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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1911)
a- I ii I Y GOING AT COST! Ladies Waists, Gowns, Corset Covers, UnderwV, Gingham Petticoats. Noth ing in this line reserved. , Winter is Coming but Our Wool Blank ets Will Kcop You Warm. They Go AT COST also. Real Bargains for You. IIAIM1AIN COUNTER. Shoe at, Cost every pair to go nt tlic Uig Ilcdu6lion. E. A. RATHER The Old Reliable. Henri, Oregon. Announcement ( The Jones Warehouse Company , i T Av: .,.,., .-,., I Hi,. ...nitf.iA) rsssBBS' AS scctirril the contract to handle all the Height of the Oregon Trunk imri Deschutes Kailioutls at Ilcnd. The Moody system at Shaniko will he em ployed, and meiehants of Heud and interior towns will get their shipments without inconven ience. Have your freight con signed in eare of o R LAND RULINGS IMPORTANT DECISIONS RECENTLY MADE Secretary of the Interior Drcldcsl'nlnts uf Law In lloincatead and Other Cane! Some of till Opinion uf Interest Here JONES ,Ioue.s Warehouse Co., Cleo. A. Jones, Manager, Henri, Oregon. MINUTES Q AND THEN SOME At last a Cylinder Record which will play from four to five minutes, and which is at the same time Practical and Unbreakable is an accomplished fart. Columbia Indestrudible Cylinder Records 50c They (it ANY MAKE of phonograph or graphophone, tliey play the complete selection -in the clearest, most bril liant tone you ever heard and they never break and never wear out! "The only l-minute records that are right." Now Numbers Issued Every Month. Call la and Hear Thorn. Red Cross Drug Store Bend, Oregon JllfwMWWj"iLMJj""''""B The following taw point relating to lioinimtunii ami desert land ontrlus huvo recently licon decided by the Secretary of tho Interior: .Sottlemenl uiion land while It is covered by the entry of another conferH no on cancelation of tho entry oh UKulnst the (iovernment. The Government HkIiLh under any valid withdrawal at once attach to the exclusion of any nettlement or other riidit initiated while such entry wait of record. The homestead law in n donation of public land conditional utton the performance of certain acts. Its purposo is to establish agricultural hoine.i on the puhlic domain, and, in case of the death of the entry man, the widow or helm should proceed at once to cultivate during the proper season of each year and improve the land, and continue nucIi cultivation and improvement for Mich iHirlod of time an, when added to the time during which the en try man had complied with the law, would make compliance for the full period required by the Mtatuto. Citing SchcHiley vs. Heirs of Vttr iniin CM L. 1)., 15). Where Until proof on h dusort land entry bus been rejected by thu ('(miiiMoiiur of thu General I-hikI Ollice and pHil in taken to the Secretary of the Interior, accom imnlod by iiflldnvitM submitting new proof, uhlcli had not Iteen consider by the Comtuiiwiotier, the com will lie rutnandud again to the Commiss ioner for adjudication upon the new recortl. The law require merely an an nual expenditure to the requisite nmount in good faitli for purposes of reclamation. It doos not require the ilntt or any other annual proof shall effect reclamation, but the ex penditure must he necessarily in tended to effect it, nnd the recla mation must te effected within the time nllowed. Citing Stevenson vs. Scharry (3 L. I)., J7f ) . Mere ex lendlture to a required amount cannot be accepted us compliance with the law, but the reasonable value of the work done in the cri terlon, not the amount the entry man claims to lmve"VH)nded for it Citing Hradluy vs. Vasold (3G I,. I)., HMi). When nn entryman under the Timber nnd Stone Act fails to sub mit final proof on the day fixed therefor in the public notice, or within ten days thereafter, his timber and stone sworn statement ceases to have any effect to reserve thu land from other disposition. Subsequent application to rendvor tlse, made after the withdrawal of the land, must be held subject to the conditions of that withdrawal. Citing Kdilh Curtis 3!l I,. I).. 285). When two applications to contest nre filed in the local Land Office simultaneously, tho one which was sworn to first will hive priority. Thu term "vein or lode" does not mean merely n typical fissure or contact vein, but, rather, any partly defined zone or belt of mineral boaring rock in place. To consti tute a valuable discovery upon a claim for which patent is sought there must bo actually nnd phys ically exposed within the limits thereof u vein or mineral bearing lode in place, possessing in and of itself a present or prospective value for mining purposes; and before patent can bo projierly issued or allowed thereon, thnt fact must bo shown in the manner above stated. ZEBRAS IN AFRICA. I 1AKBIRIZi:S AT FAIR 1 Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Shrinor at tended tho county fair at Prinovillo lost week and brought homo three first prizes and ono second on tholr. Scotch colllo dogs. Four were entered, three taking blue ribbons und Uio other a red ribbon. Thy Ar a Pagrful Pitt and a Mtnae to Clvllliatlon. Slirnw In Afrlcn nro n nuUniico nnd n fiiciinco to civilization, nrcordlnit to John 'I' McCiiicheoti In "lluntliiK Ad venture In tho IIIk Ohiiio Country." lie snys: Then there' tho tibhiultotM zebrn, almost mm numerous nn tho koiiKoul. You t'nt herds of rtbrns nt innuy jiIhcch iilont; the rnllway. and (hero after, n you run in nbout tho lord oIh uf Mint Afrlcn. you nro nlvvnya runnlitK Into herds of them, At llrst thu sight of n herd of seiirns U surprise, for you hnvo been ncctis tomeil to M'eliiK them In tho nmnll numlxT fouiiil In rnptlvlty. It la a aourru of pinodni; wonder thnt thciw rnro niilmnln ahould Imj rtmmltiK nbout the auluirlxt of towns In hundred Iota You decide thnt It would be n shnrae to ahool n T.clirn nnd dctcrmlno not to Join In thin licnTtlcsa alnuchtcr Ijilor on your sentiments will un dergo n chnnnit. nverylody will tell you Hint the worn la n fenrful pent and limit be exterminated If clvlllm tlon nnd progress arc to continue Tho tebrn la nlmoluti-ly naa, nnd effort to domifiilentu him hnve Ixs'ii without good rcfiulti He trnnipa over the plnliiM, brenk down fence, tear up tho cultivated fields nnd really fuinila no rnlNMou In life save that of utipply ItiK tlw IIoiih with fo-xl. A.4 Iouk as the zehma atny tho Hon will ho Dure, hut the aettlera anya thnt the llona are even prefernhle to tho rehrna. Under the old jntme ordinance cxiilr liiK DeeenitxT 1.1. IPOO. n aiHirtamnu wna nllowed two lelirnn under his llrrnw1 ruder tho new ono he la nl lowed twenty! Thnt revcnla the atti tude of ill pi I Afrlcn toward the Jaunty little atrlped liy. My Restaurant IH TIIK ONLY 1'I.ACB IN I1KNI) THAT IH Open All Night SHORT ORDERS QUICK SERVICE Sandwiches and Lunches a Specialty. E. J. ROGERS. Printers Attention. We have for sale n second hand Challenge 10 inch paper cutter. Big bargain. The IJend Bulletin, tf Takk Youh Sunday dinner at the Hotel Bend. Chicken served. 25tf O BOI0 YOUR iOTijrf : THE TONIC OF VICTORY. Army 8urgeom Say It Aett Almost at an Antithetic. Itotinelle. n Trench army surceon. wrltixi In the l'ri-c Mtlleale of the extrHonllimry IndllTereuce to tho wln of operation tunnlfeiteit by the soldiers of NaxUiii while the enwt conqueror wan awifplug vletorloudly over nunie While the defeated wldler la full f iHMStnary terrors, iiuhjwt to punlc. ntmtiiewt and trwaon. the conquernr. on the other hnnd. Ik Ititi xlratnl Willi mie eeaa. s the New York Mwlleal tirtirnal. Nothing, not even the morliltlc itik'rolM. can relt troojM wtw believe ilieiniH-hen to In Invincible. Victory h th inct powerful of re Htnrathe ami deeint of huhimI holler. I.n.'lea meilT! of Hie old guard erondeil Into an n mini la nee ivootd at alglit of the emjwror rte on their ftuinp4 to Mlute him. After Kyliiu Ijinvy jertil unlnterriiptiMly for thlrty-xlx hour, ami ho reports tiow the MiMler mviiiiiI unconw Ions of their . ti irooMi". Imt In thoucht of the clory of their lewder, nnd. uuitmetl n they were, leiiillni; tholr best aid to fel low pttleulrt. At lloniIlni I.nrrey dhwrtlculfited tin ahotllder of n colonel, who Imiuedl nifty f"t out tr I'miice ou foot, where he nrrlvcd after threi inontUi wnlklui;. After fonllns the Herexlim. a rher In ttnxKlu. (,'eneral Znyonchefc. seenty the ycrn olit. had his kneecap almt te'isl by n bullet. Anipiitiitlon wnn per formal In threo minutes In n violent snowstorm nnd In bitterly cold weather. et the white haired olllcer wsa placetl In n altslc" ami taken to Vlliw. where Ih dhnl at the Ke of elghty-alx years. Many dlmllar Miieoilot(H are told by our civil war vetemut. Acre Tract Eaates nnd Bean Realty Co. will offer for sale for one week be ginning Monday, the Oth, Pilot Butte Heights Acre Tracts, all in cultivation. Put Your Duds flii Engine For Sale. A two-horse power Fair-banks-Morse gasoline engine for sale nt a bargain. Is in first class shape, docs good work and has given no trouble whatever. Has been In light service for one year. Desire to replace with an electric motor, to lower insurance and because greater power is wanted. THE BEND BULLETIN. In Our Suds." Telephone ns nnd we'll eall for your bundle and i deliver it. , Bend Steam .Laundry ' HEM), OHECON The Buckley Express Co. DAILY SERVICE between railway points and Bend. Careful atten tion given to Stage, Ex proas and Fast Freight Busi ness. Bend agents Wenandy Livery Co. DAILY STAGE SCHEDULE Arrive Bend 10 n.m. Leave Bend 12 m. NO STOPS G.U.Janata The Tailor. First Class Workmanship Correct Styles Best Material. Fitting, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Wall street, Bend, Ore. Photographic Portraits That Please at the ' Seward & Robideau Studio Bend, Oregon The WHITE IS KING Stupid Fish. rrofeior llsrold ltuell. the I.on don zooloKl-it, will have none of the IKipulnr yarns nlmut the wonderful thine llh will do when put to It lie says they nro ihsif. dumb and vlr tunlly color blind. Vhen the en ous stone nre ti ken out of the eiirs of Hull they loo nil houko of equilibrium ( and roll Mtmiit If ersxy. Most HkIi hunt their fxd by only defective slhh:. but the win by oiou more de fective smell. A conger wl with which I'mfesHor ltns.ell experlmeiited detomisl with (he nmiiic HVldlty (Nil domnl with cheese, rtiicluvy. i-nuiphor hplrlt. turpoutiiio mid Imlofonn. Wh.r. W. Aim. WIUiHtn Heiui MoHcllrt in one of U'.s tnlks nltout llteroture nutd: "tlinnl lit erttture li nIwh.vs condi'inmil on lt first PH,ranee. llmt Is becatme. beltu: orU'lnnl. It Is new nnd stnilitfe. Shel ley's work wits bitterly ctnideiuned nt flrM So wiit rolerldce's. So wtisWoril worth's. So was Stephen Crone's Mr. Ilowells uuised. then sdited I in prrssvel.v. "Stoiuw Hre only thntwn ut tluwe irees whhh nre lnvivy wlih fruit." The Frtll,Rock. Cilbitiltnr N often uiiletl n Iwrren rock, jet It hut -I,il s oclet f Indli;--IIOIIS tlowcrtllK plMllts, ('Hsteroll plums dimiriis mid diiphnes utlnln the dU ally of tres nml Korntilum nnd hello tnipes the proportlont of liedKet Thee ilornl delights often comenl enn lion ii i id other nrmniiients. The few Miisket thnt nre found nre smnll und hormUMt, l.lznrds severul Inches Ioiik nro often seen. Ohl "Tho llttlo win of tbo hostess Is mlchty iiuly. Ia't h" "IXt you think soy "IIu cortnlnly doosn't take nfter hts mother. Must look tike hl ritther." "Ills mother Buys he does. I'm bis ftUher." Hountuu Pout. Dancers nro llRht If they onco seem Uclit. nnd more dntiRcrs have deceived nam than forced them. Dacou, ...The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both RO-l TARY o VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue tree. White Sewing Machine Co. 1400 Market Street San Francisco, California.' wjfTnrzz;?' . .!.& hib.Ii .hi ihinvrtahtc aLtAlor.1 ar tut r.-e. IkHiJ iumI'L rkrlrtiM or plurto M tfr Krl4loo for rnCB BCAHOM ra niwri mm tkAttMitahllitv luuk rttvfHM. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNB8 for JOU. Our frvUklUlfllho, hltJHtIH nvl uvo )ruu moatf, Writ UJ)r. D. SWIFT & CO. PATE'IT LAWvrns. L 303 Seventh Et, Washlnoton, D. C. 11WB..I''.V.,HI' ! 1".-.TTr! $295 BUYS THIS HOUSE EVERYTIUNO NEEDED b mipplkJ t thU tamla prtc U th roaUrUl re quired for th coostruction of thU rooJ. cm rooj-loollnc nJ ccmforUU cotUc. Wo or InJrpcndont dcUr not In ny tnut or auocUtion. At thU ronutkablr loir quota tion wo InctuJ all lumbrr, auh and dour, mlllwork. lUlnir. cWllns, flooring-, nana, atalr worV, flnUhlnir lumbtr. wlnJow rranea, door framrs, bulUlas paper. trough ard pips, hardware, aaah weight, painting mater ial, roofing, iUUr board, wall UnU etc. Tho hou. whleh U of aolM. double-eon. truetlon throughout. 1 XWrixSoifc fL In dlmantlon. and U lurprtilnglr roomy aul well arranged. Arthltecta plana, apeclSeatlon and full detail about coutrucUoa an tuppUed. Our frts, folJer, which fell you all about tbi houaa U waiting; f or jrou. Ak for FoUcr K. "ZtUiUli OiiUn" 2230 WctUko An. SEATTIE. U 8, A. STEVENS The STEVENS jVo. 335 Double Harrel llammerless Shotgun s itnmgttt wheru other kuiu nru vtalttt. Tho tnr reli and luj nre tlrop-forjfetl Ii ono piece of lilnh pressure steel. choke bored for nltro jiowdcr with matted rib. 1'lik up thU ctot and fn-1 tho balance of It t-xaiuiuu tlid uptklug ivitta na rtholliimroBiHt nnUIi of detail jou will Mill' a wiuntr. It llt at onlr 1 20.00 and will bo cxtirrtucU nrcnftlil dirtvt from the factory (n cu" you cannot arrureVv I i( through a dra'rr.-Jll SJ M Ait CftUlo J I ",,W WWUM wu- I KfJ i lit Vi I VlJLVJl V U I ,r.itri iflgr - L mIbW .vJ.snvtio auo AjySWU ATOOLCOUTANT -