I'J t ' BEND INVITES EVERYONE TO JOIN HER. IN CELEBRATING THE COMING OF THE TRAINS HERE, AFTER MANY DELAYS. DATES OCTOBER 5-6 The bend bulleti Vol.. IX. IIKNI), OltlMON. WKDNKHDAY KMT 27. Mill. NO. 29 "ON TO BEND FOR RAILROAD DAY ?? CRY i S THE w i VOTE AND REVDTE COUNCIL GRANTS TWO FRANCHISES. Plra Limit Ordinance Paid of Callage Tomorrow l)eal(nileil a Cleanup Day Night Policeman Appointed -Sldewalki Will lie llulll. The C'ily Council lost night Rot tomorrow (Thurwliiy) an Cleanup Day. All premises anil vacant lots ttmnt lx cleared of llltli and rubbish. The city will haul oil", free of charge, one loud to each proerty owner. The water and light franchises covering the additloriH to Itend were granted the I lend Water Light & ' Tower Co. hy the City Council, In adjourned seiwinn, hint night. Tho nthendeil drnylng and the flru limit ordinance were killed. On the flntt vote the water frnn chine was defeated by the following vote: Ayes, Caldwell nnd Allen; noes, Aune, Kelly. One'll and Sel ler. After this had Ix-cn done ills cuMlon of the franchise was begun and it remitted in a vote to recon sider. Thin carried and then Sol' lent and Kelly clumped thulr votoH to yen and the franchise was pommiI. Auno wanted free water for lire and sprinkling, and Onolll thoiiKht the company should sol u dullnltu date when It would Ix-gln taking wvtcr out above town. The light and ixiwur franchise passed hy a unanimous vote. V. A. Boavcr wns"npmlnted night policeman, to go -on duty Sunday, and the mayor was instructed to appoint Mich other olicomen as would l c needed for Railroad Day. A petition from JiO citlions to have Hldewulk built in front of Iota 1 to 7. block , on tliu Houth side of Kvcrgreon avenue, and for the plac ing of an arc light nt Kvcrgrcen nnd 5th street, was not granted. The street committee win ordered to proceed with the building' at once of sidewalks which had been ordered HO dayii and not yet built. 0. I. PKhHIMI IMIIIS. The Oregon Trunk Railway aniioiinceri tlie following freight rates Ix-tween 1'ortland and Bend, effective wlllj the own ing of the road here: Lumber, potatoes, hay and onions, in carload lots, 21c a h undrew I jmunds; grain, Hour and mill feed, 22c; cattle, hogs and sheep, er carload, $(!8. tLT0DIEGOLDENSPIKEOGT.fi President Gray Will Lay Cornerstone of Depot Large Crowds Com- ing Program Is Hummer. FATHER. AND CHILD FALL INTO RIVER II. J. Dmiglaaand 4ycnr-old Daughter Narrowly lUcape I'fom Drowning al kiiblimon'a Bridge II. J. Douglas nnd little 1-year-old daughter Cecil had an exciting ex-IK-rlencc In the Deschutes River Sunday, ami narrowly escaed lieing drowned. In walking across the stream on one of the logs of the old Ro)inson bridge, about ten miles up the river, Cecil made n misstep nnd fell. She had hold of her father's hand nnd ho was pulled oil" the log on which he win. I loth went Into the wnter, deep and swift at that point, and all that wived the little girl was the fact that Mr. Douglas did not low his hold on her. The rapid current held him under the wnter for some time, but he succeeded in getting the child up on his shoulder and her head out of the water. He knew how to swim, and after a hard struggle reached thit side of the river and clung to a rock. Walter Chenille and Mrs. Douglas, who witnoiwod the acci dent, took the little girl from the cold water. Mr. Douglas was so exhausted that it was some minutes leforu he could crawl out. Cecil's wet clothing wax stripped o(T at once and she was well wrap ped up, but Mr. Douglas had to make the ten-mile ride home with out a change and was benumbed when he got here and sutTered much from the shock. ri.Mii) row si'uimiNti The cltv authorities have at last tnken steps to stop the seeding of nil ton through the streets. Police mnn ItnlerlM arrested I). L. Peter. son of Iji Pine Sunday night and he kiu fined $7.fi() liv Councilman Allen for his infraction of the city ordinance. Other arrests will fol low if the fast driving continues, Mr. Roberts says, t I PR0CLAA1ATI0N. SUITUMUUK RAINFALL. Another good rain fell here Monday nnd Tuesday, bringing the total precipitation for the month up to 2.&0 Inches. The rainfall this week amounted to 0.G5 Inches. Last September there were only four rainy days, the month's rainfall be ing 0.80 inches. This month there have been eight rainy days. X Hy virtue of the authority invested In me as mayor of the City Z of (tend, 1 hereby proclaim October C and G, 1111 1 , general holi- t days In Hend and request that the public school be closed and that t every citizen Join heartily in entertaining the visitors within our 1 gates and in celebrating the dawn of a new era. t (Signed) U. C. COE i Sept. 27, 1011. Mayor City of Hend. James J. Hill will drive the golden ' Business Men Comlnr. spike; President Carl R. Cray of the A delegation of CO or GO men Oregon Trunk Railway will lay the from I'rtlnI will be here for the , ,. . . ., 1 1 . celebration. They will leave home cornerstone of tho depot; President,. . .. .,-.., , ' In two parties, the first rrldny and Louis W. Hill of the Croat Northern ,ho .,,, g,,,. morning, join- nnd n large party of llurrimnn ntf t,ach other nt -Redmond. Tliey ofllcluls will Ik; present and deliver will spent Uiat night at Prineville, addresses; business men will be here leaving there at 7 a. m. for Burns from Portland, Seattle and nil the ""icy will come back over the Bend. , .. . . n Hums roau wun tne mil party. Thus Bend's Railroad Day cele bration will !. made a memorable vent. The dittos lire October J nnd G. Telegrnms to the Commercial Club, to C. R. Cray and C. C. Chap man at Portland, sunt by L. V. Hill, make it an assured fact that the great Km pi re Builder, the man who hits unhottled Central Oregon .lames J. Hill will be here to par- ticipnte in orson in the festivities. ' Hill to Arrive Wednesday. ROAD TO BURNS IS IN GOOD CONDITION ' Lectures to the Farmers. The lectures which D. O. Lively nnd Phil S. Butos were to deliver here next Saturday will be given after the spike driving as the chang ed plans will not bring them here before going to Burns. Prof. F. L. Kent of the O. A. C. will also lec- , turn at the same time, speaking on "The Dairy Cow." C. C. Colt of the Union Moat Co., Wm. H. Daugherty of the Union Stock Yards Co. and Pres. Dickey of the Portland 'Cattle Loan Co. will The Itinerary of Mr. Hill, who nigo be here. will Ih accompanied by a party of capitalists from Minneapolis and St. Paul, is to arrive at Opal City Sun- Bend the Beautiful is Very Rich in Undeveloped Resources. The near advent of the railroads is going to de velop those resources. The man with it BANK ACCOUNT Is going to see his account grow with this development, because ho will have ready money to invest in the good things that will develop. Development will continue in and around Bund for the next twenty years. TIiomj who haven't u BANK ACCOUNT now can build one. How? By depositing whnt money you hnvo nnd ndding your savings to It. You will bo surprised how quick your Nivinga account will grow and when your opportunity presents itself, you too can prosper. Start It don't delay. Small and largo deposits equally appreciated at this bank, Wu want to help to make everybody tributary to Bend prosperous. . The Deschutes Banking & Trust Company of Bend, Oregon "Conservative Banking for Conservative People" I,. II. IIA1HI), (President) J. W. MASTHKS, (Vice President) V, O. MINOR, (Secretary) Dihiictoks: h. H. IJAini), 1'. O. MINOK, S. V. IIAIRD. Publicity Men Busy. A. O. Hunter, who went to Port- day evening nnd upend the night In ,, ,7, Prineville. He will reach Burns fK,m V. "' T , . .. mere. lie conierreu wun railway and business men and gave the cele bration much publicity. From nil Monday, spend Tuosdny there and Ih escorted to Bend over the Bend- Hiirnti rmiil V1nituln tfiWmr ., ... , . , . , reports, there will be a large crown! dinner nt Horace Brookings nnd' ' ' ., ,, v. . ...! i,. ni T., from tho Rose City. The Newlon- spike driving will take place after Kollfr 'A8 vertislng a free ex niMin Thursdai', nfter which the party will leave for an auto trip through the Sisters country, taking the train nt Opal City for the Fast, j curslon. Mr. Hunter arranged for the printing and distribution In Portland of 10,000 tags advertising (Continued on last page.) Full Stock of BUILDERS' SUPPLIES You Will Always Find Here CHARTER OAK STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. The kind that has been sold to SATISFIED CUSTOMERS for (M Years. lk'fore Yon liny Hardware See i , 1 N. P. Smith Wall Street Bend Quartet .Makes Inspection Trip, (Jolng Far liatt as Rllcy Har ney Mai Done Iti 'art Well The Bend-Burns auto road Is in excellent shaie. This was the unanimous opinion of Judge II. C. Ellis, Joe Hunter, W. II. SUatB and Clyde M. McKay, who returned Monday night from a two-day Insertion trip. They went to Riley, within 25 miles of Burns, In Mr. Hunter's auto. The Harney county people have graded and cleared the road of rock, built bridges and culverts and made a splendid highway. The Lake county stretch has been worked by the Harney nnd Crook people and Is also In good condition. From Bend to the Harney line the same Is true, the viewers said. There are no high centers, no rock to bother, and the rain Monday and yesterday Iiackcd the loose earth where recent work was done. Three men from Bend are at work on the road In Crook county. The party of railroad and busi ness men who will come from Burns to Bend over this road will find it smooth and speedy. WHY PAPER IS LATE. The Bulletin Is late In being issued today owing to the extra work of putting Into type the two franchise ordinances passed by the City Coun cil last night. CROWDS 1111 SOUTHERN TOWNS TO SEND MANY Delegations From Lake and Klamath Counties to Burn Convention WUI Take In BIjc Railroad Celebration Here Sawhlll Back From Trip Returning Sunday, evening from his visit to the South, J. K. Sawhlll brought word that there will be many people from Lake and Klam ath counties at Bend's Railroad Day celebration. He held a meeting at each town in the Interest of tho Central Oregon Development League convention at Burns. Klamath Falls will send 26 dele gates, La Pine 9, Silver Lake 8, Paisley 8. Merrill 1, Crescent, Fort Klamath and Bonanza 2 each. In making the trip these men will como by auto to Bend on the 30th and join the Portland men's excursion. On the way home they will come back to Bend for the celebration. Lnkcview will send 22 men to Burns who will not go this way but will return over the Bend-Burns road with the others and take in the festivities here. It is not known definitely yet how many delegates the local Com mercial Club will send, but it will likely be a live bunch. Preparations for Railroad Day will make It Im possible for some of the business men to go who would like to. Mr. Sawhill said that the people of tlie neighboring towns were greatly Interested In Bend's big event and many will be here to have a big time. Chicken dinner a specialty every Sunday at Hotel Bend. 25tf The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOe. Prttldtnt I- A. SATHCR. Vic Prttld.nt O. 8. HUDSON, Clihl.r Capital full paid - - 825.000 Stockholder,' liability - 825.000 Surplu, .... . 80,000 Why Not Raise Hogs? We want, to furnish tho FARMERS of this community three car loads, or 150 head, at actual cost, and take your note for them at, one year. These hogs will be purchased in the Middle West by experienced buyers, thro the Portland Union Stock Yards and sold to you at actual cost, and freight,. Oregon pays the Middle West, five million dollars annually for hogs. Why not keep this money in Oregon. Better still, keep part, of it, in Crook County. The local market, will be good, and you can always sell them in Portland. It's good business for you, for us and Central Oregon. Call or write for particulars. Appli cations will be received up to October 10th. . TFe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS: D. C. COK . A. SATIHK C. S. HUDSON K. V. SMITH H. C. BLUS yl'j