- : i Aft "The Kind of Clothes Gentlemen Wear." KAHN TAILORED CLOTHES. arc just tliut kind, nothiuf; fliisliy, nothing loud, every suit or overeoiit in perfect taste. And every one tailored to your individual measure. Our Mr. Dennett has handled these clothes for years and knows exact ly what they are. Kvery .sample shown is wool, all wool, pure wool, and nothing else. You might think that KAHN TAILORED CLOTHES cost a Rreat ileal more than the "ready-mades." Not so. The prices on these perfectly tailored suits are from $20.00 to $45.00 rind every one carries an absolute guarantee of a PERFECT (it. We posi tively will not allow you to accept a suit that is not perfect in every detail. We are exclusive agents for KAHN TAILORED CLOTHES. The Kind of Clothes Centlcincn Wear." Our umdiiw lispln will giw- u some idea of the hcauty and variety of this line of clothes. C!!!!LJ Till; SPOUI: OF MTT 1:1 VALUES." THANKS MR. GRAY City Council Will Present Resolution toO. I. f'rtnldcnt. The Hty Council ticlil a short ses sion last night prettied over by Mayor Pro Tem Allen. A voto of thanks was extended President Gray of tlie Oregon Trunk itnilway for rushing the completion of the line to Ik'fid, Messrs. Forbes and Sawhill being Instrue ted to draft a ituilnble resolution. The UHual bills were ordered paid. C. K. Alurray was appointed night police olllcer for one month, and Day Officer Iloborts was reappoint ed. He reported the collection of $1110 the puitt month In fines, etc. The police ami fire committee was ordered to request all merchant to keep one light burning in their places of business at night so as to aid the police olllcer in preventing thieving. The council adjourned to meet October 21. MUlitS rOMOUKOVV NKJMT There will bo a meeting of the Commercial Club tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, at which the Railroad Day committees will report. Cameron The .Man To See Have you seen W. B. Cameron, the painter and decorator, about your work? He knows how. 31tf. CLASSIFIED COLUMN K ATI'.S I'ivc rcnu a line for lint in tertion in thi column, (our rent 1 i tic lor rich tulriicnt iiucrtlou. Count Ix moiiI to n Iiiif. Found. TAKKN Ul Hay saddle horse, weight about 1 100, age 0 or 7 years. Branded x" on left stifle. O. II. Krlckson. 28tf Koi'Nli Watch on street Satur day, Sept. HJ. Owner can got same ,! culling at this ollke, proving property, etc. 2i)tf l.ot Iwr Automobile number tag, number 5110. Kinder pletuw leave at Lara's store or notify F.F. Smith. IWT Gray team of horses, one largo and one small horn. Both shod, largo horse has saddle marks. Small horse was hobbled when last eon. l.oavo hordes at Aune's stable and receive reward. 2D-32pp HITS AIJOUT TOWN. Judge KHi4 attended court at ' I'rtnowlle tins week. ,. M. Brown of Portland came up fur the celebration. Mint Franc PottraU loft Satur day fur her home in Elgin, III. W. I. Ireland was here from Hot yat t attend the celebration. K I). Mcintosh went down to Portland Monday on liusine. Dr. U. ('. Cm' went down to Port land Sunday and Is oxcted Iwck tomorrow. J. I.. Summit returned Sunday from a thrco-day trip to Culver on legal business. I). I,. McKny cam up from Port land to help lluml celebrate tho com ing of railroads. II. W. Skuse was ill for several days last week but Is able to bo at his store again. Airs. Art Proctor has gone to Portland to join her husband, who is living there now. Airs. A. AI. Lara entertained nt bridge Monday afternoon in honor of Airs. At. lJira of Seattle. Mrs. II. D. Trim nrrlvod Friday night from Seattle to remain with hor husband several months. Editor J. S. Delllngerof the As toria Astorian was among the visi tors hero for tho celebration. V. I). Cheney of Seattle brought a party of his friends to Itentl in a private car to attend the celebration. N Airs. .lack Taggart of Madras was up for the celebration, a guost of Mrs. N. P. Smith Thursday and Fri day. . . Air. and Mrs. T. B. linker have gup to Head where they will maku their home this winter. Madras Pioneer. Air. and Airs. Georgo Alillican, Airs. Kiln Husey and AIlss Alartlia (!oo(l worn In from Alillican for the celebration. Airs. .1. K. Preddy, who has been visiting Aim. 11. II. Ford for three months, loft Thursday for hor homo at Portland. W. H. Cameron Is walking with crutches this week, having run a nail through the ball of his right foot Friday. John U'gut, tho harness maker, who left here recently on account of ill health, is now in Portland anil may locate there. A. K. Segal went down to Madras 'yoalerdii on buisnos. , llertha II. ltowleo has filed suit for divorce against F. C. ltowleo. W. It, Sellers left yesterday for Klamath Falls to Ikj gone two weeks. Tomorrow evening is the regular time for the monthly meeting of the School Hoard. A meeting of the Kpiscoml Guild will be ht'ltl Thursday afternoon at 2:M( nl the home of Aim. Wilson. 1 Circuit Court will convene at Prineville Monthly. There will be n numler of cases of interest to Hend to come up. The Methodist Sunday School was organized Sunday with a memlor ship of 35. Hoy Vinynnl was elect od suH.'rintendent. W. K. Guorin, Jr., arrived last week from Sandusky, 0., in time for the celebration. He will make his home hero now. Aiiss Alary Schroder and Kdgnr Street of llolynt were here Monday on their way to Prineville to attend tho teachers' institute. K. J. lingers is running tho res taurant formerly conducted by W. II. Adair,.who has a position with tho Palace Restaurant. Tho Whatsoovors will hold a busl mm meutinir Alondav afternoon at 2:110 o'clock tit the homo of Airs. C. K. Morris in Park Addition. John Strahn has sold out exten- sivu land holdings at Hermiston, Ore., and come to the Henil country to live. He is located i ear Gist. Contract for painting the J. II. Wonnndy bungalow was let toW. II. Cameron. The lnldo finish will ho in golden oak and mahogany. Mis. Olive Cameron left Thursday afternoon for Alodford to attend thu state W. C. T. U. convention, going as a delegate from Crook county. A. C , Culyer of Holllngham, Wash., Is a now resilient of Hend, Ho bought lot f, block 21), Center Addition, of Tho Hend Co. Monday. Tim lint irlven awav liv tho linn ton millinery store tho night before the colouration was won by Aliss Anno Alnrkol. who beat Airs. Goorgo S, Young by ono voto. Piiu'll Humlnnl anil brother liavn bought lots 1, 2 and 3, block 22,' Center Addition, of Tho Item! Co,, and Conti Aldebrontlo, lot 1, block 12. through II. J. Douglass. Another pamphlet advertising Hend made its apicarance on Hail road Day as a souvenir of the occas ion. It was published jointly by tho Head Co. and tho Hend Park Co. A party of three men left here Saturday for Spring Hiver to sitond a month or two cruising timber for the (lovernment. Thoy were John Hiis, Karl H. Houston and Luther Metke. A .Methodist choir was organized Monday evening with Airs. Z. W. Lindhorg as director. It will sing for the first time at the rcgulnr ser vices Sunday in the hall over the R3tofficO. Fort Klamath was represented at tho celebration by ex-Judge Georgo T. Hladwin, Mr. Klwrleln, John Kllis, L. C. Sisemore, Aim. Georgo Loose ley, W. It. Johnston and Air. and Airs. James Pelton. Tho Alargarot lies Comedy & Dra matic Co, loft Monday for Prine ville, after filling u week's engage ment here. Its iorforinancos were good, tho company presenting some capable actors and actresses. F. S. SalTord. I). D. Gardner nnd Knglneer Gilmour of tho Northwost Townsito Co., who have peon .sur veying tho property recently bought hero by tho company, are now in Prineville to survey 180 acres there. L. D. Fox. drlvitur a Chalmers 33. madu a record auto run from here to Klamath Falls and return last week. His actual running time there nnd back was only 18 hours. Ho took S. 0. Johnson, the San Francisco timborman, and party. A double wedding occurred in tho parlor of tho Hotel Prineville yes terday nfternoon, when Geo. H. Hutchius and Ia'ouii AI. Kuhno and Alfred W. Howell and Ida Lind- back were united in marriage by Judge Kennedy. All tho parties were from Hend. Crook County i Journal, fith. A. C. Sanford accompanied his family to Hend Saturday, where, tho ' family will reside this winter, that' tho children may have tho advan-' ttigo of tho high school there. Air, Sanford returned to Aladras Tues day and expects to bo hero a great er part of tho time to attend to his interests in this vicinity, Madias Pioneer, 5th. . Wanted Wantkp To buy second hand tent. Address Sherman Mont gomery, Hond, Ore. 30-lp I Hoy Wantko A hustler can i make good money in hour or so in afternoon. Call at this office. Wantko Trees to pull. Have first class outfit. See Liddell on the Wilson ranch, Powell Itutte. Address, Prineville. Ore. Mtf Don't .Miss the Rend Lumber Co.'s special bargain lumber sole. Two Porcklain bath tulw, with hot and cold water, at the barlwr shop of Innos & Davidson on Wall Street. Wanted Man to clear sage brush and cut wood. Address Kd Hulvorson. Hend, Ore. 2l)tf Wantkd Experienced man wants position as bookkeeper nnd type writer. Address A. Y., care of Bulletin. 31-Gp Wantko To borrow S-1.000 for three-year period on large tract of the best timber in Central Oregon, close to railroad. Address A 25, care of Bulletin. 31 tf. For Rent. Fok Rent Two furnished slee ing rooms. Joe Innes. 27tf Foil Rknt Four-room bungnlow, now anil nently finished. Phone E. P. Brosterhous. Rend. 29-tf Miscellaneous. Tiik Hotel Bend's Sunday chicken dinners are tho best in Bend. 25tf Hough lumber $10 a thousand at Hend Lumber Co. You Want the best haircuts and shaves, so get thorn nt tho Innes & Davidson barber shop. Room, board and laundry for $7.50 per week. Ijirge, airy front room. Inquire Bulletin. tf Get Your I.umrkr from the Pine Forest Lumber Co. House lath and irrigation lath a specialty. tf A Good Position can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in tho field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since tho 8-hour law becamo effective, and since tho Wireless companies aro establishing stntions throughout tho country there is a great shortage of tele graphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 por month, with good chanco of advancement. Tho National Telegraph Instituto of Portland, Oregon, operates under supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials und places all graduated into DEPHNDAniUTY Is the "Rljtht" that entitles us to a share of jour business. New Fall Goods Just Arrived. A new supply of the late, popular AVIATION CAPS for Ladies and Children. The very latest in Ladies' Uelts. New Collars nnd Jabots. Buy your oilcloth and tablecloth of us. Rowes Store ! &CEXT VOOTl TO POSTOFFICE, BEND "The Same Qoodtfor Leu Money." 4 positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. 31-2 For Sale. Fou Exchange Hay for calves, colts nnd young stock. Lee Daven Iort, Powell Butte, Ore. 2Ctf Foil Sale. Cheap, most com plete 20,000 capacity sawmill in Crook county. .Machinery all new. Reason for selling, timber all cut out. Write or enquire at Bulletin office. 7-tf Koit TltADK Good heavy work toam for city property, addross J. care Bulletin. 31tf Foit SALE Will soil choap, thor oughbred iMftligrecd Scotch collie pups six months old. Inquire of G. W. Shrincr over Skuse's store. Fou Sai.k Good paying business in Hend. Owner called East by ill nous of a relative and must sacrifice stock. Splendid location. Great snap for some one. Address ABC. care Bulletin. 31 tf. i For Sale A crackcrjack span of work mules, weight about 2200, price $325. Phone Bend Lumber Company. 27tf For Exchange Equity in Den ver, Colo., income property for land In vicinity of Sisters or Bend. Write F. L. Powelson, 349 E Taylor St., Portland. Ore. 28-31p For Sale Good 3-inch wagon. Inquire at Bulletin office. 30tf i I For Sale Good work team of , horfeos ! and 7 yearn old, weight 900 each, also good wagon and set of ; work harness cheap. Inquire Aune's Stable, tiond. 30-lp For Sale 10 acros irrigated land G miles southeast of Bend, on Bear Creek road. All fenced, four-room house solidly built and outbuildings, chicken yards, etc. Seven acres cleared, plenty wood and water. Inquire Bulletin or write Mm. SchifTer. 23S,4 10th St., Astoria. Ore. 30tf BIG FURNITURE SALE I am closing out entire stock of Millard Triplett's Fine Furniture. Buy now and save money. 'Nough said. w- E. M. Thompson, Bend, Or. HARNESS 10 OFF of fcj proof 3d.Iw 10 OFF OP" RKQ. pnios Oct 11 to 21sH0 Days Only Any Article in Our Harness Dept. Our Regular Prices are Railroad Prices. SKUSE HARDWARE COMPANY v