k'iMn r Central A Prineville, Oct. 1 1 Bend Day Friday. BASEBALL THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Wononos, of Portland, vs. Prineville THREE GOOD GAMES. Meet Me at Prineville Nixon EXPRESS ANDTKANSPliU Furniture Storage Mouse Moving and General Dray Work I'rompt Attention (Vcnnonnlilc I'Hcch I.KAMMlHtilllS AT HKNKI.i: & I nltD'S wai.1. uriiKirr Sutherland (& Mcintosh Contradors and Builders Jobbing Promptly Attended to Shop on OrcKon St. ttiitalra cm application Willi I'Jjirr at Portland I'llcca N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger J Cheapest rniil Heat Wall rpr Sm "1 plea In tlie rntinty. Oct aiy rncca. .r. ltriwl. Orceon. czz JOHN OAOICN, 1'tup, i Pioneer Sodn Factory All Kindt uf Cnrbonnlcd Drinks nnd Cider ni nii cmi'iliiN f PUIILIG LAND AND MINING CASKS. If you arc interested in any delayed final proof or any matter before the Interior Department. write to CLARK & WRIOHT, rellercd land lawyers,, ooj I' Street N. V., (opposite Interior Department), Waslihiutnn, D. C. . l-'rcc Information nbout contests and where to obtain SCRIP, locotable- ' MM'"19 Oregon Oct. 1H4 -At The Palm- MOT DRINKS LIGHT LUNCHKS vr. also kkuvi: MtmlMlrln4!, ilcmjfli nut, (tie, 'lc. with cNtfi'it, I'lxM'olHti' or Km. Itli KWIHAT l.'AKKtt hik! ('cii'hU i'i'r tiHiinlnjf. Witti'li fur 1ml aix1 Inkle In tlit'i-inliijf V. II. WING, Prop. r THo Proof of the Pudding Is In the Eating CLAIMS me null)' made-; but mil nln ri!v pinvrn Wr hiiiiM 1ml make the rUiuta e do fur tlie inuli quality 'f "r atin-k if wc were I Kit tinivlliinl of their ttutli. mill if wnlliln't lmr mi IIUIIV riltllplimrlita fllllll I'll- tmnrra mi thi wprtloilly uf mir trrca, ami tli iikhI raerl Irtit manner til which lliry vtereNiekeil. ennlilliu' them to arrne nt ilrttltintitni In irimc ruwdiliiM. Thit U.I Hem, g,l track ing it eatlly ubiked by mH)r, Iml Kur ul iHtiufUme, iwUmi ul IK. many iiHra heie uf at tention li, detail kteua ui the nigh ttan.UI.1 ttf iHlt llrr. lit.' . Mr ii .tin -4 page tvlalug ll.aU.ul llcllri mhI lul II Yakima Valley Nursery CO At pan y Toppcnl.li, Washington. Mouk Sai.ismkn Wantkii -J Wood! Wood! HELLO! Where are you KinK? Diiwn to Carter's nf tor n conl of that kimmI dry block wooil. My wifuwon't burn nnythliiK el no. Carter la four lilts cheajicr tlmn others. He sella dry block wood nt $4.60 per cord. F. Al. CARTER o LlMKttfBammmmf SASH DOORS iith? SAKE Ms to V4r 5-crou Panel Doom, fiifl quality $1 JO (Xiirtei-iou!..!, J.in.. r 100 fl. 30 cU. Cedar Siilmg. -I ami 5 ft, . $ B per M. I'looiing. 4 and 5 fl. . . $n.rM. Dion Siding, 4 ami 5 fl. . f & All No, I and 2 good ilandaid . vlraA.llolCltWltNo. " tJ l.a.iLiM.lii.HneuiltAaiy. Sae nuJJItmta 'i pieali. 0 ikt- l.ll la inibodr. .lap aajwUie, Stud vu Vuur LA J 01 MAiaALAS put! etiaairxpu. ft;! W. R. GUERIN Jr. Attorney nt Law. ToiuiKinii-y olllen nl iiiildoiieo IIBNII, .... OIIVION HVI.VI'.rlTKrt I.. HTAAT1 KVHKT I.. JOHIW Sylvester L. Slants Attorney hiiiI CmniM'llora nt I.hvv. oi'i'it'i'.: i Ciuiirr WU mill MiinifwilH ulrieta. V. VV. Faulkner, D. M. D. DENTIST lliilletili lilillilliiK, II end, Ore i; o u Dr. A. A. liUKIIS,r,rSiWic llmlrt Dlwiwa Miu...lllll Tlrjilr.) WllhiHll llif l'M-i.( IIIUK.nr HlllKfl)'. I) Ihr N.lin.l Mrlhol.Al llratlim. t Mim ic iimvi a Hmltl)r Iuii.hIuiMi 1'ite Mdlllirl oflhf Male ami N.llon.l Nlun,l)i HKlrly. omte In lliitnllnK HM . Iini't. Oimi.li U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OI'IMCK UVHK 1'IKHT NATIONAL UK. Olhee llouia. in to li n m.; I to 3 and 7 to H p in. Illt.NIJ. : OKHOON I C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 ' iri'ICK I.N 1'IKHT NATIONAL HANK IH.IMI. , 1IHNII. UKKCON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER VIHST NATIONAL HANK lll.HO.. IIIJNI), OKKOON WAIt!) II. COIII.K JhMfiK L. 8UMHAU. Coble & Sumrall ATTOItNIIY.H ANI COUNHHIJIW AT I.AW. IIKNII, OIIKOON. George S. Youiik Civil, Minim: and Iiiuioation Kmsinkkii Ori'K'o" Street Olllco with KaMtuH& Bean Uenlty Co. ROBERT B. GOULD Civil 5noinkk and Si'kvkyok. Wall and Mlnnowitu Sb). Ilcncl, Oregon. PHILIP P. TMOA1AS Civil Kncinkku anii Auciiitkct l'utniun lluildinK It u n (1 . OruRon. Crook County Abstract Co. INCoMI'OXATKt). AIISTKACTS Ol' TITI.lt to all I11111I mid town Iota In Crook county. II. V. Wvi.UK, Secy. Prineville. Oregon. We photon rnph the record". Peter Lehrman GItXKKAI. IILACKSMITIIING. Ilorseshoclnt; n Specialty. ouixion stukct Caldwell & Alain All Kinds of Blacksmith Work I'lUCKS IlKAKONAIILK. Minnesota St.. Hot. Horn! und Wall. " F. O. MINOR rosToVncic iiuiliuno UVK KIKK ACCIDKNT INSURANCE Notary Public and ConveymieinK All Leunl I'ntieri Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS I. O. 0. F. Hend ImIko No. 218 Kck. Meetingti overy Monday night Visitors welcome N. P. Welder. N. G. H. J. KjrKleaton, Secretary. BUND LODGU No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. H. O. ELLIS, B.cr. O. M. RCOFieLO. W. M. M. W. of A. Pilot Hutto Camp No. 1)71)4 Moots overy Tuesday in hall over postolllco. Visitinjr Noiuhbors always welcome. C. I. lluicll, V. C. W. V. Oreult, Clerk. Deschutes Lodge No. 103 K. of P. Moots overy WedmtMliiy evening nt 8 p. in. in Custlo Hull, lKiit-ollkio lildK. VMlintr KuiKbUi woluoiuu. Clius. I), Howe, C, C, ..', K, M. Lado'wlffir;tt.&S. BEST BANKNOTES. They Arc Produced by American Talent and Methods. HARDEST TO COUNTERFEIT. From th Timn of Paul flavtre. tha Plrit Amirienn Danknoto Artlat, Ours Havo Deon More Difficult to Imltat. Than Tlioto of th. Old Vorld. To wiy Hint Atni'rli'HiiM imiko tlio beat bunkmto In tlii word) inny win ml nt llnl rtln'r Ijoumimi, liinl )rt iiny bin lory of tlie nrt hiiiI linluatry of nolu oiiKrH Iiik wlii'-li fiiilfil to riKiril tlml fnt would bo liii-oiiijilcti.. I'mil lie tiro wiih tin' (Imt Aiticrl'iiii bftnkn'iln iirllBt, unit from tin) tlim of tlui iliur (I fuse t tlii Hunk of North Amcrlfii iiniliT tin illriH tlmi ut ItoliiTt Morrl", In 17hl, up to tlii priaiiit Aniericaii ciiKruviTM linn, cxii'llcil not only In tlie nrtlllc (tmllty of tliclr iIckIkiih, but In thtilr iinivlNtuiiH iiituliiat cimntcrfi'ltliiK. Miiito I'olo found bHliUnotea 111 Chi li 11 iiKf" npi, printed on pnper made from tin biirtt of tin inullx'rry treo. Ouo of tln nuti upon wlil'li tin- Kri'iit ViTii'tlHii trnM'ler lilniKi-lf may hnvo j.-iini Ih on fxlilbliliin at tliH day In tin ollli'ii of mi Auipiirnii (ouitwny. It la unit of it ai-rli"! Iiicil by tin Mine (lyniiHty nliut l.twi A. I. 'Vuni-iit miywlieri' iiihIit lu i" mid ai'i-ma to Inn ! bii'ii irlniil friiin wchhIcii bliK-kN on it alici't of iflr nine by tlilrtii'ii InrbiH. it hltwr Hurfuce Hihii liny iiiHti I'oiild rorcr "lilt Ixith IihiiiIh outatri'ti'lnil. It li cood for "one Mrlnc of mail." Tin- provlalon nimlnat foriri'ry N hIiiiiI to tin (mint of aerer Ity: "Counti-rfi'ltiTH In-n-of will lie ex Tiiti'd. I'itwiiii kIvIiib Informntlon of cotltilcrfclliTH will be rewnrdeij with IiicIn U.VI mid In ntlditlon will receive (lie pnijwrty MoiikIuk to tlio crtml mil." Anotlirr ifnt cori-niinnnt linn plnctil iniieli itfiM'tidi'iire uiHin (li-Htli bh n de lem-iit to Itnllntort of It" pnitnlcoi to ay. WIimi JhiiiIj I'itLIiih of New buryiMirt. .Mw. IuvmiImI lln iiii-iIkmI of tniiiaferrliiK iIwIkiih from hnnleinil ati-el plnten to hIim-I cyllinlcrti mid n tniiifirtiriK to lint plnti. tlma en Mblliiic tin' criKnivrr t di'tote the tlmo neiMwHiry to Meiiiiiillli Ida lient work In tlie oriKltml mid reproduce It at will, the ii'W prtM'ttM HrwiH.il liiternatlounl IntiTi-tt. Mr. IVrUlns and Ida nvwi clHtfH went to Iiudoti In 1S10 Ht the Inatmice of the Ilrltlah iiiIiiIhIit nt WNahliiKtoti to hi-lp the Hank of I'iik Und to Iikiii' tinti'H not eaxlly (-ouuter-ft'ltiil. Hut tin eouaiTTHtlre old bHtik n'fuaiil to adopt tin' new tiK'tliod. pre ferring, aa one of the American said, to rely i w tit the b.iiiscmnn rather than the ontrrnver. Nevertlieli-M the Kiik Mali binu In time to follow American ini'tboiN after the Hi-oli'i'trle iHtlie had liei-ti lUMiitiil by Ah S'neer of New IjiiiiIimi. Conn., nnd lnipronil by Cyrua I nt rand. The Kovernini'iita of rontliH'ntal I!u rope doM'iid exelualri'ly uhiu color work to protect their jiaiier currency, and aeveral of the iHrito Imnkn of lnili have civil oiikIuiith In clinrce of their lnirvti of eiiKravliik nnd prlntltiic. thotiKli what eoiinectlnn there amy lie botttivn enicltiitTlni: and encravlni: Ik it myatery. Many Italian Iwiiktioti are iaay to counterfeit. The Hank of Hpuln liaa of lato nbandonisl lta own plant IxM-anae Ita notea were Imitated wi uixt"wfully that eotinterfeltH wen accepted by the bank without ipiei lion. A private concern now doe the work. The Hank of Greece now use the American method, liavlni; had ad exMTlena with notia of Austrian. Herman and HucINh faahlonlni;. A myth that probnbly will never die telN ni Hint the notes of the Hank of KitKland cannot Ik rounterfelted. A n mutter of fact, they can 1m Imltnted readily enoiiKh, for little nttciupt la made to prut eel the notea beyond the use of n watermark per. The wa termark can Ik eally eoplitl. One practical mifoiriinrd of preat ef feetlveiieHi Is the custom of the Hank of nnuland to cancel every note that la returned to the lank nnd Wane anoth er In Ita place. Tlila nnd tho practice of keeping n record of the miiubcni of nil bank notes med In every bitilneas establishment keep alive n kwii senae of rtsponalblllty which ndda to aecii rlty. The custom of clrculatlnp aolleij tiauknotea, of course. Klvea the coun terfeiter his liost opportunity, l-'oricer Is much more readily detectiil In n' crisp, atlff, new bill than In n rumpled nnd dirty one. The American style of banknote has become the standard In the countries of Central nnd South America. The experlenc of the Hrnzlllnn government led tho way In tills after vnrloua ms iiKilutiueutB. First the much vaunt ed Austrian syatem was tried, the notes being engraved and printed In Knglnnd under thnt system. They Itroved a eomplote failure. Counter feiters nourished. The Hrtulltnns trlcsl banknotes mado In Kriiuee. and these were promptly nnd extensively Imltat. ed as soon as the counterfeiters could get their plates nnd paper rendv lira zll tried (Senium and nngilsh establls'i meuts, but atlll wlilnuit seeming pro-tiM-tlou to tho banknote circulation, and at last turned to the I'ltPcd States nnd found n, type of bills practically Impossible to counterfeit. So It Is no beast, hut a mere record of fact, to state that Americans make tho best banknotes In the world. Detroit News. Tha Peislmlst. Tommy Pop, what Is a pessimist? Tommy's Poi A pessimist, my son, Is a man who loves himself for tho enemies he hits made. Philadelphia Hocord." ' I CllK'KLN dinner n flpcclnlty every 1 Sunday at Hotel Hend. 2otf NOTICK KOIl PUItMCATION. li.HiilmHl oflh' Inlrikir, V H l,li, Oirrft al Thr ImII.., riirron HWih.r ,!, nil. Niltr la hritliytltrn lhal Molil , MI, of auirt. iiira'iri who, on Nirtiml-r fil, 1', wilr imil Hutijr No imij, Urtml No. M'Sii. tr H ) ainl !( . llo 4. t.mn.lilp i mH. unic lo r.M, Wlllamrtlr Mriltlian, hm W"l Wfli.r trf Inlrnllon tumakr final titr ytt I'fmf l nlaMl.N (lalm lo Ih land alltnll. bi.te II C Kill. V ComailMtiirr, al hi. iHhi- al hrnd, (jp(im, ua lh jjlh day uf M'rtf nbr. I'ii. CLimaiil namrtaawlinMra W A Will and I Hi ii WlHkl uf ani, 01(011, Alra I..-H-MII mii.I llrnrr MchMmaihri. of I. I.I HrrabH 11 Ji (. W. JUuOKIl, S.sl.lcr. I ' IT i,,f ,1. ,.-.,. ,,,,,, tri .....r.. imjiiujv run, ruiiiwuAi iu.x Km eal la ml iM-fwitMWMl tA th Inlctlftf: V lwl Ofte al Ulnkw, IHiMa, I Kl.bf , lyn. I HMR It hrrrby irlwa that Lhitkt M. Waf , (ifHewl. orrRun, wImj. ifl April;. iiy. mad llbmnStad I'.titry Mo oijiv. fMHlfX,". i, M'X mi-X.iH H'V. atiii ;. lown.il, n . I laHar li tart, Willauwlte HrlWIan. hat AM tmtkr ol Intention to mVf I'lntl eommittalhHi notil. lo rttaMtafe tlalm lo the Ithd ahwr lr(ld, lrfnir II C Iflllt. L'nllrd ht.tt. Com- , mlt.l.,Htr. tt H'H-I, Olej(un, on the nth da of ' Novrmbrr lll Lltlmant mmti at oltnt.'rt Grmrr (I. Cl.wtll. of La I'lnr, Ortron, Wlllltm I'. Vande vtrl. Iliilrftt (1 CaMocllanil Mlllaid I' Ilia Ihvin, f Iieni, Oirfon 3i-5 A. W OKTON, Kffl.trr. NOTICK FOIt PL'IJMCATION. lMirtinrnt of Ihr Interior, V h liHlOlfKeat The Ilillrt, Oitgon, hrtrmlir hylh. l-ll. No'kt l Iinft.j jl.en thtt llouatd V Mack latoth. of Htnil.'iitKofi.wlKi. oil Novcmocr itl, VA Mtflf hom-f ) entry, .So. ijjy, fKtlal Na. isI. tor H !. t v tad H t!, r-Mltrtl jo, Tunhip 17 vmh. Kaage it IUt. Ulllameilr Mert4h.li, htt Mel nolkr bt laten lion to make final fjtr Vear (iioof. lo t.ltMl.li claim lo (he It ml ahutr dertUl. Iieloir II I l.lll. I', n Commlwlonrr al hit oroceat IKihI Oier.on, on the 14th dty ofNovrm txr. ivii Cltimantntmrtat wltnntrt lluth II iMvlra. aen II Weti (ieorrr IlroeihoutaiHl Mlchtci J Keller, all f llewT, Orejwi J -51' v. W MOOki:. Ketltlrr. NOTICE KOIt PUBLICATION. Defaitaieat of the Inteilor, I' h. 1.ib4 Oflrfe. at The Dtllea, Oregon September Jrad, loll. Notke It hereby ren Ihtt William II Hilt, of Laldlaw, Oiciioa, who, on Nuecratr Itt, x'fb. I in.oe mmiiuw rnirr .to i&J7. penai lo M), lriHte,SetSHi ii.Tuwuthlp itftoulh, j Utme II Htrf. Willtiattte MrrMUn. hat filed 1 liftke of tntenlHHi lo mtke final fire year proof, ta eMaMltli claim to the UimI abore drtcrilxtl. be fore II C Idltt. r h Commlxtoctr tlhuoffKe, at Hen-1. Iliekiou. OH the l.t day of NoitraUr. ion Claimant namet at wilnrttet 1'rtnk I! iMy Ion. I'falik Murk iVeorice M Airy and Allium li Hartiei, all ol IihIUw, orexon ' rl C W M'-OHK. Kegitler NOTICK FOU PL'HLICATION. Kejrtmeal of the Interior. I' b. Iad OAVtr al The little., Oregon, September mh. iu. Nollcr It hereby alven tStt Adam Kotimtn. ed Mewl, orecun, who. on February ijlk. lyA uk J ,,kv. Taut ku..h Xf. A . .f.l V .,. for S nti( and !( teK. wctlon l. town 1 "Mp 1; towlh. range 11 Matt. Willamette Men dun, hat nled imHKt of Intention to make I final detttt Und proof, to eMaMtth claim to ! the land above deMilbed, belore II C lUllt, V , h. Ctmbuf,at hit oiIkt at bend, Ortgoa. 1 on the JiM day of October. 111 I Claimant namet at wiiaewt Char let Boyd. , Melt AttdeiMMi, Archie I'.ttle and John SUidl. alt of hend. Ofcgoa. a C W MOOKI!. Hcgitter NOTICE KOIl PL'HLICATION. Iiepailmeat ofthe Inteilor. I'. S Land Oftkr at The Ixtlet, Oregon. Augutt Jltt. 1911. Notkr It hereby rrtren that r.eorne R Hutti, of t.tlSIa. Oreiion, who, on May tut lio. made homettead entry. No cufc for nei uw, trctlon 1. lowinhlp it! aouth, tangc 11 eatt, Willamette Mefitllan hat filed nonce of In tentton to nuke final commutation proof, to n4aMith daim to the land aboee dcKTtbed be fore II C. Kllit, v s CommLtloner, at hl.ofbc at Hend. Orenon on theiMhday ofCXIober. 1411 Claimant namet at ituetet. Jtmet K Hen ham. 'jt K. swalley. Charlea II swalley and Jtmet K Low, all of Laldlaw, (re(n. i?-ji C W MOOKIi. Rtgltter NOTICE FOR l'UDLICATION. Depattmefll of the Interior. I. a. Land Office at The Iiallei, Oregon. September iitt, in Notice it hereby RHen that Jtmet Kan. tulKee of leM (I klcKinnry, ,ho an at ncitee 01 Koixrt s McKlnLey.of Bend Ciregon, k tin. on Mtrch itth two. madedeteit land entry No mat, for tev nn ihiak audtKaet, tecthm i). towBtalpiStouih, rani loeatt. Wilt, asieltr Meridian, hat filed notice of Intention to makr final detert laud proof. lortubtiihcUlnl to the Und above detcrlbed. Ufore II. C KlWt. V. S. Commluioner, at hit office at Hend, Ore gon, on the 7th day of November, 1911 CUlmaatiumetatHltnettet Aithur II Cert tow tint John McKlnncy. ol tlttt, Otecon, lohn H. Hdvrardt. of l-rincvtlle Oiegeu, and Jewc O. McKlnncy, of GUI. Oregon JVJJ C. W. MOORK. Rrglttcr. GET A PIECE OF THE EASTH. HARMON COOK THE REAL ESTATE MAN LAIDLAW, OREGON It's Tlma to Sit Up and Take Notice. Improved and Unimproved Farm Lands. Town Lots. Homesteads and Relinquishments, Land. S I mm v- LIVC? bu David which tells you Cattle. Horses, Wc have Dr. Roberts' Prepared Prescriptions rlfjnt here at our store and we nave f7fp,C' a copy ol the grand book for you jTJKJljEj Dr. Roberta It th created live itock authority of the country. Ex-State Veterinarian of WlKoutln, Lecturer and Writer on Lire Stock Dlaeatet, the veterinarian who la called far ud near to tteat hlch-prlced animal. lilt l'reparcd i'retcrlptloaa aie the onea he utea la lilt own practice, the thlagayouhaTeuteforacoreaof tlmea every year. The bookgett. down cloter to ttockmeu't neede than anything you have ever read-potta you on aymp totua and dUeaiet, tcllayouwhattodoaud how to do It. W have brought the advice nrt ih ire.imrnit nf ill ftmout veterinarian rliht to your door. And the bltcbooV It aUoluiely free. Call for your copy, rut jrour aiauia auvii tor aiutiK.o vv PATTERSON DRUG John A. MacCi-oski- EXPERT TINNER All Kinds of Work Ncntly and Sntlft- fnctorily Done. Hend, - - Orofron Hunter Bros. U'lYll SKCSK Handwakk Co. Interior Decorating House Painting Wall Paper In Stock. Shirts for Dress that are correct In style, handsome In pattern, and Rood in quality. Shirts for Business of neat and bocominj? pat terns and coloring, in qual ities that will wear well. Shirts for Outing with soft collars attached or detached, aa you prefer. A biff line of new novelties. Shirts for Work thnt are made to stand hard wear priced reasonably. All Kinds of Shirts for All Kinds of Men at 50c to $3.00 R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Everythintr to wear for men who care. DO IT NOW. J n ."t 1 rViVOi VJfcUlsJtl I'lCU, UpatctKti dont have to LiEr! Send away for this Grand I mm aunut 1 Book It's a bin 184-paee book, prepared by Ur, Roberts, the celebrated veterinarian, all about the ailments of your Cows, Sheep, Hogs and Chickens. thttc moil valuable prepared prcaulpUgBJ on, CO., BEND, ORXGON.