunting trip.
I). A. Boyd left Sunday morning
for Seattle. Ho will return In a
few days and start work on tho
stone building he will erect at Bond
street nnd Greenwood avenue.
Lost week K. It. Post sold n 480
aero relinquishment near Harney
Holes to Dr. Itossln of Alaska and
two relinquishments in the Wagon
tire country, in Ijiko county, to two
South Dakota farmers.
Itev. I I. Gorby of Chicago
nrrived last week to look over this
city as a field for a Presbyterian
church He preached Sunday morn
ing nt the church nnd in the evening
In tho hall over the postolllco.
C. It Cartrell and family arrived
Friday niht from Walla Walla to
make their home here. Mr. Cart
rell has a homestead to the south
east. I lis family will spend the
winter in Bend so the children can
Ihj in school.
Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Morgun were
visitors last week In Bend from
Goldendale. Wash. They were
favorably impressed with the town,
and Mr Morgan bought lot 7, block
B, Wnll and Kentucky streets, of
Tho Bend Co.
W. B Schaffer und John H.
Btttner arrived In Bend Friday
night from Newcastle, Pa. The
Pennsylvania Ball road sold them
tickets through to Bend nnd they
came in from Opal City on u work
truin Friduy night. They will prob
ably make their home here.
The Ijira-Thompson piano contest
is getting more lively every day
Tho feature lost week wns the entry
of Miss Gertrude Market as a con
tcstant, with -11)51 votes nt Sntur
day's count. The next highest
candidates are Olgu Johnson with
2812. Iva West with 2097 and Mrs
J. II. Wennndy with 2027.
Patrons of the Bend-Silver Lake
stage route will regret to learn of
tho departure of Mr. and Mrs. II
0. Snow from the Summit stage
station for their homosteud ut Fort
Itock. Mrs. Snow's has been the
most popular eating place on the
route in the past. Aider) I). Wright
will have charge of the station In
the future. Silver Lake Ixrnder.
AiiimiiY union rs.
Lot $10 cosh and $10 n month.
Fasten & Bean Realty Co., Agts. tf
167 a Day th Ltatt Mrs. HulchlmCan
Spind CtU $2,500 a Month.
Mrs Itoto Keeling llutrhlns of
Washington nittl JUT a da; ut the
loweM tlcurp on whleb n tnlillonnlre's
wife iiiuld live proerly Tills tlKur
wan nrrhed nt when Mr llutcblm
petitioned tin equity court fur content
to utilize her 1.000 n mouth nllotvucre
for "plti money " She insisted ttiui the
allownnce mnde by hir linullil hus
band whs altogether too small to mwl
her expenses und submitted nu Iti'in
lied table of expenditures to prove her
cotitenlloti. The prluelpul lit am fur
the month ore
Serumts. I'JIS: nuto. Ihery nnil
hniinVur. $-'".. milk. $.10; nrk.etiu.
ero ere- mid wine. f.T.0. ivv rnit.
fill, inuxle. $1.; coiifwiloiierjr. $..
Iiiirttx $1.'.. Iheslpr MiUetH o; kiiiii
uut eluli dm. $.: slher liitiininro. f.
iiiHHHHce. $.. dniKK ami tultet urtli let.
fill. lloHors, f 15: 1'lranlnc elutheH. fan
Ithjulrlsnt. $'.'.. doiitUt. f.'; inttt-lliiK.
$50: rlotliliiK for Mrs Iliiti-lilut. $:too.
rent Hiimnier cottape. 5110. relit I'arlt
npsrtmeiit. $110; taxes on lurl aimrt
mciit. $15. Itoobt. $'J; iiiIk'oIIhuiiiu.
HM. total. JIM Hi
In lev of thl doounu'iitsry evl
dome It wn nt'ommenileil hy I.iml
A Dent, auditor of Hie Dlttrlot su
preme ourt. that the allowance Ik' In
reaod to J'.!M0 a inniith. tail with
the IuJiiih lion that Mrs. IIut lihi
nitrt nil liiiiitehnld expenditure. In
"liullnn the medlrnt exiH-nJo atti'liilain
n her tiiHlwiid'H Illness.
; When Quality Is the Some, You Will Invariably Find Our
Prices the Lowest.
ant $23,000,000 From Unci 8am For
Lands Wrongfully Takan.
The full blood CheroUee Imllnni ore
ireparliiK to luntlKute u suit SKtiluRt
tie fulled 8tntea Riiri'miucnt for J-.
sHi.OOO. That sum the fhorokees say
U due them for property rlchts mitt
money dl4HmltHl by the Koenuueiit
nnd paid to white nnd necroet who
were nut ChoroktH's In tlif lust W
The leader of the marement Mr
Susan Similiters of St. Louis, u tluee
Htuirter IiKhuI Cherokee, sixty six yean
old and blind In the action the inaj. r
It) of the more procre-wlte of tho
Cherokee take no part, being convlui
el that i lie suit will bo In mi In.
The principal claim or the Italians I
fur land In the CheroUee nation which
li i been allotted Io ueproe known an
freedmen and to the whiles who have
married Into the tribe. There are
I.UK) neKroe who have heeu Ktvvn al
lotments la the Clierokeo nation.
When thu Clierokoes went to the
Indian Territory from Georgia In 1833
to 183(1 they took many negro slnxes
with them. Theso thoy kept tho same
as white bIuvo ownora until the close
of tho civil war, At tho tlmo or tho
war most of tho Cbcrokccs Joined the
Confederacy, and when tho emancipa
tion of tho Blnvea was declared tho
government decreed that the sin " of
the ludlans should not only b d,
but should share In all Iho trlbu. , .op
rty of tho nutlon.
Your attention Is called to a few items that are always needed
around the house and we defy competition, knowing that our
prices are nlways lowest when quality is considered. Our con
stantly Increasing husincss requires a steadily growing stock and
you will find the "high cost of living" materially reduced by
trading here. Here are a few items:
60-in. Pure Linen Damask Table Cloth
-new floral patterns an eye-opener
at this price per yard
Highest Grade Oil Cloth every yard guaranteed superior In
finish and durability, only per yard . 30c and 25c
Imitation leather Chair Seat, tufted, pretty and very durable
others have charged 30c each; our price, each only 15c
Chair Seats perforated wood 10c ond J 5c
Handsome Glass Water Pitchers others charge 7fic; iur price
only 55c
Glass Water Pitcher extra heavy glass, Colonial Btyle, only 65c
China Salad Howls beautifully decorated Ext. bargain at 35c
"The Same Goods for Less Money."
I s Bend growing? The
teachers of the local school
think so, basing their belief on
the number of new pupils
entering school each week.
Monday morning 12 reported
to be assigned to classes, and
Supt. Shouse had to make a
run on the furniture stores for
chairs to seat them. During
the last four weeks 33 new
pupils have enrolled at the liend
school. Many new families arc
coming here each week to make
their homes, and still they
come, from every Part of the
United States.
Two Literary Societies May Be Form
ed In High School Boys Practice In
Handling Fire Apparatus, (Jetting
j Water Turned on In One Minute
C. 5. Hudson's Idea of TurnUhlng Hogs
to Partners Undursed Hy Breeders
The idea which originated with
C. S. Hudson of having the First
National Bank nlace brood sows
with farmers, taking their notes for
the hogs, not only met with much
favor among the Crook county
ranchers, but has attracted atten
tion throughout the state. At a
recent meeting of the Oregon Pure
Bred Association, a resolution was '
adopted commending the plan and '
urging that it be carried out by
other Oregon backers. The resolu-!
tion, in Kirt, roads:
"Resolved, That this association!
give its fullest support to the furn- j
ishing of breeding sow3 to furmors
throughout the state, nnd whereas
we fully endorse the offer made by
the First National Bank of Bend,
Oregon, in which thoy oiler to furn
ish breeding sows to their commun
ity nt cost, taking their note for
same nt one year, giving the farmer
time to turn the hogs into money '
before note matures, nnd we re
quest that this association advise1
each of its members of this offer
willi the recommendation that they
ask their own local banker to make
the same offer." i
Friday afternoon was held the
third program in the Bend High
School and was well rendered. The
following students took part:
Declamation. Loyd Kelley; essay,
"Boy Scouts of America," Ruth
Caldwell; book review, Ethel Spin
ing; recitation, Fay Deyarmond;
short story. Clarence Sathcr; dis
cussion, "Will the population of
Bend ever exceed 5000?" yes, Hazel
Thorson, no, Arthur Vandevert.
There has been some talk of
forming two literary societies In the
High School. If this should be done,
the two would alternate In giving
programs and have an average of
two a month.
Last Wednesday, during the
morning recess, was held a hose
buckling contest. It took the boys
a little over a minute to fasten the
hose together and have the water
turned on. This is good practice
for the boys for, should the school
house catch afire, it would be some
time before the department could
appear on the scene.
Fouu Bahukrs (every one skilled)
now required to serve the many
patrons of the Innes & Davidson i
barbershop. You'd better join the
throng of pleased clients of this
shop. I
Pltnts and Froit.
A Rwodlsti InitanM' ti.t propounded
a new theory to ccpluln the WIIIIiiuj
action of fnxt on plantu us well a the"
fact that certain plants e'np dim
nj;e when others are destroyed. He
observed that xurh plnam rnt rem
tlum and viola, wbleh mirvlve the hv
vere winter of Swelen. time the
starch In their leaven replaced dtirlw;
the cold eason by sugar lie then
found that In plants whli h do not km
sous thl ieeullarlty lop U formed In
tho interstices between the relln and
tho water Is withdrawn from the cell
sap. When the water H extrneted the
proteins In the cells pax out of solu t
tlon with disastrous effects. But 11 '
sugar Is present the proteins remain
In solution until a much lower tem
perature Is reached. .
All Kinds
We would bo
pleased to
show you
our line.
Wo would le
pleased to
show you
our line.