The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 25, 1911, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 33
Mayer of I. mile Long Will He Sen
tenced tomorrow Robinson on Trial
lor Kllllnjc McCnlllster Number of
llend Caicson Docket Dlajxiaeil o(
I'iiini:vii.i.i:, Oro., Oct. 2f. J.
I. Itlloy. who Hhot mill killed Ijulo
Ixing. tlio prize lighter, was con
victed of manslaughter in tin Clr
outt Court Mnnilny. Sentence will
1 10 iironouncod tomorrow. Tlio
iniinslnughtor penally In from one
to liftccii years In tlio penitentiary.
Tlio grand Jury brought u true 1111
against Riley for munlorin tlio first
Tin1 ease against Krnost Robinson
fur killing I-ewls .McCiillistor In now
mi trial. Ilitrtl work lit being had
getting " jury.
Tlio following cases front llotul
woro of:
lironrn I). Fox vh. Allwrtn K.
Fox. illvorco granted. Vornon A.
Forbes, nttomoy for iliilntlir.
Rene Wont vh. Mary I). Atkinson
anil l. II. Caldwell, judgment
given plaintiff for $200. with Interest
and altornoy Jfoos, on promissory
nolo. ('. S. Benson, attorney for
John Stoldl vh. A. I). Morrill and
5 C t'alilwcll. Involving tltlo to
tract of Intnl oast of Auhroy llutte.
takon under advisement by court.
C S. Benson anil II. S. Wilson, at
tornoyH for plaintiff.
S. C. Caldwell vh. Thomiw Triplott
ami Naomi Triplutt.
settlement having boon nmlo. Coble
6 Sumrall, attorneys for plalnlliT.
Bertha II. Itowloo vh. Frank C.
Rowleo, for illvorco. will hu tried In
Wasco county court, pniers not
having Ix-un served on ilofomlnnt.
Cohlo & Sumrall. attornoya for
V. I). HarriH vh. Ida Harris, for
illvorco, roforreil to (I. K. Kills,
notary public, ltcnd, to tako tostl
mony. Vernon A. Fnrbos, nttornoy
for plaintiir.
M. S. Ijittln vh. Fred A. nnd
draco K. Ilunnoll unil S. J. Sponcor,
plniutitr took judgment anil case
was settled. V. A. Forbes, attornoy
for plaintiir.
Hector Merchant vh. Kdward II.
WillianiH. action for balanco of $711
on contract for clearing land; ver
dict of $10 glum. C. S. Houhou,
(roniliuiiil on lunt ixifii.)
I'nrm train l!iiilppcil for Heat Demon
ulriillnii KemiliK,
Tho 0-W. II. & N. Co.'m funning
ilomouKtifillun train which will be
In llend Nov. 'I, for tho benollt of
tho farmers of this community, will
consist of four earn. Kadi will bo
i'uipped to ilomotiHlrnto to the
ranchoiH tho best methods of farm
ing, Htock and poultry raising.
In one car will bo seeds of various
kinds, selected by cxortH who will
tell tho farmorH what kind of wed
to plant to obtain the bcHt roHultn.
Another car will bo filled with tho
bcHt bred livestock hogs, dairy
cowh, etc. Poultry housed and
enrod for iih they should bo will till
tho third car, and in tho fourth will
bo varloiiH Implements needed for
obtaiuiiiK the hcit crop roHiiltM.
The train will nirlvo hero at H:.'KI
tho morning f tho '-'nil. remaining
till 12:1111 p. m. Farmer anil their
families are Invited ami urged by
the railroad to visit the train, see
the demonHtratlotiH and conHtilt with
the nine iiiHlructorH from tho Ore
gon Agricultural CoIIoku who ae
company it.
! j
Both Roads Will Inaugurate Traffic To
Bend On Same Day Schedules Not
Yet Announced Tariff Sheets Out
Regular freight and passenger trafllc over tho Oregon Trunk
OoHchutoH Railroad will Imj Inaugurated Into Bond next Wednesday, Nov.
I. TIiIh wnH tho announcement of Supt. J. I'. Rogers, who wan in Bend
yesterday insisting tho track and ynrdB. Ho loft yoHtorday afternoon
and will work out a train Hchodulo upon IiIh arrival at I'ortland, ho Raid.
Mr. Rogers wan accompanied by J, Lindsay, sujierintondont of bridges
and buildings.
Tho tariff sheets of the Oregon Trunk and Deschutes roads were re
ceived in Bend Monday, giving tho rates on freight between I'ortlnnd
and all points on the new lino Into Central Oregon. Tho charges on
both linos are tho Mime.
With the Inauguration of freight mirvlce bore next week, the ex
pense of haul by wagon will be oliminnlud, making a big reduction in
tho cost of merchandise. Tho following table will show the wiving from
what it cost to got freight by rail to Opnl City and from there by wagon:
Claw nit oh in cents per 100 pounds.
State Will I'lace 100,0(10 l!
Itruuk Pry In Dcschutea Hero
Tlio watorn of tho Deschutes
River, altliough already full of Dolly
Vnrdons and redsldos. are to Ihj
stocked with more fish, making the I
Hlream an oven greater paradise for
the angler. Through tho oflTorUi of '
tho Commercial Club, State Came
Warden W. L. Flnley ban allotteil
100,000 Fngllsh brook trout fry to
llend, to bo placed in tho river here.
These young fish woro hatched at a ,
SUtto hatchery, and will lie i
hero iih noon aa freight trallic is '
begun. F. W. Robinson, general i
freight agent nf tho O-W. It. &. N., '
hiui notified Mr. Finloy that free.
trantiHrtntlon will bo furnished '
over the company's lino for tho fish.
A. O. Hunter and J. t! Sawlilll Invited
to Speak to I'oftlamlera. I
A. O. Hunter and J. K. SawhIII, !
Bond'H llvo wire boontoni, nro Ini
I'ortland tixlay to innko talks at tho
wi-okly luncheon of tho AdmonH
Club. A Central Oregon program
wiih arrangi-! for the meeting and
invitations wont reproMjntativoH of,
this part of tho state to tako part. '
Mr. Sawhlll will talk on "Hog and
Potatoes." J. W. Brewer of Bed
uiond will also NH-ak at tho luncheon.
Ot'it Link of olllco huppIIom will
bo clo4d out at coHt to make room
for other goods. The Bulletin.
'y 1 2 :i -I G A B C D E
Opal City I 102 87 71 01 j SI I f.l 4lhiT 20 I 20
Benil I IS) I 101 8 71 1 00 I 00 I -18 I 'M I .'Q I nT
Q,d"ci"y "Yten.1 0B 1 Cr 1 Gr I Cfi 5 1 C0 ' fifi 1 Cu 1 C5
iiSii to itni"" 1 '" 1 "i j ca 68 no I go I r8 j oo j ci ci
Of courso, tho old Shaniko rates
were much higher thun tho Opal
City rates, ho tho exicnne of getting
in freight after tho 1st will bo far
low than what it was a year ago. It
will no'v bo K)iwlblo to receive goods
in carload lota, which will further
cut down the cost of the articles
Inid down hero. Express charges
will bo cut nearly in half, iw tho
wagon haul has In many cases been
nioro from tho railroad tcrtnlnun to
Bend than from tho original ship
ping point to rail destination.
Whether or not railway mail
service will bo Inaugurated to Bond
next Wednesday is not known yet.
Postmaster Minor wrote tho
ollico department the first of tho
month that tho railroad had reached
Bend, but ho has had no notice of
any change from tho old routing by
Mrs. Sanford SchulU of Cow
Canyon has Ioiim.i1 tho (luerin house
and on Nov. 1 will open a II rat clasw
hotel. It will bo known as The
Motintainview. M r s. Schultz's
house on the old Shaniko road was a
favorite stopping place for tho
traveling men, and Tho Mountain
view will likely prove to bo n popu
lar inn in Bond.
1'rlnovillo to Culver.
There Ib no letup In the activity
in tho local yards. Clearing of the
roundhouse grounds, grading of tho
spur to tho Hour mill, erection of
water tank and building of the
passenger station continue, a largo
force of men boing at work. The
stool for tho water tank Is now up.
The pipeline between the main track
and uldotrnck is now in and n ditch
is boing opened for another one
west of tho depot. While blasting
for tho former ditch lost week, a
largo rock fell on the temporary
depot, crashing through the roof
and floor and doing considerable
Agent Corbott has not yet re
ceived schedule of passenger fares,
but tho charge to I'ortland will bo
about $7.85, tho distance being
201.7 miles.
Many People U II Ituy In llend If Mer
chant make Proper InductmeM.
That many people living in the
large district to tho south and south-
caul or Menu will Ho their trading
here if the merchants give thorn the
proper Inducement In tho way of
prices, is evidenced by a number of
letters received by the Commercial
Club and local business men tho
past few weeks. People living as
much as 126 miles away have written
asking quotations on groceries and
other goods. The W. C. McCuiston
Co. a few days ago received a letter
asking for prices on flour by tho
half ton and other staples in largo
quantities. Low rates have been
(uotod, in an effort to draw trade
to Bend. With this town as tho
railroad terminus for the interior,
local merchants have an opportunity
to capture the trade of a largo
territory by making their prices
In honos of Mlssos Medorn Steele
and Bobs Richards, a dinner party
was given Saturday evening by
Misses Edith Eastoa and Sara Perry,
at the Perry home. Decorations of
autumn leaves and red and white
were used. Those present, in addi
tion to guosU of honor and hosts,
were Mrs. A. M. Pringle, Bon Saw
bridge. E. B. Ioomis, I). M. Davis
and Ward 11. Coble.
A young man having applied to a whohmale
Iiouho for a position recently found hiinnolf before
tho mnnagor for examination. "Have you u bank
account?" was his first nuuHtion. "I have," wiih
tho reply. "IaiI mo seo your bank book," was tho
next request. After glunclng over It and noting
tho long list nf regular, though small deposits, ho
said: "Young man, you are engaged, and I want
to compliment you on your saving ability. I always
insist upon employing only men who havo the good
hoiiho to sayo their money." Wo invito; every
young man in this community to open an account at
this bank.
The Deschutes Banking & Trust
Company of Bend, Oregon
"Conservative Banking for Conservative People."
I,. II. HAIIU), (President) J. W. MASTUUS, (Vice Incident)
1. O, MINOH, (Secretary)
h. D. BAWD, 1'. O. MINOR, S. V. DAIRD,
Full Stock of
You Will Always
Find Mere
The kind Hint has been sold to
for 08 Years.
Ik'foie Yon Buy Hardware See
N. P. Smith
Many Lots Have Keen Sold During
I'att lew Weeks.
Local real estate men report sales
of town property quite active dur
ing the past few weeks. The Bend
Co. has disposed of a number of
residence loU in Center and Park
Additions, as well as several busi
ness lots. During the past six
weeks the Eastes & Bean Realty Co.
has sold more than CO lots in River
side an I Lytic Additions. Steidl &
Tweet, who have the water fran
chise for that part of town, have
their water wheel set and are ready
for the laying of water mains. This
work will be started as soon as
freight trafllc is begun to Bend, a
carload of piping being on the way.
An experienced man will come from
I'ortland to have charge of the lay
ing of the mains.
J. C. Fowlle Fired on Twice Last live
ning by Drunken Man, Dylnjc This
Morning at The Oallea Hospital
Slayer Is Taken Into Custody.
Col. Sokleski's lecture this even
ing at Linster's Hall is the first of a
series of five entertainments, to be
given about once a month this
winter, under the ausplcoa of the
Whatsoevcrs.' Season tickets are
$2. Reserved seats may bo had
without extra charge at Tlio Palm,
on Wall street. Single tickets are
50c and 75c and can only be pur
chased at the ticket window the
evenin'g of tho entertainment. Doors
nro oiwn at 7:15 p. m. and the
lecture begins at 8 p. m.
The Bulletin's classified ads
bring results. If you have anything
for Nile or want to buv. use n
Bulletin classified ad. It costs but
little. tf
SllANlKO, Oct. 25J.C.I-'owHc,
cashier of the Eastern Oregon Bank
ing Co.'s bank hero, was shot and
mortally wounded by Del Howell
early last evening, dying this morn
ing at -1 o'clock in a hospital at The
Dalles where he was taken immedi
ately after the shooting by special
Howell was very drunk at the
time of the shooting. He met the
banker on the street near Wilson's
drug store, and seeing his condition,
Mr. Fowlie said: "Del, you'd
better go home and go to bed."
Without further provocation, It Is
said, Howell drew a pistol and shot
the banker twice.
Howell was immediately arrested.
He is married and has two children.
Mr. Fowlie leaves a wife and one
Al Howell of Bend is a brother of
Del Howell. Billi. Howell, another
brother, makes his home here part
of the time.
Odd Fellows hold; Enjoyable Meeting
Rebekah Lodge to lie Formed.
The Odd Fellows' social meeting
Monday night, to which were In
vited the wives and lady friends of
the members, was largely attended
and a pleasant evening was spent
by those present.
A few minutes were devoted to
discussing the advisability of organ
izing a Rebekah lodge here, and it
was decided application would be
made for a charter.
Progressive whist playing was In
dulged in for some time, after which
supper was served. Following this
there was dancing.
Rev. I. I. Gorby will preach Sun
day morning at tho Baptist
church. His subject will be "A
Man of Right Spirit." Rev. M. W.
Weaver will be away, speaking at
Sisters. At the Baptist church in
the evening there will be a union
service in charge of the W. C. T. U.
There will be special music.
! I Cf) (3D
' i I" Bl-1. KrilMni fklXa amI D m1
uae riidL nauuimi Eic&utt.
Wall Street
Or. U. O. OOE. Pr.tld.nt E A. BATHeH. VIC
O 8 HUDSON. C.ihl.r
OaplUI full, paid . . (36,000
Stockholder. Habllltr . . S26.000
8urplu S8 0OO
We Have Money
To Loan on Cattle.
Why not feed your liny and grain to
stock, thereby getting the profit
on both the hay and stock?
J. J. Hill wiys tho fertilizer kept on tho farm by homo
feeding lh worth ono'thlixl of tho vuluo of tho fowl con
bUiiKHl. Our nuw land needs tills fertil'zer.
Funiiers who aro prepared to properly care for cattlo
can obtain tho money from us ou six months.' time utid m
euro n ronowul for an additional olx months if the stock
has had proper attention.
Think It over utid consult us as to tho details.
U. C. COR K. A. SATHrR C. 3. 11UDSQN