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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1911)
w Caldwell & Alain All Kinds of Blacksmith Work THICKS IlKASOXAlil.K. Minnesota St., Hot. llond nml Wall. SVLVKSTKR L. STAATS KVKRT t. JONHS Sylvester L. Staats Attorneys nml Counsellor!) ni l.iuv. orncK: Corner Wall Ami Minnesota streets. V. V. Faulkner, D. il. D. DENTIST llullctin lIuilitliiK, B e n il. O r c R o n Dr. A. A. BURNS. OT'EISi. Healer. 8uTfulty Treated ' Without thr Use of in ug or Surgery, by the Natural Method of Healing. Chrom It DtmKf Specially. Coniullatloo Kree Member of the State and National Naturopath Society. OBc In. (totaling BUg.. flend. Oregon MARRIED IN PO Kit AND .Mis Tot Tnggitrt Becomes the HrlJo of A. At. Prlngle. At the homo of the bride's ulster in Portland Thursday night, A. M. 1'ringlo and Miss Tot Tnggnrt were united in mnrriuKv. Only the bride's rulatives and a few close friends were fresent. Mr. 1'ringlo returned to Rend Saturday night. Mrs. 1'ringlo re- malnetl in Portland to see her parents olT to I.oiig Reach, Cal. She is e.xjK'cteti to join Iter husband here this week. They will make their home in Rend. The young couple are very popu lar here and are receiving the con gratulations of many friends. 1 irv 3&2&&T?Zk. VKN ps NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. WHY? BECAUSE YOU CAN GET U. C. COE, Physician and M. D. Surgeon OFFICK OVKR FIRST NATIONAL BK. Office Hour; 10 to la a. m.; I to J and 7 to 8 p. in. Bknd, :- Orkcon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICX IK FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. BKND, ORKCON Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDC., BKND, ...... ORKGON WARD II. COBLE JESSE L. SUMRALL Coble & Sumrall ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. BEND, OREGON. ROBERT B. GOULD Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wall and Minnesota Su. Bend, - - Oregon. PHILIP P. THOMAS Civil Engineer and Architect Putnam Building Bend, Oregon. Crook County Abstract Co. INCORPORATED. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE to all land and town lots in Crook county. B. F. Wyldk, Secy. Frineville. Orcnon. We photograph the records. ORDINANCE NO. 50. An Ordinance authoriting and cm xiMcrtuK The Rend Water, Unlit and I'ower Company, (n Oregon Loror. atiou). its tuccruor and assign, to con lruct, operate and maintain a system or systems of poles, wire and other nccei ury orconvenieiit.strtictutes, aparalu, appliance and appurtenance, ocr, along, upon and under any and all street, avenues, alleys and public way In the City of lteuil, Oreiton, In I)es chute, Oregon, in Lava Koad Addition to Heud. Oregon, in Park. Addition to Rend, Oregon, in North Addition to Bend, Oregon, and in that portion ol Center Addition to Bend, Oregon, which lie within the corporate limn ol Mid City of Ik ml for the purpose of furnish- tnt! electric light and electric power to the public, the cltiien. bullilings ami streets of said additluus to Mid city and Deschutes, Oregon. Be it ordained by the Common Coun cil of the City of Bend: Section I That The Bend Water. Light anil Power Company, a cortxir atiou, duly orgauiied, created and ex isting under aud by virtue of the Law of the State of Oregon, and it successors aud assigns are hereby aulhurued anil empowered to construct, erect, operate and maintain a ytem or systems ol pole, wires and such other necessary or convemeut structures, apparatus applt 4 nee and appurtenance, over, along, upon and under any and all the street., avenue, alley and public way in the City of Bend, Oregon, in Deschutes, Oregon, in Lava Road Addition to said City of Bend, in Park Addition to tain City of Bend, in North Addition to said City of V-egter Hem! ami in that nirlum of Addition to said City of Bend THE FAMILY CRY Peter Lehrman GENERAL ULACKSMITHING. Horseshoeing a Specialty. OREGON STREET F. O. MINOR FOSTOFFICK BUILDING LIFE FI RE ACCI DENT INSURANCE Notary Public and Conveyancing All Legal Papers Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS George S. Young Civil, Mining and Irrigation Engineer Oregon Street Office with Eastea&Bean Realty Co. ar 5"Lv w7HflsSBtititit9 In folks freshness Is a fault; in bread It Is a virtue. TRY OUR BREAD AND TEST ITS VIRTUE. Buy your Bread and Pastry at the American Branch Bak er', first door north of Cald well's store. The only bakery in town that has a brick oven. LOWEST PRICES. THE AMERICAN BAKERY. I. 0. 0. F. Bend Lodge No. 218 Reg. Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome N. P. Weider, N. G. H. J. Eggloaton, Secretary. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. , Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. H. O. ELLI8. 8cr. C M. REOFIELD. W. M. (jy rCln I Agents for M. W. of A. Pilot Butte Camp No. 9794 Meets every Tuesday in hall over postoffice. Visiting Neighbors always welcome. C. I. Bozell, V. C. W. W. Orcutt, Clerk. RIVERSIDE AND LYTLE ADDITIONS I which I now within the comitate limit of aid City of Bend, a may W tieecwar) or convenient to the successful furnish ing of electric light and electric powci to the public, the cltiien, building and treet of id I)cchute, Oregon, of ald Lava Road Addition to aid city of Bend of aid Park Addition to said city ( Bend, of Mid North Addition to said city of Bend ami ol that portion of the said Center Addition to Bend which tie within the corporate limit ol the salil city of Bend. taction 2 All of ald pole, wire, tructure. aparatui, appliance and appurtenance to !eo constructed, oper ated and maintained that the same thall be no imicdliueiil to the ordinary ue aud occupation of said itreet. nctliict, allejsautl public wn), ami saiil coin patiy, ll successor or aigu shall ic pair and replace all that part Of twrta of Mid itreet. aeuue, alley and pnbllc way which it hall tlitturo or ue 111 the construction, operation and maintenance of Its said s) stem or ytem Provided, that in event the said company. Ha suc cessors and aMlgu, ahall fail, neglect or refute to repair aud replace that part or part of saul ttrcct. avenue, alley or public way, ttltlurtietl or uteil In the construction, ocratioii and maintenance of ltatd )tem or ytcm, then, ami ill tuch event, the aid city of Bend thall have the right to replace and repair the aine and the expense and cot ihereol thall be paid by said company, it suc cessor aud algu. Section 3 The City of Bend thall not I liable to ald comiuiny, it tucceoi and assigns for any injury that may be done to said system or syatems by virtut olaauy public work which may tic done or made in aalil city under and by virtue of the authority of maid city, provided aid city ahall ulve reasonable notice to said comtviny, its successor ami assigns. f uch contemplated public work. Said company, it successors audaign ohall be liallc for and hll hold ami ave the aid city haruile and free from any ami all damage ol any ami every nature which may accrue to peronor proerly by virtue ot tue ctinlruction, oeratlou or maltiteuance of the said )leiu or ytcmor any tvarl thcreol. Section 4 Tin ordinance thall be in full torce aud ellect, (rum and after it paoage, approval by the mayor, legal pul.licahou and the filing of an accept ance of the term of lhi ordinance In the Mid The Bend Water, Light and Power Company. Read first time, Sept. 12. 1911. Read second time, Ju-pt. 36, lyil. Approtcd, Sept. 26, 1911. Atte.t: U. C. COH. II. C. KLI.IS, Major. Kecorilcr. V. BARGAINS. aiaMBisskaisa jss NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Ore gon fur Crook County. Ill the matter of the estate of Anna !. Steele, deceased. The undersigned administratrix of the above entitled estate having filed 'ler final account in the alxivc entitled Court and the Court having ilxcd Monday, the 6th day al Nov. A.I). 1911. at ten o'clock a. in. a the time, and the County Court Room at the Court Mouse in Prineville, Oregon, at the place for the hearing of objection to Mild final ac count, and the final Mttlement thereof; notice i hereby given to the heir ami creditor of atil decedent, and all other persons interested in said eilate, to file their objection to said final account, if any they have, on or before (he Mid date set for final hearing. KVA A STIMiLK. 29 33 Admiuittratrix. Home Made Goods Served. The pastry we serve is strictly home made and the hvit. Try it and you will he convinced. The Palm. tf Special Inducement In Prices. Lots in Riverside and Lytic Ad ditions $10 cafch and $10 a month. Eastes & Bean Realty Co. FIVE ACRE Tratfs AOM SU0 0 OS IRM lSTO D1( V $375 to $750 Each. qupm nojt iuo)sAs quouiXed Auv WATER. RIGHTS Absolutely Protected. josnipjnd jtns oj suijox THIS PROPERTY aDJOINS BEND PARK And will bo as flno residential property as thcro is in the city. XjutioQ 3JOOJ3 uj jsj jstq puo QSoSSjq oqi oAirq oaa 'Xiodoud uudj jo Xjp oSucrpxo jo n08 A-n(l n0 dpq O) Qudm o Oregon Investment Co. ELMER. NISWONGER Wall Street-, Bend, Oregon. (Continued from llrt iwgi'.) ON TO BEND THIE CRY by 0. M. (.uptlll. entllltil "Railroad iway.Marcn. Ifie social program will Incltidf dant-fs at Llnster's Hall mi Thursday ami Friday night from 9 to 1 o'clock. No School Jib and nth. School children will have an active part in thu ftwlivititM. They the event. The Bulletin has print ed for the publicity committee 1000 extra large posters to lie distributed all over Oregon. O. C. loiter, city editor of The Oregonian. arrived last night to take charge of the publicity work. Ilxhiblts on Oregon Slrert. The exhibits will bo arranged on a stand 2C0 feet long in the center of Oregon street between Wall and Bond. The invitation to towns of Central Oregon to have displays has been accepted by Klamath Falls, Silver Iake, Paisley, Iji Pine and Laidlaw. Railroad Day March. Music will be made one of the features of the celebration. A meeting of the band was held last night and there will be a rehearsal tomorrow. A secial piece has been composed for the celebration Satihkiki) men are those who (mtronize Inneu & Davidson's barber shop. Hunter Bros. With Skusk Hakdwark Co. Interior Decorating House Painting Wall Paper In Stock. Lots ut Smiill Prices and Easy Payments. Business Property Warehouse Property All kinds of Farm Property Homestead Locations Fire Insurance. Eastes k Bean Realty Co. Oregon Street BEND, OREGON. rf0(S f fjpL "Vcm dont have to ftuJI l& Send away for p Book will sing aoveral wmgs and probab' march In the parade. County Sup Ford telephoned thin morning thi he twtiecinlly dvslriil that they mal a gmnl showing lefore Mr. Jill There will lie no school since May Coe ha praclaimed the uth and 01 holidays. It's a hie 184-nace book, prepared by Dr. David Robcrtf, the celebrated veterinarian, which tells you all about the ailments of your Cowi, Cattle, Hones, Sheep, Hogs and Chickens. We bave Dr. Roberta' Prepared Prescriptions rlgbt bcre at our store and we bave 7ff?tn a copy ol tbe grand book for you JrtLij Dr. ttolrts Is the greatest lire slock authority of the country. lis-filaleVctrrlnsrlsn of WlKoniln, lecturer ami Writer on UvcHtock Disease, the Tclerluarlsn wholtcallcil far and near lo treat tilth-priced animals. His I'rcpsrcd Prescriptions are Hit ones he 11 n in his own practice, the things jroubtre ute for scores of times erery year. The book gets down closer lo stockmen's nerdt than anything you have crcrread pout you on yup. toms and diseases, Sella you whst to do aud how lo do It. Wc have brought lb adflc and the treatment, of the famous ctcrlnarlan right lo your door. And the big hook It absolutely free. Call for your copy, i'ut the, moit TaluaMe prepared prescriptions on your slsblt shelf for migtucy caics. PATTERSON DRUG CO., BEND, OREGON. Bend Hardware Co. GUNS REVOLVERS AMMUNITION We carry the Inrgest niu! best stock in Central Oregon. What's the use of picking out a gun in a catalogue and waiting two to four weeks, and run the chance of being disappointed with It. We have them right here in the store and can fill your order Immediately. Come In and look them over. All makes, the latest models, and all calibers. U. M. C. AND WINCHESTER AM MUNITION. THE BEST BY TEST. PLUMBING ndotin Work Promptly Done mid Oiiaranieed 1'lrti Class. Bend Hardware Co.