The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 27, 1911, Image 6

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I l-... ...i. ...i.. n-., !,.... ii..
C.UIJ um, uilivn imuv iiiv
nifty clothes he wears,
lie buys them at
Where you will find ALL
Oregon street,
Bend, Oregon.
)end jyjachine hop
All Kinds of Saw Mill and Fanning
We Carry a Large Stock of
Auto Repairs and Supplies
Wall St., next to Opera House
East 5Sr 0
Go Journeying
There'll K o iruh to tell nbout when yesi Ret
bacV after .1 .V n tnp Kast on the drat
Noetheai R i !. ty. tlirf.usn the Rockus at sun
tct, with 'ho i t rll bathed in col"r. us yt.u
view it fnmi th t ratnodioui observation put
form on tin
Oriental Limited
the perfect through train to St. Paul. Minneapolis,
Chicago. The take Park Region of Minnesota pos-
kwii eyivan cnann. ami tne gionoui ureal ikcs
trip cam you through a land of enchantment to
Kraat eitic in the East. Get folder. "Eatern Trips
for Wertfn IVjopJe" and information about Spec al
Hound-Trip t urumer Parw. Call on or uddresj
Archibald Gray
A G. V y A., Portland. Orf-jn
vkjAyjKK aQw
7 i JH! ,v4vfl
Work to Start Next Month on Sutllo's
Lake lroect Piano for Watering
12,500 Acres Have Keen Piled
With the State linglncer
Tito organisation meeting of the
Suttle's Ijtke Improvement Co. wait
held in Hend on the 'JOth. At this
meeting the entire amount of
authorized capital slock, $10,800,
was suhscritvd and Z. M. Hrowu, J.
W. Hownnl and L. I). Wiost elected
directors. The Inmnl organized hy
electing J. W. Hownnl, president;
Z. M. Urown, view president and
treasurer, and L. D. Wiost, secre
tary. The directors decided to begin
construction of the company's sys
tem as soon as possible, employing
Mr. Wiost as chief engineer. As
soon ns necessary tools, men and
teams can be secured, probnbly
about Oct. 10, work will start.
During the last few years, Murwrs.
Drown, Howard and Wiost have
been associated in doing preliminary
work on this system. They investi
gated wntur sources in the vicinity
of Blue and Suttle's lakes, mean
dered and measured the area of
these lakes nnd reservoir surfaces
for different depths, mnde surveys
and a definite location for a canal
from Lake Creek, secured permits
from the state for the appropriation
of the waters of Lake Creek nnd the
right to construct a reservoir cover
ing Blue nnd Suttle's Inkes, nnd
filed maps and field notes with the
U. S. Land Office in connection
with application for rights over
public domain.
The plans for the system as filed
in the office of, and approved by.
the state engineer shows the con
templated construction of n canal
30 feet wide, 3.G feet deep nnd 34.4
miles long, with a cnrryinR capacity
of 1C0 lineal feet flow of water a
second, and to irrigate about 12..rf"-0
acres; also the construction of n
dam at the foot of Suttle's lake
approximately 1500 feet long nnd
55 feet high for reservoir puriMvww.
The reservoir will submerge Suttle's
and Blue lakes, storing '22,000 aero
feet of water. The land to Ik? irri
gated is in T. M nnd 15 south, It.
11 and 12 oust.
"This is not a Carey Act project."
said Mr. Wiest in reply to an in
quiry, "hut very similar to the
Arnold system. Th financial pIhdm
will 1k radically different however,
the Suttle's Lake conijwny starting
business with an unimpaired capital
stock "
For the present, it is understood,
there will le no sale of water right.
Couldn't Fool Him.
PorrlnK In I ln rapacity of co'lector
for ii lal bank Ik a colored niNii who
Hpeiid hli ctenlugs Iu)Iiik In an Oak
land bum!.
One of the clerk In the hank. know.
In; of tlic clerk's miiral attainment.
M.nlil to him. "J en-, I w ent to a vaiide
y.)e show laat night, and one of the
fc"ovn there played Truuwerer
BTiat r
Joe looked at hi rn wtapMmtaljr fr.r a
moment and then nald: "You tell
that stuff tu ItJinny. You ilim'l aet me
to blti-. 'raiie All kuows Ow ain't no
such liiHiruuieiit." Kan rranclefo
Finding the Velocity of a Missllo
n Slmplo Matter.
DetMrunert of Ihc Interior
I !i li I I t or al The (!" Or
June fH 1,11
N(Kr l. hrrrl.v gnnm! Ulnr. Hulme.
whwe MMtufli c tirrM t. Hend Oregon
H4 hi the i th J) o( March iii
file la Uiu salice tteurii atcmeiit an4 ap'ra
ttac. No ), lo wuehiM- the awl.eW c
7,T.!. K. II R. W VI. lint IIm- ll"h
lke.M uwlertke (mhuh o( Ike art ef unc
!,) aMllbe at ameiadalary, ksoKR t the
'TuaHVt and mow Late, al tuck value a
Hl(Mkiinl b)' afixaivtn.HI, awl tht. pttr
MMBtUtMKii pilkiiWu ine U4 aait timber
Ihrfew have i-rea appeaiMd al ia. the timlwr
eMinai4 aMtar4 feet al iJ w r l h4 Ike
UU la.. tkal kI a(HiMI Mill atff kaat
IimA hi mwumi of hi. ai,lmtloa awl iwa
KUtemeaHwi Ibe .m ty al )cU)-r. iii.bc
face II C HU. f CuwiulioMer. at hi. cow
at Itoud.OieKM
Any ttm i al liberty U pratr.t thl pur
ckMrUfatr entry, or iMiiuie a raatrM at ny
tiatr Uwrc Ut iwu., by IJllBK a (wrW
Mm! aiMaeM hi lki uece, aUKig (cl
wMta khm deleft la enir
tt C W MOOKK. KriMer.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
OoHOii for the County of Crook.
1jreozj I). Vox, Plaintiff
Alberta It Pox, Defendant
To Alberta It. Pox, abuve named de
fendant j
OKl'.OON: V.j are hereby commanded
tM 4ipar and usuer tlteeomiilHiiit filed
4jjiut.t ;ou tu the abje entitled auu ou
or k' re 'he S nelcrntll l of ' to'ier.
911 if j.jU ftil w I'l atiHr the
1 mint ff v ill apply to the court for the
r. 1 ef demanded thrieiii, towlt lor the
d vtuii'iii of the iniriaKe contract mm
exi-tiiiK lietHeeii ou ami the pUiuliff.
Tin- iimnioii i onlered to t wrel
upon iiju l publication thereof iu The
H ' Hidlctm, a weekly newspaper, pub
lished in Crook County, Orewon, bv
order of the Hon. It C Kill. Judxe of
the County Court of Crook County, )re
Vjon, uid order l.citix made and enlered
at I'riueville, Oregon, nn the j h day of
Septemter, 191 1, date of firt tiblicHii"ii
Sept. 6th, 191 1, length of publication lx
cotitecutnc Meeki.
lJ4ttl this 6th day of Septemlwr. 1911.
j6 JJ Altorni-v for I'latnitff
A 8lmpl Antidote to Polion,
It In a valuable IhlRtf to umlffxISFnl
thoroofcbly what aliuplo ainldtde (0
take If one H hi nnlii'-kv as to mtvuIIw
ttol-o-i of any kind." SwiHt oil I to I
f'iiinl In nearly iviry houiM. however
liunilrki. and half a pint of It taken lin
medlHti4y Is an edoe 11a I aatldote n
almoit all piUons Any 0110 Hlth a
strotn; conitltutlon sbo'ikl take a r
kit tiantlty of this Mrnp retnisly.
London Tatnlly Ilernhl.
IiUird Tract
Public Un4 hale. Nut Caat Law!
IleiMiriHieMertbe ll.ttrlur I' S lnd Oikte
at The I.n., Ilreyon Auu1 i6(h tati.
Nolice it bere'iy g wn thai. a Jtrrete.' by the
Cowni.oMrrof tliet.n.etal I anil i if ice. uader
l.ieiMuna of Act it Con.reaa 'iiosrA June ,
ia4(MMat ill. we Kill utfwat wMk aato,
tulbe UitlwIwUrr, at mux w'ctock a w., uu
the IJIh day of (Htlr, wu. at Ibl. offtev, the
lolloiHg(erHdUiMl- K Sh, . i, NK
MHT.xpc w, Tp. ia.. K 11 K. W. M. herwl
Nu. Agaf.
Any ytmil eta lot lag ateerty the abv
deaerfrxet htRd arc a4i-d tu file tailr cUn. r
ntaafttoiii, ou ac b.Metkctiue irai(nall ftf
5J C W MtXlMK. Kciitaiar
Houiehald Debate.
"I enuld hate done better than to
marry you."
"You hrlnir thnt qneatlon up at In
opjHirtHHe tlmos. inv dtwr. Ktipirv'
we ptere a rwcular wekly eteiilni: ou
tllH calendsr. lo be deyotetl to IH ill"
twnlou." rittsburK Tout.
8uffelent Proof.
T.mty And you Rtiaratitre that the
p not tflks fiitto a lotr lHiler-
tnther. Ill lnt tiilMtreaa sold him he-
uue she rmildn't tiet 11 word In odo
way. I-'llevHiiile Illatter.
Tht Whirling Cylinder rUgltttri th
ProJtotlU'a Flight With Minute Ao
ouraoy at Any Dtilred Dlitanoa.
Wing Shot! and Shot Charges.
IVrmn nt nil Interested In kiiii llrtiiK
of nny kind, whether of the tevohor
or rllle or of heavy onlutuioe of nny
I kind, iHViKlolinlly euuie Umiu the term
1 ''iiiiimIo rploilty" nnd reliK-ltlpi of the
! UlNnllf lit atlltcil dlMtntli'i
I "How run anybody tell how fnsl n
I hilllet Is truwllllK when It lemet the
, uiiuale of 11 wotiwnT" Is 11 likely i-oiu-
1 uieiit ou the part of the biyuinii
Ah n mutter of fnrt this npprnxltiinte
veltvlty of the inlnnllo tntiy tn one of
the onMcflt of determinations tu make
In the first place, a drutiillkee) Under
1. mnde of tlxeil illnmoter mill of aiif-
Ih'lently stllT usr to nllow of Its re-
Tohlm: nipltlly on a spindle, t'altii: a
eyllmler of small oln tunferenee. It In
tuveiMar) thnt the slusil nptivaeti
'.,. i reolutloii5 n minute. Thee rev
ollltloiin nre prtnllici-l h.e ehvlrle m.
er, nnd the count Is mnde by 1111 enct
111 iv tut nl Hi I retflMcr.
The Kttn Is plnretl aivurely nt the ri
tpi I nd dliiiti''e frnm the drum and l
slchteil dlnvtly at the center of the
, cylinder, which Is nplimliii; nt so
iiiniiy rod. een miles, n mlntile. n
'Its circumference deteruillte II It
the dntm'i sjsimI atljtltel nil ele trie
current dlohrpes the wen-ti. the
bullet ntrikltli: the renter of the drum
111 menaiinil from top to Ixittnni
The rifitler iiiidcratrtiitls thnt with the
drum stntlounry the tmllet would ps
tllrretly llininnh it on the line of ta
illnniHer. romlnc out on the other Bide
, with arnrit'ly a ahnde of Impeilluieiit
With the drum's periphery whirling at
the rate of revolutions n minute
and Its dlnmeler only a tract I on more
than a foot this would mean a rate of
2.000 yards In alx'y seconds. Thus In
the fragment of a seeontl necessary for
i the bullet to enter one aide of tlie pa-
I per drum. oro It and ont at the other
I side the oppcmlt aide of the drum
1 vroil'd hmr conaltlrmMe ilerlntlnn
from an exart diameter of line of pas-
' snKe.
, It Is this space of deflection shown
j Inside the further rim of the drum tint
Is tivd for the computation of velocity
'of the mlanlle The speed of the cylin
der tuny be computctl to the ten thou
sandth part of a second If ncccnry
nnd the lineal distance nin In thnt time
Ih rhartcd In jeriendlciilnr line on
the Inner side of the piper At what
ever lino the bullet cnctrnle outward
I: registers Its time In crosulnit the
diameter of the cylinder If It Ima re
Lrpilrcd the tcn-thotinnndth part of n
prccuiid for the bullet to tly one foot Ita
muxile tehx'lty to the tulle may Ih
romputeil by any schiMillMiy. lly the
antne pnM-,-e, too. the bullet's Telocity
at 100 ynrds or ftOrt jnrds may lie de
termined Yesm airo liefore wine ahootlnic hI
liecome nn art the farmer with his
muzzle liHultntr shotgun and charge of
black Miwder would about dlni-tly nt it
wlhl i:ome or duck In full flight, lie
iTolrt-1 n theory of Ida omii a to lb"
oncoming bin), hohllHg that the heaty
brentt feathers "turiNil" the shot He
waited until the bird had hvI liltu
when, firing directly at It. he could
bring down hit quarry.
Hut It was not ixi-aiise the bird wan
not vulnerable, coining: breast on.
The fart wn thnt It etlw over his
haro of shot, liefore he cotlM pull
the trigger and the hummer fell on
1 the ixTrtl-wIoti cap nnd the compara
tively alow black powder could be Ig
liltitl nnd exploded. Mending the ahot
twenty-flvo or thirty yards, the bird
' had llow-u yards perhnai lieytmd Its
pteiltlou when the fowler first ton lied
I lie trigger. Hut II ring directly at tin)
bird lifter It had Kiacd the ahot
,1'lntrce had 11 strong tendency to drop
as It Hew, nnd thn bint Hying on n
level line "got In the way" of the
1 barge
' Today the modern nllro powders are
' Imnieniely ipih-ker than whs the old
bla-k gtitMwder. yet It has Inmmi an
iMitdueerliig problem to detennluv Jut
. how fast and In what line harge of
'sliot will travel. In thla di.termlii.i-
llon the revolving drum dTe has
shown Hcverl lnixirlnnt fie-ts will h
'twin la-en taken In miinci Hon with
'the Sfeiil of Intlhliliial rin.- blrde
'and Hie e.Teots of wlutlagu 011 u aot
, ihnryn.
I ThHt most Important fat a to the
flight of shot from a modern aliotgun
Is that at forty yard the hoi nre
1 "strung out" for approximate')- fifteen
' feet. While the leading pellets In the
1 string have greatest velocity nnd kill
ling imwer, at this distance iweti the
I trailing pellets are of suHlclent fono
to kill.
All this has led to the modern pnte
lhe of Hie fowler to reckon with the
Jpeisl of his ahot, the seed nf the
bird, the Influence of the wind In
"drlfllntf" the charge, and out of
flisie established f ts to "load" lhe
bird sum'leiitly to kill It ruber Ihiin
iiiiiIm nnd crlpplo It. Mnrvln Iloltou
In Chleap Tribune.
Her Dsar Huahsnif.
"Why." exclnlmeil 11 newly mnrrled
woitinn to n lumch of friends, "for
three months nfler our ninrrlrtge toy
dear Intshanil innda my bnke hot bis
culls for him every tuenl "
"And yet yotir huslmnd Is n strong,
henllhy looking follow," answered her
friend, In nstonlahnient. "Doelnra sny
thnt such n diet Is terrible, nnd"-
"Oh. jea, this hlisbnnd Is henllhy. I
was referring lo inv first htislmndl"
Clntelnntl Plain Dealer.
Oh Undsrstootl.
Mr Misfit- It's nn use trying In
explnln things to n womiin. Him enn't
nnderstntid sclenllfic terms. No; them
Is-- Mrs Mlalll - Oh. yes. I cnn.
Phnrles! Heredity Is whnt n limn
blnmcH his fnlher and mother fur, ami
environment Is what he bhimes his
wife and children for Kxchniige.
Th Loiloal Lunatlo.
A luimllf was In the linhll of cnlch
Ing lumglnnry flies When naked to
explnln her atrnllge nellon alio Hilnled
illitlcr her clonk nnd replied. "The
files are lo feed this motigooio "
"Hut thrrt Is no mongoose"
"Well, there nro no tiles."
Ileiwotmrill of lhe Inlrllnl
V S. Olflrr. al The Itatle. llf"M I
hfplfiiiUr iii'1. 1
Nc-llre 1. heirbr Orn Oi.l Willi.m II 11.11
ol t,aiHUw, oteimi. wli um Nmniilwl ll, isA, i
li.ilr biiir.leo. eiiliy So M- (Seltal Nn I
u)ji) nr V.V(. rwAii.m ii rw.lii iSSoulh.
M'tiie ii lU.t, WllUmelle Mrntian haaftledi
in Ike of InlentMn In ni.Wr hnal (le year pciwf '
lar.Ubll.hclalnilnlbr Uilil atue illlll lie
f.iell C hill. V S CnniiinxUKier al hi.olNe,
al llemt ll'j"ii. on lhe i.l U .f Nu,mtr
Cl.lm.nt Mme.wilti... I'rank II Pay 1'i.nk MuiV iIi.Iit M lr an.l William'
II n.rnr., all ol l.ahll.M Oltl'in
w ll l W 41 iiMI Hril.lrr
1 11(11 1 CLASS
UstlittntcN rurnlshcd
on liirgo or hiiiuII
contracts, for car
pentering itlono,
ing, painting, utc.
Charles lltiyd, I'nip.
Vegetables, etc.
00 YCAnO'
Rooms for Rent
Confectionery, I'rult
Picnic Supplies, Cigars
J. F. Taggart & Co.
is J 1 1 "I k 1 ISi
Tnsot Mansa
Cocvhiomo 4c
Anrnna..n.lla a taalfh aad daaetiMIn mar
sl.tlf aacaelain r HMI ( ka.har aa
l,.nll. M lie' ' "'"akK l.immaale
iu". .iiieilr r a.l.MUJ MUOIOOl m I'aiwta
.ii im iU.l t l(.'"'yr"",' .
I'.ieia lai.n tbexah Mana k to, imlii
rrul U, .k.rea, la Ik.
Scknlific American.
A hanar' Itlariralad "aeklr Ufeea.Hr.
esUia-n if an aneMlM r-""'l Taema.ll a
,wi f.if MuMae.ll. SuUkraJl eeelMlee.
If yon want .something to cnt try
Puru Ice Cream CAAA'CDT A C2 Pure Ice Cream
Kvery Day jAYl J l LALC Kvery Duy.
on Uontl street. Annex to Stephens Ac Puttie's saloon.
A Bargain in
For thirty days we will sell our rough
lumber at $10 per thousand. We have
contracted to move a million feet of tim-
lier by Noi l.t him) imi.t havo loom. Nut the osdi
luu.lier .imI ju.i a rir.t claas plare tu olMitln a lilfl
of hiuilx-i llur iiiolto bold, good ' littu Im-IIit
IwiuU i fur u iti i iim nioni'i
iii -
Tbli Ii th HtU of a beautiful e4rl book, which
will ihow any bor or (trl bow to SUCCEED, prop a
IMIiUI la lb mall TODAY sod H will b onl I KEC
Tb aim of tha Colltf It to itlmlty soil populailia
tb tnduatrlt., anil tottrvt ALL tb ftoplt, ItorTar
couriat la Ac rlculturt Civil Cndnit tine, Electrical
epflDrtn(,MtebanlcallDlntrla(, HiDlncCnfln
atrlaf, rorettiy, Pomeitla, Selene aBd Art, Cern
ratrce, fharmacy and Muite. Th Ooll( oiot
BapttmberDd. Calajoj free.
COLLEGE, Corvallli, 0r0n.
Quit a Llngultt.
".My huslmnd HperiK three langungos
"Hngllsb. I'reneh nnd fierniHBy
"iS'il, Hasebali. r(lf and ivlu'.imi,"
Chicago ItworU Ilwuld.
The Other National Qam.
Mrs. (Jnley fas Onley arrlvos homo
nt II a. mi-Well, whnt In the world
remtndisl you to come lintnn nt nil?
Onlee-The t'ntne was called )n "c
count of daylight, my donr. I'licit.
Hatred does not ensue bv haired nt
nnv time. Hatrisl cosHOri by love.
Thla Is nu old rulu.-Iluddhu.
Star Restaurant
tiwaf jmajii.wi i,wrfyuiyjtfl
Alcals 35c. Newly Furnished Rooms 50c and up.
21 TICKETS FOR $1.00.
Large Pies 15 cts each
Doughnuts and Cinnamon Rolls 15 cts Doz.
Cookies 10 cts Do,.
Cakes 10 cts to .35 cts each