The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 18, 1911, Image 2

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Owes His Success to the Building of a Home, Because it
Served as an Anchor and Kept Him in a Straight Line.
Ii dealing in this city and with us, you are dealing with values and people with
whom you are acquainted people who are interested in your
welfare because your success means our success.
On and after November 1st. we will advance the price en over 50 per cent of our lots, but for the
next three weeks wo will continue as wo have in the pasL, to givo you your choico of a rcsidenco lot
in any part of Bend at prices far below their real value. If you over want to own a homo in Bend,
now is the time to buy. Terms 5 per cent discount for cash, or easy timo paymonts.
end CompV
Manufacturers of Lumber, Lath and Shingles.
VETERANS' MEETING president; Mrs. Dan It. Smith of 8. . 10. 1.1k 'JO. P-IUnger's mill.. ' e
taidlnw. vice president, and Mit Redmond. $"00. I
Full Account of Recent (lstherlnc w V.t nf uminrv. l.nidlnw Townsite Co. t
The ofiicers elected for 11)12 are:
Walker. It 2. Ilk At. l-nldlnw.
0. (J.
Meld at Laidlaw.
(.ubh.hcdbyKcooe..) ! Commander. John I. WW. Bond; .. 'M ' J?,?,",. " ,,, d , wtf Sf
Thesocond annual .soion of the A(ljutH,u Hrm()n c,Mlk, i.iuW: J lU .lia? li. ,C'
Crook County Veterans A.-ociaHoniQuHrU.rmwlerjC Thorjw. Uid-, iiiio It. Itiluy to OvW W. .
was hold at Laidlaw Saturday. Sept. . ,. Klliy. U , nn,, 2 0. : nvfu mu
23. 1911. This membership take t. tn
Additional Room Secured In Llnster's
Hall and Another Teacher, Mm. K.
At. Sanders, Hmployed Young
School Will Open October JO
Keavion hi Ik-mi on
in all old aoldiors who have served
in Indian, Mexican. Civil or Simninh
war. Confederate soldier ami son.
danghters. wive and widow. The .RETURNS $18 AN ACRE
hold the 1!M2 '' "'"' " ' a,M' w' 'i " 18
pi. iw t..x." I"-I2; 'WH' neu' and e, awW hoc IX
Hag Da. June, , M,( 12.,7.,, 1
The Bend school enrollment has.
reached th 200 mnrk, requiring
additional room and another teacher.
The numbor of pupils is growing
every weok and if this continues
still more room and teachers will be
Monday' morning, by direction of
the School Board at its meeting
Friday evening, Supt. Shouse re
arranged several classes and turned
the overflow pupils over to the new
teacher, Mrs. H. M. Sanders. The
large and woll lighted room under
the stage in Linster's Hall was
rented and Mrs. Sandors took her
class there.
Supt. Shouse informed the school
directors last week that the school
building was becoming so over
crowded that something must be
done. They instructed him to em
ploy another teacher and secure a
room outside the building for the
use of the school.
Half of the seventh grade taught
by Miss Vandevert was turned over
to Miss Troutnor and Misa Trout
ner's fifth grade and half of Misa
Holmes' fourth grade were given to
Mrs. Sanders. She was employed
as a supply for one month and if at
the end of that period her service,
are satisfactory she will be regularly
elected by the School Board. She
ii thoroughly qualified for the
work, holding a life certificate from
Washington State.
The School Board has elected Miss
Ida Young to teach the Young
school, which will open on Monday,
Oct. 30. Director Ray was appoint
ed a committee of one to YJjit the.
.cnooi anu arrange ipr a uuuaing.
old boys met with a glad hadthake
and spent th day in happy reunion.
There are now 40 member which
include veU, wives, sons, daughters
and widows. One of the happy
faced was Mrs. Dan K. Smith of
Laidlaw, a she reverently placed
hor father's silken scarf upon Com
mander West. Hor father, Nathaniel
TibbetU, wore this as lieutenant,
then captain, of Co. A, bth Minne
sota Cavalry, and nfterwards
quartormastor of the regiment.
Miss Iva West of Bend made
every heart throb with warm blood
with hor violin solo, "Vacant
Chair." The old boys gathered
around the organ and sang "March
ing Through Georgia" and other
army songs.
The school children under the
command of Misa Nellie Jamos
marched to the grounds with the
drum and sang "Would You Like to
Know," which was enjoyed by all.
Hon. B. F. Nichols of Laidlaw gave
an interesting address on oarly Ore
gon history. Harmon Cook of Laid
law read a paper concerning the
past and present war interests.
Army talks were given by two
old vcta who had both been prison
ers in Andersonville, J. I. West of
Bend and Commander J. O.-Wilkin
son of Wichita, Kans., now visiting
at Bend. Army stories wore told
by J. H. Oneill, John I. Woat, A.
McAllister, G. W. Shrinor, J. II.
Wood and J. C. Thorpe.
Itosolutidns of respect were adopt
ed concerning the death of J.
Anthony Mitchell, which was the
first death stroke in the littlo band.
A Belief Corps consisting of the
lady mcroberawas organized wjtn
1 .lHAnnn A CliatlniH n$ Tfsvnjl
S.J.Spencer to P. Ii. IHoom,
one-half int in w',i ', w 8-IS-II.
PVcninnt Parmer (let (lood Yield of
Rye Prom Raw Sascbruli I. and
A good indication of uliat the'
Hotel Bend
Corner Uotui and Oregon Sit.
Kates $2 xiikI $2.50 n Day
Concruti Tertt and Dig Qum
Prctict Our Gia Lin.
The itioilerti HMifuaat furl In n Imt-
land of Central Oregon will produce i tery whm km an protected in front
is obtained from the experience of "! H' " etiortiiuii nt..o..inii r i
J. B. Fox of Fremont with his first ' TL T '" ".'" "'''YVT' '
, to th tlr. with sand (iiiiiiali i le
crop of rye. In a letter to C. b. tteet ,,rj.iw before they rem-h ili '
Hudaon, Mr. Fox aays; ' wtn'Mic, mih tin; Kwrlnwrliiir Much-
"I juat want to remark that I xl"- '"'l' ,1,,wn '" "", ""'ri"f "'
i.....:... .I....1..J inn i. .., Uiw lnw liwwH of Html., are plaivd
im jui iiwdHiuu i-w. win iii in (4, ,MK!U,m Hn, oiwrwIliiK PHIIII ri'-
fine sfo'l rye and that the crop oiiin-d for ilu nurlm of the Iwiicriw.
nmounU to $18 an aero. How is Tl'-y nro simply ww lit Nimif. nril
ll,U fr,.r r- ,.r,.n? Pr..,,.nnl'a tMal- " lw N,lr"- 1,,,t nn
Table Always supplied wllh Ilia bast Dial Ilia town affords.
Nent and Comfort nblc Uooms. Bund, Ohik.O.n
rye is the best that ha been
threshed in northern Iike county
yet. It runs from 8 to 1ft bushels."
Accompanying Mr. Fox's letter
were two photos of his haystacks
and of the first threshing machine
In that part of the country at work.
(FuroUheJ liy the Crouk County AU.lrct Cu.)
The Bend Co. to Kate Brummell,
It 10, blk 22, I'ark add., Bend.
J. H. Mendonhall to Jamos S.
Pinnoll, It 1A, blk HO, lledmond.
the i't'rlHtlnic lillU. It h Mlnl ami
iinrrtiiiiy to mllfct Hint In out of tlioito
chv(m, KclntlllntliiK with I lie lilKtuwt
rwourriM of Hclt'tice, iin-ii Htainl on-r
a (IrnwIiiK lonrl nn a lubli1 n tnl prac
llcnlly (wo nnit plot on it Hum every
niovcinciit nml Mion of lint Hlilpt of
a IiohIIIo (li-i't nml flunti forth lo tln
Kiinni'm In ttio opvn riicIi IiihI riict Ioiim
for polntliiK tliclr kiiiih nn I'lKililo tlimn
to limkt- roiiNi-cutlru liiillNcyi'H on n
InrKi-t fl.orx) ynrdii away or from (.-roup
of Kri'nt Iwelvi Inch rifled uinrturx tn
nwUp -17 icr cent of liltn with HwkH
of tiroJocllh'N on (ho deck of n moving
l.irKct nnywheri' within riuiK-
It li viiNtly liiiportmit Hint such
rooniH bo ninth) ah coiiifortnlilu iih pun
nihil for thii Htrnlni'd liiliiinii lulol
IcctH worliliiK out tliclr poiuiiry's th
1iVi I). Wiost ot ux to Jacob i fuimo within thoni. lint to nmki-tlicin
SchwoiUor. Ita 1 and 2. blk 10. comfortiible In n dlllleult probli-m. In
Wiestoria. $10
Redmond Towns! tu Co. U W. H.
Hohbs, Ita 2!) and 21, blk 27, Red
mond. $100.
I-lward White to Hampton M.
Butler, m'i w'A, mjc (J and w'A
tlid Uiilli't! Hliiti" tho llrnt inotleni Imt-
lerliM with couiploii'il iltniiiK nn
oxlBciicy cniiHt'il by l'io war with
Kpiilii. tint nIiico tln'lr t'oiupletloii
diirliii; tho wnrm find humid iiiontliH
of HtimintT mid 1'itrly full their pil-
IcrloM, tniiKiizliiPi nml Kervlnt roonm
, i , . n tn t. ii UTitm, iiiiiK"ii"i nun neriiiii nMiinn
neM amlms'A nek hoe 7-10-11. S10. . ,L. , , ...
Oregon & Western Col. Co. to Krent hmtU ,, u Wlllu ,, ,.,..
Chus. R. Donnison, Ita 1, 2, it and I ,KH fr(), wMcU j, ()r,,M ,0WI, , forra
woat 20 ft of It -t, blk ft, Davidson's ' Krt.t poolH upon tho Moors, mid they
Central Oregon
add., Sisters. S215
Redmond Towns! to Co. to Anna
Greenhalgh, Its 7 and 8, blk !, Rod-
mond. $350.
Ijildlnw Townslte Co. to Airs. M,
Patt, It 10, blk ft-!, Ix'iidluw. $140.
A"t hriner x)f)(Bend;J -Chad. II. Irwin to J. II. Cady, lta
nro not safu plnct-H for either hiimnn
belne, iinimuiiltlon or mittorlnl of wnr.
To remedy tho ovil ninny vxpeillenlH
Imvo been trlel mid much vnhmblo
ejtperienco Kiilned. Hut tho problem
Is beset with dlftlculty.
Orcgort'WasliinRton Railroad & Navigation Co.
For both Passenger nml Freight Trnllic to and from Madras,
Metolius, Culver, Opal City, Redmond, Bend,
and other Central Oregon point.
Train Schedule:
Leave Opal City 8:1ft a.m.
" Metolius 8:.t:t ii.m.
Madras 0:00 ii.m.
Arv. Desrluitoa Jet.. 1:1ft p.m.
Tho Dalles liftftp.m.
" Portlanil ftMGp.m.
Auto and regular stage connections to La Pine, Furl Rock, Silver
Ijike, Prlnevlllo, Burns, Klamath Falls and other Inlnnd points.
The Direct, Quick find Nutural Route between Portland and
All Points In Central Oregon,
Call on any O.-W. R. & N. Agent for uny Information, or address
General Passenger Agent, Portlund, Oregon,
Leave Portland 7:ft0 a.m.
" .... 10:00 a.m.
" Tho Dalles... 12:10 p.m.
" DoschutoHJct. 1:!10 p.m.
Arrive Madras ft:lft p.m.
" Metolius... . C:00
" Opal City.... (J:!I0 p.m.