The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 22, 1911, Image 3

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Do you realize what this means to the ladies of Bend and vicinity?
UMnc that you can be as well dressed as any lady in the world
JTlLclllo tlmt only the very latest models are used in Ideal gnrmenLs
tlmt every garment is man tailored hy hand to each individual measurement.
nl nft Tnilnl Every garment is i tailored to fit the figure on a
iVldll" 1 dllOlLU foundation of "Perfectus" non-shrinkablc canvas.
These garments are not shrunk into .shape with a hot iron. fJarmcnts so
handled quickly lose their lines and heroine shapeless. This "shape retain
ing"iiality easily distinguishes real man-tailored garments from other kinds.
Qrxr Willi CSII- livery garment manufactured hy the Ideal
OCWeU Willi OlIK Li,ditVTailorin Co. is sewed thruout with silk.
Gn n t n ii tfn ''''K' a',0Vl' trade-murk is attached hy a tag to every gar
llcll till ILL niftit and assures ahsolute satisfaction to the purchaser, in
style, lit, workmanship, linings and wearing qualities.
A few things to rcmemher ahout Ideal Man-Tailored (Jarments:
Ideal garments are delivered promptly. Ideal styles are the correct styles.
Ideal garments are distinctly "diilurent." Ideal prices are right prices.
Ideal clothes are honest clothes. Ideal clothes retain their shape.
Ideal clothes are guaranteed clothes.
Wi: SHOW am IHSTINlT PATTERNS of sultlm; nnd 7H distinct models surely a variety
of itHttrniM hikI Htli' to Hint each indiidunl twite. We guarantee that any nuit you may w.
Itn't will not ln mIiI to any other lady.
We want to rtlmw you what Ideal (jnnncnt are and would appreciate an opxrtunity
of lI'llllK' HO
' BITS ABOUT TOWN. Min Edith East. nnd Sara
,,,,.., ve.Mis.'i.s;iiv PM'IMM IVrr'' ft tlim morniiDC for Port
. KOM KUM-MMt h I Al I.K.) )hiu for vUil ,)f ,,,n ,,).-i
J. II. Wenandy returned Stmdsy .Ml llel'ena IUxtII returned hut
frmn Portland, i night from n vidt of four weeks at
A.I.. I-V..nch IirmiuivihI ,, LiHll'-rtlaa.! and Vancouver. W-l..
'new houno in Ihwchuttw. I Mrs. II. O. Morrill of IWoll
J T. Ilanly of the North Hank
'road came in Monday night.
, F. F. Smith mid J. M. I-nwrence
went down to Portland Sunday.
E. A. Sather Ih moving Into his
now residence in Park Addition.
' F. A. SalTord returned Monday
from n hunting trip nt Silver l-ako.
' Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Averlll re
turned Saturday night from Port-
Mrs. Nellie Wright returned
'Monday night from a trip to Portland.
Phifer nml wife arrived
in Rend to maku their
' B.H.
Thursday evening, Sept. 28. will
ho Hoy Scout Night al tho Star
I). L. McKay ruturned to Port
land Friday nfter spending the Hum
mer here.
' Max Richardson is still confined
to his hed. lie Iiuh hcon Hick nearly
;eight weekH.
' !. S. HeiiHon left Sunday on a
trip, of several weeks to his old
tome in tho East.
Miss Frances Pottratz of Elgin,
III., will upend thin week-end with
the Misses Markel.
T. P. Murphy IiohkIiI lot 12,
lilack in. Park Addition, of Tim
Rend (!. last week.
Colonist rates from tho East woro
put on Sept. 15 hy all tho railroads,
fill'octlvo to Oct. ir.
Thu Margaret Hi's Stock Company
will open a nix-day engagement at
l.lnstor's Hall Oct. 2.
Mrs. Sawhlll accompanied J. K.
Sawhlll on hla 'Wing around tho
circle" trip this week.
" Iyla Richardson loft Saturduy for
Walla Wulla, Wash., whom ho will.
ntor Whitman College. ' .
Hullo left this uiorninK fur North
Yakima to visit liar mother.
Cnlin Jack, a ttheepliordcr, fell off
IiIh hnre near town liuit week and
hroke two rilw on the left Hide.
W. II. Staata and family returned
Friday from Newport and Portland,
driving their auto from Tho Hallos
II. J. Eggloston has just received
an Acme harrow which ho will have
on exhibition al IiIh store for a few
Church services will lx hold hero
next Sunday hy Itov. M. W. Weaver,
prohahly in the hall over tho ost
olllco. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson loft
yesterday morning for a week's
trip to southern Central Oregon
Nearly 100 tickets wero Hold for
the hcnollt show given tho Catholic
church at tho Star Theater Thurs
day night.
In Sunday's Oregonian appeared
a half-page illustrated article on
Tho Hend Co.'s mill, written by (i.
P. Putnam.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Scott return
ed to Hend Friday, having been
away several weeks on a trip to
Portland and Washington towns.
Vernon A. Forbes, M. S. Ijittin
and J. S. Parminter have bought
from Tho Houd Co, lots I to lit, in
clusive, block 18, Center Addition, ,
Itov. M. W. Weaver, tho now
Methodist pastor hero, camo up Fri
day from Madras to confer with
members of his congregation and
secure a residence.
Miss Clark, daughter of thu first
president of thu North Hank Hall
way, was in Hend Sunday night on
her way to visit at the home of Tom
Sharp on Crooked River.
, Tho Wonandy Livery Co. has
ordered a lii-ponaengor wagonette to
Ih lined in carrying guests from
the depot to the hotels and n dray
wagon with which to conduct a
dramg business.
You May Know
I'(irluiM joii know of a town having
a jool miiiimtir clliimtii.
You mil j know iinotliiT Inning jfoixl
Mnlic von know one town at tint
iIl'Ih iiMHuiIk.
I'ohhIIiIv win know onn town having
U.VJ.UO'fifii-ior lnlifiiU'd land.
You mill knoM of onn liuvlnj; twenty
billion fi'i-i of pltiu tlmlnT.
Irrliiiii vim know oiio town linvlnff
'2H),ft Imni'-iHjwcr.
Mnylii- ou know orm lmvlii IW.WXJ
iii'iiwol win-Hi land.
Yoo '! i ulrily know one town tlmt l
thu Imtlfii-vt I'ctitur of ft State
You know onn town tliul a ntllirmil
In iilxmi to CDIIT.
Von tiiu know one to which two
llillnmili lire liiilldlllfc,'.
You mljflit kfiow one to which three
toniN ate iiiillillni,'.
Yoo tiiti even Tm n fortunate an to
know of a town Imvlntf TWO of tliinto
Hut where It the r) a town having
AM. of tliemV
Tlien- only onf. It U
HKMi, oumou.
L. It. Jones, Bccrotary of the
Paisley Commercial Club and editor
of the Chewuucnn Pross, and R. It.
Jackson, manager of thuChewaucan
Mercantile Co., arrived in Hend
Monday night on a pleasure trip.
Mth. F. F. Smith n num
ber of her friends to an informal
social gathering at her home Mon
day afternoon. Thu ladies brought
their sewing work with them and
Biwnt an enjoyaole afternoon, flight
refreshments were served.
The Hend Co. now hns on hand
about li.OUO.OOO feet of lumler at
its mill. The new siding machine
is turning out a high grade of lum
ber. Clyde McKay says the com
pany will begin shipping lumber
Host as soon hh freight service is
started from here.
Arthur W. Orion, register of the
Ijikeview Ijind Ofllce, stopjied in
Hend a few hours Monday. He
was acromimnied hy his wife. They
wore motoring to Portland where
Mr. Orton will sjiend his annual
II. I). True rejiorts the sale of
lots 8 and 'J. block 7, Wiestoria. to
Mrs. I'la Michaclaon of Fort Rock.
The Hend Co., through II. J. Doug
las, sold her Iota 15 and I. block 20,
Center Addition. Mr. ami Mrs.
Michaelson exjiect to build and
make their home here.
Mrs. O. F. Persons left this week
for Canby, Ore., to make her home,
having received final receipt on her
homestead. Hefore leaving she
arranged to have the body of her
husband, now buried on the Allen
ranch up river, taken up nnd
interred In the cemetery here.
C. M. Davis has sold his interest
in the Homesecker's I-ind Co. to R.
P. Minter and M. J. Morrison, who
will continue the business under the
firm name. Mr. Davis leaves this
week for Tacoma where he will
8iiKrintund the construction of a
new water systom for the city.
Very diligent to carry out tho
law against an ignorant Indian,
Deputy Game Warden Dorris nr
rested a Warm Springs njuhw Fri
day for offering for sale four deer
Wc Always Endeavor to (live More Real Vnluc for a
Dollar than n Dollar Buys Elsewhere.
Can You Beat It?
You nro offered a Itlg hnrifnln
Uili week, and 'twill li n
nfranife person wlio rriuMtlili
rid and yet fnllt to snnp tip
tliU tump Wo offer a box of
hltfh-jfratle Mntionery -SI on
jrrIoiet and -I slieetx of one
fold pniier for th trilling
mini of JOu. Thin tMijicr Nllntt
finsi, cloth flniih, and It,
would ai ymi Vic per liox
eNewliere. lint you may havo
tliitu Hi lonjf an they
Ibu we havo a Inte n
quantity atperlKix.... llW
Tht t ill we're jiHnr to 1rllW
(hi. k, jiMt mt Htm temilnc
iMfHln Implj' to tcmlnd )roii that
(he Hole ibHt neit tu lh f'olome
nn Htikr jthi hard rarnt Nh a
fifthtr awl buy morr than It wHI
Rowe's Store
"The Same Qoodx for Lea Money,"
skins that were not tagged as the Orcutt's office. The woman was
law requires. The Hkins were nlso let go on hoi own recognizance but
seized und are now held in Justice failed to appear for trial Saturday.
Hunter Bros.
With .Skisk Hardware Co.
Interior Decorating
House Painting
Wall Paper
In Stock.
: For :
Agents for
and PULP
Lots nt Small Prices and M
Easy Payments.
Business Property
Warehouse Property
All kinds of
Farm Property
Homestead Locations
Fire Insurance.
Eastes (3b Bean
Realty Co.
Oregon Street
Everybody who buys his FALL AND WINTER
CLOTHES AND SHOES here is going to get THE BEST
COONER or later, you
are going to find out
that it Is decidedly to
your best interests to
trade here.
We are determined on this we are going to give
every man who trades here this fall, such good
value, for every dollar he leaves here, that it would
be impossible for him to get better values any
where else.
We want to make a walking advertisement of this
store out of every man who buys his clothes, shoes
and furnishings here. We ore going to make these
men the best dressed men in town and send them
out to make more customers for this store. Satis
lied customers are not going to be backward
about telling their friends where they got their
clothes, you know.
PIND out about the
advantages in quality,
service and price to be
exclusively obtained in
this store.
Everything to Wear for Men Who Caro.
R. N. Smith Clothing Company