The bend bulletin. VOL. IX. I'KNI). ORF.GON. WKDNKSDAY. OCT 4. 191 J. NO. ft) ililill W I OCCUPANTS HAVE RI2 A1ARKABLE ESCAPE. S. (). Johnson of San Francisco Only One ut Five Whu U llurt-Steerlnir dear Itroak and Car Crashes Into Juniper Tree at Cllne Falls. Going lit it rato of about 30 miles nn liuur, an automobile In which were five iK.'nplu Hiniuihed into a juulH!r tree yesterday afternoon near C'lltio Fulls ami wan wrecks!. Thtj accident wan emmed hy the steering gear breaking. S. 0. John win, a wealthy tlmliormnn of San Francisco, wan the only Him hurt, tho i-hcaiHJ of tho othurH liclng re markable. When the tree wan Htruck tho auto turned over. Mr. Johnson wiui in tho middle sent of Uio tour Ing car and having nothing to hold to wax thrown out and the machine fell on hint. 1 1 In right ankle wan Imdly hut no bones were hroken. Tho otherit In tho car were Mr. and Mm. John K. Ryan of Head, Miwt Kay llaldwln of Prlnevlllo and tho driver. Jack Dana. Fortune favored them and they got oir with nothing more than a severe jolting. Mr. Johnson wild hmt night that the car was Imdly damaged, one wheel and the front part being de molished. 'Hie Wmiundy Livery Co. wax telephoned to wml a car for the party and Mr. Darby went down. Mr. Johnson arrived In Ilend Sun day with a party of friend ami wa making a pleasure trip whou the accident occurred. NEEDS MORE RANGERS los eminent Will (live t!amlnatlon In Ilend October i. nnd U. The United State Civil Service fommlwilnn nnnuuncoa an examina tion to lx held at Ilend Oct. 23 and J I tn wcuro eligible to fill vacan cies in tho (HMillon of tuwlstant for iwt ranger In the forest itorvico. AiMiMtHtit foriMt ranger are (mid an entrance wtlnry of $1 00Kr nnmtin. The examination will cotutlst of HUmUIoiim regarding tho uko of the forest, Miipplemeuteil by a field text to ithow the applicant' fitnosw to ilo the actual work of a ranker, lvdu cation and exKirience will lie rated on tho answers to tho questions on thexo HubjecUt In tho application form and on the applicant' use of F.ngllnh In tho written test. Hontea for tho testa in riding and packing will lw provided by the forest service. Tho examination will bo given by Forest Sujicrvlsor J. Uoy Harvey, who expecU a number of jiersons will take tho examination O-W. K. &N. PRESIDENT f.xcursion from mi film. A private telegram from Ke atlle ycNterdny Mtiiled tluit W. D. Cheney wa leaving there with an exclusion which would arrive here tonight. IBEH READY FOR BIG CBflBWl I JURIES CAN'T AGRE Mistrial (exults Twice In Mueller Arnold Assault Cae. Ijwt Thursday William Arnold made complaint before JuhIIco Ijiwrcnco charging Alvln Mueller and Ray McGlllvruy with the crime of tuwiiult and buttery committed September 15 at a Hume under con Ht ruction on the Arnold ditch. Trial of the cane wa had Friday lie fore a jury, Vernon A. Forbe np Maring for the prosecution and J. I.. Sumrall and II. 11. Stewart for the defeiiHo. I he jury failed to agree and a new trial wan had In the name court yetetday, alo re Ntiltlng In illKngreement. The charge wiim dlstiilmed a to Mc Glllvrny before the firt trial. It Is allegeil that McGlllvrny and Mueller went to the Hume where William Arnold wan working, to get n "crowder," an Implement uned in ditch digging, which Arnold refused to urrendcr liecause of nn unpaid repair claim he had against It; that word ensued and Mueller assaulted Arnold and broke two of hi rib while McGlllvruy, with an axe prevented another workman from niwlnting Arnold. Tho second trial wa much more Mplritod than the Unit nnd the zeal ou attorney were called to order heveral time. Finally Attorney Sumrall rvfuned to bit down when mi ordered by the court nnd wax fined $10 for contempt. DEPOT OF BEND ROCK Redmond lias no .Material Near Home lliat I Suitable. Redmond will have a depot made of I tend Htone. Tho sumples of the white rock from Hlllman sub mitted to the railway ooplu were mil satisfactory, and it wax necex wiry for Htone to lie secured here. The Redmond 'City Council ha ap propriated $1(10 to lie lined in get ting the rock limited on can here. J.I. Went Im been given the con tract. A soon ax the line in xm for freight tralllc, shipments will be gin, the road having agreed to haul tho Mtone free of charge. The Red mond depot will bo the name site ox tho one here. 30x90 feet. GOOD PLAY TONIGHT James J. Hill and Party Will Arrive Tomorrow Morning Program for Two Days is Full of Events. I'ROORAM. WKDNKSDAY, OCT. 4. 7 it. m. Reception to party arriving from Hum. 8 p. tn. Illustrated lecture on Good Roads at church. Sjicukors: I'hll S. I la ten and Mnrhall N. Dana, Portland, THURSDAY, OCT. G. 'J a. m. Canoe war and log rolling on river, broncho busting at ball ground. 10 n. m. Parade form nt Wall and Kentucky Streets. 10:!li(ti. tn. I'arade starta. 12 Noon Lunch. 1 p. m. Driving of Golden Spike by Jamei J. Hill and laying of doiot cornerstone by Carl R. Gray. 2:3(1 p. tn. Addresses by D. O. Lively on Hog Raising and I'rof. F. L. Kent on Dairying. 8:110 p. m. Hexing contest at LInstcr's Hall. 1 1 a. in. to 1 1 p. in. Moving I'icturex at Star Theater. FRIDAY. OCT. C. 10 a. tn. Homo Races, Foot Races, Haby Show. 2 p. tn. I'illow Fight, More Ilroncho Busting, Etc. U::i0 p. m. Football, Bend High School vs. Crook County High School. 1J p. tn. Dance at Linster's Hall. 11 n. tn. to 11 p. m. Moving picture nt Stnr Theater. Chief Marxhal, Clyde M. McKay. Vernon A. Forliex, Assistant. U. N. Hoffman, Assistant. Line of l'arnde. Form at Wall and Kentucky Streets, move up Bond to Greenwood, Greenwood to Fourth, Fourth to Kir, Kir to K.vcrgrecn, Kvergreen to Wa.ll. down Wall Ui starting point. All thoxo who are to take part In parade report to chief marshal or tuwiHtantx for iiosilions axxlgned. WHLCOAlli TO ALL. On behalf of the citizens of Rend, The Bulletin extends a hearty welcome to all visitor to the Railroad Day Celebra tion. Make yourxelvex at home. endanger the lives of the riders by chasing the horses and getting under their feet. The band boys have been practls ing hard and good music will be given. Walter Bell has written a march entitled "Bend Park" which will be played, as well as the Rail road Day March. Danny O'Brien and Bobby Evans, two of the best lightweights in the Northwest, will meet in a scheduled 15-round boxing contest at Linster's Hall Thursday evening. This will . i be the stellar sporting event of the celebrntion. Both boxers are in fine I trim, having hod many bouts the past year. O'Brien has been meet- I ing the topnotchers at San Kran- clsco recently nnd has a record of 30 1 battles. EvanB, too, has fought j throughout the Northwest and Call J fornia, having engaged in 30 mills, 1 The two men have met each other t three times already. They are here ready for Ihe contest tomorrow evening. The referee will be Jim Dough erty of Redmond, said to be a splendid ring official. There will be two preliminary bouts, giving the fight fans a full program for the evening. INFORMATION BUREAU Bend'H groatoxt day thus far I at hand. Tomorrow and Kridny the coming of railway, transposition ny and merrymaking. Jamox J. Hill, who will be the the regular trains horc before to morrow. Coachox will be brought up tomorrow to take the Portland will be commemorated with coromoj people out. Excursionists from Portlnnd will be brought as far as Redmond tonight, returning leave central figure of the celebration, ii here Thursday evening nnd connect due to arrive tomorrow morning on ing with rogular trains Kridny. hi xiecial train and about 1 o'clock Social round trip rates were on will drive the golden spike. Mr' Hill stile yesterday and today, good to arrived in Central Oregon Sunday. Oct. U, over the Oregon Trunk. IHinding the night in Prinevillc. He Visitors are already arriving nnd Intuiiiled going to Burn, but the if the woathor is favorable the indi I bad weather made it nocowmry to cations are for n big crowd. Every cancel the trip. Hi revised itinorary thing will be In rendine and n live i Ix given in the following telegram y program carriod out. The parade 'received by the Commercial Club promises to lie n stiecial feature, ' Reception Committee Will Qladly 1 Serve V l;ors to Uend. A public information bureau for Kailronu Day will be conducted nt ' the office of the Oregon Investment .Co., just north of Lara s store. A member of the reception committee 1 will be in charge all day the 5th ' and 6th to nid strangers in any way they can. Complete list of rooming places compiled. Persous hnving rooms not yet listed please phone No. 1. Any aid private families crn give in providing accommoda tions for one or more guests will be . appreciated. Reception Committee. MERCHANDISE RATES J. D. Farrelltobe had of Harrlman Line Into Ilend J. I). Knrrell, who has been vlco president of tho Pugct Sound Lines of tho Harrlman system, was last week chosen president of tho O-W. It. & N. Co. linos, of which tho Dch chutc Railroad into Bend is a branch. Mr. Knrroll'u headquarters will lie in Portland. Mr. Farrell's duties will includo HUiwrvlsion of nil local divisions, ax well ax responsibility for traffic and tranHportation. It ix understood that J. P. O'Brien will bo vlco piexldent and general malinger nnd R. B. Miller tralllc malinger of tho O-W. R. & N. Dnlly CliniiKO f I'ltnu. Tin Stnr Thenter will change itx J filnm every tiny for tho reat of this week, having received a largo sup ply of tho best reels for tho cele bration. Tomorrow and Friday there will bo a continuous perform ance from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. You can't got nil tho fun that's coming to you If you mlsa tho mov ing pictures, lies Company Will Present "Louisi ana" at Llmter'a Hall. The lies Comedy & Dramatic Co. is hero for a week to play at Lin ster's Hall. This Is one of tho best stock companies coming to Bend, The play for tonight is "Louisinna," with ten people in tho cast. There are four nets, with vaudeville dur ing tho intormiasions. Popular prices of 25 nnd f0 cents prevail. ! Monday afternoon "Hill party leaving for Seattle. The trip to Buans was abandoned owing to the bad weather and con tinued rainfall. Will siend all day Tuesday in Seattle, mnke the night trip to Portlnnd, spending all day Wednesday there. Will leave Port land Wednesday evening for Bend, nrriving nt Bend enrly Thursday morning to participate in festivities, driving golden spike, otc. "CARL R. GRAY, "Pres. Oregon Trunk." Mr. Hill's special will likely be run direct into Bend. Owing to the rough condition of tho track, it I was not deemed advisable to run great efforts having been put forth to mnke it interesting nnd educa tional. Tho program as given nbovo will bo carried out, with probably u few changes made necessary by circumstances. Tho hotels, cafes and rooming houses have prepnred for a big crowd and in addition there will be lunch counters at various places. In the Kulks building the Ladies' Li brary Club will have a rest room for ladies and will serve tea, wafers nnd tho like. - During the horse races Kriday morning, tho owners of dogs are naked to tie them up as they would Oregon Trunk Makes Announcrmrnt ol Charges From Portland Advance notice of what merchan dise rates on the Oregon Trunk I Railway from Portland to Bend will be is given in n circular issued a few dnys ago. Tariffs showing complete information will be pub- ' llol..wl M ltli,wllil,(nn 2m m .Urn., isiivu u uiau luuuuil iij u DJlUi k time. The class rates in cents per 100 pounds are as follows: Between Portland and Redmond Deschutes Bend Between Portlnnd and Redmond Deschutes Bend 1 113 115 119 57 58 60 96 98 101 B 46 46 48 79 80 83 34 35 36 67 69 71 D 29 29 30 57 58 60 23 23 24 TYPICAL FREiatiTINQ OUTFIT WHICH TUB RAILWAY TO DEND REPLACES. HOD BEND' REACHED SAT URDAY AFTERNOON Hundred ol Local People Stand In Rain to Watch Track-laying Work Construction Force Putting Down Sidetracks and Y- Rush Ilallastlng The Oregon Trunk track laying machine got into Bend Saturday and the main line was completed shortly after noon Sunday. A largo crowd of people stood In the rain Sunday and watched the interesting operations. The track has been laid for about a mile south of the depot. The camp cars of the track gang were moved here Monday and will remain for a week or more, the men laying the Y and sidetracks and spiking down rails. There are about 150 men in the gang. Three coaches, one Superintend ent of Construction Rogers' car, were run up here yesterday. The temporary depot has been completed and J. H. Corbett, who will be agent here, has arrived from Opal City. The walls of tho stone depot have been started and the cornerstone prepared for the laying tomorrow by President Gray. It is a large block of pink stone on which is carved "1911." The telegraph line is now strung and messages are being sent over it. A large welcome arch has been built across Kir avenue at the edge of the depot grounds. Ballasting of the track between here and Crooked River will pro ceed rapidly and traffic be started as soon as possible. FRAUD CHARGES FAIL Timber Land Cases Decided In Favor ol Entrymen By The Dalles Ofllco A decision recalling the land frauds in Oregon a fow years ago wo3 rendered Sept. 18 by The Dallos land oflice, the casos being that of the Government against Sarah E. and Willburn H. Loftin of Princville. Copios of the opinion wore recoived here last week by Vernon A. Korbos, attorney for tho defendants. In Nov., 1902, the defendant made final proof on timber claims of 160 acres each in sec. 3-12-18, in the Blue Mountains region, but final papers were not issued them. In 1910 the Government brought charges of conspiracy against them alleging that they had conspired with T. S. Hamilton, a sheep and cattleman, to get possession of the land for his benefit. Tho two case were heard together Feb. 17, 1911, in Princville and tho evidence taken, sent to The Dalles land office. The property involved is vey tal uable, Mr. Forbes soys, ad the-defendants will now receivo title to it. AUTO RUNS, INTO 113AM An automobile driven by Jim Van Tyle ran into a team driven by Mra. R. L. Scoggins of Tumalo Sat urday about 6 P. M. and broke a. leg of one of the horses. The ani mal had to be destroyed. The acci dent occurred on the fill just west of tho river bridge this side of Laid law. The auto was coming from Redmond and Mrs. Scoggins was going homo from Bond. It is said the car was going rather fast ami could not bo stopped after tho toam was sighted. The driver said tho brakos did not work. Mrs. Scoggins, who is 57 years old, had n narrow escape. IIOMBSTBADURS CO.MINU Editor Bulletin: You neonlo of Bend may depend on tho High Des ert. Wo will be in for tho celebra tion and will furnish a sneaker if necessary, High Desert Homesteader,