1 a- I T i GOING AT COST! Ladies' Waists, Gownsj Corset Covers, Underw'r, Gingham Petticoats. Noth ing in this line reserved. Winter is Coming but Our Wool Blank ets Will Keep You Warm. Thoy Go AT COST also. Real Bargains for You. HAHOAIN COUNTI2K. Shoes at Cost every piiir to k nt the JJitf Reduction. E. A. SATHER The Old Reliable. Haul, Oregon. NO MORI: Freight Troubles The Oregon Trunk Railway is open for busi ness to Opal City, just north of Crooked river. The Jones Warehouse Company (UU)WV. A. JONI-S of tlcud, Mnnnjccr will handle all freight at Opal City for the railroad. The old Shaniko Moody Ware house system will he employed. Merchants will fret their oods promptly and without inconvenience. Have your freight consigned in care of i JONES NAMING OP BEND I'lonoer Tcllrt of l!nUlIUIilnjt of I'lrat I'oilolflce More, Amour iIiohu iti attendnnco nt the cvlulinitlon wan JutnoH I'd ton, a plonoor of HiIh miction, who In now IIvImk "t Fort Klamath. Mr. l'clton camo to thlH part of Oregon In 1884 from Jackium county. John Size moru wan hln Htepfathur and ho wiw In huHlnctw with Mr. KlHomorc. Whllo lioro liwt week Mr. I'd ton rt'Intod how tho Iowa K"t Hh name. Ho wild: ".Shortly after I camo lioruI have forKottun the exact dule a IHititlon woh mint to Washington anklng for a poHtofllce. The name HUK'(VHlei wan 'Farewell Horn!.' Tho (lovernrni'iit objected to thin aH being too lung and granted tho IHitUlon with 'Ilcnd' an the name. Mr. Sltternoro won poMtmimter. One mail a week woh received, coming from I'rlnovllle." Some yearn Inter the DoHchutcB riootoillco wiw eHUibllnhed but wan won nucceeded by the Hend olllco of today. A (Id revs communications to Hend. -- P4 W1UTESQ AND THEN SOME At Inst, a Cylinder Record which will play from four to five minutes, and which is ab tho same timo Practical and Unbreakable is on accomplished fad. Columbia Indestrndible Cylinder Records 50c They lit ANY MAKE of phonograph or graphophone, they play the complete selection -in the clearest, most bril liant tone you ever heard and they never hreak and never wear nut! "The only 1-ininutc records that are right." Now Numbers Issued Every Month. Call In, and Hear Thorn. Red Cross Drug Store Bend, Oregon TALK ON GOOD ROADS I'till S. Hates and Mamhall N. Dana Addrei (lathering at Church. I'hll S. Hatc'H, one of the leading advocated In Oregon of good road", and MarHhall N. Dana of the Ore gon Journal, addretwed a gathering at the church taut Wednettday even ing on good roadH. It wait arranged to have Ktereopticon nliden Hhown but no machine could be had that evening and the lecture) were given without illustration. Mr. HatcH itliowed bin drop Intercut in Hend and itM welfare by consenting to nhow bin alidoti Thurwlny afternoon. Through the klnilnum of the man agement, the Star Theater wan wi cured and a large crowd saw the excellent views. Mr. Hah lnm a half dozen itlideti of Hend scene and is materially aiding in advertising the town by showing these over the country. HAMPTON NEWS NOTES llonicnteadcr Unity Willi Ihclrl'all Seeding f (lraln Hamiton. Oct. U. H. C. Miller, Iniie Miller and wife returned from baling hay last week. liurr Mack planted 120 acres of grain the past week nnd A. S. Fogg put in U5 acres. Louie Miller is now busy with the drill. I. Heron is busy planting on the t0-acre tract at tho Whitakcr nnd Zernir homesteads. Mutwni King nnd Welxir nrrivod In the valley hut week and have taken up residence on their home 'steads, l mile from Hampton poat- olllco. Mr. Krelw is building a barn on liU ranch. The jwtt week has been a wet one for Hampton Valley as well as other places. On Monday. Oct. 2, J. L. Owens called in the neighbors to assist him in moving his store. Those helping with their teams were I. ZerolT, H. C. Miller. Hurr Illack. A. S. Fogg and L. Miller. Much neighborly spirit is shown in this section, conse quently all enjoyed the day's work together. Mr. Owens is now on the Bend-Hums rond and is prepared to serve all passers by. TUMALO NUWSNOTUS. Tumaix), Oct. C About every one in this part of tho country was celebrating at Hend yesterday and today. Geo. McCallister anil Alex Ievor enz passed here this morning on their way to Hend on business. Cm. W. Winter & Sons arc busy baling hay. Mr. Hurkhnrt is running his saw mill at (list and is getting out much fine lumber. Some of the H.ople hero aro busy with fall plowing and the ground is in fine nhaK) for plowing. RUAL HSTATI2 1 RANSI'UKS. (I'uriilahnt liy the Crook County Altrct Co ) Geo. F. Hecknmn to Elof L. John- Bon, Its 5 nnd O.blk 14, lhitto. $2.10. M, F. Sottoru et ux to Crown ! Finance Co., s of t) of so of sec 25-1(1-11. $10. W. D. Newlon ot ux to Jacob Sch.wlt7.or, Its 1 and 2, blk 10, Wies toria. $1. Chius. T. Campbell et ux to D. G. Scovey, It 4, blk 17, Laldlaw. $10. THE HUMAN SKIN. Chanycs In Its Hues That Have Como With tho Ages. COLOR A MATTER OF CLIMATE. Man Original 8had la Btllovad to Hnv Don a Orownlih YollowThi 0m Forcti That Mad Man Whit, Black and Yellow Still Operating. Mnii'a orlKliinl color nnd the cautto of tho rliiiiiKi In Hint color to tint vnrlouii llllf'H tllllt Illlirk tilt) HltlllS Of till) lllfTlT- I'lit rniiM Iiiivii louu U'ijii n Btudy uuioliU iiicii of wIcMri;. 'J'hi theory of J'rofenwir Lionel Lj'de, mi KiiuIInIi Hclctitlst, U Hint, wlitit'-vcr the color of prlniltlva ninii In the bo Kttinliig. tho routlltlolli of life during the chii till period went audi Hint uni formity of results miiMt hnve Im-n pro dilMil Ni-iirly exery MithrotoIoKlt la reiuly to ndtnlt now a common origin for all iiiniiklml. Wliero winn orlgl nnteil In not known very likely In oouthern Aaln. iiMluljr In Afrtcn, ccr tnlnly not In Kurotx). they wiy. Ill oiiKinnl eolor Is ni)hk)ihm1 U hnve hoflii n sort of hrownlnh yellow not like nny of tho colom of inimklnd todny, nnd arleiitlntH mil Mia, for tho nnko of rnllhiK him oomethliiK. n Condwunn. I In lived In aouthern Intltndex. Thin, they think, la certain. Then enme inlgrntloiis, nnd then, I'rofeanor Lyde hellewx. the vnrUtloim of color hegnn. Koinu turned white, nomo turnnl blnck, itomn hrinru nnd nomo yellow, nil no cordlnx to the cllmuto In which they found llii'inielve. Cllmuto Inlluencri worked dlrtctly nnd Indirectly. In the troplra tho akin nnd tho InteMlnex xTfonn work whlrh In teuiiernte rones Is thrown on the ItitiKH. So when limn found hluiRolf in cooler Inndn tho Inrremwl nctlvlty of the Ihiikh. toKtther with tho Irsaencd llk'ht nml hent. fuvored IlKhtenlng of tho xkln. When he found hlinnelf In hotter rllmnten the lnrrertsed nctlvlty of the liver nnd the prewnce of grent IlKht fn wired h dnrk skin. The old tlMHirliM of mrp nro pretty well dlf-Hriliil. for men of tho unme rsce. under dllTerliii; eoiiilltloiis. would roMie to lw ontwHrdly very different. Tllllt exen III Afrten. whlrh everylxxly think of as the III ml of hlnrks, blftrk In tint nt til the utilvertnl color. ' In the Siidnn. where there are prent llRht nnd little humidity and no uliwlc. the men atv ery IdHck. Kloewhere In Afrhii. where there nre fnrent. more hutnldlty hii1 h- IlKht. IImhikIi nlwut wiual ht. the color It hrown and even yellow. An primitive man went on hU way oxer the clnlie he nd'ti"d liltuielf to the roiidltlmiH l found. I'mfixnor Lyde thlnkM that It Ih llcht and not hetit which Ih Injurlomt. There are In the troplcn dHUKenniN X like rny which iiititit lie k(oiihh1. and they were Mopped hy the darkening of the Mn. Sliicn hick of inolitturo iiIko teuds to Klve n tn way color, It In found that In nilny countries tho miiiIi nru fnlrer thnu In ptticei where there nro long ii ml frequent drouKhtn. Tho race, theiu Hint found n home In moderate and dump climate turned whiter nnd whiter. It U only In imeh rllumtt that white aklmi ran endure, nnd preHumnhly, tf tho present white nice wiih turned Into n different Irt of tho world for iimny Imndrols of yearn, the whltenen of xkln would cradunlly Ik liwt. I'erhaiw, hlnce the while iiimii U Htireadliu: over the world today. It would l fair to iwy It will. In wieli easiw. k lint, the whltelieHH Ix'Imic retalne only In climates that hate the condition- under which the no t wrt tlmt lilenilitil. Intenxlty of IlKht and little humidity made lilack. Trade wliiili and llttu humidity pave the tlnue of hrown to the Hiihtroplcal MeillterraneHli people Then eonn-t yellow, which I'rofeiior Lyde puta down as the re-ult of "vnul ilclccnlliiK Kruoa IiiuiIh" In Intemper ate liitltiidc. The yellow man U the product of the pneei limits, with lack of hiunldlt) ami enoniil extremes of tempeniture. The color a man exjMni to aueh con dltlona would nnturnlly take would he one which conaerves lunt nearly na well an white, hut which alo pnitectx fnun IlKht. for which combination yel low wna the Instt, or nsl The nor mal color of theitp folk of tho Know Iniidn would Im chaiuriM hy hihtIiiI local conditions, auch na the presence of uiountiilua or proximity to the aea. The mounlulnccrs of Asia nnd the maritime MonirothuiN nrv lighter In color than their hrothers of the inland pllllllH. To 1'rofeHnor Iorde. therefore, skin color Is entirely n mutter of ellinnte It Is a well cstalilWhcd phenomenon now hecnune the different portions of the liuiiuiu nuv lived aeKni:ntel for thouMiinds of years In apodal areas, hut the wuue fortva that made men white mid black nnd yellow are oper ntliu; today, alowly. hut surely. Men who chniiKe their dwelling places will mill, nfter hundreds of Keaenittoiis, iliauce iiImi their aklus as they did In flie epoch of the first migration. New Yoik Times. My Restaurant 18 TIIK ONLY I'LAC IN IIKNI) THAT IS ' Open All Night SHOHT ORDF2KS QUICK SGRVICG Sandwiches and Lunches a Specialty. E. J. ROGERS. I'rlntera Attention. Wc have for anlc a Becond hand ChnllenKe 19 inch paper cuttor. Wk bargain. The IJend Hulletin. tf Takb YoL'U Sunday dinner at the Hotel Hend. Chicken served. 25tf (who sozs Acre Tract KoatcH and liean Kcnlty Co. will oirr for sale for one weak bc Kinninj: Monday, the Oth, Pilot Hutte HeighU Acre Tracts, all In cultivation. 'Put Your Duds In Our Suds." Telephone us nnd we'll call for your bundle and deliver it." Bend Steam .Laundry IIKNI), OllKGO.V flat Engine For Sale. A two-horso power Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine for sale at a bargain. Is in first class shape, does good work and has given no trouble whatever. Has been In light service for one year. Desire to replace with an electric motor, to lower insurance and because greater power Is wanted. THE BEND BULLETIN. The Buckley Express Co. DAILY SERVICE lietween railway points and Hend. Careful atten tion given to Stage, Ex press ami Fast Freight Busi ness. Hend agents Wenandy Livery Co. DAILY STAGE SCHEDULE Arrive Bend 10 n.m. Leave Bend. 12 m. NO STOPS G.U.Janata The Tailor. First Class Workmanship Correct Styles Best Material. Fitting, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Wall street, Bend, Ore. - Photographic Portraits That Please at the Seward & Robideau Studio Bend, Oregon The WHITE IS KING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that enn be produced. Made in both RO TARY & VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock nnd Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each ma chine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. catalogue tree. White Sewing Machine Co. 14(10 Market Street San Francisco, California. $295 BUYS THIS HOUSE EVEHYTHINa NEEDED U ropplkd at thU barvaln pric-U th msUrUI r qulnd fortha cunitructlon of thU mat era euuJ-looUng and coraf ortatU cottaz. V r lnjrpnj.nt lclrt iwt In any tnut or aiKjcUUon. At thU rvnutrkably taw quoU tlon w InduJa all lumbr, aah and dourt, mlllvrork, Ulrur, crlllnz. Hoorin. milt, sulr wotk.flnlthlnff lumtwr, wlnJow fraraoa, door frame, building paprr, tint trouxh and llt. hardware, uih w.UhU, palntini mater Uli. rooAnit, pUiUr board, wall tint, ate. Tha boui. whlrh ta of aolU. doubla-con. traction throughout. U 3SWfux3tW ft. In dlmanalona. and U aurprUlncty roomy arid wcU arrant-ad. Archltacta pbuts. tpcclflcatlona and full datalla about conitructwa ant aupplkd. Our frea folder, which telU yo all about thb bouaa U waltins f or you, Aalc f or Volitt K. cMstx "BaUiila DaaJtr." 2230 WUaka Ara. SEATTLE. U. 8. A. Not Conilitent. "Yon nre very foolish, Mnry. to think of RottliiK innrrlttl. If you will Kiwi ui ttie Men I will rnlso your wiiki'h ii tlollnr a week." "Hull ii ilolliir n week! That's n tine iiruuintMit iikMiihI iiinrrlilce to Im put up ly n liuly tlmt's tlruwu JI0O it mouth alimony." JihIko. Tho soltlliT Is tht only wllil nnlnuil tlmt doiM not out what ho kills, Jcs slip. tritl0iunrkflu.tiiryritiuoulnl oriui rv rlkl niotiru hwiwi or wwiw im un KiltUa tor PREB 8CAHCH and ri nn liAtwltl.hllltV. lUllk t.r.niWTL nAwuva nllll n nnTIIMVA for you. Our fr txKiklvUt.il how, oliat to Um'Ut ikI you money ivrtutoaay. D. SWIFT & CO. PATE'IT LAWYTRS. 1 303 Sovcnth St., Wathlnoton, D. C. STEVENS VISIBLE LOADING" REPEATING RIFLE No. 70 List Frlca, J8.00 U VUlblo IjxiUIhk" U bijrtul. vantajre. You utt tho cart rul.ru p lu thochnrubcr. You know when tho iuu Is loaded. Gets all the game in si&ht( 1'rnctlco nine and clcnn out all tho firm pcktu thU iprliih'. Paint for tho flharoahootar L aiiu uuiii.r n.U.lH.lbbdlBil Ili.BI ftt' fif y TM.iM4iif writ av m ( avaiiataj va vpia fvi iat thdul KlrW..Sfco.jun-t,,ut-l I fta4Klfl1f4tMJfr. ifrut tJjr. ts tTTAA vout d1rff aat latkt o &Tt LS's I(ywut.iitvl Miftvf kill ftklB .litMa I. !(,. iUaLl. m rt'r (u.ivi Vw t'A . :.. ..... i. 5TLVLTI5 AKBIS & TOOL COMPANY r. o. tui iwj Cik.M Ftlb, tUu.